View Full Version : Sculpting (Prometheus)

Je'gan Olra'en
May 8th, 2004, 06:47:21 AM
Taking on another apprentice had been something he'd avoided for a little while, mainly because of his own studies. Now that the Palace library had run dry of fresh ideas where mentalics were concerned, however, he had a good bit more free time.

That last training session had piqued his interest, and given him a broader picture of the apprentice selection present. Damon would have been good, or even Jorshal - teaching that one could have become very fun - but for some reason he'd been drawn to the large, dark-skinned man who'd approached from nowhere. Prometheus? Yes, that was the name. But of what disposition in the Force? Had he partaken of previous Masters' teachings? If not, did he have innate talents?

No matter the amount of blanks in the mental image that called itself by the Sith Apprentice's name, though, Je'gan had summoned him, and informed him by doing so that he would have a Master again.

May 9th, 2004, 12:27:00 AM
Prometheus sat meditating and seeking a way go control this power he felt. Untapped and unharnessed power serged through him. His mind was exhausted. He could no longer reach out to the power which was just outside of his grasp. Learning to control himself had proven difficult if not impossible.

The tall Hulking muscular figure stood and walked to the Rest area at the midsection of his ship. Hidden deep in a wooded area. Here is where Prometheus Spent most of his time. His attentions were thrown to the Com panel. few people had the frequency which Prometheus maintained under constant monitoring. He was relieved to find out it was from the Sith Knight Je'gan Olra'en. The man he had meet during the training exercise. He was to become Promtheus' Master. And aid him in his quest for self control and knowledge.

Prometheus dressed and walked down the ramp of the Kaukasian Raider which had been given to him by an old friend. The walk to the Training grounds was just over 6 miles and he walked at a brisk pace. More so to stretch his muscles and exercise then from fear of being late or anticipation. Prometheus anticipated very little and feared even less.

The trip from his ship to the training ground took just under an hour and Prometheus' muscles were burning from the workout he had received. HE walked through the gates and into the training grounds. Here he would start again what he had so long ago. His only hope was to finish his training this time.

Je'gan Olra'en
May 10th, 2004, 06:32:44 AM
Je'gan regarded the armoured figure intently as it approached, evaluating stride and carriage, trying to get some idea of what Prometheus was really like. It was astounding how much of one's personality could be found by simply watching one walk.

The Sith Apprentice crossed an invisible line, and Je'gan lobbed a lightsaber underhand, an arcing path terminating in Prometheus' stomach.