View Full Version : The Saddest Day in the World

Ryla Relvinian
May 2nd, 2004, 12:20:45 AM
Was the day I bought SWGalaxies and went to register it and they said my cd key was already taken.

Soooo now I have spent 50 bucks for something I can't even use. Yeah, thanks bunches, LucasArts.

*Cries a little*

Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2004, 12:25:40 AM
There has to be away around that, I email somebody at SOE. Or take the game back and say it is broke and get a new one. Most stores will do exchanges for games.

Dae Jinn
May 2nd, 2004, 12:37:32 AM
Stalk George Lucas, and once you finally get him cornered, shove the game down his throat. (Or in the other way ;))

Seriously, I'd call the company and complain. If that doesn't work, take it back and complain. :/

May 2nd, 2004, 01:53:53 AM
Do you still have your receipt, Ryla?

Many often end up the victims of generated cd accounts- that is, some people use a program that will create a workable cd key for their game to get it operating without paying for the game itself. Many online game vendors are aware of this, and are usually willing to work with the victims of such acts. Some will accept a fax of the store receipt as proof of ownership, and they will then issue the victim a new cd key.

See if they're willing to work with you somehow, is my suggestion.

Dasquian Belargic
May 2nd, 2004, 02:21:22 AM
Screwed over by pirates ... that sucks :hug

Darth Viscera
May 2nd, 2004, 06:30:42 AM
call tech support, tell them somebody got lucky with a keygen at your expense. bingo bango new cd key, hopefully.

Figrin D'an
May 2nd, 2004, 11:18:04 AM
Do what Visc suggests. In most cases, they'll be willing to give you a new cd key, because you're providing them with information about an illegal account on their network. They'll lock down that compromised cd key.

Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2004, 02:00:12 PM
If you purchased this at a retail store, it may also be possible someone peeked inside the box and wrote down the CD key in order to not having to buy the game..

If you scan/photograph the manual, box etc with serial numbers and CD-Key, then email the evidence to SOE, they should take action and give you a new CD-key.

Master Yoghurt
May 2nd, 2004, 02:55:30 PM
After searching the support forums, I found this:

Thank you for posting, unfortunately there is not anything that SOE can do if the account key was already used when you purchased the game, as SOE does not have any account keys for SWG. All account keys are generated and distributed by Lucas Arts.

In addition, almost all stores that sell games have the means to repackage and re-seal software packages. It is also possible for any one to get what is needed to repackage software, so it is possible for either the person that purchased the game originally or store to re-seal the software.

In any case, the only thing that I can suggest is to return the game to the store for a refund or an exchange. If the store needs to verify that the account key was used before you purchased it, then they can contact us to lookup the date when that account key was used.


It appears there was some distributor in the UK which reisssued old copies of the game hence lots of people had a cd key problem. This applied to those who bought the game from stores like amazon.co.uk or similar though, so that is probably not what happened to you.

The other option is, somone refunded/returned the game, and somehow still use the CD-key, then the game was repackaged and sold as new. Was the game box properly sealed?

Anyway, this is how you can contact SOE support:
Phone Support: 1-858-790-STAR(7827)
Email: SWGSupport@SOE.Sony.com

May 2nd, 2004, 05:24:55 PM
I'd say take it back. I had to do that with Half-Life.

Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2004, 09:38:34 PM
yeah take it back and exchange it easiest way to solve the problem.

Ryla Relvinian
May 3rd, 2004, 12:08:05 AM
Growl *shakes fist* Wish I didn't have to go through this hassle.

Thanks for finding that, Yog. I think I'll send them a scathing e-mail and see if anyone cares, and then if nothing helps, I'll just go return the darn thing.

Edit: Exchanged and all is working fine. Now, which servers are y'all on?

Master Yoghurt
May 4th, 2004, 03:18:39 AM
Congrats! :D

We are all on the Chilastra server.

My character name is Ryland Larr. Maybe you could send an ingame mail to "Ryland" with time youre available to play, and I can show you around? Otherwise you could just add me to the buddy list, and type /tell ryland hi! when you see me online :)

Our guild, Galactic Response Unit (GRU) has has a HQ <a href=http://www.coruscantcity.net/board/ultimatebb.php?category=6>here</a>

Darth Viscera
May 4th, 2004, 03:38:18 AM
Chilastra baby, Chilastra. Unofficial server of swfans.net

Ryla Relvinian
May 4th, 2004, 10:08:02 AM
How very cool and yet also very handy, as many of my other friends play on Intrepid, so I get to have two characters!! At least!! *dances around*

Life is so much better when your computer games work. :)

Master Yoghurt
May 4th, 2004, 12:56:22 PM
Let us know the name of your character! :)

Among the SWFans people, its me (Ryland), Darth Viscera (Wyland), Jedi Master Carr (Layton) and AmazonBabe/Lady Vader (Azurre). I am probably forgetting a few names. Also there are some people from CC.net you might know.

Jedi Master Carr
May 4th, 2004, 04:10:43 PM
you can pm me too, Layton Darkstar in game, I am the guild leader :D You probably know Alan (Qui-Gon) from around here there are some others who are not playing right now but I bet will be back.

May 5th, 2004, 03:15:56 PM
I keep planning on it. Just tied up right now with union negotiations and stuff at work. :)

However, any questions I should ask at E3 next week?

May 5th, 2004, 05:47:07 PM
I can't think of any questios to ask, but this CD key thing REALLY surprised me. You'd think they would have had some sort of fail-safe for such a problem. =\

Maybe ask if they are considering anything for the future to prevent these things from happening?

I'm gonna see about getting on Chilastra tonight. Maybe I'll see you all there! (Yay Ryla for joining! Another girl to go shopping with! :D ^_^; )

Travis North
May 5th, 2004, 06:00:21 PM
I can't believe your Imperial. Bah.

May 5th, 2004, 07:13:53 PM

And, uh, who are you? And how do you know I'm Imperial? :uhoh

Travis North
May 5th, 2004, 07:18:27 PM
Not all of you. I'm assuming due to the Imperials on the board plus I was walkin' through your town overt.

Jedi Master Carr
May 5th, 2004, 08:47:24 PM
Well it was decided ages ago that the guild would be imperial this goes back to its beginnings. I actually find it a nice alternative to playing as a rebel which I usually do in games so it is very different and fun, to me. Also Qui-Gon no problem I understand work can keep you occupied. About E3, well ask about new planets :) That is my big question.

Master Yoghurt
May 6th, 2004, 05:42:04 AM
The choice of being imperial is also related to the fact there is majority of rebels on the servers. This is the time period of before the Battle of Hoth. The Rebel Alliance is supposed to be on the run and in hiding. There used to be a time when rebels went rampant around on the servers going overt openely wherever they went. That is IMO detracting from the Star Wars feel. The Empire should be in clear majority, not the other way around. I am glad the devs introduced the Imperial Crackdown and that the imps on Chilastra have been able to take the initiate in the Galactic Civil War, as it brings us closer to the situation in the movies :)

Qui Gon, if you could ask if they plan to do any changes to the mission system, I would greatly appreciate it. Mission descriptions should IMO be a more accurate portrayal of what you do, rather than the standard blow up a flag/lair thing. Especially because missions is something the SWG playerbase is forced spending a lot of time doing. Spawns of entrances to instanced mini dungeons with randomly generated layout and key mission objectives like in Anarchy Online would greatly enhance that aspect. How about different missions types like reccon, deliver, assassination etc. Or missions where you could intereact with specific mission objectives, IE: hack into this dataterminal, repair a hyperdrive, sabotage the security system, blow up a fuel depot etc. Basically, I am wondering if they are planning to add more content to the missions than it is now.

Darth Viscera
May 6th, 2004, 06:31:21 AM
yeah, i hope the space expansion missions don't go like this:

go to theed mission terminal, take 2 missions
go to starport, call TIE Interceptor from datapad, climb in
go to coordinates xxxx -xxxx, destroy 4 X-Wings and a refueling depot
you have been awarded 129 imperial faction points and 8,468 credits and 13,150 Pilot XP


May 6th, 2004, 07:03:33 AM
Travis, of course we are Imperial. We serve the legitimate government.

And outside of that, it's strange but the l33+ ga|\/|inG D000dz of the game are the Jedi, but there it is. This stupid Holocron grind whree you have to master 6 professions assures only the player with no lives will become Jedi. We had no end of grief from the Rebels, and most RP types are Imperials.

May 6th, 2004, 10:28:15 AM
And outside of that, it's strange but the l33+ ga|\/|inG D000dz of the game are the Jedi, but there it is. This stupid Holocron grind whree you have to master 6 professions assures only the player with no lives will become Jedi.


This is so true... and I so would like to level my character up to Dark Jedi, but at the rate these grinding missions go, it's gonna take me a good two years. |I

And I thought it was only 5 professions you had to master, not 6. O_o *Prays she doesn't have to add more to the grinding plate*

May 6th, 2004, 10:41:38 AM
It may very well be 5. I got a Holo from the Devs for Christmas (we all did) telling me "Image Designer" was the first profession to master, but I absolutely refuse to be an Imperial hairdresser. Just not gonna happen.

Anyway, they are changing the whole system in a few months to be quest based, so that should help dramatically. And yes, you will be given credit for the Hologrinding you've done so far.

Jedi Master Carr
May 6th, 2004, 11:11:55 AM
We have a hologrinder in our guild (he is a very good player regardless of that fact :p) and he still hasn't become a jedi, and I think he has mastered more than 6 professions by now. The quest system sounds a lot better IMO.

Darth Viscera
May 6th, 2004, 11:55:32 AM
on average it takes 32 mastered professions to unlock your Jedi Initiate character. I know because I lurk at the Jedi profession forums. It won't be done in 5-6. The holocrons tell you the first 4 professions that you need to master, and then stays silent on the last profession, so you need to do professions randomly hoping to stumble upon the last profession, and there are 29 more.

Now assume that each profession takes 100 hours of semi-focused work to master. Multiply that by 32. Now assuming you don't sleep, eat, go to the bathroom or basically leave your computer chair any time at all during the 24 hour day, you'll be a Jedi Initiate in 4 months and 13 days.

Basically, Rie, it would take you more effort just to get to Jedi Initiate than all the effort you've put into your LV character at swfans.

May 6th, 2004, 12:23:36 PM

Still... i refuse to GIVE UP! I'm stubborn like that. :p

So, do I have to find my own holo, or can someone give me one?

Come to think of it, I'd love to be an Image Designer. Sounds like fun! (I loe doing things where I have to give attention to detail ^_^; )

(And visc, you weren't on last night! *whaps him with a pillow* We hooked up with Ryla and all. :mneh)

Darth Viscera
May 6th, 2004, 01:49:42 PM
that's because I'm on UK time right now. Tomorrow I suppose I'll be on Azores time or something.

Ryla Relvinian
May 8th, 2004, 02:46:51 PM
Yeah! You missed all the matching revealing fleshwrap time! We had fun at vendors and such... Verra cool.

Last night, I was on Intrepid with some of my buddies who play there, and I stumbled upon a quest at the temple ruins on Dantooine. I complted it and there was something about holocron shards? Does anyone know just what that was about?

Dasquian Belargic
May 8th, 2004, 02:48:54 PM
You missed all the matching revealing fleshwrap time!

:cry Why don't I have this game

May 8th, 2004, 02:58:17 PM
Originally posted by QuiGonJ
It may very well be 5. I got a Holo from the Devs for Christmas (we all did) telling me "Image Designer" was the first profession to master, but I absolutely refuse to be an Imperial hairdresser. Just not gonna happen.
Hang on, did you just say for you guys to become Jedi you first need to be hairdressers?

Figrin D'an
May 8th, 2004, 03:00:57 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
on average it takes 32 mastered professions to unlock your Jedi Initiate character. I know because I lurk at the Jedi profession forums. It won't be done in 5-6. The holocrons tell you the first 4 professions that you need to master, and then stays silent on the last profession, so you need to do professions randomly hoping to stumble upon the last profession, and there are 29 more.

Now assume that each profession takes 100 hours of semi-focused work to master. Multiply that by 32. Now assuming you don't sleep, eat, go to the bathroom or basically leave your computer chair any time at all during the 24 hour day, you'll be a Jedi Initiate in 4 months and 13 days.

And this game is supposed to be fun?

It's ridiculous to have to put in that much time just be able to access/play such a major part of a game. Makes me glad I never bothered to get into Galaxies.

Darth Viscera
May 8th, 2004, 04:04:43 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
And this game is supposed to be fun?

It's ridiculous to have to put in that much time just be able to access/play such a major part of a game. Makes me glad I never bothered to get into Galaxies.

Let me just emphasize how emphatically I agree with you.

Janson Star
May 8th, 2004, 05:14:04 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
:cry Why don't I have this game

I was just asking myself the same question :cry

SWG, right? *runs off down to the computer store to buy it...then realises its quarter past midnight, and comes back* Think I'll buy it on line...*loads up amazon*

What was that about problems on amazon.co.uk earlier? I might have to get my dad to take me shopping tomorrow if amazon'll be a problem...

Darth Viscera
May 8th, 2004, 05:20:48 PM
people in the UK steal the CD-key, create a new account in order to use up the CD-key so it can't be reused, then return the box and get their 35 pounds back.

make sure the store you buy it from has a very good return policy.

Figrin D'an
May 8th, 2004, 05:37:52 PM
Originally posted by Janson Star
I was just asking myself the same question :cry

SWG, right? *runs off down to the computer store to buy it...then realises its quarter past midnight, and comes back* Think I'll buy it on line...*loads up amazon*

Get KOTOR instead. You'll get a lot more gaming fun out of it.

May 8th, 2004, 06:04:39 PM
KOTOR is a solo thing, MMORPGs can be more fun because you play with people.

Figrin D'an
May 8th, 2004, 07:04:05 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
KOTOR is a solo thing, MMORPGs can be more fun because you play with people.

And have it take hundreds of hours of playing time to learn how to lift a rock with the Force, repair a speeder, or learn how to put on your shoes? No thanks.

I recommended KOTOR simply because it has a greater return per hour of gaming time, and greater return per cost of the game. Playing online with other people is fine, but not when it takes forever just to accomplish menial tasks.

But, most people also know that I have yet to find an MMORPG that is, IMO, even remotely fun. It think they're a waste of money, given you have to spend $50 on the game, then $10-$15 a month just to play it.

Jedi Master Carr
May 9th, 2004, 12:36:13 AM
Well I don't get in the grinding stuff but the Jedi thing is going to be easy once they add the quest bit in the next few months. I suspect everybody will have a jedi character after that.

Master Yoghurt
May 9th, 2004, 04:46:04 AM
And have it take hundreds of hours of playing time to learn how to lift a rock with the Force, repair a speeder, or learn how to put on your shoes? No thanks

Granted, SWG is more complicated than 99% of what is out there, but I guess you could say it adds to the realism that way. If you play a game like this regulary enough to pay a monthly fee, you have enough time to learn the basics.

I recommended KOTOR simply because it has a greater return per hour of gaming time, and greater return per cost of the game. Playing online with other people is fine, but not when it takes forever just to accomplish menial tasks.

I agree with you that the entertainment per hour is better for a quality piece of programming like KOTOR, because its simply put a a very well designed game. If youre just willing to put in a few hours of playing time, KOTOR is probably a wiser choice. However, MMORPGS are a very different type of experience..

MMORPGS got the online aspect, and more importantly; the community factor. Youre able to continually roleplay and develop your character in a society setting. That aspect IMO, allows for a more rewarding long time experience in comparison with KOTOR which is fun for x amount of hours. Its much the same as how roleplaying on these forums becomes addictive for a lot of people. Playing with a well written prescript AI may be be fun for a while, but ultimately playing with people is better. In SWG, you socialise just as much as play the AI.

Then, there is the sheer grandness of the game world, how new content develop continually, the flexibility in how you can develop your character etc etc. All these are reasons adding up to why people play these games for up to years after launch. Do you really think they would play that long if it was just a boring and unrewarding waste of time?

But, most people also know that I have yet to find an MMORPG that is, IMO, even remotely fun. It think they're a waste of money, given you have to spend $50 on the game, then $10-$15 a month just to play it.

I know there are lots of MMORPGS sceptics out there. I was one myself. I could not understand why people were willing to pay a monthy fee, or why they bothered to play for so long. Then I saw the one week free trial for Anarchy Online. I thought, "heck why not? What is there to lose? At least I can try out this concept. I could always just cancel after one week!". I played for a week, got addicted and kept my subscription. I had turned into a believer.

MMORPGS if done right, are actually real good value for money. If you dont believe me, or if you simply never tried a good MMORPG before, I suggest you go <a href=http://www.anarchyonline.com/content/downloads/tryout/>here</a> and sign up for a one week free trial of AO. I dare you to come back after that one week and tell me it was not a fun experience. You risk absolutely nothing. Subscription can be cancelled at the click of a button. I am willing to bet though, you will keep your subscription.. :)

Dasquian Belargic
May 9th, 2004, 04:56:07 AM
I'd take you up on that bet, Yog, but unfortunately I don't have a credit card and it appears you need one to have a go at the free trial. I do like the idea of MMORPGS, though I've never played one. I did play a text-based MUD for a year or two, and that was fun. Seems like it would be a simpler thing, only with graphics (obviously).

Jedi Master Carr
May 9th, 2004, 08:01:30 AM
You can get game cards I am not sure how much they cost but you can. Also there is a different KOTR is beatable and there is only so many times you can replay the game and then there is nothing else to do but take it off your computer at least with SWG there isn't that point and there is a lot of replay value in it.

May 10th, 2004, 05:28:06 PM
The game cards for SWG cosr $30 (15 pounds, I think). They sell em at the same places you can get SWG.

So essentially, they have opened the game to those that don't have credit cards.

(Come join us, Jen-jen, and we'll try on all the revealing fleshy-wrap things again ^_^ )

Dasquian Belargic
May 11th, 2004, 02:05:40 AM
question: when you join SWG, could you just join it for a month and then stop playing?

Master Yoghurt
May 11th, 2004, 04:06:30 AM
Yes, you could. The problem though, for someone who just want to try SWG out is not the monthly fee. Its the price of the game. Included in the box is the CD key, and you need that to start playing.

On the light side, included with the game and the CD key is one month free subscription, so you dont pay any subscriptions for at least a month.

Travis North
May 11th, 2004, 05:44:50 AM
You also get, if you buy the Special Edition.... A bunch of stuff and free in-game goggles

Darth Viscera
May 11th, 2004, 05:51:15 AM
don't mention the special edition! jenny's not going to spend $80 for a pair of virtual goggles

Marcus Telcontar
May 11th, 2004, 06:00:16 AM
Ditto what Figrin said. i just got KOTOR today. Unliek the mind numbing boredom that a MMORPG is, KOTOR can catch the attention of a more casual gamer and hold it.

What in the end can SWG give that I dotn already have right here as a member of this forum?

May 11th, 2004, 10:31:30 AM
The price for SWG's core game has just dropped to $25 at Fry's so now is as good as any a time to try it.

Marcus, you wouldn't like SWG. So don't even think of trying it. And you'll hate the space expansion also....

(to everyone but Marcus: howzat for verse-ray cology-say??)

Darth Viscera
May 11th, 2004, 02:43:36 PM
eh? perverse scology? :huh

May 11th, 2004, 02:44:13 PM

SWG: http://shop1.outpost.com/product/3546844

SWG game card: http://shop1.outpost.com/product/3840547

It's all at your finger tips. :)

Dasquian Belargic
May 12th, 2004, 08:06:12 AM
in-game goggles? what the

Darth Viscera
May 12th, 2004, 08:40:35 AM
don't ask, just buy the cheapest SWG you can find.

Marcus Telcontar
May 12th, 2004, 08:53:57 PM
to everyone but Marcus


After all the logged problems with Galaxies, why are people still bothering? Are you still keen to throw money at Lucas for no real return? Galaxies isnt the game that was promised, that much is clear. It's nothing exceptional and worthy of my time, that's also clear.

SWG can be termed like paying 50 dollars for a crap in a box, and then paying 10 bux for the pleasure of opening said box and takign a whiff every month. Why? even when hard core SW fans spray Galaxies with critisim, why are people bothering? Hope that it'll get better? Hope that the promised features will arrive?

Besides, this new Guild Wars thing Gurney posted about is much more worth it. Even as an Alpha playing demo

Janson Star
May 13th, 2004, 01:14:19 AM
Yeah...Guild Wars is kinda fun...you get to fight giant scorpion things.

Mind you...maybe some people like wiffing crap. ;) :D

Gurney Devries
May 13th, 2004, 02:04:28 AM
Hehe. I think I've converted a few skeptics with Guild Wars so far. And the more time I spend with it, the more stuff I discover to do. I really wanted to like SWG when I first heard about it. And then I learned that they were essentially turning it into Everquest: In Space and promptly lost all interest.

Marcus Telcontar
May 13th, 2004, 03:16:58 AM
Originally posted by Gurney Devries
Hehe. I think I've converted a few skeptics with Guild Wars so far. And the more time I spend with it, the more stuff I discover to do. I really wanted to like SWG when I first heard about it. And then I learned that they were essentially turning it into Everquest: In Space and promptly lost all interest.

I've found that in that regard, with no manual, to be a Myst type game and that experimenting pays off.

Edit : And I'm amazed that this thing is pre-beta. Guild Wars has some serious potential from day one. I only wish my conenction was better.

Jedi Master Carr
May 13th, 2004, 11:17:26 AM
I don't I enjoy SWG but hey that is me, I find some of it fun but this is my opinion.

Master Yoghurt
May 13th, 2004, 11:40:23 AM
After all the logged problems with Galaxies, why are people still bothering? Are you still keen to throw money at Lucas for no real return? Galaxies isnt the game that was promised, that much is clear. It's nothing exceptional and worthy of my time, that's also clear.

I believe you. SWG does not seem like your slice of pie. But for the rest of us, those who prefer a bit more depth and long lasting gameplay value to our games rather than the standard arcade "play for x amount of hours" then next game, SWG is in fact a very realistic and good alternative. So good in fact that around 400K players subscribe monthly to it. Many of those having played since launch :)

SWG can be termed like paying 50 dollars for a crap in a box, and then paying 10 bux for the pleasure of opening said box and takign a whiff every month. Why? even when hard core SW fans spray Galaxies with critisim, why are people bothering? Hope that it'll get better? Hope that the promised features will arrive?

Of course we critisize. This is a MMORPG, meaning the gameplay enviroment is continually devloping on a monthly basis. That allows us (the players) dynamically to influence the developers planned direction of design. Unfortunately, like many other areas of life, those who whine the loudest and in the greatest number are most likely to be heard. And yes, there are tons of gamebalance issues and bugs. I could rant on forever about SWG. That does not mean I dont enjoy the game. Having a critical perspective is a good thing.

Besides, this new Guild Wars thing Gurney posted about is much more worth it. Even as an Alpha playing demo

I agree Guild Wars looks very good for an alpha. Does not mean its the stairway to heaven or something of that nature. Like every other game, its probably going to have its downsides as well as upsides. It remains to be seen how good it will really turn out, as you point out yourself, its an alpha.

Jedi Master Carr
May 13th, 2004, 11:58:48 AM
I honestly tried playing but I lost interest I was having lag problems with it, maybe I tried at the wrong time or something.

May 15th, 2004, 04:13:33 PM
Marcus, your lack of liking of SWG is well-known. Isn't it trolling to make the comments you did? That was harsh.

Yes, the game is not what I'd hope for in a number of aspects either, but crap in a box is waaay too harsh and sounded like you were just trying to say something mean about a game you haven't played.

They are making some changes to the mission system and I hear the mission terminals may end up going away.

I really liked the demo for JTL. The controls look like XvT (it shares programmers from XvT and the lead programmer of Wing Commander, Cinco Barnes) and the ships are upgradable, with the upgrades showing on the model. There will be no maintenance fees on your ship, and you can get replacement/upgrade parts by salvaging NPC ships you destroy. The YT-1300 will have about the space of a small house and you will be able to customize the interior. You will also be able to customize the exterior colorization to make your own squadrons.

May 15th, 2004, 06:01:16 PM
You will also be able to customize the exterior colorization to make your own squadrons.


And I didn't know they came out with a demo for JTL. >_<

May 15th, 2004, 06:34:20 PM
Originally posted by Marcus Elessar
After all the logged problems with Galaxies, why are people still bothering? Are you still keen to throw money at Lucas for no real return? Galaxies isnt the game that was promised, that much is clear. It's nothing exceptional and worthy of my time, that's also clear. This was an opinion, and perfectly acceptable.
SWG can be termed like paying 50 dollars for a crap in a box, and then paying 10 bux for the pleasure of opening said box and takign a whiff every month.This was a bit over the top. Let's try to refrain from these kinds of statements, ok? :)

May 15th, 2004, 08:35:24 PM
It was a demonstration for people attending E3 run by Thunderheart and Q3PO from Sony, not an online demo. The first hands-on article will be in PC Gamer magazine, but it looked great! :)

Jedi Master Carr
May 15th, 2004, 09:55:18 PM
So you are at E3. Did you get to find out about Planets :)?

May 15th, 2004, 10:32:06 PM
http://www.coruscantcity.net/articles/E3_2004/ are the pics! and no on new land based planets, but yes on ten content rich space zones. :)