View Full Version : A few questions on rank...and Vicet-ish stuff

Je'gan Olra'en
May 1st, 2004, 05:20:01 AM
OK, here goes...

1. What exactly is a Sith Lord in relation to a Sith Master or Mistress? Is Sith Lord the same thing as Dark Lord of the Sith?

2. What exactly is a 'Lordess'? Wouldn't it be 'Lady'? Or did it come from vampire literature, since I seem to see it connected with vampires?

3. Is 'Dark Jedi' a title? If so, do the standard qualifiers apply? (Apprentice, Knight, Master)

4. What's a Vampire Master/Mistress? Is that title Force-based or something more about status as a vampire?

5. Where does Sith Warrior enter the ranking scheme...or does it?

6. What're these 'centipedes' that minions of Vicet seem to have chittering away in their skulls?

7. Where did the Vore come from?

I swear, someone's just going to come along and get them all at once...

ADDENDUM: What would you say was the best duel ever? Or at least the best that I could still find here?

The Stranger
May 1st, 2004, 05:28:20 AM
1. Sith Lord was a rank introduced, as far as I know, into only one group - The Sith Empire. It was the bridge between Knight and Master.

2. Well, some people do go by Lady, but Sith Lady sounds a bit stupid. Lordess is more empowering, don't you think?

3. Yes it is, and yes they do.

4. Differs from group to group, I guess. I co-run the Cabal, and 'titles' there have no relation to character abilities in the Force. For example, the group is run by Sith Knights - but they would call themselves the Masters of the group. I don't really know about the Shrine though.

5. It used to be between Apprentice and Knight, but with the departure of TSE it seems to have faded out. I do know Sorsha uses the rank still.

6. They're what you said they are - minions of Vicet. It's so that Vicet has some degree of control over the people who are in league with her. They're attached to the persons brain, so they could cause serious harm of they wanted too. It's a symbiotic entity - the best example of this is Nupraptor, who has lived with it for so long that he now refers to himself as 'we'. Sorsha herself, or someone else better educated, can probably give you a more thorough explanation.

7. Some ungodly hell dimension? Only Sorsha has the ability to call on them, as far as I'm aware.

ADDENDUM: I don't have any stand-out memories of duels, to be honest. I did have a good fight with one of Nichos Marr's Padawans once... his name was Dio I think. Might be wrong though.

Je'gan Olra'en
May 1st, 2004, 05:30:58 AM
Thanks. That helps quite a bit.