View Full Version : Slumber Evasive (open)
Jame Kaman Dar
May 5th, 2004, 10:58:19 PM
A short stretch and Jame then just drops her bags on the floor of her room with a resounding *THUD* and then just flops onto the bed, her eyes sliding shut.
"...oh of all things this feels the best...I don't think I wanna leave it. I wonder what Mylia and Jacali are up to....."
At that point, the student of the GJO smiles, and attempts to sleep.
3 hours later....
"Ack. Why can't I sleep? I feel so tired...Let me sleep please..."
Amongst her mumbling, she hears a knock at her bedroom door.
imported_Jacali Danner
May 5th, 2004, 11:33:28 PM
It had been quite a while since Jacali had had a roommate. Mylia had been absent for several months after returning home to care for her mother, who had become ill.
For a while, she had thought she had just drempt about the 'thud' she heard and went back to sleep, but upon waking again, she wanted to check it out.
Using a special brace on her leg that didn't require her boot, she grabbed her robe and made her way to Jame's room and lightly knocked.
Jame Kaman Dar
May 9th, 2004, 10:51:33 PM
"Uhh... Errr....."
Her face was buried in her pillow. Jame Kaman was happy that she got to see the boys again, 'cause she had missed them. But it'd been so long, they wore her out.
When the knock at the door had came, she moaned, grumbled, and managed to finally lift her face from the pillow and sit up slowly, rubbing her eyes, contending with her almost unbearable weariness.
Anyways, she knew enough to know it was one of her roommates when she felt their presence.
"Come iiiiiiin... "
As the young woman said those drawn-out, weary words, she stood up slowly from her bed, and went to flick on a floor lamp.
imported_Jacali Danner
May 24th, 2004, 01:22:28 AM
"I thought I heard you come in. I knew it couldn't have been Mylia." Jacali said with a light smile as she entered.
"So, where ya been all this time? You've been missed greatly."
Jame Kaman Dar
May 28th, 2004, 11:48:28 AM
Jame yawned sleepily and smiled at Jacali, slumping into a seat near the floor lamp.
"Sorry for waking you up...Oh.. Serrith called me up and practically begged me to death to go on 'one last mission' with them. I gave in...I missed the guys, and apparently, they missed me too...Ow..."
She laughed lightly.. "I'm so sore. Those boys tackled me constantly with their ribcage-crushing hugs..."
A young woman of nearly twenty, Jame had been through and done a lot of things that most people her age would just be starting to do.
"Have you seen my brother? I'm kind of wondering how he's doing....Tried to connect with him when I got back on planet, but he was busy...."
imported_Jacali Danner
May 31st, 2004, 06:27:03 AM
"Yeah, I've seen him. He's doing great, he helped me paint my speeder a couple of days ago."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 3rd, 2004, 11:33:45 PM
"That's great...I never knew Rog was a painter."
Jame smiled a few seconds, then started laughing. "Sorry..corny jokes are about the height of my humor right now. I'm so sore and worn and I just can't sleep. What've you been up to, Jacali?"
imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 4th, 2004, 09:31:30 AM
"Well, I've got a visitor in my room. It's my older sister, shes pregnant and as soon as she has the baby, she'll get some aid to get a place to live and to make a new life for herself. I and Master Shade Magus saved her from Lower Coruscant. It's so nice to have her back in my life. You can meet her tomorrow, if you'd like."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 5th, 2004, 11:37:39 PM
Jame, a Lorrdian by birth, but not so much by skill, smiled.
"Tha'twould be great...But only when it's conveniant for her. I don't want to disturb her if she's needing rest."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 6th, 2004, 08:41:48 AM
"I'm sure it'll be alright." Jacali answered with a grin. "I'm just so glad that I found her, she's the only one left of my family."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 8th, 2004, 12:00:07 PM
Jame nodded, then gave Jacali a tired smile.
"Seems that's something we have in common, girl. I'm glad for Rognan, too. It came as a bit of a surprise, though, to find I wasn't an only child ...among other things."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 11th, 2004, 09:49:54 PM
"If I remember correctly, the two of you are twins?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 12th, 2004, 02:11:09 AM
Jame yawned, stretched her arms, and almost knocked over the floor lamp...
"Aah!" ... And yet, despite her torturedly tired body, she reacted to catch it before it shifted even halfway to the ground.
"Man, I'm hungry..What time is it, anyways?..."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 12th, 2004, 08:04:43 AM
The Padawan leaned against the wall. "It's about two in the morning. I doubt the dining hall is still open at this hour, we may have some frozen pizzas, always on hand."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 15th, 2004, 11:44:25 AM
Jame licked her lips.
" know I was craving that when I got here, but I was too tired.. now i'm too hungry to even think about being tired. Or maybe...." She yawned loudly, heavily, sleepily. "...not. How about you?"
imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 21st, 2004, 03:58:33 AM
"I can fix it if you'd like. I don't mind, I'm awake."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jun 22nd, 2004, 02:24:51 AM
"Are you sure?..I mean, that'd be awesome."
Jame gave her a grateful smile. It was good to have such friends.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jun 22nd, 2004, 07:27:31 PM
"It's no problem at all, I'll just go pop it in the oven and that'll be that." Jacali smiled as she turned and headed for the door.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 3rd, 2004, 11:20:41 PM
"Excellent.." Jame yawned.."'re a peach, girl."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 4th, 2004, 07:22:17 AM
It wasn't long before, Jacali returned. "You're pizza is in, Jame."
She took a seat on the floor. "It's nice to have you back."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:06:28 PM
She flopped back onto her bed, and stretched like a kitten... The smile on her face matched the good feeling she got from the stretch.
"It's great to be back. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. Or for a long time. But my future never had any certainty until I came here.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:11:38 PM
"Mine neither, I was thinking of going to college, but why now? I'm going to be a Jedi."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:20:59 PM
Jame nodded knowingly. "I hope to start my training soon, with a master I met paintballing. I nailed him good." She laughed. It was all good fun.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:26:40 PM
"Who was it?" She asked.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:34:52 PM
Jame scratched her arms, then settled again.
"Shade Magus... Oh..who is your master, anyways?"
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:40:13 PM
Jacali's heart fluttered a bit at the mention of Shade's name, her cheeks flushed a bit and she smiled.
"Oh, Shade, yes. He'll be an awesome master for you. My master is Dasquian Belargic, I hope to be knighted soon."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:41:44 PM
Jame smiled. "That's great! ...My brother just got his promotion shortly before I got back, I hear. I hope to be a knight someday.. But I don't want to rush. I want to be ready."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 5th, 2004, 09:55:57 PM
"Yeah, whenever the council thinks I'm ready. I'm starting to work more in the mechanical end of things. I'm thinking of becoming a mechanic for the Jedi."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 7th, 2004, 11:49:24 AM
Jame nodded. "Good stuff. We don't really have too many of those around here, do we?"
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 8th, 2004, 07:30:28 AM
"No, not that I know of. But, I'm ready to finally give where I know I've got a bit of knowledge."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 8th, 2004, 02:27:58 PM
Jame yawned softly, and smiled. "I have skills in some areas. I told you about the music. I'm also an empath, and a linguist. And, as it seems to be somewhat common around here, I'm a telepath. I know a tiny bit in mechanics, being that most of us on the ship were jacks of all trades."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 14th, 2004, 10:41:48 AM
"Awesome, I know nothing of music. I was utterly clumsy when I first came here, but that has finally passed. I'm a bit of a telepath, my telekinese skills are not bad and my other strong hold is my seer abilities."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 15th, 2004, 02:59:48 PM
"Are you interested in learning music?"
Jame immediately seemed to drop that subject, at the wafting smell of the pizza. "Mmm. Oh, that smells good."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 15th, 2004, 06:21:36 PM
"I suppose, I'd better go get that out or it'll burn and there is nothing like the smell of burnt pizza lingering down the hallways of the living quarters." Jacali got up and proceeded towards the kitchen.
"Where do you want to eat? Kitchen, living room or your room?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 15th, 2004, 06:43:34 PM
Jame mmmed, still lounging.
"It doesn't matter. You choose."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 15th, 2004, 06:51:59 PM
"Well, I always like the living room, if that's alright with you." Jacali said as she carefully got the pizza from the oven and grabbed a couple of paper plates for them.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 15th, 2004, 08:29:48 PM
Jame just nodded as she slid off her bed, first to the floor, and then she stood up and left her room, heading for the livingroom, and sitting on the couch. "Mmm.. I'm getting hungrier by the nanosecond, I swear it. "
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 15th, 2004, 08:58:09 PM
"It'll just take me a second." Jacali said as she began cutting the pizza into slices. "I've got six slices here, how many do you want?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 16th, 2004, 07:59:43 PM
Jame smiled, the smell of the pizza filling her nostrils.
"I'll take half."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 16th, 2004, 10:26:28 PM
"Half it is then." Jacali smiled as she placed the pieces on two plates and took them in.
She handed Jame her plate and sat down. "This does smell good, I'm glad you were hungry. I am too now."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 17th, 2004, 04:32:04 PM
Jame grinned as she took a large bite, swallowing after a moment's chewing.
"Funny time to be eating, isn't it? It's the middle of the night."
She laughed a little before taking another nibble at the slice.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 17th, 2004, 09:20:37 PM
"Yes, it is. But, that's alright, it's very good." Jacali said before she took her own bite and began chewing.
It was excellent.
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 21st, 2004, 05:13:51 PM
"Mmm... This Is pretty good. I'm not much of a cook, but i'm one hell of a tastetester."
She took a huge bite.
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 23rd, 2004, 09:28:00 PM
Jacali laughed. "Well, I've finally gotten some cooking tips down, but when I first arrived, I couldn't boil water. I nearly caught the kitchen on fire within the first month. It was terrible."
Jame Kaman Dar
Jul 29th, 2004, 12:39:08 PM
Jame laughed pretty good, cutting off the upstart of a yawn.
"My extent of expertise with cooking food is limited to reheating something precooked. Even then it's dangerous..."
imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 30th, 2004, 09:52:19 PM
"Then I guess, we make a good team." Jacali said as she took a big bite, the cheese was awesome.
Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 5th, 2004, 10:43:41 AM
"I'd like to think so."
Jame finished the first piece, and picked up the second. "Is there any instrument that you've been interested in learning? My favorite is the wooden flute. But I play many others."
imported_Jacali Danner
Aug 16th, 2004, 07:56:51 AM
"I've always thought the picolo had a really neat sound, but I've never tried it. Do you think you could teach me?"
Jame Kaman Dar
Aug 22nd, 2004, 06:32:32 PM
Jame thought about it for a second.
"The piccolo is a nice instrument...High range..."
She took a bite of her pizza. "I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem." Swallow. "I used to own one... And I'm sure finding one wouldn't be hard."
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