View Full Version : Here we go again [open]

The Stranger
May 1st, 2004, 11:24:14 AM
Where was I this time? I couldn’t tell. Hell, I couldn’t even remember how I’d gotten here. Just another random place, on another random night. Then again, this wasn’t an ordinary night. The sky was black as coal and there wasn’t a star in sight. It was like someone had pulled a shade over the sun and it showed. I passed a couple necking and petting as I came into what I guessed was the ‘local’ – they looked white as bone. I would have looked the same, if I hadn’t been so grubby.

The stools were comfortable, that was a good start. I shifted on the leather, making it squeak squeak under my weight, drawing in a few irked glances. I didn’t notice them – I was already admiring the handsome collection of bottles that the place boasted. It was time for another drink, but what of? I could go for safe not sorry whiskey, but it seemed a crime to leave all those vials and chalices corked.

Turning to whoever it was that had the misfortune of sitting beside me, I asked in a sore-throat whisper, “What’s good?”

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 2nd, 2004, 06:09:23 PM
"What’s good?”

The Vampire had just recieved his blood wine when the strange man had asked the question. Ambrose did not want to me bothered this night, but he knew he would be by these pittiful new comers.

"Try the brandy...Its good..."

The Stranger
May 3rd, 2004, 04:48:26 AM
One glass of brandy with a side order of disgust and arrogance, I think. I looked at this man, this albino of a man, and smirk. Not your average chap, that’s certain. Something of death about him. Smells like it too. Lucky that I’ve got my brandy to hide from the smell in. I take a sip and nod to myself – he was right, it is good. “What y’drinking there?” I asked, with a furtive nod towards my furtive friends glass. “It sure doesn’t look like brandy.”

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 4th, 2004, 10:43:46 AM
“What y’drinking there?”

Ambose looked away, all the while listening to what was going on inside of the young mans head. Ambrose could read this stranger's mind as if it were an open book for all to look upon its ancient encrypted text. The man then spoke again, and the vampire had no choice but to respond to the mans question.

“It sure doesn’t look like brandy.”

"No, this is not brandy. It is something that is a speaciality of mine. It is the only drink order when I come in here any more. It is called a blood wine."

With that, the Dark Lord looked at the man, locking onto the mans eyes with his own deep dark eyes. Ambrose could see the fear and confusion in the mans face as he looked upon it.

"Would you like one?"

The Stranger
May 7th, 2004, 10:03:08 AM
I smirk, eyeing the wine incredulously. Blood wine, he says. Blood and wine. I’d heard tales, but who hasn’t, about folk sipping from veins. Either this albino was one of them, or wished he was. I take a sip of my brandy, smacking my lips out of habit, to show my appreciation for the drink. “I’ll stick with what I know. Looks too foreign for my tastes,” I say. My thirst ain’t in the least whetted by bodily fluids.

OOC: Please don’t assume that my character is afraid or confused in the future. You have no idea how he'd react :)

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 9th, 2004, 06:35:22 PM
'I’d heard tales, but who hasn’t, about folk sipping from veins. Either this albino was one of them, or wished he was.'

Ambrose could read the mortals thoughts clearly as he stared into his eyes. The Sith Lord knew that many had come searching for these albino beings that thrived off of blood, but this person was not.

"I cant change what I am. I have chosen to accept the Dark gift many moons ago, and now I stand before you as a being of the Darkside. There is no way I can return to what I was."

The Stranger
May 16th, 2004, 05:26:14 AM
It was right out of an old horror Holo. I nod lightly, showing that I had heard the man- in spite of my predisposition with my glass. I back to him.

“Dark gift?” I ask. “Someone give you a bad birthday present?” I joke, knowing that it isn’t likely he will find humour in my words. Well, what the hell. A guys gotta try.

“The Darkside…” I muse aloud. “I’ve heard some stories about that.”

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 17th, 2004, 12:14:51 PM
“The Darkside…” I muse aloud. “I’ve heard some stories about that.”

Ambrose knew that stories were spread all over the galaxy about tales of a mysterious Darkside. Mainly amongst non force users such as this man now. People talked that it could kill you without you even knowing its there. Ambrose knew what the power of the Dark Side felt like and knew how to weild it to his ability. He knew how to manipulate it so it would do his bidding. Ambrose looked the man directly in the eyes.

"You have no idea of what the Dark Side is or can do. The Dark Side is a power of which you could never image, and dont want to, for once you start down the path of darkness, it will forever dominate your future and destiny. I know that now."

The Stranger
May 27th, 2004, 12:23:54 PM
“You gotta let me in on the secret,” I protest. I’m casually interested at best. A little knowledge never hurt anyone. Hell, ignorance hurts more.

“I’m not starting down no path, just giving the map a look over to see what’s ahead,” I add, chipping into the ‘path’ metaphor he started.