View Full Version : Rays of Light

Chad Dien
May 4th, 2004, 02:23:11 PM
"So here it is," Chad remarked in awe coupled with a curious air.

"Guess I had best take a look around first," he added, taking a fleeting sweep of the temple that filled the panorama view like a beacon of justice.

Ascending the steps, he opened the doors. Strangely he felt at peace, his anxiety tamed. Chad waited for someone to confront him as to not give off a bold front.

Dasquian Belargic
May 8th, 2004, 12:33:28 PM
A figure in robes nodded in greeting to the newcomer, smiling warmly.

“Greetings sir. I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Can I help you with something?”

Chad Dien
May 9th, 2004, 06:20:02 PM
Noting the man's garb, Chad nodded offering an introductory smile of his own.

"I was in Bespin Law Enforcement. A Jedi, one dressed much yourself, noted my unique abilities. I was persuaded to come here, and if accepted, would be honored to be trained in the philosophical ways of a Jedi, schooled in the Lightside. I too am a guardian of peace, and refrain from violence as much as a situation accords me. Nobody wins in a battle, be it sport or an altercation with an enemy. It is the ones who conquer their anger and dismiss their inner demons who can scale the mountain to a just society."

"Forgive me my manners. I am Chad Dien. I tend to ramble on at times," he remarked with a lopsided grin, placing his hands behind his back, his legs splayed, true to eased military protocol.

Dasquian Belargic
May 11th, 2004, 01:50:50 AM
Dasquian couldn’t help but smile. He hadn’t asked any questions of this man and already he was sounding like a Jedi. “Good to meet you, Chad. We at the Order have a fairly open admittance policy, but it is one that requires me to ask a few questions of you – despite your noble intentions. Tell me what you understand by the term Jedi? What is a Jedi’s duty?”