View Full Version : Sovereignty Race Preparations

Travis North
May 7th, 2004, 05:16:17 AM
"Sir, the engine systems appear to be working correctly." Came the voice of the Sovereignty pilot Travis North.

"Ok, what are the power levels?" Replied a technician working at a computer terminal.

"Umm... Let me check." Travis said trying to look over his left shoulder. "89%, I think we can boost it up if we take weapons offline." He flipped a few switches on a control panel by his right side. The power monitor showed and increase of 6% the remainder being used by internal systems. "We're up to 95%. That should be enough. Back up systems also look good.'

Travis released the lock on the seat and slid his way to the midsection. He got up but forgot to release his restraint. After being pulled back down he released it and got back up. "When is the rest of the team to arrive?"

"About 20 minutes, all systems should be checked by then." said the technician, "Although I would like to take one last check on the reactor. It's new tech and if it gets damaged you'll be in for it, or dead for that matter."

Travis laughed. "Well then I guess it'll be your fault for not having it work right, I'm just the pilot. Besides with me at the controls there's nothing to worry about." He looked at the ship, a fine looking craft, "Could you get some cleaners in hear. I want that thing to look it's best."

"Aye commander, will do." the technician flipped a comm switch, "Cleaning techs to hanger bay 3."

"Well see you later. I'll want to get cleaned up before the others arrive. Send my a call when they arrive."


And with that Travis walked out the bay and headed to the lift. He got out at the crew quarters and went to his room.

OOC: Tsunami specs. here (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35550).

Travis North
May 8th, 2004, 04:42:09 PM
The technician strode to the rear of the ship to make the final checks on the new reactor. This race was to be the first starfighter run with it. Minor tests had been done and it had no problems but, this was to be the first endurance test for it. Hopefully it would last the entire event. The technician grabbed a diagnostics tool and began to check the containment safeties.

Three cleaners and two droids entered the hanger. One droid and a cleaner moved to the front and started polishing the underside, another cleaner and a droid headed to the right side of the ship and started cleaning the wing, the last cleaner began working on the left wing.

All safeties checked out, there was little chance that the reactor would fail. The technician then walked to back to his control station as he walked, he caught a glimse of a gunship exiting hyperspace. He hit the comm to Travis' room.

"Sir, the others have arrived."

Travis had just finished putting on a clean uniform when he got the call. "Ok, meet them at the docking port and tell them to meet me in the conference room on deck 7."

"Alright, will do."

The technician headed out the hanger and took the lift to the docking ports. He stopped at the a port L-5 and waited for the ship to begin docking proceedures.

Teleran Balades
May 9th, 2004, 08:21:41 AM
Tucked beneath the gunship, a second vessel emerged from hyperspace, barely visible while camoflauged next to the larger gunship. The sleek ship accelerated foward, it's stuby, swept back wings and curved hul briefly visible, as the hull shifted apppearance to blend in with space.

About a dozen people were board the small craft several , several technicians, and a few naval officers.

"I can't beleive intelligence gets to use these things, I'm in love with this!" Tel smiled at the young pilot. Naval high command had requested that he test the new Spectre-class corvette, and the race sounded like the perfect place to do so. The craft was amazing, he looked over the specs and doubted the predicted performance rating, but so far she seemed to be workiing better than he thought it would.

Tel walked over to the one of the technicians on the cramped "bridge".

"Do you really think this thing can work as well as Intel is bragging?"

The the leaned back on the chair and his gaze drifted off for a minute. "I don't think anything this size can preform as welll as they say. But the engines are already working and 107 percent effieciency. The only way to find out is to push the reactors to full."

"We most likey will. I hope this thing can take what the reactors are capable of."

A beeping from the Nav consolecaught his attention. The station's landing tractors had locked down and was pulling them in.