View Full Version : This Is Hardcore (On Hold, see ooc note)

Dae Jinn
May 1st, 2004, 03:11:07 AM
ooc -- putting this rp on hold for now; I'm trying to rework Dae into someone fun to rp as and am having trouble with it >_< My apologies (and thanks) to everyone who's posted here.

Lower-sector Coruscant.

Scum-filled streets, where the lowest of the low gathered, along with the junkies, the useless and the few decent folk who just happened to slip through the cracks.

Blah blah blah.

It was your typical Coruscant alley, one that had seen it's share of action, like so many others. Why do all crimes take place in alleys? Maybe it has something to do with the atmosphere. Ha.

My boots made a bit of noise as I walked down this particular alley, the hood of my long black cloak drawn up to cover my face. You see, I was a Jedi. I wasn't a very good one, but I had been accepted into the Order after a certain man made me want to turn over a new leaf.

Then that man promptly disappeared. Again. My love-life sucks, but I guess I shouldn't complain...

I used to be a Sith. The easy life - killing and doing whatever the frell you please. A life with purpose, even if that purpose was only to cause complete and utter chaos. Then I joined a little group known to very few as the "Lost Jedi". Who are basically Sith with pretensions. Killing for the "good of the universe". Too bad there was barely any unity between me and the other members. I haven't heard from them since, so I suppose they're doing...something.

I finally ended up at the Greater Jedi Order, and like so many others who entered their doors, got lost in the shuffle. A lot of padawans trained by themselves, got lost in the underbelly of the city, became junkies and wasters. And me? I went back to what felt natural.

So, I'm walking down this alley. There's a man and a woman there. It's always a man and a woman. Man hits woman, woman screams and cries for mercy. Man rips off womans clothes and precedes to do filthy unmentionable things to her.

This is where I make my big entrance...One solid Force push sends him smashing into the brick, leaving a big scarlet stain of blood and brains as he slips down the wall. I smile at the woman, now sobbing and whimpering at my feet. "Oh, you saved me, oh thank yo-"


Mmmm, nothing like the smell of burning flesh, courtesy of a saber blade to the skull. I take a couple of swings at her twitching body just for fun before strolling out of the alley and onto the street. I pass a few people on my way, all of them smiling at me as I walk by. I guess they all feel a little bit safer knowing a Jedi is 'patrolling' the streets down here...

May 1st, 2004, 10:39:40 PM

Tzu has been sitting outside the row of apartmens he owns, minding his own business and enjoying the night. In fact, he'd nearly gone to sleep until a scream caught his attention. Next to his chair is a short staff. He takes it and wanders close to the alleyway, in time to walk around the corner and see Dae put her saber through a woman's head.

"Hey...what're you doing back here?"

Tzu's hardly intimidating--he's only 4 feet tall, for crying out loud--but his tone indicates that he means business.

"Show your face, state your name, and explain yourself! What are you doing in my alley?"

Angelina Kincaid
May 1st, 2004, 10:55:28 PM
To the ghettos were the only place worthy of Angelina Kincaid lately. In the past week, it seemed her world had completely been lost, her life had been strewn into a mass of drugs and alcohol. She knew her bad habits would be caughtone day and she would undoubtedly pay the price and now she had.

The young Falycin Ocean Warrior turned Jedi-in-waiting, turned junkie had been on a path of destruction ever since she found her husband, River so many months ago.

River was the cause of all this, it was all his fault and the Jedi's fault she had gone off the path of righteousness to a path of drugs and booze. A few days before, she lost her daughter, Hunter at the young age of five to live with River.

She was on her last hit of...of something, hell she had no idea what it was. But, it seemed to drive the pain away from her, so she accepted it.

Angelina heard yelling and wondered what the hell was going on, she was sitting in the darkness by a row of garbage cans taking her last hit and stood to see the commotion. Some lady just got killed, big deal. If she were there, she'd probably would've killed her too with one of her five daggers, just so she'd shut up.

Dae Jinn
May 2nd, 2004, 09:03:45 PM
"Show your face, state your name, and explain yourself! What are you doing in my alley?"

I had barely made it passed the alley when this midget starts yelling at me. He's about a foot shorter than I am, and has a stick as a weapon.

I turn around slowly, my deactivated saber still in my hand. Reaching up, I pull back the hood of my cloak and smile. Politely.

"The names Dae Jinn, and I just killed this couple over here," I pointed to the crumpled bodies in the alley over my shoulder. I have a bit of a laugh as I watch the expression on his face. He could probably tell by now what I am, or am pretending to be, by my cloak. The fact that I have a saber should be a give-away. I walk towards him, each step taken slowly and deliberately.

"I think I'm going to kill you next."

Agden Ithrin
May 3rd, 2004, 04:57:14 AM
Patrolling. Agden liked to think of it as that, even though it was more like shuffling about in the dark until you bumped into something. Without any Master at the Jedi Order, he was left to his own devices – emphasis on the vice. He had just picked up a small cache of hypnocane, now in a back slung over his shoulder, and was making his way back towards the Temple. If the Jedi were good for nothing else at least, he thought, he was getting free board and maintenance credits. Already a little out of his head from a sample hit he’d taken, the Padawan was walking an uneven path. Unlike others, he had not heard the screams – he hadn’t heard anything at all. Why? He was deaf.

The sufferer of a terminal disease that would rob him of his senses and feeling until it finally took his life, Agden had become on the principal that he could put his, albeit short, life to some good use. So much for that. He stumbles into a wall, his vision blurring for a moment before he manages to catch his balance once more. Walking onwards more, he finds himself drawn inexplicably through the darkness of the alleyway. Something is calling to him – frell knows what, but he’s following, as quickly as his clumsy feet will carry him.

May 3rd, 2004, 11:48:24 AM
Tzu grounds himself, hesitating as she advances on him. A Jedi? Their temple is only a mile or so from here, not far really. But no, it wouldn't be, why would a Jedi kill back-alley gutter trash? It's gotta be a Sith. Oh, awesome, just what he needs. His last run in with one didn't end well for him. He barely ran away with his life. But this time, he has to make a stand. This is his alley, after all, and his rowhouses. What landlord doesn't defend his property?

"I don't need this," he grumbles. His legs are vibrating, but they wont move. "Move," he wills himself in his mind. "Move. Move. MOVE!"

He springs, eyes on the saber as he advances, lashing the staff at her knees to hook and trip them.

Dae Jinn
May 3rd, 2004, 11:38:15 PM
SNAP-HISSSSSSSS! Goes the saber, slicing the staff in two in one quick motion. I bring the saber above my head, swinging it as hard as I can downward.

It stops at the tips of the midgets hair, leaving crispy bits at the end. I can smell two other people in the alley -- literally. The perks of being from an alien species. I guess I'll handle them once I'm finished with Hero here. The blade of the saber stays perfectly still as I straighten up a bit.

"How would you like to die today? Beheading? We're having a special on disembowling that I think you'll enjoy.."

Angelina Kincaid
May 4th, 2004, 09:02:50 PM
Now, Angelina wasn't the all around righteous Jedi. She was a warrior with her clan and somethings still didn't sit right with her. Killing for no reason, yeah that was one of them.

Withdrawing two of her daggers, she steps out of the darkness. "Hey, there is no reason to get violent, Missy."

Dae Jinn
May 9th, 2004, 10:33:31 PM
"Why do people always love to play," the blade slammed downwards, slicing easily through the midgets skull before being disengaged. His body hit the ground just as I turned to face the new-comer. Ooo, daggers. Scarey. "hero?"

I can feel a frown form on my face as I watch her emerge from the darkness. "You know, you're just going to die like the midget here if you keep this up. Daggers won't be able to stop a saber blade, and I'm more than happy to give you a chance to run."

Angelina Kincaid
May 10th, 2004, 11:27:36 AM
"I've seen death once, Lady and I'm still here." Angelina spun the daggers in her hand. "There's no reason to go on a killing spree, now. So, why not just be on your way?"

Dae Jinn
May 10th, 2004, 09:04:00 PM
I paused, pretending to think what this chick had said other. Then I shook my head, laughing. "Nah, I don't think so. I have a much better idea."
She wobbled a bit, obviously high on some garbage she bought off the street. Her eyes were glassy too, probably pain-killers. Whatever, it had given me a wonderful idea.

"How about we go get high? My treat."

Angelina Kincaid
May 10th, 2004, 09:13:41 PM
Now, that was more like it. No reason to fight when one could party. "Now, that sounds pretty good, I just finished my last hit stick and Gray Maze. But, my hunger deepens for more. What do you have in mind, m'lady?" She placed the daggers back into their hidden sheaths.

Angelina could never pass up free drugs.

Agden Ithrin
May 16th, 2004, 04:45:23 AM
“…high? My treat.”

And in Agden stumbled, his eyes bleary. He looked up, unable to focus properly on the people ahead of him. The Force told him one of them was familiar- and the other was fatal. Fumbling his belt for a weapon, he called ahead of him.

“Who’s there?!”