View Full Version : Reunited (closed)
Chelsea La
May 6th, 2004, 10:08:13 AM
OOC: This thread has permission to be here.
Chelsea steps into the LQ of the GJO, making her Force presence as small as possible. Thankfully tonight is a clear night. Shanaria is going to be meeting her in the Garden tonight, hopefully before Shandri gets there. Well, she's not going to contact Shandri unless Shanaria is there.
As she walks through the halls of the LQ, a few ppl call out to her and say hi, believing her to be Shandri. What do you expect, the two of them are identical twin sisters. She has been here before, so she finds her way to the Garden with only a few problems. Like turning the wrong way.
Upon reaching the Garden, she goes over to a corner where it's rather dark and sits down, awaiting Shanaria to show up.
Shanaria Fabool
May 6th, 2004, 02:30:28 PM
Shanaria had been waiting in the gardens for some time now, Though she was sitting in one of the trees there. It just happens to be the tree in the corner that Chelsea is in. Shanaria jumps out of the tree, landing behind Chelsea...
"Hi Chelsea! What took you so long?"
Chelsea La
May 7th, 2004, 11:07:07 AM
"It didn't take me long at all to find my way hear considering how I kinda don't live here and I don't know my way around. I think I did considerable well in getting here as quickly as I did.
Now, do you have a map showing the quickest route here from Shandri's room. If you do, it would be of a great help."
Shanaria Fabool
May 7th, 2004, 01:08:30 PM
Shanaria quickly draws one out in the dirt in the garden, then, if Chelsea lets her, Shanaria places the route in Chelsea's mind letting her see the route as if she was walking it.
"Is that good enough?"
Chelsea La
May 9th, 2004, 06:30:48 AM
Chelsea looks at Shanaria and shakes her head when she feels Shan trying to put the image of the route in her mind. She has some very basic mind defenses, but nothing that would really stop a person from getting into her mind, but enough to notify her when someone is trying.
She looks at the rough map and nods her head slightly.
"Yes, this will be good enough."
Chelsea focus's on the map for a couple of minutes before allowing herself to open up to the Force. Shandri would be able to sense her know without any trouble. Then, she takes the map which she's got, and gives mental directions to Shandri.
Shandri La
May 10th, 2004, 10:10:17 AM
Shandri was sitting in her room by the window when she first senses her twin Chelsea. She quickly looks up to see if she's there in the room with her, wishing her to be here, but knowing she can't because she's dead.
That's when the mental directions come, just as Chelsea used to do. Without a second thought of what she's doing, she's crossing her room and is out the door, heading down the hall. As the directions come, she's following them, a small spark of hope filling her, that her twin just might be alive. That the report that she got on her death was wrong, that somebody was keeping her twin from her.
She then comes across the door into the Garden and she steps through and gives a quick look around, but the feeling of her sister is gone now, as if it wasn't there. She just stands by the door, a look of disappointment on her face.
Chelsea La
May 10th, 2004, 11:18:58 AM
Chelsea sees Shandri step into the Garden. She quickly goes to hide her Force presence again and makes sure that the darkness of the night is hiding her from sight. She'll let Shanaria inform Shandri that they're there.
Shanaria Fabool
May 11th, 2004, 10:07:37 AM
Shanaria step out of the shadows slightly and waves to Shandri..
"Hi Shandri! What you doing out here at this time of night?"
Shandri La
May 11th, 2004, 10:20:18 AM
Shandri smiles when she sees Shanaria.
"I'm just out for a walk. What about yourself?"
Chelsea La
May 11th, 2004, 10:26:47 AM
"Come now Shandri. You know why you're here. It's because you wish to see your twin sister again. But yes, you had to take a walk to get here."
Chelsea says, knowing that the time has come to reveal herself to Shandri. She stands up and steps out of the shadows next to Shanaria. As she steps out, she sees the stunned look on Shandris face which turns towards anger but then is quickly supressed.
"Yes, I know you're angry with me Shandri, but I have my reasons for doing what I did at the time. And now, I've come to relieve you of the duty which was never meant to be your's. And to ask you to help Shanaria and myself in making things better for our ppl.
Without your help, I shall just disappear again, leaving you with the burden of being the Guardian in order to protect you.
Changes are needed on our homeworld, and we are the ones to bring about those changes. The three of us. Of course it is advisable to get permission from your Master for a leave of absence so he doesn't think that you've just run off for some unknown reason and not sure if you will return."
Shanaria Fabool
May 11th, 2004, 10:32:16 AM
"Come over here Shandri, and we will tell you what is going on. But in short we are on a quest to give the Guardian of your home the rights of a person."
Shandri La
May 11th, 2004, 12:42:47 PM
Shandri keeps tight control over her emotions right now. She'll let them loose when she's alone with Chelsea.
"The King won't change tradition or the laws to give us more freedom. Especially seeing as how I kinda ticked him off last time we were there Shanaria. You also ticked him off more then me."
Shandri though is curious and walks over to Shanaria and Chelsea, though she stands beside Shanaria, not Chelsea.
Shanaria Fabool
May 11th, 2004, 12:51:24 PM
"But you see, The king will not be changing the laws. The new Queen will be, The person next in line for the throne. you see, you are still under the protection of the Omwati Military. We have learned that with your sister still alive, you have orders on your head to have you killed, since the King's traditions don't like twin protectors. This will give me the reason I need to bring in the Omwati guard, and take him out of power. But if we don't have both of you there, He will not beleave that both of you are alive, and thus my plans are toast."
Chelsea La
May 11th, 2004, 01:12:54 PM
Chelsea winces slightly when Shanaria mentions the orders for Shandri to be killed. She hadn't wanted that mentioned, but she says nothing about it.
"Shandri, one of us is to be the Guardian, that would be me. The other one of us would be the Kings heir, that would be you. But in order to..."
Chelsea looks at Shandri as she's about to interrupt.
"Shandri, listen. Our homeworld needs a new line of Royalty, one which will rule with justice and all would be equal. That would be you. Your children will rule after you, and so on down the line.
You know what it's like to live under the yoke of being a Guardian. You know what will need to be changed and you will change it and go who cares about tradition."
Shandri La
May 11th, 2004, 01:17:01 PM
"No. I'm not going to become Queen. I don't want that power or responcability. I want to be a Jedi, and only a Jedi. That's all I wanted, and I'm happy as a Jedi.
Chelsea, I'll give you the Treasure, but after that, you leave and do your own thing. I'll remain here and live out the rest of my life as a Jedi, protecting the innocent and the weak. I'll heal those that need healing. I'll uphold the law where ever I go. But I shall not become Queen."
Shanaria Fabool
May 11th, 2004, 01:24:46 PM
"Shandri, I'm going to bring down your king weather you want to be Queen or not. Just cause you will be the Queen doesn't meen that you have to use the power, you can just take the throne and put somebody else in charge while you are gone. But I'm going after your king. So you can ether be with us and help us, and be able to use the power you have to make the lives of the people on your homeworld better than they have ever had it.
You could order training for the guards, and set up a trade aggrement with Omwat. I'm sure Omwat would be willing to even teach your guards. All that becomming Queen would do is give you a better chance at innocent and the weak."
Shandri La
May 11th, 2004, 01:37:50 PM
"But becoming Queen will give me power which over time I will be tempted to abuse. I don't want to hurt anyone. And at first, I shall have no idea what I'd have to do.
Yes, being Queen would give me a better chance at protecting the innocent and weak, but being Queen isn't something for me. I'd still have to find a person to marry so I could get an heir, and there isn't a person that I want.
The lives of the ppl are good as it is. The only problem is that the guards are utterly useless except for being targets."
Chelsea La
May 11th, 2004, 01:43:52 PM
"Look Shandri. You Are Going To Become Queen. I can't because as my being first born, I'm going to be the Guardian. That leaves you so get used to it. I don't care if you don't want it. You're gonna get it.
What you do is this. You get crowned Queen, change a few laws, and then name someone as Regent so you can come back here and do what you want to do."
Chelsea takes a deep breath, knowing just how stubborn both her and Shandri can be.
"So, are you gonna help us willingly, or am I gonna have to force you to help us with this?"
Shanaria Fabool
May 11th, 2004, 01:48:39 PM
"the fact that you are worried about abusing the power, meens that you would likely not abuse it. You don't need an heir yet, since you are young, and we can make the gaurds targets that can fight back.
Besides if you start to abuse your power as queen I would slap you silly with the help of the Omwati Gaurd."
Shandri La
May 13th, 2004, 10:21:58 AM
"Look, I've already said I don't want to be Queen, and I mean it."
Shandri stares right at Chelsea.
"And you. It's bad enough you pretend to be dead all these years and then come waltzing back into my life and telling me I have to become Queen. Well tough, I'm not going to be your puppet or anyone elses.
Now, if you shall excuse me, I need to get some sleep."
Shandri turns away from Shanaria and Chelsea and starts to walk towards the door leading out of the Garden.
Chelsea La
May 13th, 2004, 10:24:48 AM
Chelsea takes a couple quick steps forward and grabs Shandri by the arm.
"Look, I don't care if you hate me for what I did, but I had my reasons and believe me, it did hurt me just as much, or more then you.
But you will help us with this, even if we have to drag you back home in chains. Understood."
Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2004, 11:21:19 AM
Shanaria walks over to the twins...
"Chelsea we can't force her back. If we do that would be breaking the protection aggrement I have with her. If she is happy the way things are. With her future female children being slaves to the King, as well as all the female children allong her family line being slaves.
If Shandri likes the fact that she is forced to submit by law or be excuted, thats her choice. We can not make this choice for her. But I'm sure that the king will have Fun when he finds that Shandri has become a Jedi, and that he could use his laws to force you to do what ever he want. If She like that, then lete her remain a slave.
Since you are dead Chelsea, we will just get you settled in a quiet back water planet so you can live the rest of your life."
Shandri La
May 14th, 2004, 10:42:33 AM
"It won't happen that way. I'll not have any children, even if I'm ordered to."
Shandri says, knowing that as she says them, that they are a lie. She takes a deep breath before looking at both Chelsea and Shanaria.
"What is it that you want me to do?"
Shanaria Fabool
May 14th, 2004, 10:48:53 AM
"All we want you to do is to come back to your homeworld, prove that both of you are alive, and provide proof that you would be the next for the throne, and let yourself take power.
After you order some rules changed you can put a regent in place and come back here to become a Jedi. Heck if you want you could put your sister as regent in order to punish her for dying on you. You could change the rules so that instead of being a slave to the crown, your sister could be your second in command."
Shandri La
May 14th, 2004, 10:53:37 AM
Shandri smiles as she sees the look on Chelsea's face at the possibility of being put Regent while she's here.
"That still doesn't solve the problem that we have a King sitting on the throne right now and he won't just vacate to let me take the seat of power. Most of the Royal Court already knows that I'm the Kings half-sister so I wouldn't need to prove that. I wouldn't need to prove anything because unless the King has had a child since we were there, then we won't have a problem with me stepping up, changing a few rules, and making my sister Regent."
Chelsea La
May 14th, 2004, 10:57:15 AM
"At least you're now willing to help us. I had a feeling you would be willing eventually. We all have our parts to play in Life, and sometimes we don't like the parts we are given, but have to work with it anyways."
Shanaria Fabool
May 14th, 2004, 11:02:49 AM
"The Omwati Guards and myself will deal with the king. He is in breach of the protection agreement I have on you. The fact that you are sentanced to be excuted, because your sister is still alive. We can use that to make him step down."
Shanaria looks at Chelsea while still talking to Shandri...
"I'll leave it to your sister to explane why you are to be executed."
Shandri La
May 14th, 2004, 11:10:09 AM
"Then I guess we get this business over with as quickly as possible so I can get back here and get on with my life. And I don't want to hear anything from Chelsea right now. I'm liable to rip her throat out."
Chelsea La
May 18th, 2004, 10:34:28 AM
Chelsea smiles, but remains silent as Shandri and Shanaria talk.
"Shanaria, since you mentioned it, you best explain it to Shandri since she doesn't want to hear it from me."
Shanaria Fabool
May 18th, 2004, 10:37:42 AM
Shanaria smiles at Chelsea...
"All I know about it is what you have told me, and I'm not really clear of that part. I would much rather have you explane."
Chelsea La
May 18th, 2004, 11:14:51 AM
"Please, just try right now. I'll fill in things which you don't know as we come across them. Remember, Shandri said she doesn't want me explaining things here."
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