View Full Version : Birds! (open)

May 7th, 2004, 12:06:21 PM

Nora Zellan babbled happily to herself. She was happy today, to be outside in the gardens with Mama. Mama had fallen asleep reading, but she was still awake!

"Brr! Brr!"

Nora pointed one chubby finger at the warbling bird that had landed on a branch in the tree above her. The baby grinned, her four teeth gleaming. Cooing, Nora clapped her hands together and then jammed one into her mouth. She really liked birds, a lot. Mama took her for walks to find birds.

The baby had gleefully crawled away from her mother, intent on following an ant along the grass. The insect had long since been forgotten, but there were so many other things to capture her attention. Like her toes.

Nora stared at her legs with an intense look. She removed her fingers from her mouth, wet with spit, and poked at the wriggling things at the end of her feet. She squealed with delight and leaned forward clumsily to grab at them.
