View Full Version : New NR Ground Vehicles/equipment

Redic Scott
May 4th, 2004, 07:37:53 PM
Warrior Tank
The Warrior Tank is an all purpose track based tank. The tracks slow the tank down some, but allow it to carry more weapons with less power. The Warrior can cross any train and scale a 50 degree slop. It is water tight and small repulsors keep it floating and moving in water. The main gun is set inside a 360 degree traversing turret and is a Dual Heavy Laser Cannon. On top of this turret is a second smaller turret with 2 heavy blaster cannons on it. The turrets and track and fire at different targets. Also on each side of the main turret are two retractable torpedo launchers. 2 repeating laser cannons on the hull are used to fire at infantry. The hull of the tank has no right angles, but only sleep 45 degree ones. The hull extends out on the sides of the tank and protects the treads from getting hit. The whole armor is coated in a heavy laser reflective coat and consists of half meter thick laminanium armor. The Warrior also contains electromagnetic shielding to protect it from ion cannons and other EMP weapons. A shield generator protects the unit from laser and particle fire.

Warrior Tank
Length: 12 Meters
Weaponary: 2 Dual Heavy laser cannons, 2 Heavy blaster Cannons,2 repeating laser cannons, 6 Torpedo Launchers (3 torps each)
Speed: 150 km/h
Shields: medium
Armor: Heavy

Penetrator Heavy Tank
This is the ultimate tank. The Penetrator Heavy tank is almost unstoppable. It has very wide and widely spaced treads for movement over any terrain and to support it’s mass. The tank also has a massive repulsor lift generator wish would make it fly if need be. Once engaged the treads would tuck in under the tank and it would float. The heavy main turret contains a turbolaser pulsar. On either side of the pulsor is one turbolaser cannon. On each side of the main turret is a double turbolaser cannon system on a pivoting servo with a disruptor cannon in the middle of the cannons. Then on top of the turret are two other smaller turrets. One contains 3 missile launchers and an ion cannon and the other 3 heavy laser cannons. The turbolaser servos, missiles, and laser cannons can all track flying speeders and fire on them. Around the hull are 6 retractable repeating laser cannons for use against infantry. The hull itself is a meter thick molecularly bonded matrix armor with a heavy laser reflective coat. It is also defended by a heavy shield generator. A massive jammer on the tank can jam missile tracking systems making them miss and a small 4 cell defense missile launcher can fire missiles to intercept missiles and works with a Rapid fire laser system.

Penetrator Heavy Tank
Length: 25 Meters
Weaponary: 1 turbolaser pulsor, 2 Heavy turbolaser cannons, 2 double turbolaser Cannons, 2 disruptor cannons, 6 repeating laser cannons, 3 heavy laser cannons, 1 heavy ion cannon, 3 Torpedo Launchers (6 torps each), 4 4-cell missile defense battery, 1 Rapid fire laser system
Speed: 100 km/h
Shields: extra heavy
Armor: extra Heavy

Serpent Missile Platform
This is based on the same hull and chassis as the warrior tank, but has a taller and wider turret with 24 warhead launchers. It can launch a heavy dispenser rocket to a range of 160 km or a proton torpedo to a range of 40km. The new dispenser rockets can be loaded with any type of ordinance, like grenades, thermal detonators, proton grenades, mines, etc., and spread the load to cover a 200 meter diameter. The Serpent can launch all 24 warheads at once and can attack both ground and air targets, depending on the warheads used. It takes 5 seconds for the automatic loads to reload each warhead and the platform itself can carry enough warheads for 4 firings. After that it would need to be replenished with a supply truck, which is almost the same as the platform but doesn’t have a turret. Instead it has an armored and covered cargo bed with can hold enough warheads for 8 launches (192 warheads). It can fully reload a Serpent in 2 minute. For defense the Serpent is protected with almost half meter thick durasteel armor and a medium strength shield generator. Around the platform are there are also 6 repeating laser cannons for defense against infantry.

Serpent Missile Platform
Length: 12 Meters
Weaponary: 24 Warhead launchers (3 reloads each), 6 repeating laser cannons
Speed: 90 km/h
Shields: medium
Armor: Heavy

Stryker APC
The Stryker is a troop carrier the size of an AT-AT. It has a power repulsor lift system that lets the APC travel at 200km/h at an altitude of 10 meter. It is armored and armored to protect the troopers it carries and can stay beside them in battle. The sloped meter thick molecularly bonded durasteel armored hull is coated in blaster reflective material and can withstand heavy laser cannon hits and can even survive a direct missile hit. A shield generator provides additional defense to the trooper. A retractable turreted dual laser cannon on the belly of the APC can clear the area around it before letting the troopers out. 1 forward and 1 rear turret contain a rotating heavy laser cannon each, along with a mini torpedo launcher and a grenade launcher. The launcher can fire a grenade to a distance of 250 meters and can launch anti-blaster smoke grenades to protect it and the troops from laser fire. 2 other repeating laser cannons on the sides help deal with light vehicles and infantry. A hatch in the back of the APC lets the troopers exit without taking fire.

For added room, the transport has two floor, with 40 troopers on each one. The Troopers sit in 4 rows on seat on each floor. There are seats along the sides and then in the very center, with seats facing away from each other.

Stryker APC
Length: 16 Meters *8 Meters*6 Meters
Weaponary: 1 double laser cannon, 2 repeating laser cannons, 2 Dual heavy laser cannons, 2 mini Torpedo Launchers (8 torps each), 2 grenade launchers
Speed: 200 km/h
Shields: Medium
Armor: Heavy
Cargo: 80 troops, 2000 kg of equipment
Pathfinder Mine Clearing System (PMCS)
With more and more mines becoming cheaper and cheaper, troops and vehicles are at high risk on the battle from mines. Clearing them takes time and that’s why Stellar Enterprises developed the PMCS. This system is basically an armored hover truck with a mine clearing system attached to its top. The mine clearing system has scanners and computers which defect the explosives of the mines and the plot a 3D map of where the mines are. The information is than fed to a targeting computer which launches individual fuel burst rockets. There are different types of mine clearing rockets. One rocket carries 2 different agents in 2 separate compartments. It explodes above an area of the minefield and spreads both agents over a 200 square meter area. Once the agents mix they explode with a great force. This force creates a huge pressure change is enough to cause the contact mines in that area to trigger and explode. The explosion also causes infrared triggered mines to explode. Against mines that are triggered by repulsors another rocket is used. This on is loaded with hundreds of small balls which emit repulsor fields. Individually they wouldn’t trigger the mines, but together they spread over a wide area while still being closely together. This tight proximity makes the mines think there is a massive repulsor field above and trigger them. Since it’s over a wide area, many mines trigger and clear the area. Each PMCS carries both types of rockets in a 28 rocket launcher. Half the launch tubes have the fuel burst rockets and the other half carries anti-repulsor mine rockets. After all rockets are launched they have to reloaded using a supply vehicle since the PMCS carries enough for only one firing.

Pathfinder Mine Clearing System (PMCS)
Length: 7 Meters
Weaponary: 28 rocket tubes
Speed: 120 km/h
Shields: Medium
Armor: Light

Redic Scott
May 4th, 2004, 08:44:14 PM
X-1 Combat System

This is an exoskeleton created to help New Republic troopers survive better in military engagements. This system is far superior than other kinds of body armor because it provides full protection, while at the same insteading the wearer's speed, strength, and endurance. The Skeleton has a full sensor suite, with digital view enhancers, thermosensors, night vision, compass, and a full terrain navigation system.

The soldier climbes into the back and the skeleton closes around them. Mobility is not impared, because the suit is not much bigger than the person inside. A single suit can serve for maybe different specialized soldiers do to adaptive mounting points. Small generators can be attached at the back to provide power for large weapons, or can serve as ammo attachments for missile launchers. Each sholder contains weapons attachment points, as does the left and right forarms. Each thigh has a compartment in which virbo knifes and explosives could be stored. With all this, the hands of the exoskeleton as made to hold most hand weapons.

The armor is a hardened synthetic polymer which is 10 times stronger than steel and it thiner. This material has great heat absorbtion qualities as well as projectile resistance. When hit the material spreads impact strength out to surrounding areas, not letting it gather enough force to penetrate the armor. It it mostly resistant to blaster pistals and more rifles, except for heavy ones. A cushioned inside, helps absorb shock from grenades and other explosives.

Special: Cooling lines keep the suit at outside temp, so that it can't be detected on infrared or thermo.

Standard Outfit:
Left forearm: light repeating blaster
Right forearm: Personal shield
Left thigh: vibro Knife
Right thigh: Grenade dispenser (4 grenades)
X-2 Special Operations Exo-Suit

Same as X-1, except it is covered in camo paint that changes colors to blend in with its environment. The paint and armor is also radar absorbant, preventing the suit from being seen. Like the X-1 it is infrared and thermo proof.
X-3S Sea Combat System
This suit is almost like the X-1 system, only a little bigger. The Suit is made for extensive operations at sea and on land. Special leg attachments that clamp onto the wearer's calfs plug into the suits power system and propel the wearer with a Water Jet system. It is capable of speed of 80 knots. The suits shape allows for great manuevering underwater and a water proof jet pack can be fitted for quick out of the water flight.

The Reinforced suit is tested safe for depths upto 500 meters and contains a 24 hour air supply. As in the X-1 and-2 models, missile racks can be placed on the back of the wearer, allowing for missile attacks against coast position.
HM-3 Heavy Mobile Assualt Skeleton (5 meters tall)

This is an Heavy exoskeleton created to help New Republic troopers take on large targets like speeders and tanks. It is like the X-1 System, only much more powerful and larger. Even though the system is huge, it can run at 60 km/h

The soldier climes into the back, like the X-1, only here the system folds at the knees and leans down so the soldier can climb on. Then it seals shut and the person inside can move it. It has advanced gyrosystems to help it keep balace. The soldier can even make the system stand on one leg. Like the X-1, it is water tight and airtight, with its own filtration and air system. It can fight in space as well and can be deployed in special pods.

For arms, unlike the X-1, there are weapons. These arms can be taken off and other ones with other weapons can be put in their place. The sholders have heavy attachment points and the back does too. On the soles of the armored feet at thrusters, allowing the system to lift off and take flight.

The armor is very thick and stop most weapons short of a laser cannon. There is also an internal shield generator.

Heavy Loadout:
Left Arm: Heavy Laser Cannon
Right Arm: Heavy Plasma Cannon
Left Sholder: Missile launcher
Right sholder: Anti-missile laser
Legs: Heavy repeating blasters

Jun 16th, 2004, 08:03:59 PM
Jedi Mandalorian Battle Armor

This is the standard mandalorian battle armor as used by Boba and Jango Fett with a few modifications to protect a Jedi.

Liquid cable launcher mounted on the inner of both wrists. Three sabre blades activate from the back of each hand. The standard armor plates have been replaced by Cortosis armor.

The Jet pack is still there, but has been replaced by a smaller, more efficient one and the extra space is taken up by a longblaster.

The lower leg armor plates have been slightly widened and each contain a compartment containing a three-shot holdout blaster.

The undergarment is made from Chiss Electromesh Armour. This armor is impervious to blaster fire.

Jul 13th, 2004, 10:28:28 AM
As A Jedi, I have to disagree with your idea. Don't get me wrong, it sounds more like a good Anti-Jedi Armor. Its just that coming from a Jedi, I know that in order to use a lightsaber, you need the flexibility that mandalorian armor cannot provide.

Jul 13th, 2004, 12:46:04 PM
True, but he's not using a "Lightsaber", is he? He's got Wolverine claws, but done with Lightsaber blades..."Three sabre blades activate from the back of each hand." You don't need as much mobility in order to fight with those claws...they're a closer range thing, so you're not gonna be moving as much. Most of the mobility is in the arms. Also, Mandalorian armour allows for a lot of mobility - its essentially just a chest plate, bracers, boots and a helmet, give or take a bit. The electromesh would slow the combatant down a bit, but as I said, you don't need as much mobility to fight with claws. My only concern would be that the Mandalorian armour doesn't provide any protection on the sorts of areas a Jedi would be aiming for - namely the arms and legs. If you watch Jedi fighting, they seem more bothered about aiming for places to incapacitate their enemy, rather than to kill in one hit. Dooku went for Obi Wan's arms and legs. Maul didn't stab Qui Gon until his Lightsaber was no longer a threat. Even when you stab someone with a saber, they can still kill you before they die. Coming out of a Lightsaber duel alive is gonna be pretty high on the list of priorities. Also, as Mace Windu demonstrated, Mandalorian armour has a weak spot around the neck. Even with Cortosis armour, there's a chance you might look up and reveal your throat, or look down and reveal the back of your neck. Not entirely practical. You'd want a big "collar", like they used to put on some Medieval armour to provent blows to the neck.

My advice would be to look into developing armour like the Swamp Troopers in Jedi Knight II. I think their armour was Lightsaber-resistant. If you had full body armour like that, all you have to worry about is getting hit by a glowing stick, which isn't gonna hurt you all that much in your armour. If you let your opponant get in close, you can use your claws, and boom, end of problem.

One criticism of the claws...cool idea and all, but if you're going for Wolverine-length, you're gonna have reach problems. The Jedi can hit you before you can hit him, but still stay out of your way. It'd work much better in a corridor, where you could herd the Jedi into a corner, rather than outside - they'd just jump over you while you were chaging. Either use it inside, or in greater numbers. Even with the Jet Pack, you'll lack the manoeuvrability to take on an unarmoured Jedi. All they'd need to do would be to jump over you, kick off your helmet, and you'll find yourself decidedly light-headed.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jul 17th, 2004, 06:24:27 PM
There are some examples from Knights of the Old Republic that allow a little bit more flexibility (light and medium armor, not big stuff like the Mandalorian armor types)....anyone who hasn't played it yet, try it out to see what I mean. :D

Alex is right about the weak spot in the Mandalorian armor (Jango/Boba Fett) because that neck area is just fabric! Much too easy to lose your head with that - as Jango was quick to find out.


Marcus Telcontar
Jul 17th, 2004, 10:44:30 PM
Originally posted by Roj'yor'nuruodo
Jedi Mandalorian Battle Armor

This is the standard mandalorian battle armor as used by Boba and Jango Fett with a few modifications to protect a Jedi.

Liquid cable launcher mounted on the inner of both wrists. Three sabre blades activate from the back of each hand. The standard armor plates have been replaced by Cortosis armor.

The Jet pack is still there, but has been replaced by a smaller, more efficient one and the extra space is taken up by a longblaster.

The lower leg armor plates have been slightly widened and each contain a compartment containing a three-shot holdout blaster.

The undergarment is made from Chiss Electromesh Armour. This armor is impervious to blaster fire.

I'm afraid I have to call this as a not here pls. This has more of a Sith feel than a true Jedi. You will have to see the GJO and while the NR is a subset forum, we have tried to keep distance between the NR and the GJO as objective and methodologies are different.

Jedi is not just a name, it is a philosophy and even if as Jedi master I see things things very differently to a normal Jedi - a normal Jedi would not be allowed to wear such a thing nor would they feel right OTOH.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jul 17th, 2004, 10:55:10 PM
I agree. This is more of a "Kill everything that moves" armor than a "defending the Jedi" armor.....but that's just me.


Jul 18th, 2004, 07:00:12 AM
Vaguely related, but this is more NR orientated. How easy is it to move in Scout Trooper armour? I mean, its lighter than normal stuff, and looks to be designed to be lighter, and easier to move in (so imp scouts find it easier to move silently...so all they have to worry about is getting spotted, not heard :D), but how much so? I know there is also a totally black "Storm Commando" version, which has more gadgetry in it. Reckon someone in that sort of armour would be able to do martial arts, or weild a lightsaber? Or will it still be too restrictive? I know the armour just lessens the damage a blaster hit does, by deflecting it away from critical parts of the body, and absorbing some of the damage...but even that would help out an inexperienced Jedi, who hasn't learned how to deflect blaster bolts with his saber.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 19th, 2004, 12:54:59 AM
Jedi is not just a name, it is a philosophy and even if as Jedi master I see things things very differently to a normal Jedi - a normal Jedi would not be allowed to wear such a thing nor would they feel right OTOH.

That's all that needs to be said. It might help a Jedi survive, but it is not IMO, what a true Jedi following the Code would wear. Much like Shaolin Monk. They have a code, they stick to it, even if there appears to be a different way.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jul 19th, 2004, 03:38:03 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Telcontar
That's all that needs to be said. It might help a Jedi survive, but it is not IMO, what a true Jedi following the Code would wear. Much like Shaolin Monk. They have a code, they stick to it, even if there appears to be a different way.

*nod* That's the idea of having a code in the first place, IMHO.

Alex, it's a good idea, but as has been stated, it's very un-Jedi-like. Besides, if Jedi have to defend against someone for whatever reason, they prefer to do it with speed and finesse rather than brute strength. Armor would make "speed and finesse" be really slow and clumsy. Catch my drift?


Jul 20th, 2004, 03:51:36 AM
Yeah...I see your point. But my question still stands...how mobile can you be in Scout armour? Storm Commandos (most commandos in fact) are trained in unarmed combat. They wear modded scout armour...but does it provide enough mobility to do the unarmed stuff? Or do they wait until their out of armour to do that? I have a couple of characters who might, from time to time, benefit from wearing Storm Commando armour or something similar...but would it stop them doing Kung Fu?

Kieran Devaneaux
Jul 22nd, 2004, 09:35:16 PM
Good question; it is possible that there may be "Jedi-specific" armor for certain missions, but it would be a great deal lighter than even Storm Commando armor, IMHO, to provide better flexibility and speed.


Jul 31st, 2004, 08:11:47 AM
That was a good discussion here, and sorry I didn't realise that he had claws. However, I agree with Marcus; its not Jedi-like (wolverine claws are just too brutal for a Jedi too).

How strong would this Jedi Armor be?

Malcolm Trippen
Jul 31st, 2004, 03:26:33 PM
Originally posted by Alex
Yeah...I see your point. But my question still stands...how mobile can you be in Scout armour? Storm Commandos (most commandos in fact) are trained in unarmed combat. They wear modded scout armour...but does it provide enough mobility to do the unarmed stuff? Or do they wait until their out of armour to do that? I have a couple of characters who might, from time to time, benefit from wearing Storm Commando armour or something similar...but would it stop them doing Kung Fu?

I only have one Jedi character at the moment. I'm actually asking in general. Not for Jedi. I'm just wondering about regular commandos and stuff. How mobile would they be? Storm Commandos get unarmed training...would they be able to use those skills in their armour? Is it flexible enough? Sorry if I didn't make it clear.