View Full Version : Anyone home?(open to TSO)
Shade Magus
May 2nd, 2004, 04:22:58 PM
Shade and Liam had recently came up with the bright idea to go to Corellia and call the members of the Sith Order out and never one's to back down from a challenge, that's where they were. They walked out to the front of TSO's main gate and stood there looking at the fortress. "Well, it's been awhile since I did anything like this, but ehy what could be more fun?" Shade asked he Jedi Master as he started banging on the doors, hoping someone was home.
Liam Jinn
May 2nd, 2004, 04:43:08 PM
The Jedi Master stood in front of a door, chuckling at Shade's comment. He was wearing his black steel toed boots, black pants, and a white T-shirt. His usual black T-shirt was dirty, and he didn't want to show up in someone's home looking dirty.
"Hello? Anyone in there?" He yelled as he banged on the door.
Jezreal Darkshard
May 2nd, 2004, 10:20:52 PM
The door opened infront of the Two and out step a young girl. She had blue hair and blue eyes, she was had a white and gray baggy camo pants and a black T-shirt on "Can I help you Gentlemen?" the girl asked.
Jezreal had been walking down the halls when she had heard a knock on the door which was a rare thing because not many people came up to TSO's front door unless they had something inportant to discuss and since no one else was around she answered the door.
Vega Van-Derveld
May 3rd, 2004, 04:20:34 AM
The fact that the Jedi had managed to waltz up to the front door of the Sith Palace unnoticed by guards was due in part to ineptitude of the guards, and the lowering of tax upon Corellian Ale – which had left the patrol more than a little inebriated. As punishment for their failings, they had met an untimely end on the end of a Sith Lords saber. The smell of burnt flesh seemed to put the new guard detail into over-drive, as they all darted to their posts with newfound speed and enthusiasm. High above the Jedi, turrets began to turn. Designed for the elimination of ships and crafts, especially military vehicles, the artillery guns packed quite a punch. Inside the halls, a number of guards began to file towards the main entrance, following the lead of a tall smirking figure in gray.
Je'gan Olra'en
May 3rd, 2004, 06:38:44 AM
Je'gan Olra'en had hit a plateau in his studies. He couldn't find a single thing more on mentalics in the Palace library.
Je'gan Olra'en was a wee bit annoyed.
And now someone was banging on the door. Typical applicant these days.
Even the very act of swiping his saber around had helped calm him down, but only enough that he maintained self-control. He was maaad, and these imbecilic applicants were going to know it. Full combat regalia - white padded jumpsuit, armour underneath in vulnerable spots, belt with dirk, rapier and Azubah. Full mindset; anyone around the Sith Knight could feel him running through mental warmups.
The front doors. Jezreal's voice.
"What's she doing there," he mumbled. "Can't be an applicant. Jez never handles applicants."
He quickened his pace - and turning into a three-way intersection just before the door, came face-to-face with an unknown Sith of substantial power and a bunch of guards. That officially raised the situation to 'fun'.
Hang on...not an unknown Sith. Was that Van-Derveld?
He shrugged and took a place in the line between the Sith Lord and the troops, checking all safeties on his dirk and rapier were on. The dirk especially had a neuronic whip function, and that wasn't something he wanted to activate while the slim weapon rode his hip.
Shade Magus
May 3rd, 2004, 05:56:05 PM
Shade looked up as the turrets moved around to lock onto them. "Well...if you wanted to get their attention, I would have to say that we suceeded," he said with a small grin.
Liam Jinn
May 3rd, 2004, 11:16:48 PM
"Actually, I was thinking we could help you.." Liam said with a smirk to the blue-haired new arrival. "Ever thought about being a Jedi?"
His smile did not fade as the turrets focused in on his location, but instead, he stepped closer in the doorway, out of the turrets' sight. Widening his smile, he extended his hand towards the girl, trying to be as friendly as possible.
"I'm Liam Jinn, a Jedi Master of GJO. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss....?"
Jezreal Darkshard
May 4th, 2004, 09:42:35 PM
"Ever thought about being a Jedi?" Jezreal sighed as she rested her weight on the staff in her hand "No, I won't ever" She said cooly with a smirk on her face "So what brings you Jedi here?" She asked as she heared the sounds of boots on the grounds as the guards drew closer "whatever your here to do you'd better do it quickly becuase your going to get killed in a few minutes."
Shade Magus
May 5th, 2004, 05:24:53 AM
"Well, I wouldn't say that," Shade said with a smile. "After all who knows what the future brings?"
Kes'La Bardo
May 5th, 2004, 06:41:14 AM
Sith Apprentice, Kes'la Bardo sat in the main room reading. She had heard Jezreal go to the front door, she knew of her but really didn't know her.
It was about that time, Kes felt her masters presence as she looked up and saw him walk by to get to the door. He looked none too happy about it either.
Kes put down her book and stood quickly. Something was going on and if her master was there, she was there.
Another man was there, that she'd never seen and he didn't look too happy either. Kes stood behind her master, waiting to see just what was going on here.
Lady Vader
May 5th, 2004, 07:04:50 PM
*LV watched the Sith congregate in front of the two fool-hardy Jedi. The report had come to her at the untimely end to the inept guards at Vega's hand. She'd sent no reply back, completely agreeing with the steps Vega had talen.*
*But now, the guards that had a semblance of brain in between their ears were now gathering around the Jedi, blocking their escape.*
*And not only that, but the Jedi had placed themselves in a rather dangerous position. They'd come to a Sith protected planet, the home planet no less. But now that they were here, new security codes were being implimented, along with the Palace's perimeter shields and planetary shields being raised. And if overdoing it was any indication, LV had even ordered part of the TSO fleet to orbit the planet and had the Golen Gun stations activated.*
*She merely leaned against the door jam, further back from the crowd, trying not to roll her eyes at the situation. She spoke loudly enough for all to hear.*
Ok, I'm going to take a gander you two boys are on a quest for a death-wish?
Vega Van-Derveld
May 6th, 2004, 10:32:49 AM
Vega came in step with Lady Vader, stopping beside the Sith Mistress as he looked out at the pair of Jedi who had so brazenly approached the Palace. The forces of the Sith were amassing quickly around them, and Sith of all ranks had come out to enjoy the show. He couldn’t help but smirk – such cocky, warmongering Jedi were becoming common place now. It was so tiresome. At the Lupine’s side, he gripped his saber. He watched Shade Magus, a man he recognized from his dealings with a certain Jedi Knight, now Lost. It would appear, he thought to himself, that these two weren’t the sharpest tools in the box.
Lorani T'sava
May 6th, 2004, 10:40:47 AM
Lorani had a feeling that something was happening at the front door caused her to scurry off to find out what's going on. Jedi? Here? That's something different and new, especially here.
The 10 year old shakes her head slightly, flipping some of her hair back again as she scoots forward so she can see what's going on. Being a kid's no fun if you can't see what the fun is.
She knows that she'll be safe with the Sith here, but she is curious on what a Jedi looks like because she's never seen one before.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 6th, 2004, 03:37:34 PM
Rivin had gone out the back way and was now approching from behind the foolish Jedi. Rivin Draws both of his lightsabers and activates them both getting into a defencive stance.
"Ether the two of you have godlike strength in the force, or you have the brains of an Umgulian Blob. I don't know why you are here, and truthfuly, I don't care. So the two of you better give us a good reason not to kill you, or start figuring out how to fire Lightning bolts from your rectum, since those are the only ways you will get out of this alive."
Je'gan Olra'en
May 6th, 2004, 03:45:37 PM
"Ooh, Rivin, that last one doesn't sound comfortable. Still, I'm sure they'd gain something from the teaching."
Not that they'd get the chance. Je'gan stretched out his hand and summoned a full mental assault on Shade, an experience likened by some to having one's mind sandblasted with knives. If the Jedi Knight was experienced with intermind warfare, the attack would put a serious dent in his shields. If he wasn't...
Force Lightning would feel like a tickle.
Ida Knoe
May 6th, 2004, 04:02:53 PM
Ida had gone to one of the tower to see what was going on. The 7 year old girl was interested in seeing what looked like a fight starting at the gates but she didn't want to be in the way so she just goes up to the tower.
As she looks down at the two Jedi there She gets an Idea. She fouses the force down on to Liam, excelerating the speed of the atom in his pants, causing them to ignight into flames.
Liam Jinn
May 7th, 2004, 01:49:14 AM
Before Liam could respond to any of the new arrivals, his pants caught on fire. After he had patted the flames out, he shook his head, looking down at the holes in his pants.
"You know, there are easier ways to get my pants off.." he said, grinning widely. He began stretching as everyone got into their places around them.
"I'll just make this offer once more. Anyone who wishes to learn the arts of the Jedi may come with us, if not, your evil ways will be the end of you."
The smile had faded from his face, replaced by look of determination.It was not as if he expected many to turn, but if one did, then all of this would be worth it. If not, then a few less Sith would hurt no one. He glanced around, readying himself for anything.
Lorani T'sava
May 7th, 2004, 11:01:06 AM
Lorani starts to laugh as Liam makes his offer about learning the Jedi ways. She can't help herself. She can't imagine why anyone would want to learn that way of life.
"What makes you think any of us will leave here to learn to become one of you?"
Jezreal Darkshard
May 7th, 2004, 01:18:41 PM
Jezreal stoped herself from laughing at the sight of the mans pants on fire. He moved her staff and brought the bottom of it down on Liam's foot as he walked toward the other Sith just incase the two tried something
Shade Magus
May 8th, 2004, 04:53:34 PM
Shade's hand went up to his head as he felt a sudden pressure on his skull, or rather his brain. Luckily his mental defenses stopped most of the attack, but he could still feel it. Whoever had done that had been very powerful indeed.
Makoto Neo
May 9th, 2004, 07:29:11 PM
Mako peeled out from it really doesn't matter and stepped into the nice scenery. His standard uniform; a black overcoat, slacks, boots, and shirt with two belts criss-crossing from his waist to thighs holding his weapons of preference and a few tricks of the trade. What was this - two suicidal jedi on Corellia?
He slipped back into hiding for the time being to watch.
Liam Jinn
May 10th, 2004, 01:54:33 PM
"I was hoping one or two of you would come to your senses, actually.."
As he attempted to move forward, a staff was brought down on his foot. With a little nudge through the force, it slipped off of his foot and to the ground. He smiled and continued his pace.
"So, any takers?"
Dark Lord Rivin
May 10th, 2004, 04:22:20 PM
Rivin thinks to himself... these people must be really stupid if they think that anybody here would join them.
Though he still speeks up...
"If andbody wishes to join them, step forward and stand with them so we may kill you allong with these Jedi!"
Ida Knoe
May 10th, 2004, 04:34:46 PM
Ida starts to think that this is getting rather borring, and she is about to leave when she gets an Idea. She goes to the edge of the tower and calls down at the Jedi...
"Help! Help! They've locked me in this tower! Please save me! They are gonna kill me! Help!"
Then the seven year old girl pulls herself back away from the edge as if somebody pulled her back.
Je'gan Olra'en
May 10th, 2004, 05:42:45 PM
"Let's put it this way."
Je'gan stepped forward beside Jez, putting himself nose-to-nose with the Jedi Master while cutting off the mental attack on the other Lightsider.
"Mistress Vader is a no. Lord Van Derveld. Makoto Neosis. Rivin. Me." He pointed to each one in turn. "Kes, Jezreal, Lorani." His voice was very, very polite, and not a hint of anything approaching displeasure penetrated the way he felt through the Force. "Each of us has denied your offer in one way or another, Master Jinn."
Ida started screaming, and Je'gan chuckled.
"As for that one...enhance your short-term memory, O esteemed Master, and you will see that the perpetrator of this disquietude is the very same precocious individual as she who just set your nonstandard and impractical attire aflame."
His face and voice hardened.
"I am the newest Sith Knight of this Order, Master Jinn. That does not make me a fool. Your petty and ill-considered evangelism is, legally considered, both infringement upon private property and a disturbance of the peace. It would be best if you left. Now."
His tone didn't change as he went on.
"Best for you, that is. If you stayed, it would give my apprentice Kes some practical experience, and we would both be very much in your debt."
Lady Vader
May 10th, 2004, 07:02:36 PM
*LV put a hand up to her chin, thinking. Once all had fallen somewhat silent, she spoke.*
Please, Je'gan, I can speak for myself...
*She looked at the elder Jedi.*
You know, you're right. You have shown me the error of my ways. It is time I joined the Jedi and redeemed myself.
*A few of the Sith gathered looked at her incredulously, mouths agape.*
I shall come willingly and silently and attest to all the evil i have wrought upon this galaxy.
*She began to take a step down the stoney stairs headed towards the Jedi..........
..........when she stopped, frowning.*
Oh, wait... you were being serious, weren't you?
*She burst into a fit of laughter that made her side ache. She waved a hand.*
You Jedi are so hard to take seriously. Really. You should be court jesters rather than *She made quotation signs with her fingers, her voice dripping with sarcasm* protectors of the galaxy.
Kes'La Bardo
May 10th, 2004, 08:10:04 PM
Liam Jinn
May 12th, 2004, 12:55:03 PM
Liam grinned and chuckled again.
"Why Miss Vader, you almost had me on that one," he winked, his grin growing wider. "..almost."
He took a step back, to address everyone.
"So you mean to tell me, out of the whole nine members of TSO, none are willing to turn?" His grin didn't fade. "The Sith just don't seem to be what they used to these days, do they Shade? Nine members.."
He shook his head and sighed.
"Well, if that's the case, I'm afraid TSO is going to fall today.."
He stood ready and aware of his surroundings, looking from Sith to Sith, the grin slipping away from his face.
"But remember, you had the choice, we did warn you."
Lady Vader
May 12th, 2004, 01:18:47 PM
*LV shook her head.*
My dear ignorant Jedi... perhaps it is you who should think about turning. Everything you've shown us here today is nothing of the Jedi nature.
*She narrowed her eyes.*
Perhaps it is time you followed your true calling, and joined the darkness you are slowly seeping into with your warmongering.
May 12th, 2004, 03:57:11 PM
One by one a new Sith walked past the living quarters in a hurry as if there was a prize at the front gate. Finally, after even Lady Vader had walked by, curiosity had got the best of him. He climbed out of his seat and walked out the open door towards the main gate where a crowd of most the members of the Sith Order stood.
From the back, he listened in on the conversation. From the sound of it, there were Jedi at the door. Was this possible? How could Jedi ever make it to Corellia, let alone the Sith palace? All and all it didn't really matter, they were screwed anyway.
The constant bickering between the two sides was becoming irritating very fast. Jorshal reached to his side and withdrew his newly purchased vibroblade. He pushed past Lady Vader and Rivin, brushed against Lorani and pushed past Kes'La until he was directly behind Je'gan.
"You people are ridiculous." he muttered. Jedi, especially those that dared to land on Corellia, should be killed on the spot. He pushed Je'gan aside and leapt Liam Jinn, vibroblade pointed at his heart.
Je'gan Olra'en
May 13th, 2004, 11:01:04 AM
Je'gan stepped neatly with Jorshal's push, letting the impetuous Apprentice pass by him with minimum resistance on his way to the Jedi Master. At the same time, he blasted his own powerful version of Force Confusion into the Lightsider's mind, slowing perception and reaction time as well as fogging concentration.
Ida Knoe
May 13th, 2004, 11:45:14 AM
when Ida sees that Je'gan messed up her ploy to get the jedi to Attack Ida focuses of Shade's hair, lighting it on fire.
Zereth Lancer
May 13th, 2004, 06:23:22 PM
"Is it possible for a Jedi to say a more stupid thing?" Zereth said steping out of the shadows behind the two Jedi "There are two of you and many of us" He drew his Katana from its sheath "I have no power to see the future but I can predict a Terrible end for you two" A smile crossed his face as he as Jorshal running toward the Jedi Master.
Liam Jinn
May 14th, 2004, 01:58:50 AM
"So presumptious of you, Miss Vader, to assume you know anything of Jedi nature."
Liam heard another voice and watched as a new face leapt at him, vibroblade in hand. He caught the persons' wrist as the vibroblade came within inches of his chest. In one quick motion he twisted the wrist and flipped the boy midair, which caused him to land belly-down on the ground. With the boys' wrist still in the Jedi Masters' grip, he took the vibroblade and shook his head.
"These things are dangerous, you could hurt somebody." He said, unfazed by the attack.
He let the boys' wrist go and sent him sliding away with a force push. He had felt someone try and mess with his mind, which caused the boy to get closer than he should've. But, that wouldn't happen again, his mind's defenses were already going into place. It wasn't the first time he'd dealt with this sort of thing.
"I've been there and done that, Miss Vader, the darkside that is. The difference between you and I is I came to my senses, many, many years ago." He paused for a brief moment and smiled.
"You call this warmongering, I call it protecting the innocents that the Sith have not yet come across, plus a bit of recruiting."
Lorani T'sava
May 14th, 2004, 10:18:16 AM
"How about this proposal Jedi. You put your tails between your legs and try to run in order to save your precious hides and we'll give you to the count of five to get out of here before we rip you to pieces. You're not wanted here and you never have been. Every where you go, you bring your evil and we will cleanse the galaxy of your evil."
Lorani says from her relaxed position at the door, leaning against the wall.
Lady Vader
May 14th, 2004, 10:07:48 PM
*LV smiled coldly.*
I believe the only power you have now, Jedi, is your inflated ego.
*She paused, lifting a hand slowly.*
Oh, and... five.
*The number was quickly followed by a horrendous bout of lightning that escaped her outstretched fingers, catching both Jedi unawares. The elder Jedi was able to roll out of the lightning, a few burns on his exposed flesh, but the less expereinced Jedi fell under the wrath of the power LV unleashed, sending him into spasms.*
Je'gan Olra'en
May 15th, 2004, 08:07:02 AM
Je'gan distanced himself from the Jedi Master as Lady Vader's lightning rained down, removing the Confusion and instead ensnaring the man in Force Blindness.
"Your arrogance, Jedi, is the chisel that scrapes away your dubious moral footing. You should have stuck with defense, since it's blindingly obvious that you have no sense when it comes to attack."
Vega Van-Derveld
May 16th, 2004, 04:14:07 AM
Vega have not moved an inch yet. He simply smiled, watching the little display- the interchange between Sith and Jedi. When Lady Vader trained some Force Lighting on Shade, however, he decided to would join in. Levelling an outstretched hand towards the Jedi Knight, an electric arc from his fingers joined that of his fellow Sith- adding twice the power to the already fatal attack.
Dark Daylight
May 17th, 2004, 10:42:08 AM
Daylight already amused by this began to laugh at the power of his master and LV.
"Good day, LV , Vega , Je'gan , Rivin , and of course the rest of you."
Daylight had not met any of the other sith only the named ones, apart from Jorshal, in a spar, but it was hardly a meeting.
" Je'gan would you care to join in? or are you awaiting something?"
Daylight jumps from the wall around the palace and walks calmly through the guards and past the Jedi.
"Foolish to think they stood a chance."
Daylight turns around looks at both of them in turn then sits comfortably on the floor some distance from the two of them.
Shade Magus
May 18th, 2004, 05:56:31 PM
Shade jumped as the first bolt of the Force lighting hit him. It really was too much. Add to that that LV and Vega was aimed at him, was almost over kill. Almost. He had had the attack preformed on him a number of times that the electricity really wouldn't harm him, but coming from two Sith Masters it would be enough to bring him to his knees momentarily, until there was a breach in their focus.
Kes'La Bardo
May 18th, 2004, 07:01:16 PM
Kes was quite impressed with the show-shocker, she had to learn how to do that.
Zereth Lancer
May 18th, 2004, 10:02:37 PM
Zereth smiled as He saw the Jedi fall to his knees, He moved his sword and pushed the blade's point against the back Shade's neck "Move and I'll slice off your head Mr. Jedi."
Dark Daylight
May 19th, 2004, 10:03:16 AM
** Daylight clearly amused by Shade falling to his knees laughed and smiled at him.**
"So, the only reason you came here was to try and get us to follow the way of the Jedi?"
"That really is a pathetic plan, if I may say so myself. Can i ask you, were you sent here or did you come of free will?"
May 19th, 2004, 12:38:29 PM
Jorshal landed hard on the ground, crunching his jaw on a rock. In his mouth he tasted blood, he might have bit his tongue. It didn't really matter though, he had to stay focused on the Jedi. He stretched out his arm to grab ahold of his vibroblade but was pushed aside by an invisible hand.
As his anger rose he spit excess blood onto the ground and climbed to his knees. It was his first encounter with any Jedi and he had embarressed himself infront of the whole Order. His impulses told him to attack again, but something in his head warned him not to. The Jedi handled him entirely too easy.
Before he could formulate a new battle plan, electric burst from the hands of Lady Vader and ensnared the Jedi. He was astonished at the power the masters of the Order held, this was something completely new to him. He quickly swallowed any amazment and refocused on his role.
"Zereth!" He called to the man he expected to be best armed, "I need a weapon!"
Dark Lord Rivin
May 20th, 2004, 09:59:19 AM
Rivin puts himself allong the only path out of TSO's grounds. If the Jedi want to leave, the will have to go through him. He keeps himself in his defencive stance, taking up most of the path.
Dark Daylight
May 20th, 2004, 01:04:19 PM
** Daylight followed Rivin as he moved towards the exit and watched Jorshal steady himself, Daylight did a little flip on the grounds from the steps and ran over to Rivin.**
"Rivin, do you really think they stand a chance? I mean has anyone ever broken into here before? surely we are stronger now than ever!" wondered Daylight quietly so the Jedi couln't hear."
Dark Lord Rivin
May 20th, 2004, 01:42:30 PM
Rivin just stays focused on the Jedi as he says to daylight...
"I do not know these Jedi so I have no stance to judge their skill. Never assume anything about you enemy, expecaly that you can beat them. Always be prepared to loose, even if the odds are greatly ageinst your foe."
Zereth Lancer
May 20th, 2004, 04:45:36 PM
Zereth heard Jorshal's call for a weapon, He pulled the short sword on his belt while in its sheath (so that the boy would not cut himself catching it) and threw the weapon in its sheath toward the tiny Jorshal while keaping his blade on Shade.
Liam Jinn
May 20th, 2004, 05:35:22 PM
Liam rolled out of the way of the lightning attack and hopped back up onto his feet, giving a quick glance in Shade's direction. The Jedi Knight was on the ground and needed help, but before Liam was able to do anything for his fellow Jedi, his eyes stopped working.
Closing his eyes, he began to see through the force. It was a much more vibrant and pleasant way of looking at things, at least to him it was. Without warning, Je'gan was lifted off the ground and thrown into LV and Vega, halting their attacks.
One of Liam's lightsabers sprung from his belt and landed gently in his hand. The white blade sprung to life, the familiar snap-hiss bringing a smile to the Jedi Masters' face.
"What was that count again?"
Je'gan Olra'en
May 20th, 2004, 05:37:57 PM
Je'gan drew his hand in a line in the air, creating a wedgelike Force push that accelerated into Jinn's grip and split it in two, preventing it from reaching the Sith Knight.
"I've known Jedi, and I've known Sith. You top them all for arrogance."
Dark Daylight
May 21st, 2004, 12:03:24 PM
** Daylight stood watching the fight wondering what had just happened because afterall he had just seen the force fly towards Je'gan and then just disapear. **
Lorani T'sava
May 26th, 2004, 11:08:42 AM
Lorani remains where she is, knowing at this point in time, she's not going to be of much help in the fight.
Vega Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2004, 11:52:40 AM
Two could play Liam’s game. Telekinesis was one of Vega’s strong suits, and with the slightest effort he hauled Magus’ into the air and sent him barreling towards Jinn and the blade he had just ignited.
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