View Full Version : Needs to sort a few things out. (open, council)

Azhure Darkstone
May 1st, 2004, 02:44:55 AM
::She had recieved an anonymous note saying an assasin was on her back. They had tried one and now again. This time they had targetted her a little to close and she had to dissapear for a while, especially since the police were now on her heels. She went into the council room and nodded her head respectfully to each member present.::

I have decided to take leave for a while, I don't know when I will be back but I promise you I do not stray from the jedi path, and that I will do my best to get back.

::She didnt explain. 12 murders had happened with her old signature, a stab in the neck and the eyes, and they were looking for a retired assasin. In short she was being framed and hunted and needed to get out to protect the people she cared about. Crimsonsun was now also releasing clues on what she looked like in peoples minds, and she didnt know how the hell they achieved that but she knew one thing. They would find her and she needed to bide her time for a while.
She awaited questions, knowing there was only one, Navaria, she would give direct answers to. She was packed and ready to leave. A note had been left to Matthias in his room.::

Wei Wu Wei
May 1st, 2004, 08:35:04 AM
"Very well then, Azhure. Naturally, we would like to know the reasons behind your departure, however..."

Wei sighed. Azhure wouldn't talk. She hadn't been able to open up to him, and from what he had gathered from Azhure, she hadn't been able to open up to Navaria either.

"However," he resumed, "I know you probably won't. I won't press you for the information. Just be safe, ok? And remember, you always have a home here whether you realize it or not."

Kelt Simoson
May 1st, 2004, 02:26:20 PM
' I agree with Knight Wei, i too would like to know your reasons, but we all have paths to follow, and if you have choosen this path, good luck in your adventure, my friend.' He smiled slightly and nodded.

Navaria Tarkin
May 1st, 2004, 06:33:06 PM
Something was wrong. Azhure kept her feelings hidden well but Navaria knew that something terrible has happened. Her student was looking directly at her, waiting for Navaria to speak. "Why must you leave, Azhure?"

Azhure Darkstone
May 1st, 2004, 09:36:58 PM
::She sighed, finding the words hard to find. She had almost left everything behind. She spoke directly to Navaria's mind only. Time was sparing and she was in dire need to go, if not to escape the emptiness she was feeling. She would miss this place, for she had finally found home and would mayhaps come back if the force willed it so.::

Crimsonsun are on my tail again, and this time I do fear for those I love, especially Matthias as they have targeted him once already. Also I have...been framed 12 times, if you have heard the recent reports on 'The Angel of Death', and Crimsonsun are putting clues to my identity so also I must dissapear for a while to sort things out. If I... If I do not come back I thank you for all you have done. I have found some happiness in this world, while knowing what it meant, and I can never repay you.

::She would have given Navaria a hug if she had felt comfortable enough, or said something else but she couldnt bring herself to do it. Azhure, her real name Melendrin, nodded to the council members, speaking to all of them now.::

I will travel the safest paths I can and carry the light of which the jedi have taught me to carry, and return when, and if, it is good time. Tell Matthias he has a sister forever, tell him I love him.

::With that she turned to leave, an unknown feeling in her heart, she could not place a name for it for she had never felt it before but it was heavy. The door opened loudly, unlike her usual quietness, and closed softly, leaving a tiny echo within the council chambers.::

OOC:good luck GJO, thanks for everything.

Shade Magus
May 1st, 2004, 10:45:22 PM
Shade Magus had been waiting outside the chambers, wishing to speak to the council. He had overheard the conversation between Azhure and the Council and was as shocked as the next. For the most part because Matthias was his Padawan. He turned to watch Azhure as she walked away. He knew it would be hard on Matthias. He turned back to the council. He didn't know how they planned on telling Matthias, but he would volunteer since in part he felt it his responsibility.