View Full Version : What to do Today (Raz - training)

Han Fernua
May 4th, 2004, 10:58:49 PM
A blond head poked out of a doorway, looking to see if anyone was in the living area that his room connected to. It apeared that there was not. But she was always sneaking around and somehow could turn up where you would lest expect her, or right where you would, just that you wouldn't look because it was right in plain view. So the little head came out more and shoulder could now be seen, turning into a chest and then a pair of legs sprouted. The little boy slowly walked around the room, trying to find those supposed servants. Yet they were nowhere to be seen. Must be on their break, he thought.

As the boy wondered around he made his way to the elevator shaft. He decided to explore a different floor. Pressing a random number, he ended up in the weaponry room. Not knowing what this room was for, he peeked in before entering. There was a amazing collection of weapons aroudn the room. Ones that he could not even tell how to use. He hardly thought that such things were really nessesary. He prefured to attack the mind. But in his recent days of being on this strange planet, he was not able to use it to his complete advantage. Most here seemed to resist it more, and could see through his images. That really made him mad. Things were so much easyer back on the street.

Razielle Shadana
May 8th, 2004, 07:34:28 AM
Not hiding her presence, Razielle entered the weapons room right behind her small charge and shut the door with an ominous thud. She hadn't been probing his mind, as he would likely conclude, but the chaos rampaging about in his childs brain was loud enough for anyone force sensitive to hear at that point. "If you hate it here so much... Go."

Unbuttoning and removing her jacket, she hung it on a peg. Striding away from her reluctant apprentice Razielle wondered what exactly it was that kept him lingering here. She hadn't ever threatened him with bodily harm should he defect and run away. To her knowledge no one had. Maybe what he needed was a few days out in the Wilds surrounding Iziz to make him see reason. She wasn't trying to torment him, she was trying to strengthen him.

Didn't little boy's like to play with weapons? With a gesture, Razielle had several targets drop down at the far side of the room. Basically they were about the size of your standard human but they had glowing targets wired within their artificial frames. "Or if you aren't going, we could see if you have any knack for long ranged weapons. If you hit these targets I'll see what I can do about getting you some live ones...."

Han Fernua
May 12th, 2004, 11:07:10 PM
She was right. He should go. He was perfectly able to leave this place. Nothing was keeping him here. No-one could hold him. Yet...he didn't run. He didn't try and leave. Why was he here? What could he possible find that would make him want to stay? He asked himself these finds of questions from time to time. And had not yet found a answer. It seemed like this was where he was suppose to be. Where he was drawn to.

You want me to...attack those dummes?

The voice must have come to a shock to Raz. It was his first time to truly speak out loud in anyone else's presence. And again, he did not know why he did such things. It was always after he did things that he wished he could have changed them.

Razielle Shadana
May 13th, 2004, 07:19:58 AM
"If you can, yes.." Razielle walked over and selected a few weapons for Han to try his hand at. The majority of the weaponry had been made for Razielle, her much smaller hands in mind. Therefore they shouldn't be too overly big for Han to manuver once he knew how. Taking down a blaster pistol, a crossbow and a sling of throwing knives she brought them over and dropped them at his feet.

"You can start with the pistol, it probably needing the least skill. Once you get a feel for it, you may pick your next choice." Picking up the blaster she demonstrated how to hold it for optimal performance, but did not fire. Handing it over she watched with a grin.

Han Fernua
May 15th, 2004, 04:37:57 PM
Han took the weapon and just looked at it. He had never held a weapon before. He never really got all that close to one for good reasons. Whenever he was in trouble he just hid and no one ever found him. Why would he need to use one now? The answer was because he wanted to find out more then just living one day at a time.

As he held the pistol, he pointed it in the direction of the dummies and fired. Being that there was multiple targets, he did hit something. Two targtes from where he was attempting to shoot. He brought up the tip to his face and looked at it as if something was wrong with the gun.

Razielle Shadana
May 15th, 2004, 06:55:29 PM
Well... At least he hit something. Han looked rather puzzled about what had happened with the blaster. With an almost, almost , affectionate manner, Razielle grabbed another pistol and lowered herself to one knee at his height. Prompting him to raise his weapon, she showed him how to extend his arm and use the alignment to sight the target.

"Follow the line of your arm, line it up with what you want to hit and squeeze the trigger." She watched and waited...

Han Fernua
May 17th, 2004, 04:16:02 PM
Han did his best to mimic Razielles' position. To what hec ould tell, he was doing the same thing she was. Then he did the second part. He lined up his arm with the target that was infront of him. He then pulled the trigger, a little to hard, and the shot when right over the target. The dummy at once burst into flames as Han fired of multiple shots, only one hitting it in the foot.

Razielle Shadana
May 17th, 2004, 05:40:54 PM
"Well... you sucessfully killed your opponent I suppose." The target burned and fell to ash on the floor. Razielle raised an eyebrow and tried to think how to better explain the process.

"Try the next target. Same way, brace for the shot this time and don't squeeze too hard. It dose't take much.." It could be this just wasn't his cup of tea. Maybe he would fare better with one of the other ranged weapons. Peering down at the kid, Razielle waited for his next shot, wondering why he was cooperating and waiting for his next detestable comment.. Perhaps just this once he would remain in apprentice mode..

Han Fernua
May 18th, 2004, 10:25:50 PM
Han was getting irritated with this whole shooting thing. The stupid targets were not getting shot. Wasn't that what they were there for?

With a grumble, Han positioned the gun as instructed. He pointed it at the next target, sighted down his arm and followed it to the tip of the gun. He then pulled the trigger a bit lighter this time and the shot went wizzing through the air. This time it connected wit hthe target in the lower right part of the chest. Han lowered the weapon and started to walk closer to the dummy to see if he really hit it.

When he got to it, he moved his face close to the laser hole. He then stuck his finger in the burning material just to pull it back again from the heat. With surprise in his eyes he looks back at Raz, wondering what he was suppose to do now.

Razielle Shadana
Jun 1st, 2004, 10:57:51 AM
"Excellent! See there? Progress.." Razielle gave a befanged grin to the kid and gestured down to the remaining weapons. He could choose another one to have a go at. Until he was older, direct combat was probably not a wise idea for him, better to get him skilled with long range. It seemed he was developing a knack for it already. Most people too their time being able to grasp the concept of aiming.

Crossbow and throwing knives awaited the decision of the child apprentice. Razielle eagerly waited to see which he would choose.

Han Fernua
Jun 1st, 2004, 03:15:41 PM
Han was still in a state of unbelief. But he slowly came to the fact that he really did do this. And with that, he was happy which was not always something that happened to him.

He was also pleased to hear Raz complement him. He made his way back and looked at the weapons that he was now suppose to select.

The weapons were both ones that he was unsure about. The blaster was a all around kind of gun. Doesn't need much to shoot it, as was seen. He stretched out his hand to pick up the knives but held back, floating his hand over it as he though. The knives would take a great amount aof skill to use. But it could also be used as a melee weapon. Where as the crossbow he could shoot with, and then he wouldn't need to get close to anyone. The battling thoughts went back and forth, as did his hand. He could not decide on what to pick.

After a few moments of this process he finally reached out with both hands and grabbed the crossbow.

Razielle Shadana
Jun 1st, 2004, 05:54:51 PM
"That one takes about the same skill to aim, but the problem will be the lack of ignition, should you miss. It also dosen't hold as many rounds, so make them count."

Razielle rather hoped he truly had gotten the hang of aiming and would do well. It could just be he had been bestowed with beginners luck, but it would be some much more convinient for both herself and Han if he were a natural...

Han Fernua
Jun 2nd, 2004, 05:21:11 PM
Han slowly looked over the whole weapon. Not that he could tell what was bad or what made it work, but it looked cool anyway. And some how he got it in his head that since he already shot a target that he could do it again with a different weapon. So he took it and pointed it at one of the remaining targets, did the same thing he did with the other, though this time it was harder to keep the gun up since it was a great deal heavier. When he shot, struggling to just keep it up, he missed the target by a few inches. He almost dropped the gun after he shot as the kickback almost knocked him down.

Razielle Shadana
Jun 4th, 2004, 06:10:33 AM
Razielle looked down at her feet and shook her head, black ringlets swinging from side to side. "Well that won't do, will it?" Grabbing a fist full of Han's shirt she tugged him to his feet and brushed off his back, chuckling at his tiny fury.

"It wasn't your aim, that was fine. But this one's got too much punch for you presently. I'll see what I can have commisioned for you in the way of something smaller."

She knew his only remaining choice was the throwing knives. Whatever reason he has left them for last was upon him... "OKay, last but not least. "

Picking up one of the many small blades, Razielle demonstrated once again how to properly grip and balance the weapon. Tucking her arm back to her shoulder she sighted the target and let fly the blade, straight into the dummy's groin. "Your turn.."

Han Fernua
Jun 6th, 2004, 11:40:36 PM
Han was hoping that he could have stuck with the crossbow. It would have been fun to use it. But it gave him something to grow into.

He watched Raz's position and hand motions as she threw the knife. She was good, that was clear. No way he was going to be able to do that anytime soon. Discuraged, Han picked up one of the knifes and got into position. He looked at the target, made sure he was lined up, and then pulled his arm back like he saw and then threw the knife.

The only good thought that came to mind was that he was not preforming knife throwing tricks. Because he would have gotten fired, if not tried for murder. He knife didn't go anywhere close to the target. It went clear to the left, spinning out of control, hitting the wall with the hilt, and clanging to the floor.

Razielle Shadana
Jun 10th, 2004, 05:51:00 AM
"Okay that one might need more time..." Frowning, Razielle decided rather than learn severeal weapons at once, he should probably excell at the one's he had a knack for. Which meant, back to the blaster.

Providing him wih a fresh row of targets, Razielle set the controls so that they moved slowly back and forth across the far end of the room. Let's see how he does with something that moves..

"Try the pistol again, aim the same way but track the targets with your eyes and don't fire until you're ready." This was only step one of the moving targets, they got a lot faster and could even e programmed to come staright at him. But it was likely better to start slow. Grinning at the possibilities, she watched on..

Han Fernua
Jun 13th, 2004, 05:03:27 PM
This was getting tiring. Why couldn't she just make up her mind. Oh, well. At lest Han was going to use something that he knew he could shoot.

Switching weapons once more, Han moves into his stance and aims the gun at the targets. He shoots his first shot, a little to soon, starting to feel a little to comfident in his abilitys. It misses. Han compansates for the movement and shoots a second shot. It connects, but it graced he shoulder of the target. He changed his aiming again. This time, instead of just following the target, he aimed ahead of it. Waiting for it to get into his sights. With the third shot he hit the target in the chest, a shot that would have killed anyone.

Razielle Shadana
Jun 18th, 2004, 12:48:08 PM
Nodding, Razielle decided to have a slew of various models of blaster pistols comissioned for her young charge to practice with. He could decide from the lot which ones he preferred.

"Very good. It seems we have found you something to occupy your time with. This, in addition to your less substantial attacks, should prove very useful to you as you develope them, Han. "

Razielle turned to leave the boy to his own devices, he didn't need a baby sitter, nor did he have one. He was under the tuteledge of a Sith Knight. The fact that she was aware of his childhood limitations was a bonus to him. Many others wouldn't have bothered with so small a package. The fact that she was beginning to admire him..? That was odd indeed.