View Full Version : A Room With a View

Ryla Relvinian
May 3rd, 2004, 11:59:32 PM
It was a strange sensation, walking through these dusty halls. The Temple seemed almost an organic lifeform, rising from the surrounding jungle like some mothering animal, benevolent in it's presence but still ancient... Ancient both in years and in mind.

I shook my head, laughing just a bit to myself. It was a silly thought. After all, I'd only been on the planet for a few hours, having arrived with J'ktal in his ship, the message sent direct from the remaining Council to go an assist Rie and Morgan in whatever way I could. No, it was not the building, the weathered halls around me that felt full of life, but rather the sense of those that had come before. There were secrets here, and knowledge to discover, and who knows what else in the lush tangle that enveloped our new domain.

This was the place for new starts. The heady scent of foliage and flowering plants was so unlike anything I had ever experienced before that I was almost beginning to get a headache. Dust, sand and dirt, I could deal with... even the mechanical, industrial scent that clung to Coruscant, the scent of millions of people moving and carrying on with life, I could deal with that too. This... this would take some getting used to.

I had packed light for the trip, and now I saw that my belongings had already been packed and sent to my room. I couldn't really call it our rooms, as even though J'ktal had one right beside me, they did not join. Which was probably just as well, as I'd only get in the way in the kitchen. The layout was mirror-image of his quarters, space and plain and just the way I liked it, though I was willing to wager that he had his eye on the first local decorator who might be passing by. But, with a back yard like this one, who would care about the room?

May 5th, 2004, 05:08:37 PM
:: AB poked her head in trhough the door that was laying open about half-way. She knocked, or rather slapped, on the stone (knocking would do no good to her knuckles on such a hard and rough service). ::

Finding your new room to your likeing?