View Full Version : Dantarno Engineering

(Alex) Jacen
May 3rd, 2004, 02:10:42 PM
Jacen's uncle Kieran (achording to my character background) owns an Engineering firm out in the outer rim. Seeing as I've done some designs for fighters that the NR are welcome to start using (providing Dantarno Engineering gets the contract, of course), and because I'm entering this race with a Team Dantarno ship, I was going to set up Kieran Dantarno as a character. However, I realised that you might not be too happy with that. Dantarno Engineering, and everything that makes it up, will be NPC mostly, so it will have fictional ships flying about all over the place...but it doesn't have more than 5 people. However, it IS affiliated with the Flamestar Alliance, in a goods-for-protection contract, so technically, its part of a group of more than 5. Is than enough to warrant me having an NPC business? If people want jobs, they're welcome to have them. And of course, if anyone wants to buy the things we produce, they can do so...that's what Kieran Dantarno will be for.

I'm working on the website, so I should have the DE WepTech and Team Dantarno catalogues uploaded by tonight...at least, part of them. Then you can all start showering me with credits in your desperate attempts to get your hands on my U-Wings. :D

Pierce Tondry
May 3rd, 2004, 03:02:12 PM
Just in general, can I offer you a piece of advice? SLOW DOWN. You've got some good/interesting ideas, but you have a case of overenthusiasm at the moment and thus are charging into a lot of RP-related projects when the ones you currently have are sort of half-finished. The best thing you can do is take one idea (like entering the race), RP it, and RP it well, and THEN come back with something additional (such as this engineering firm) Really try not to get ahead of yourself. You will burn out your enthusiasm faster than you think and wear thin the patience of your fellow posters in the process (which I have already seen happening).

Please, please heed my advice.

That aside, NPC businesses with a certain reasonable number of associated ships are within the limits of common sense provided these ships are not highly advanced and cannot all be called upon at a moment's notice to go into battle. Your proposed association with the Flamestar Alliance could be an interesting thing to develop in RP- perhaps Flamestar has a dependance on this business, and its highs and lows directly affect the financial stability of the Alliance?

Anyways, those are suggestions. Take them for what you will.

(Alex) Jacen
May 3rd, 2004, 03:13:37 PM
I was actually planning this engineering firm for a long time before I entered the race. In fact, I was actually in SW-Fans a year ago, and I was planning it back then. Same with the mercs. Unfortunately, life got in the way. So yeah, maybe I'm charging into things, but thats only coz I'm running 12 months late.

Seeing as the person who "runs" Flamestar is the nephew of the guy that owns the engineering firm, I was kinda working on the principal that, in return for defence from pirates and stuff, it caters for Flamestar's engineering needs. The rebel alliance built the A-Wing itself, through a number of sub-contractors. Our fighters will be built (in considerably smaller numbers) by Dantarno.

The Flamestar Alliance, for Dantarno, is just another investment, so they won't be overly dependant. I just wanted to have it there for the sake of tidiness. Also, as its an investment, they will contribute NO military forces whatsoever. They just provide money. The same situation is availiable for all businesses out there, should they wish it.

Most of the Dantarno Trading (one of the sub companies, to do with deliveries) ships will be things like YT-1300s. They can defend themselves, but they're not all that offensive. So even if they were called upon, they'd not be much use. But they won't be. Dantarno Engineering wants to stay out of the galactic civil war. They'll help, but they don't want to make themselves a target.

Give me another day or two, and I'll have the website up...then it'll make more sense.

Oh, and PS. Just to add to the "I've had this in mind for a while" thing...Jacen Dantarno the mercenary is actually a character in a series of short stories I started writing. I'm outlining his family history, covering great-great grandfather onwards. Once we hit "now", things will be different. However, up to that point, his history and character will be the same. I wrote the first one as coursework nearly 2 years ago, and the characters have evolved since then. So you see, I'm not rushing so much as leaving it all to the last minute! :D

If you're lucky, I might post my stories about somewhere...(I use the term "lucky" in the loosest possible sense)

Pierce Tondry
May 3rd, 2004, 03:29:12 PM
I am not questioning the length of time you have had this planned, since that is not a potential source of problems. What are potential problems, as I have mentioned, are your tendency to develop new ideas before acting out/finishing the old ones and your tendency to post about each new idea as it occurs to you.

This is just a friendly word to the wise, but I do advise you get through some RPs before posting more ideas here in the OOC forum.

Anyways, I did not mean to tangent your thread. You sound like you have some reasonability to your ideas, and if anyone else can offer further refinement on them, they are welcome to do so. I'm a bit brain-dry at the moment, and I have a phone call to make, so I won't be offering anything further at this time.

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 09:43:38 AM
I realise that you're just helping...but the fact is that I just gave up on a load of my own self-run RPs, because it was too much hastle. SWFans has so many members that, short of an international catastrophe, its not going to come crashing down. So I'm going from having loads of stuff going on...its a bit of a shock to the system.

I'll try and slow down on my ideas...but if I don't act on them as they occur, then they won't happen. I know they won't...because I'll forget them, most likely.

BTW. The main reason I want to set up the Dantarno Engineering thing is so I can use it to design ships and things - a hobby of mine. So doing more RPs won't really help. The RP relationship is just me tying up loose ends.

Anyway, after all that, I've worked out that, providing that its a reasonable number of ships, its ok...right?

Figrin D'an
May 4th, 2004, 10:26:21 AM
Originally posted by Jacen Dantarno
I'll try and slow down on my ideas...but if I don't act on them as they occur, then they won't happen. I know they won't...because I'll forget them, most likely.

This is why many of us keep a shortcut to a text editor on our computer's desktop, so we can quickly jot down RP ideas and notes as we think of them. Then we can come back to those ideas later.

Pierce makes a good point about stretching yourself too thin too quickly. Having lots of ideas is great. But trying to do all, or most, of them at once is a mistake, especially for someone fairly new to the RP system that is used around here. Stick to a few things for now, get RP's about those items completed to establish background and character basis. Then move into more complex storylines. You'll be better off, and everyone else will appreciate it as well.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 4th, 2004, 10:43:05 AM
I don't know. To me it just seems that you're starting out with way more than a new person should be starting out with in the first place. Like Tondry said, slow down. It's great that you have these ideas, but can't you write them in a notebook or something for future reference? or just write everything down in word and save it in a special 'ideas' folder? You won't forget then.

But as far as I'm concerned, you're getting too much stuff out of the starting gate. A Jedi character can't be a knight or master right off the bat, and conversely a fringe character can't have a large-ish group, all this tech stuff and ships, and an engineering company right off the bat; be it NPC or not. It just doesn't seem right to me. Everyone started out small and built themselves up. Don't get me wrong; it's wonderful that you're having all these ideas, but reign it in a little, work on one first, and make sure that you get a good, satisfying RP out of it so that you have a solid base to keep building. Take it slow, that way you know that it won't fall apart.

For example - at the rate you're going right now, you won't stand a chance against the Empire, because their stance is much more solid and they have RP's under their belt that can't be disputed. They've worked for what they have.

Desaria was kind enough the help you out - give you a VSD. Take it and run with it, milk the storyline for all it's worth. So it only has so much power? Great. There's plenty that can be pulled from that and made into an interesting RP.

This isn't a case of stifling your creativity or cutting your knees out from under you; it's a case of common sense a fairplay in regards to a new person starting out.

What you're doing now as far as all this stuff for your character is akin to replying in way more threads than you can handle. Not only does it stretch you thin, but when you can't post because you've overloaded yourself, it ruins other people's RPing experience.

In the words of Sherry O'Terry (or however you spell her name), "Simma down!"

But that's also just my opinion.

Morgan Evanar
May 4th, 2004, 10:50:41 AM
^I agree with just about every word typed above.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 4th, 2004, 10:55:24 AM
Listen to s'Il, you should. :)

What she says is correct, we all started down at the bottom of things. Sanis Prent, a bounty hunter/scoundrel businessman, started off as a bounty hunter and slowly RPed and built up from there.

I started off as an apprentice, and now I co-own my own group of darksiders.

Start at the bottom and work your way up, because if you don't, you'll just have these sorts of posts in all of your OOC threads. One important thing to realize is that it doesnt' matter here what was RPed someplace else. Your character might have already existed somewhere else for quite some time, but when you start at Sw-Fans, it doesn't mean anything. You have to start over, just like everyone else.

We had one RPer come from another board, and she was a Jedi Knight at that board, but she was bumped down to padawan when she started here. So slow down, start SMALL, and RP these instead of OOC threading your ideas. They have to be RPed out, or else no one will take you seriously.

Sanis Prent
May 4th, 2004, 04:07:18 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Sanis Prent, a bounty hunter/scoundrel businessman, started off as a bounty hunter and slowly RPed and built up from there.


Let me see. My character started out as a dirty, disheveled middle-man, owning nothing other than a rust-bucket YV-666, a gun, and the clothes on his back. He went from working under the thumb of the Outer Rim Hutts to working under the thumb of a Black Sun Vigo. In the four years I've RPed him, he's barely been able to keep his girlfriend, been in debt up to his eyeballs with scary people who might kill him, and had the crap kicked out of him more than a few times.

He started a media company...and lost it.

He's fiddled about in "pharmaceuticals"...and is about to lose it.

His biggest project right now is doing custom work on speeders and starships, and the occasional bounty hunt ;)

He can be up one day, living on caviar and cognac, and the next day he might be scraping out a can of alpo for himself.

And I'll tell you this, he's 1000% my favorite character, and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 04:28:54 PM
Number 1.
I'm not new. I was here ages ago...I just got ignored so much that I gave up. I don't want to have to do it again, but this is getting stupid. Let me get this thing started, and THEN you can start telling me what to do. But it'll never happen if you keep shoving me off my feet every time I ask a question.

Number 2.
Ok, maybe I'm fringe, but I've got a lot of non-fringe people working with me. A lot of non-new people. You're judging this military force entirely on me. You're not looking at the big picture. You're all rushing in to criticise, but if you stopped for a second, you'd notice what I've been trying to say all along. I AM PLANNING IN ADVANCE. I might not even get STARTED with the warlord stuff I have planned until a few weeks time. If I get half-way through the things that are lined up by the summer, I'll be surprised. There's a lot planned, in a lot of depth. Maybe it'd be worth sitting back and giving me a chance for a bit. You want me to RP a bit first? Fine. Then answer my questions so I can start, and reserve your criticism until after I have. How many of you can actually say they know how good I am at posting? How do you know I don't deserve to have all of this stuff, because my writing warrants it? You haven't given me a frelling chance yet, so of course you don't know.

Number 3.
Here's the thing. When I started as a nobody, everyone ignored me. As in, literally ignored me. I couldn't get in to anything, because there was no one to get in with. I like RPing, but it really was too much hard work.

This time round, I've come in with a ready made character, who's ready to get himself set up in the world. What you're all assuming is that I've got this massive fleet thats just me. Its not. At best, I'm the chairperson of the command council. I'm the guy that set it up. But I'm certainly not the boss.

I've been going through a lot of trouble to make people happy with what I'm doing, but for crying out loud, I'm just here to have a bit of fun. Whether or not I have 2 ships to start with, or 5 ships isn't going to matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

The only thing this Engineering firm is for is so I can have a context to put my ship designs on a website, so it looks vaguely in-game. And, when people like the New Republic comes to fly my ships (if they ever do), then it won't be a New Republic engineering fighter. It'll be a Dantarno Engineering thing. Might not mean much to you, but I like getting recognition. Even if its only me that realises, seeing my name acredited to designs means something to me.

For reasons that I can't divulge (for that whole knowing OOC stuff rule), it won't matter what ships I start off with, because I won't have the same amount in the future. In fact, the more ships I start off with, the more profound the change will be. If I have lots of NPC ships, it gives me lots of cannon fodder, without getting played characters killed off. If you want me to just stick with the played characters I have, then we'll all be immortal, none of us will be able to die, and it will suck. You let me have 1000 ground troops, and I will go get 1000 ground troops slaughtered grousomely, if thats what you want.

Number 4.
All I was doing is asking a question. I didn't want a massive lecture. I'm getting enough grief as it is from you lot, and I could do without more. I'll keep my questions to myself, and just go with the first thing that comes into my head in future.

You can post to this thread some more if you want, but I won't be listening. I'm getting really infuriated, and I've only been doing this full-on for a few days. Haven't you guys ever heard of helping out the new guy? Coz it seems like, between you, you're trying to make my life hell. Just give me a break.

I'm here to RP, not to get told what to do. If you're not happy with what I'm doing, then fine, I'll go. Just be reasonable...with the way you guys have bonded together, I don't stand a chance of worming my way into your social strata, unless I make a BIG entrance. And, lets face it, at least I'm not getting ignored this time, so its progress.

So yeah, give me a break, and give me a chance. I can't prove myself if you're too busy correcting me to pay attention. I'm not a noob...not to RPing, anyway. I know how most of the stuff works. Let me get my footing in SWFans, and I'll show you how good I can be.

Mr Moderator people...do me a favour and close the thread, would you?

Dae Jinn
May 4th, 2004, 04:40:33 PM
^ It also helps that omg! Sanis has had a realistic storyline arc!

I apologise if I'm just rehashing things, or if I'm not as "nice' as I could be, lol. But...

You are a newbie. All of the people offering you advice have been here for 4 or 5 + years. LISTEN TO THEM!

If you start making these big fabulous plans, creating armies/groups and engineering firms, and god-knows-what else, you're going to end up flat on your face. No-one cares what you do OOC. Anything you post OOC here that isn't rped out (Like, how did you make your group go from a few rebels to an full fledged group, for example) doesn't count! People don't want to rp with someone who magically has all these ships and a large group when said "someone' has NO RPS that back up these claims!

Since I started here, I've gone through about a million rp ideas. Half of them never came about, because IC they didn't fit with what was going on. Rping with other people helps take the characters you've created and changes them into something more. It's called Character Developement, you might want to try it. It makes your character more believable, more flawed and will help with your writing over-all.

It's nice that you have all these ideas, but slow down. Concentrate on ONE thing at a time, rp the hell out of it, have the written proof to back everything up before moving on to the next thing.

Morgan Evanar
May 4th, 2004, 04:45:27 PM
Number 1.
I'm not new. I was here ages ago...I just got ignored so much that I gave up. I don't want to have to do it again, but this is getting stupid. Let me get this thing started, and THEN you can start telling me what to do. But it'll never happen if you keep shoving me off my feet every time I ask a question. We all start from the bottom. Every single character any RPer makes starts from dirt.

number 2 The backing for your lined up stuff doesn't exist. Slow down.

For reasons that I can't divulge (for that whole knowing OOC stuff rule), it won't matter what ships I start off with, because I won't have the same amount in the future. Incorrect. You can't use OOC knowledge in character, but we (the staff) have every right to know.

All I was doing is asking a question. I didn't want a massive lecture. I'm getting enough grief as it is from you lot, and I could do without more. I'll keep my questions to myself, and just go with the first thing that comes into my head in future.

You can post to this thread some more if you want, but I won't be listening. I'm getting really infuriated, and I've only been doing this full-on for a few days. Haven't you guys ever heard of helping out the new guy? Coz it seems like, between you, you're trying to make my life hell. Just give me a break. Slow down. There are lots of people who didn't "make a big splash" but got recognized because they were

Good roleplayers
Amicable OOC
Communicated well.

Aside from posting a lot of OOC threads (in which you've disregarded staff suggestions), I see three in character threads, which is fine, but absolutely inadaquate for many of your proposals and ideas.

You claim these are for down the road events, so post them when these down the road events are maybe a week away.

Sanis Prent
May 4th, 2004, 04:46:28 PM
Originally posted by Jacen Dantarno


Telan Desaria
May 4th, 2004, 04:59:54 PM
To erase this problem on my end, I am reconstructing the deal whereby Jacen gets his VSD.

There will be no tracking device aboard. He may do with it whatever he wishes. Guns and armament/compliment not ruined in an rp will be used for whatever purposes he desired.

The Empire will refuse to acknowledge this group. Despite wide-ranging IC reports of a mercenary organization bent on destroying everything we hold dear, we will turn our ears off and avert our eyes.

ICly, the Empire will have no dealings with Dartarno until they arrive to engage us.

ICly, the Empire's borders are CLOSED, as said before. Non-citizens cannot just pop-up on Thyferra. Citizens can, but a rogue from Ylesia cannot hop a transport for Bespin.

What am I missing???

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 05:03:52 PM
Ok, maybe I will keep reading the thread. I just like to get things organised. I've got exams coming up, and a girlfriend flying over from Louisiana. I won't have the time then to organise stuff. I'm trying to be prepared, and I had a question...which you answered. I have absolutely no idea why all of the other stuff had to appear.

Sorry...you'll have to forgive my little rant. I appreciate that all people start at the bottom, but crawling around in the dirt doesn't give me much of a chance to show off my skills. Give me a break, and give me a chance. Most of the major stuff that you staff people will know about is gone...it was too much hassle, and grossly unfair.

Ok, I'm starting with a lot. But do you really want me to set up my Kieran Dantarno character, and wait 40 years before I set up everyone else? Because thats what it would take. I can back post for you...I'd be happy to do that. But you've got to allow me some creativity. If I can't have it, I'll go somewhere else. As you may have guessed, I'm under a fair bit of pressure IRL right now, and all the stress that I'm getting isn't really helping.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 4th, 2004, 05:13:24 PM
For crying out loud, would you STOP complainign about starting at the bottom?

Geez, I was ignored for MONTHS and only got into the swing of things because I cultivated friendships with people OOC and that led to more IC action.

Show of your skills? So far you have shown moderate organiztional skills, but more of a skill to annoy than anything else. Make ONE thread, and run yout ideas around in it instead of making tens of OOc threads reguarding thigns that all relate back to each other.

Yes, I do want you to start with one character. Yes, I want to make sure you can even do one character right. I have been playing my characters for years before I came here, but I still started that way, and it really works well. If need be, just wait a month or two and then add the next one.

Your complaints that IRL hassle is getting you angry aren't getting any form of sympathy from us, because we all have IRL stress, and we still try to act civil. For instance, I'm trying to fix a car that has been nothing but a headache, living from paqycheck to paycheck, now dealing with life without health insurance, trying to find a real job, and a whole host of other problems. Don't bring IRL things into this because we'll get you right back.

As one to make complex things, I understand the need to plan, but if you want to dfo it right, start with a group of people whom you want to play with, and plan it out with just them, then DO THE THREAD. We'll get a good idea of what you're trying to do just by reading what you do in actual RP.

If you feel like I'm knocking on you, I'm sorry, but we're all trying to help, and you're being quite difficult.

Dae Jinn
May 4th, 2004, 05:17:17 PM
Did anyone say you had to start the uncle off from scratch? o_O No. Back-posting, or writing a history of how he got to where is he is would be fine.

Crawling around in the dirt is how everyone starts. It's the fairest way for everyone to rp, and it's something that's been working here forever. If we give you a break, we have to give everyone the same break -- then we'll have God-moding and rule-breaking all over the place.

Why do you have such a problem with starting off small? Start with your small group, with your ship from Telan and maybe 2 others (I have no idea about ships, so...) and go from there maybe?

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 05:31:51 PM
Thats exactly what I want to do...and its exactly what everyone seems to have the problem with. I guess it was a mistake trying to plan in advance. Everyone is getting confused. I will be starting of small. I may get one or two ships from this warlord, but not much. The VSD was a long term thing, and its got chucked in way too soon. We were supposed to capture it in the future...but not for a long while.

The thing is I WANT to be small, but I want to grow. People are getting confused between my starting plans, and my growing plans. So, like I said, let me get some RPing started, and then things will start to make sense.

Anyone not understand what I'm getting at? If so, speak now, or forever hold your peace.

One final statement, which applies (I think) to just about every one of you. Ok, so you can ask me to RP differently, and act differently in the forums, but things like saying my ideas as I have them...thats me. Its a personality trait. I like sharing my ideas with people. Usually, other people pick up on them, and can help me make them better. However, you seem to be adopting the tactic of telling me that they're wrong. Don't tell me to stop presenting all my ideas, because thats asking me to alter a personality trait. You have no right to do that.

And I have no idea why I just wrote that paragraph, but it felt like it wanted to be said. It said itself, so I cannot be held accountable for the contents.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 4th, 2004, 05:34:32 PM
The way you had been phrasing and stating thigs, we were led to believe the exact opposite of what you just stated.

But, with this reassurance, I think things ought to be okay now.

Oh, and we don't hold our peace around here, silly. =)

Sanis Prent
May 4th, 2004, 05:35:17 PM

Are you going to participate in any pirate or smuggling activity? If not, I might try and help you out with the Cizerack

Telan Desaria
May 4th, 2004, 05:36:10 PM
They are pirates...

Lilaena De'Ville
May 4th, 2004, 05:36:32 PM
Then if your plans have no relevance on the present RPs, (besides that they will happen in the future) please make this more apparent. And keep all of the "future plans" posts in one thread to avoid more confusion.

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 05:37:47 PM
The way you had been phrasing and stating thigs, we were led to believe the exact opposite of what you just stated.

But, with this reassurance, I think things ought to be okay now.

If you were lead to believe something, you could have just asked for clarification, as opposed to the mass correctional tactic that you've all been using...but thats me starting to rant again. I just didn't like the way that you were all bearing down on me. This would probably have been sorted a lot easier if I hadn't got so angry...but thats the stress of my life. My life sucks. So do exams. *kills the evil exam people, because they're evil*


Are you going to participate in any pirate or smuggling activity? If not, I might try and help you out with the Cizerack

We do participate in SOME pirate-style activity. However, we would class this more as "Hit and run" operations. We're made up of pirates, yes. And we may have a few smugglers, yes. But at the end of the day, when something has got to be done, does it matter who does it?

Then if your plans have no relevance on the present RPs, (besides that they will happen in the future) please make this more apparent. And keep all of the "future plans" posts in one thread to avoid more confusion

But confusion is fun...:crack

Oh, and to all you people who protested about me not wanting to start at the bottom...I did. If you look in Shadowfaene, there's a thread in there of me starting at the bottom. There's a Storytelling thread of me starting at the bottom. Its just that, when I decided to write a post so the rest of my mercs could have something to do, I got an idea. I set to work on the idea, thinking it would take a while to get set up, and it actually didn't. So I would be starting at the bottom, were it not for the blistering efficiency of the SWFans posters...ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 4th, 2004, 05:43:17 PM
Well, we DID try to be nice at first, but that didn't seem to work very well.

And we did ask for clarification a few times, but thigns just got more confusing. When you explain tuings like this to a group of people, pretend they are four-year-olds. That way there can be little misunderstanding. It's kind of the general rule of thumb around here for stuff like this.

Figrin D'an
May 4th, 2004, 05:47:23 PM
Originally posted by Jacen Dantarno
If you were lead to believe something, you could have just asked for clarification, as opposed to the mass correctional tactic that you've all been using...its a bit insulting, really.

We can only base our responses to you upon what you post. It's pretty clear, based upon the overall reaction from any number of RPers, that the impression was given that you were planning on doing all of this in an extremely short time frame. No offense, but it's not up to all of us to ask "Can you clarify?" or "What do you mean by this?" every time you make a post. As with RP, the onus of clarity is on the RPer, not the reader.

It was never anyone's intention to insult or upset you. It's a matter of acclimating to the general OOC atmosphere of the boards.

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 05:48:11 PM
Now you see...general rule of thumb. Don't remember being told that...

And the niceness seemed kinda hostile/critical from my perspective. In my defence, it wasn't just in this thread...I seem to be getting the same response everywhere. It was kinda overwhelming...and I responded in what seemed to be kind.

You no told me that.

You being nice seemed mean. Long words and long posts make my brain break. Nooooo workie. Not good.

That better? ;)

And yeah, I know you weren't trying to insult me. It just caught me with my guard down. I wasn't expecting so many people to respond, yet say exactly the same thing. It seemed like you were ganging up on me. *whipmer*

Darth Viscera
May 4th, 2004, 05:51:29 PM
Jacen, there will be no more recriminations in this thread. You're going to have to maintain a level of civility.

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 05:53:20 PM
Which bit was I recriminating in? I've calmed down since then. You guys just hit a nerve. I have very big, very hard-to-miss nerves, that can get hit on a fairly regular basis. Sorry.

PS. If it was the first paragraph of the other one, I tried to edit it, but people managed to read it too quickly!

*is going to bed* Hopefully I'll feel human again by tomorrow. Sorry you had to put up with this, guys. I'm not normally like this. Honest.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 4th, 2004, 05:55:55 PM
Well, we know what works here. We've all seen other boards come and go, and learing form the mistakes of those has been what has kept SWF afloat and running so smoothly all these years.

I know you want us to understand what you are planning, but you also sort of kept bum-rushing the OOC forum to tell us more and more, and we didn't have time to let what you have planned sink in, so we got annoyed by more info being heaped on our plates. If they're minor details, don't even bother with them at first. General plans are great, and if we have queations, then we'll ask.

Now that we've come to an understanding, I hope things can run smoothly from here on out.

Ka' el Darcverse
May 4th, 2004, 05:57:01 PM
It's T-H-I-N-G J'ktal ;)

(Alex) Jacen
May 4th, 2004, 05:59:31 PM
*just thinks of something before he goes to bed* How about if my mercenaries found a Death Star that had come from a parallel universe...:D Only kiddin.

On a serious note...any of you guys want to donate characters, so you can make sure I don't get too carried away?

Sanis Prent
May 4th, 2004, 06:03:13 PM
Originally posted by Jacen Dantarno
We do participate in SOME pirate-style activity. However, we would class this more as "Hit and run" operations. We're made up of pirates, yes. And we may have a few smugglers, yes. But at the end of the day, when something has got to be done, does it matter who does it?

Well unfortunately it does when the Cizerack are concerned. They're notoriously fanatical against pirates, smugglers, and commerce raiders. Was just a thought.

May 4th, 2004, 06:04:49 PM
Personally I'm with J'ktal. We've been around long enough to know how things run here. I mean you did try and change the phonetic alphabet on us.

May 4th, 2004, 06:07:46 PM
Originally posted by Ka' el Darcverse
It's T-H-I-N-G J'ktal ;)

Bah, I have an excuse for my typos: hand tremors.

Sorsha Kasajian
May 4th, 2004, 06:34:04 PM
:: steals the bell pepper :: :D

Figrin D'an
May 4th, 2004, 06:38:29 PM
Raw yellow peppers are just nasty. I don't think Kaga knew what he was doing when he first grabbed one of those things and took a bite.

May 4th, 2004, 06:44:02 PM
I beg to differ. I actually like them raw.


Darth Viscera
May 4th, 2004, 06:45:54 PM
don't hijack this thread

Kieran Dantarno
May 6th, 2004, 04:12:29 PM
Lol. The phonetic alphabet thing was just a logic thing. But... *shrug*

Back to the thread topic:

I'm gonna start posting Dantarno Engineering's history in a storytelling thread over the next day or two, to line up the company for the race...especially Team Dantarno. So I'll have a few races in there, and maybe a board meeting or two...any suggestions on what else you'd like/need to know?

I'll get you links to the thread, and to the DE catalogue as soon as there is anything to link to.

Kieran Dantarno
May 6th, 2004, 05:37:55 PM

I got carried away, so there are 3 posts up there already. :D

More to follow, when I think of what to write. I'll do one more back-story thing, and then do the actual race prep...because I be itchin' ;)

Ryla Relvinian
May 6th, 2004, 06:17:02 PM
Combine your posts please. :) Saves space.

Kieran Dantarno
May 7th, 2004, 12:54:27 AM
Yeah...would have done that, 'cept I wrote the first one off-line, then decided to write the second one quick-quote style. Then I started writing the third straight after. If I'd known I was going to do that, I would have posted them one at a time.

At least this way though, they're split up by time-frame...it could be a bit clumsy otherwise.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 7th, 2004, 12:58:24 AM
Perhaps, but the less different posts, the more free space on the server. The more free space on the server, the faster it goes.

Kieran Dantarno
May 7th, 2004, 01:14:10 AM
I can move them all into one post if you really want, but doesn't that defeat the object of having a storytelling thread? If its all in the one post, I mean.

If you want it in one post, let me know, and someone else can delete the other ones...because I can't do that.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 7th, 2004, 01:34:21 AM
He's talking about here, in OOC. Consolodate your posts, boy. Just remember there's an edit button in the future.

If you don't, every time you make a new post, I will kill a bunny.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 7th, 2004, 02:14:28 AM
She means it, too. I mean, she's got like a whole bathtub full of bunnies.

I don't know how she actually washes herself, but, man, she's got a bathtub full of bunnies.

Kieran Dantarno
May 7th, 2004, 09:46:29 AM
Ohhh...right. Sorry. I thought you meant my posts on the thread.

*finds the edit button* oooooh...cooly.