View Full Version : Creatures of the Underworld [open]

Apr 30th, 2004, 06:35:12 PM
ooc-PM if you are interested in being the leaders of the East, North, and South sectors. Just a little thing I thought I'd try to get my character started.

It was kind of pitiful how unsuspecting parents never noticed the absence of their children in the night time hours. Young men and women stretching between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one were restless and bound by their sires to retain the perfect behavior until they could fend for themselves, but in some cases, they couldn't help but be bad once in a while. No one was perfect, not the force-users, not the humans, nor the other alien races that inhabited the galaxy. As one whom believed in and was quite proud of his differences and imperfections, Balthasar thought to spare some of them the disappointing looks and feelings aimed toward their mistakes.

At age five, Balthasar had been left on the streets by his loving parents. As guessed, he mixed in with the wrong people and ended up getting the crap beaten out of him several times a day. But that was the life of any street urchin in the west sector of Coruscant's slums. It was not long until he learned to fight back, and in essence, kill people to get higher on the chain of command. One could say it was a gang but he thought of it more as a linking system of respect and authority. He learned that the other sectors were always fighting for power of each other and when he came into the top cycle of his 'clan', he realized that perhaps he should have stayed behind.

Never-the-less, he had friends who stayed by his side and died protecting or fighting with him. It was quite a task, staying away from the Coruscant police and avoiding confrontation with other gang members. Within every gang there was a system; spies, fighters, killers. Within every gang there was a hideout and coming into power meant that he controlled The Underworld.


Balthasar: Age 21

Women were everywhere, as always, groping and clinging to their partners in corners, flirting at the bar, or dancing on the dance-floor in the center of the large, two-floored building. Featured on the lowest most hidden edge of the Coruscant level was The Underworld, a sanctuary to teens and adults that had ever messed or had been messed by the other hostile gangs of the East, North, and South sectors.

Balthasar sat in a second floor booth, a busty red-head sitting on his lap and a blonde nibbling playfully on his shoulder. He wore his usual clothes; black pants that hugged his waist and thighs tucked into a pair of scuffed boots, a white shirt open about halfway-exposing a hairless, scarred chest that also hosted the gang symbol in an intricately decorated tattoo; and his ever reliable spiked-knuckled gloves.

Wrapping an arm around the red-heads small waist, he grinned and raised a clove cigarette to his lips. Closing his eyes, he allowed the throbbing beat of the rock/techno song seep into his hyper senses.

Dodge Spencer
May 1st, 2004, 11:00:41 AM
Dodge had stopped hearing the music long ago. It was just a dull undertone now. That was what happened when you were exposed to it each night, every night, all your life. Just like everything in life, you become immune. Well, almost everything.

“Haven’t you had enough?”

The bottle hit the table top. “Haven’t I had enough? What the frell is that supposed to mean?”

Nineteen isn’t young, at least not by the range of ages of gang members, but for someone to be the leader of a gang at that age? It was almost unheard of. As Dodge Spencer leveled the admittedly imposing figure sitting opposite him with an indignant stare, it wasn’t hard to see how he’d managed it. His face was a mess – he was a mess. A walking display of bruises, Dodge had barged and elbowed his way to the top, permanently numb thanks to a steady flow of alcohol and drugs. His eyes were lifeless, yet at the same time seemed to be filled with unbridled, directionless anger.

“How about this,” he kissed the bottle, necking a quarter of the contents, “I’ll stop drinking, if you let me pour the rest of this over you, and then crack the bottle over your head. That sound like a fair deal to you?”

The guy was big, Dodge was not. It seemed logical that the offer would be accepted, but he stepped down, shaking his head in defeat. Spencer nodded, as though he had expected this, and wrinkled his nose in distaste.

“Don’t touch this, alright?” he gave the still half full bottle a wave, before swaying to his feet, “I need a slash,” and stumbled over a group of legs with a curse, out towards the toilet – and inevitably past Balthasar.

May 3rd, 2004, 09:06:08 PM
Growing up in the streets is not an easy feat to accomplish, but somehow, and with the help and love of BirdDog, Smidget's managed to do just that and come out of it almost unscathed.

At the age of nine, her moderately wealthy father took her to the Coruscant Museum and 'lost' her there. BirdDog happened to be following the man and child with the intentions of lifting the man's wallet from his pocket, but when he saw just how easy it was for the father to abandon his daughter, BirdDog's plans changed.

After Cassie was good and scared, Daerlayne approached and took the young girl under his care. For the past decade or so the two have been inseparable and there is nothing that can come between Cassie and Daerlayne. Nothing.

Her nickname, Smidget, was earned on the streets by the gang of street toughs led by BirdDog - the Southside Dockhands. Her small size and quick feet earned her that streetname and it's stuck ever since. Aside from she and BirdDog, no one knows her true given name.

She's taken quite a few beatings while growing up in the harsh streets of Coruscant, and even won a few of those fights, but her strengths lie in intelligence so she's considered the 'spy' of the group.

Her face is pretty and her eyes are dark and innocent, making it almost too easy for her to get whatever information it is that's currently being sought by BirdDog and his brood. Keeping current of the happenings with the other gangs is imperative. Turf wars break out often and deaths do occur. For those whose lives are on the streets, their turf is all they have to claim 'ownership' to. Thus, turf is defended to the death.

Entering the nightclub, Cassie glances around just to get a quick layout of the place - atleast, a layout of what is rightly visible. Places such as this usually have areas that are off limits - unless you are certain people. She, however, is not one of those certain peoples who are allowed to roam the 'hidden' areas.

Long and slender fingers are raked back through long, dark hair and she notices Balthasar and his girls tucked away in one of the booths. As if embarassed by the public display of 'affection', she feels her cheeks warm and looks away.

Noting the bar, she heads over, crossing Dodge's path along the way.

"Pardon me.", she offers in a quiet sweet sounding tone. If her eyes don't mislead others into thinking that she's just an innocent young lady out for a night of fun, then her voice should do the trick. But, there seems to be somethingabout street toughs that isn't as easy to hide from others who are in the same lifestyle. They just know their kind.

Her perfume lingers in the air, mingling with the smoke and alcohol that has become a permanent fixture to the club. Sliding up onto a stool, she looks to the bar tender; a huge burly man who's spent one too many times in the chair of the tattoo parlor.

"Something fruity with one of those funky umbrella's in it.", she orders. The man with glassy eyes and a sadistic smile - minus a few teeth - laughs; a deep, baratone of a sound eminating from his hulking chest.

"Sure thing, pretty."

Cassie just looks at the man as he laughs, then turns away to watch those on the dance floor, bumping and grinding away to the beat of the techno blaring from the speakers.

Claudia Avallone
May 4th, 2004, 09:42:10 AM
His heart beat was irrational, his breathing deep and quick as he ducked in and out of alley-ways in attempt to lose the roar of twin speeder engines. Just when he thought he was safe, the blaze of duel headlights flashed in his direction, pinning him to the enclosed space of the dead-end alley. The reflecting tint of the rider's helmet echoed his terror as he tried in vain to skitter out of view. His eyes were wide as two silvery moons, his hands searching desperately for something to use to defend himself.

The rider suddenly gripped the right handle on the speeder-bike and drew back, causing the engines to scream out a beast-like melody. The man's howl of fear soon followed, causing the lush lips beneath the black helmet to twist upward in a sadistic smile. A thigh high boot swung over the back of the bike and the rider dismounted, unclipping the strap that held the helmet to her head. Lifting it, the rider let out a sigh and shook out the highlighted length of her auburn hair.

Avallone, look. I'll get your money to you next week. I understand that... you..

The man stopped and stared, horrified, at the bloody edge of a knife that had been removed from Avallone's leather trench coat. He murmured plea's but they fell on ears that were unwilling to listen to anymore of his pitiful excuses. She stopped his continuous mumbling by slipping into a crouch and pressing the knife against his lips.

"Hush little baby... don't say a word...'' She crooned, running the weapon up his cheek. She didn't mind so much about the money, there was plenty to steal and cheat, what she did mind was debt. It was such an ugly word and she didn't want them to scar her perfectly horrid reputation. The knife tilted, the silver light of its blade flashing in her eyes before it slammed into the man's skull.

Standing, she spun on her heel and looked back out of the alley-way, the way she had come, cleaning droplets of blood from her leather-bound hands with the man's shirt. The Underworld. Sweeping back around, she wretched the knife from the man's head and then started toward the building. Glancing over her shoulder, she smirked.

Was it good for you...?

It didn't take her much time and upon entering she received the most interesting of looks. As the co-leader of the East sector, Claudia had a lot of respect and a lot of enemies, she would no doubt hear about the murder of the chit on someone else's turf for days on end. Tilting her head, Avallone eyed the second floor stair-way with a might bit of arrogance before she started up them, casually taking a seat opposing the swarm of people gathered around Balthasar.

Tercia Atroce
May 4th, 2004, 01:52:08 PM
It had been four days now since Tercia had left Elysium. Four days since she snuck away from a life of luxury with the vampires who had taken her in, four days since she had found herself on the planet she had once called home. Coruscant had been calling to her for some time now; Kirrek had never felt quite the same as the streets she once frequented. She craved for the roughness Razielle denyed her, the simple brutality that had been supressed from the very moment she had awoken in her mansion. That life was not for Tercia. Her place was amongst people like her, people who knew the hardships of life, not those who lived life in the lap of luxury.

So it was here, The Underworld. before she met razielle, she never would have got into this place, but now she was not just a street-rat that thieved and sold her body for money. Now she was rich.

Dancing her way past the bar, she saw something she liked the look of. Drenched in a pile of women, she couldn't help but give voice to a small grunt of jealousy, but they were easily dealt with. She approached his booth, and winked at the girl pawing at his shoulder. The girl immediately jerked her head up, and pinched at her own lip with her hand - her tongue was slowly being pushed down her own throat. Tercia giggled, and waved at the girl, guiding her away from the table by her shoulder. She shoved, sending her off into a run of suprise, and turned to take her place.

"Mmmnn," she sighed softly, running her slightly parted lips down the man's neck. He was tasty.

May 4th, 2004, 02:26:51 PM
Dodge and Claudia. He smirked almost wickedly and tipped his head back, blowing out of wave of grey smoke from between his lips. His eyes opened just in time to see the haze of clove drift into the crown of the dim light above and with a sigh of sheer boredom, he looked back to table before him only to catch sight of his lush little blonde being escorted from the table. His lips twisted in a slightly confused grin, figuring that girl talk was necessary, but when the one doing the leading returned, he arched a brow.

The red-head scooted off his lap, giving the girl a haughty glare before flashing Balthasar a promising look and departing to find her blonde ami. Only a moment later he felt the bold caress of the girl's lips against the pale expanse of his neck, replacing the teasing nips the blonde had favored his shoulder with. An arm slunk forward and casually adjusted around the girl's waist, tugging her a bit closer.

"Got a name? Or should I just call you mauvaise petite fille?"

Dodge Spencer
May 4th, 2004, 02:43:47 PM
Returning from the toilet – and looking a little more distant for it - Dodge slouches against the bar. It seems like it’s taking him all of his energy to stand up. He has an air about him like that, that suggests he’s always half-way-to-high, yet half-coiled for a fight. Looking sidelong at Smidget, he smirked. A predatory look in his eye, he watches her a moment, one hand fumbling brazenly at his belt for a moment – just to get a reaction from her. Snorting and looking away from her before she can say a thing, he grabs a bottle from behind the bar – without paying – and swaggers away.

As he walks through a crowd of people, various hands reach out to him, each of which is waved away, “Alright, alright. Keep it to yourself, will ya?” he barks, shaking his head. As leader of the North side gangs, he should have had more respect, but somehow people seemed to think that in his intoxicated state he wanted them all groping him. Far from it. Gaze drifting across the people, they fell onto a familiar face – he had eyes for Avallone, simply because she was unattainable and he was drunk.

Claudia Avallone
May 4th, 2004, 03:57:08 PM
If it was one thing Claudia hated, it was trashy women and their horrid taste and ways with men; The two women who crawled from Balthasar's form were a perfect example of why she hated them. When the two returned, sitting themselves at a table behind her, she watched amusedly as they glared daggers at the West Leader's recent attraction. As far as she was concerned, they deserved what they got, they no doubt had tons of lovers. Claudia, from experience, knew that Balthasar did.

Spying the women from the bar, one of the waiters moved over with a tray of beer, willing to give the two their pick of the lot. It seemed he was just going to pass Claudia by. She had been sitting there for at least ten minutes without having her order be taken. The bar staff obviously didn't know about her as of yet. She smirked and stuck her foot out into the walkway.

The waiter, stupid little money-grubber as he was, didn't notice and soon found himself sailing through the air, releasing the tray. Shoving back with her other foot, Avallone tipped the chair back just enough to allow her reaching distance of one of the collapsing bottles. Snapping the chair forward quickly, she dodged the storm of liquor and glass as it rained down upon the women behind her; her expression remaining as smug as ever.

They rose to confront her and in turn, she stood as well, towering over them with a menacing glare; That soon turned to a grin upon seeing their running make-up and their sagging curls. "My, my what a mess you two made. Well, perhaps you should go powder your noses? Wouldn't want any fine gents catching that cheap eyeliner running, eh?''

They huffed and once again ran off, leaving Claudia in peace and with her drink. Glancing upward, past the mob swarming in front of Balthasar's table, Avallone happened to catch sight of a familiar-face and immediately pasted on an indifferent expression. Dodge.

May 5th, 2004, 06:29:55 PM
Walking back to the hideout, with blood in his hair, this was the first time in his life he was glad that his mother was dead. She didn't have to see him conducting business. When Tybalt was a child , they had some money. Not a lot, but some. They didn't have to live here, in the Undercity.

But by the time he was 7, his mother found out that they were broke. It was too late. His father had gambled it all away and borrowed more than they didn't have. They had to move to in the middle of the night. Tybalt remembered Mother waking him up. His blond hair messed up, rubbing his eyes awake. They took very few possessions and a few family heirlooms. When he re awoke the next day, he found them living here.

His mother died when he was 13. Father wasn't a role model. Uless of course he wanted to learn how to drink or gamble. When he turned 16, he ran away and vowed never to go home again.

At the age of 19, he was tonight though.

Tybalt went on one of his errands. He had given his father one extention too many. Why did he lend him the credits in the first place? His biggest mistake on this one is that he had gone to collect this one on his own. This was one he didn't expect his father to have his friends there to greet him. When he got to the house, he rapped on the door. His father answerd and let him in to the house. Tybalt looked around and realized it was the same as when his mother died. His father hadn't changed a thing.

"Where's the credits? The extention I gave you is up tonight."

"I don't have it all, Tybalt, but I will have it come payday."

"That's not good enough and you know it. I want it now."

Tybalt went for his blaster, when from behind, 2 guys jumped him and held him down while his father beat him. The blood in his hair was his own. Both eyes had cuts on them. His lip had been split open. His father had really done a number on him tonight. As he walked into the hideout, he avoided Balthasar's booth and headed straight for the toilet to straighten up. He came out when he was done and went directly to the bar and ordered a bottle of whiskey. He needed a stiff drink and badly. He quickly looked at his boss. He knew he was looking at him. Tybalt gave him a quick nodd. Knowing that he was being called over. He got up, grabbed the bottle and walked over to the booth, moving the ladies out of the way.

Tercia Atroce
May 6th, 2004, 10:31:16 AM
"Putain," she whispered into his ear, leaning her chest heavily against his side and curling over his shoulder. She reared, grasping onto his arm and bending backwards, so that she could get a full look of him - and him of her. Her dress was short, to put it bluntly. Anyone behind her would have caught a sight of two bare cheeks, just peeking under the black denim she wore. To describe her clothes as 'low cut' would be an understatement; a two inch wide rip down the front of her dress continued all the way to her waist, passing between her breasts, down her chest, and over her smooth, milky white abdomen. It would have surely have fallen apart if not for the large safety-pins holding the material together, tugging it against her curvy form in their carefully placed positions.

She reached a hand to her hair, and took a jet black lock between her fingers. She grinned at him, tickling the tip of her tongue over the silver ring through her lip. Mauvisse petit fille, she mused. There was never a more accurate description.

May 6th, 2004, 03:24:41 PM
As Tybalt walked up to Balthasar's booth, he purposefully avoided eye contact and sat behind the scantilly clad woman in his lap. He knew that had been able to clean the blood out of his hair, but the cuts and bruises were still very noticable. Tybalt knew that he couldn't hide them forever, but he would try as long as he could. He could convince Balthasar that he had gotten into a fight on the way back to the hideout.

He could cover his father's debt. He wasn't worried about that. On payday he would be following him after he got paid and before he went to the Cantina. He would kill his father if he had to. He didn't care anymore. After all, his father is the one that got them into this mess and ended up killing Mother. Even if her death wasn't seen as a murder. It was natural causes. Tybalt promised to avenge her death.

As Tybalt took a swig out of the bottle of whiskey, it reminded him that his lip had been split open earlier by his father. He winced and drank down more to make the pain go away.

May 10th, 2004, 12:59:28 AM
Tybalt reached into the inside pocket of his black denim trenchcoat, pulling out the credits. He reached around the woman in Balthasar's lap. Trying to avoid looking at him.

"Balthasar, I picked up the stuff you asked me to tonight." Handing him what his father owed him. Tybalt was going to kill his father for this. "Sorry it took so long. Anything else that you might want me doing for you tonight? I'm free the rest of the night if you need."

Tybalt just wanted to get the heck out of there. He did not want his boss to see him in this condition. He couldn't let him. He looked like a Rancor had taken a bite out of him. Being anywhere but here at this moment was his only agenda. Balthasar would start asking questions if he saw him. He took a few more swigs of the whiskey and winced from the pain.

May 11th, 2004, 03:12:11 PM

Balthasar flinched and watched the girl for a few moments until realization hit him. Someone was rambling behind him and despite that he wasn't listening, the voice continued to carry on. Turning his head slightly, he eyed the man for a second before he noted it was Tybalt, a member of the West sector and a close friend of his. He looked as if something had just trampled over him, or as he expected more so, beat the heck out of him. It was about time he gave the boy's father a little visit.

"Hm. You look worse then that chick you brought in last week." He remarked, flashing him a grin while he strolled his fingers up the girl's backside, tugging on the fabric slightly. Accepting the money, he smirked and tucked some of it into the girl's dress, placing the rest of it in his pocket. "Why don't you have a few more drinks and then find yourself a babe to spend the night with? I'm sure you'll feel all better in the morning.'' He winked and turned his attention back to his femme.

''Better be careful who you place your favors with, petite fille. For fun or for money, you're still going to end up paying back what you get and I'd hate to see your pretty face smeared with blood when one of my enemies get a-hold of you.'' He pasted on a serious expression before slipping into a smug smile once again. "Still interested..?''

May 12th, 2004, 11:12:39 PM
Blast it! Balthasar noticed his condition. He hasn't asked Tybalt what happened to him. That's a good thing. How could he explain to his friend AND boss that his dad beat him up? What a great thing to admit to him.

The chick he brought in last week? Oh, yeah. He'd almost forgotten about her. He was getting the money from her boyfriend when she jumped him from behind. He had turned around and before he realized it was a woman, he had hit her so many times, she was begging for her life. Turned out alright in the end. He paid the debt.

"Thanks, I will do just that."

He just had to pick her now. He wanted a blond. She parted the crowed. He'd seen her before. Blond hair, blue eys, slight frame and features and tall. He waved her over. She saw him and smiled. She glided over towards him and took the seat next to him. While doing so, she draped her legs across his. She began to run her fingers through his hair.

Tybalt, never had a problem getting a woman. All he had to to was wave and they came. Was it because he worked for Balthasar? Who cares. What differnece difernce did it make?
In his state, he didnt care right now.

Suddenly he changed his mind. Tybalt pushed the woman off his lap got up and left the bar. Not feeling well, he just wanted to go home.

Tercia Atroce
May 14th, 2004, 11:03:07 AM
"Oui, mon maître."

Enemies? Anyone who crossed Tercia would have Razielle and her vampire associates to deal with, and she was sure of that. Not that the girl couldn't stand up for herself; she had lived on the streets of Coruscant since she were no more than a newborn baby, struggling for her next meal, and killing for her right to live. She could probably kill Balthasar where he was sitting if she realy wanted to, all it would take was a little tweak of the force here... a little there...

She grinned at him, concentrating for a moment on the telekinesis she was making good use of. Or rather, Balthasar was making use of. Reaching behind herself, she placed her hand over his, tugging on his fingers a little so that he would cup her buttock.

Dodge Spencer
May 18th, 2004, 02:54:19 PM
He gave a little half hearted wave across the bar, and his feet were away with him. It didn’t matter so much that there were people in front of him, regardless of their size he just pushed through, or they parted like the sea ahead of him. One of the marvelous pros of being a gang leader, Dodge thought. Somehow he managed to find his way to Claudia’s side. Another draught of his drink, for courage and stupidity.

“Alright!” he yelled over the music, deafening music that made Dodge want to punch the so-called DJ.

“Frelling dren night,” he convulsed as an afterthought, virtually falling into the woman in his enthusiasm.

Claudia Avallone
May 20th, 2004, 11:44:05 AM
She couldn't help herself. The left corner of her mouth drew upward in an amused grin. Watching him intently as he approached, Claudia began to draw off the bloody, leather gloves her hands had been encased within and remove the leather coat she wore. When the deed was done, she tugged down on the seams making up the corset and then placed one fist on her hip, cocking it slightly.

When he arrived at her location he began yelling something over the continuous, throbbing beat of the music, but Claudia could only watch his mouth, his complaints going unheard.


May 20th, 2004, 04:55:24 PM
He was rather amused until he glanced over the girl's shoulder and noticed Dodge and Claudia. His eyebrows knit downward into an omnious frown-line that turned his ruggedly handsome face deadly. His hands, that now rested on the girl's buttocks, shaped into hidden claws and dug into her skin. It had been a short while since he had been miffed by the Eastern co-leader, but she had become an obsession even after she was gone.

His gripped slackened slightly while he leaned forward and rested his chin on the girl's shoulder, his teeth grazing the skin of her neck. Nipping her slightly, he kept a close eye on the two.

May 25th, 2004, 07:44:29 PM
Shortly after Tybalt left, he sauntered back in. This time in the company with a striking young woman. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear.

"By the way, what's your name. I'm Tybalt. It's nice to meet you."

As he was whispering in her ear, he saw Dodge and Claudia. What were they going to do? He wasn't so sure. He wanted to get by Balthasar and quick. To see what he needed him to do. He whispered to her again while pointing to the booth.

"Let's go sit by my boss."

Tybalt and his new found friend went and sat down by Baltasar. When the serving droid came, he ordered another bottle for himself to make the pain go away. Hopefully Balthasar wouldn't notice the new mark in his neck. That's all he would need.

"Order whatver you want, babe."

Linn O'Conner
May 26th, 2004, 04:13:18 PM
Linn ordered the same as Tybalt.

"I'm Linn," she whispered to Tybalt. "Nice to meet you."

The people around the bar were making her uneasy, but she kept her cool, making sure some weapon was close to her hand, just in case.

May 28th, 2004, 07:22:26 PM
Wrapping his arm around her back and looking into her eyes to avoid Dodge and Claudia.

"Can I have my other blaster back? Or do you feel safer with it? It's up to you, babe."

Turning to Balthasar, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Balthasar, listen I need some of that money I gave you back. I need it to take my girl out here."

He didn't want to let on that the Linn had actually put a sword to his throat and came close to killing him.

"I notice we have some 'friends' here tonight. Anything you want to do about it?"

Linn O'Conner
May 28th, 2004, 07:39:39 PM
Linn looked at Tybalt.

"I'll keep it. I don't wanna be caught with a sword in a room full of blasters," she said, feeling very safe with the man's arm wrapped around her.

May 29th, 2004, 04:40:16 PM
"I can understand that Linn. Keep it. I can always get another it I need it. Balthasar, what's happened since I left and came back?"

Tybalt said this patiently waiting Balthasar to answer him. He turned and looked at Claudia and Dodge following their moves cautiously. He didn't trust them. He wanted to get up and follow them, but he knew that he was better off where he was. With Balthasar and Linn.

Linn O'Conner
May 29th, 2004, 04:43:34 PM
Linn sensed Tybalt distrust of two people acros the room. She looked over at them, but avoided eye contact.

"Tybalt," she whispered. "Who're they?"

Linn O'Conner
May 29th, 2004, 04:43:46 PM
Linn sensed Tybalt distrust of two people across the room. She looked over at them, but avoided eye contact.

"Tybalt," she whispered. "Who're they?"

May 29th, 2004, 05:18:20 PM
Tybalt, catching eye contact with Claudia and not breaking it heard the question come from Linn. He leaned in closely to her, pulling her closer. He did not intentionally do this for his pleasure. He did enjoy it though. He wouldn't deny that .

"The man over there," He said pointing. "is Dodge, and the woman is Claudia. They are with the Eastern sector gang. Balthasar runs the West and I work for him. I've known him a long time."

Looking at Linn intensly for a moment, Tybalt had to whisper something to her. This time his lips grazed her ear.

"Just don't mention that I told you about my dad beating me up today. Balthasar would beat me for that alone. Let's not mentioning you robbing me either. I will get your money. You can trust me on that. It just may take a few minutes."

Linn O'Conner
May 29th, 2004, 05:23:21 PM
Linn felt Tybalt's lips touch her ear, and a shiver crawled up her spine. She trembled a little in his arm, and was acutely aware of how close his face was to hers.

"A-alright," she stuttered. "I won't say anything."

May 31st, 2004, 10:56:14 PM
Balthasar's lips twitched and his head tipped back, landing lazily upon Tybalt's shoulder. Grinning up at him somewhat, masking the spite that tore at his pride upon seeing Claudia with Dodge, he allowed his painful grip on the girl's back to slacken slightly before it once again roamed upward to caress the small of her back. His other hand twittered across the table and randomly plucked cash and a blaster from its wide disary before he swung it back and plunked the contents into the man's lap.

"Fine choice, lover." Balthasar teased, rolling his eyes at the mild jest. Locking gazes with the woman currently the center of Tybalt's attention, Balthasar allowed a rugged smile to grace his pale lips before he winked at her and snapped his head back upright.

Jun 1st, 2004, 12:24:37 AM
"Thanks Balthasar. Now I can take her out."

Keeping eye contact with Claudia, he knew how ruthless she could be. He didn't need her trying to come after Balthasar.

"Hey, Balthasar, I don't trust Eastern being here. Especially with Claudia here. What do you want me to do?"

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 06:56:11 PM
Her smile faded when Tybalt was noticed, her eyes knitted downward into dangerous slits. She had never liked that little boy anyway. He had been a problem since Balthasar took him in, always telling on her and keeping a close eye on her like she was some criminal. Oh wait, she was. She grinned and attempted to set Dodge to his feet, patting his shoulder when the deed was complete.

"You just wait right here, sugar. I'll be right back." She purred, snatching up her leather gloves. Slipping them back on while she approached Balthasar's table, she pasted on a seducing smirk before she took a seat on the opposing side of the woman who was with Tybalt.

Snatching Tybalt's arm, she placed it around her and snuggled against him, grinning at his companion. "Hello there, you two. Hope you don't mind, was feeling chilly and just couldn't resist. It looked so warm over here."

Tipping her head back, she cast a glare at Tercia and then smiled up at a frowning Balthasar. Clearly he did not like the attention she was founding the other gang members with. "Balthasar, always a...pleasure."

Linn O'Conner
Jun 1st, 2004, 06:59:28 PM
Linn felt very out of place among these people, and the man that had just winked at her, though handsome, was unnerving. She scowled at the woman who sat across from her, but said nothing, letting Tybalt talk for them both.

Jun 1st, 2004, 07:23:58 PM
Tybalt took his arm back from Claudia. He had never gotten along with her. He watched her when she was part of the Western sector and she was quite upset when Balthasar took him in. Why? Because she wasn't his favorite anymore. He cast he aside to train him. He had been told to keep a close eye on her. Balthasar was beginning to question her loyalty to him. So he sent Tybalt to find out some information as to what she was doing. Telling his leader everything she did. He told him everything that was going on.

Everything...until tonight that is. This were the first things he had ever kept from him. He wanted to tell him, but couldn't. He wanted to show Balthasar that he could take over as co-leader of the Western Sector.

Tybalt wrapped his other arm around Linn pulliing her closer. Pulling the blaster out of him lap before doing so. He didn't need Claudia pulling anything on them. He would kill her with no remorse whatsoever.

He looked at Linn feeling as if he had to explain himself to his girlfriend or something. But this woman was robbing him. But he explained himself anyway.

"Linn, I don't know what she's doing here. Claudia has no right being at this table to begin with. Do you Claudia? Now why don't you just scurry off with Dodge. We don't need or want you here."

"Balthasar, I'm changing my mind, I'm staying here, as long as she is here. I don't trust her."

He looked at Claudia because she hadn't left yet. "Are you leaving?"

Tybalt took the money from his lap and offered it to Linn. He whispered in her ear.

"Listen, Linn. If you want to stay that's fine. You don't have to. Here's the money I promised you. I think something may go down here tonight. I don't want your pretty little head to get hurt. But you can stay. I will do my best to keep you out of it. I promise you that." Ending that sentence, his fingers ran down her arm affectionately.

Linn O'Conner
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:31:41 PM
Linn shivered at the gentle touch of Tybalt's hand, making her feel cold even though she was wrapped warmly in his arms.

Linn took the money and put it in her pocket, but did not make any move to leave.

"If something does go down, I'd rather be here for it, and be part of it," Linn looked over at him, finding herself moving a little closer. "I'll stay."

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:37:57 PM
"Oh come on, you two! I'm only playing..." She offered, flicking her tongue, which hosted a spike, across her bottom lip. Eyeing the woman for a few moments, ignoring Tybalt's attempts to be rid of her, Claudia tipped back upright and removed herself from the booth. But not before snatching up Tybalt's bottle of whiskey and dumping it into his lap.

He made a move toward her, but she instantly smashed the end of the bottle on the table and waved the jagged remains menacingly toward his face, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Don't think you can discard a born leader so easily, brat. You can even ask Balthasar what happens when you cross me. I've already killed three women and two men tonight, I'd hate to add you to the list." She hissed, stabbing the bottle neck into the wood table they sat at.

Sweeping into a gracious bow, she returned to her own table and slumped into a chair. Oh how I hate women. And where the frell is Kyle...

Jun 1st, 2004, 07:49:21 PM
He stood up abruptly. Soaked in whiskey. Looking at Linn to see if she had any on her.

"You o.k, Linn? Did that Brelt get anything on you? I am going to get her for this one, Balthasar. I am not the brat that she saw grow up. I am sick and tired of her calling me that. Born leader? Please!"

Tybalt picked up his blasters and readied them both. He was going over to her table. Unless Balthasar said otherwise.

Linn O'Conner
Jun 1st, 2004, 07:52:47 PM
Linn had only been splashed with a little whiskey, but she saw and heard Tybalt stand, raging. Tybalt had taken his blaster, so Linn wound her fingers around her sword and watched as he began walking, leaving only she and the man who had winked at her earlier.

Jun 1st, 2004, 07:58:23 PM
Tercia found herself quickly set aside as Tybalt went striding after Claudia. He had watched the entire act with slight amusement until Claudia had began to wield the bottle in such a brutish manner. Scowling slightly, he made a patient gesture toward the girl and then swept over to his raging friend.

Grabbing his elbow, he immediately snatched him backward and tossed a scowl in Claudia's direction. "Tybalt, she isn't worth it. Don't lower yourself down to her level, man. Now, I want you to take your lovely friend.." He started, canting his head toward Linn. "And go into the back. You know my spare room? Get some fresh clothes on and then take her out, mmm?"

"Let me deal with Claudia..."

Jun 1st, 2004, 08:31:19 PM
"There she is, causing trouble once again, but whats new.." Speaking to himself as he witnessed the scene which included Claudia. Running a hand through his hair, he picked up his drink and decided to leave his spot which was secluded from the others in the shadows..he had been there for some time, slipping in when Claudia was at Balthasar's table causing trouble, so he figured she was getting a little mad at him for being late..

Downing the rest of his drink and placing it back on the table, he began to walk over to Claudia's table, his hands sliding in his pocket and his eyes roaming the area..he didn't really trust many people..even those he trusted he didn't trust..his eyes were always on the looks out..

"Hello there Claudia." His voice whispered to her as he walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, bending down and whispering in her ear..

Claudia Avallone
Jun 1st, 2004, 08:41:03 PM
"Hello, lover boy." She purred, smiling at Balthasar. Nipping at Kyle's cheek, she listened to what he had to tell her. She had sent him, earlier on, to collect from a rather reluctant customer of the Eastern services. The past boss of the East might have let such trivial matters slip, but as not previously mentioned, he was rather dead.

"When do you think we should inform the others of our plan? Do you even think they deserve to know?" She asked, looking to Dodge. "Oh, Dodge, darling. Didn't mean to keep you standing, why don't you have a seat..? I'm sure Kyle doesn't mind..."

Jun 1st, 2004, 08:53:16 PM
Pulling up a seat next to her, he lets his hands rest inside of his pockets some more, finding a comfortable position on the chair.."Inform them whenever you wish..doesn't matter to me, its up to you. As if they deserve to know, I don't think it really matters if they do or don't..but you can decide that also." Smirking slightly, he pulled a hand out of his pocket producing with it a deck of cards..taking the cards out he began to shuffle them on the table

"Personally I would tell them just to tell them.." He then began to play solitaire with himself, not really paying attention to anyone else or the man standing at their table..

Jun 1st, 2004, 09:46:27 PM
Tybalt looked at Balthasar with disgust. He wiped that look off of his face immediately. Knowing what he would say in response to that look. Turning toward Linn to calm down for a moment. Then Turning back to Balthasar.

"I will go change, boss. But there is now way on this planet that I am leaving with her" he nodded in Claudia's direction. "still here. She had no right coming to this table. Especially sitting down here with me of all people. We hate each other."

He leaned over Balthasar's shoulder to talk to him.

"Man, I like this girl. She isn't like one of the random chicks I bring in. Those are throw aways. Not her. She's....different. I like her style. Especially the way that I met her."

He grabbed his neck where Linn had wounded him earlier. Tybalt didn't need any more questions asked. He smiled. Sure, she had roughed him up, but it was fun. He quit smiling. His face still hurt from his father beating on him earlier today. He couldn't tell Balthasar about that either. His arm instintively went for the bottle of whiskey that was on the table and caught the neck of the bottle that was stuck into the table. He had to order a new one. Where was that blasted serving droid?

"Balthasar, we really have to talk about my position here. I know that I got a little hot headed, but I'm ready to take this on. I can take her on off all people. Give me 1 chance. I know what you will do to me if I fail. I take responsibility for this."

Jun 1st, 2004, 09:59:02 PM
Looking at Linn for a moment, wondering what on earth could be so good about her, Balthasar puzzled about Tybalt's request. He knew Tybalt well, it was indeed a matter of pride that had spurred this desicion, and blast him for thinking this, but he really didn't want to see either of them hurt. Unless it was him doing the hurting, in Claudia's case.

"Excuse us a moment, Miss Linn. I'm sure you understand." He added, tugging Tybalt out of hearing distance from his woman and Claudia. Leaning back against a nearby wall, Balthasar sighed and looked over his close friend. The battle, should it be carried out, would only end badly for him. He, himself, had learned that fighting with the hellcat was very stupid. He had the scares to prove it. Frell, all one had to do was look in the papers under recent deaths. Most of the murders were her doing. Unlike the others gangs who killed for power, it semmed Claudia only killed for sport. Along with Kyle, who had at one point belonged to the Western sector.

"I'm not going to say no, but I am not going to agree to this either, Tybalt. You are my close friend and what I say should knock a bit of sense into you. You are way out of your league if you go after her. Just be careful, yeah...?"

Linn O'Conner
Jun 1st, 2004, 10:03:50 PM
Linn could feel the air electrically charged in this palce and was acutely aware of Balthasar's apprehension at Tybalt's wish to fight the woman across the room.

He had taken Tybalt farther away and they were talking quietly, Claudia barely aware of anything besides the two men with her.

Linn stood from where she sat and tried to pull back into the shadows to watch, and to lend her sword if need be.

Jun 1st, 2004, 10:08:26 PM
"Balthasar, you know as well as I what a brelt she can be. I know that most of all. How many times has she tried to kill me alone for telling you what she was doing? She will never forgive me for that. This all has to come out. We never got to finish what she started years ago. I'm going to finish it. Then can we talk about my position here in the Western Sector? As least give me that much. I deserve it now that she's gone."

Looking at Claudia again, he caught her eye and winked at her. She knew something was up for he would never behave like this towards her. She stood up and calmly walked towards Balthasar and Tybalt.

Tybalt looked over at Linn and saw that she had gone on the defensive with her sword. He lifted his hand to let her know to sit down that everything was just fine. He was the one that had to do this. He had to show Balthasar that he was ready for this...Also to impress Linn.

Dodge Spencer
Jun 2nd, 2004, 08:51:11 AM
Everything was much of a muchness to Dodge. He didn’t pay attention to any singular thing for more than a couple of minutes without his attention wandering. His eyes moved from conversation to conversation, dance to dance. Taking everything in so quickly was difficult, it made his senses tingle. Or maybe that was the alcohol. Either way. Through the buzz, he heard his name and looked to see that Claudia had finally turned her attention back to him. He glanced for a moment at Kyle. It only took that brief second for the predatory look to show in his eyes, before he slouched down into a chair, still leering at Claudia.

“What you playing,” he asked, giving some of the cards that Kyle was laying a drunken shove, successfully managing to mess up the game.

Tercia Atroce
Jun 2nd, 2004, 09:49:46 AM
Tercia merely sat in Balthasar's booth, helping herself to the remainder of his drinks while he was off playing games with the blonde. She had untucked the notes from her dress, and flipped them over between her fingers, counting them for the sake of counting. A few months ago this amount of money would have been a dream come true, but now it meant nothing. She didn't need money, Razielle had more wealth than Tercia would ever know. Still, though. She did enjoy her work.

"Dum-dee-dum..." she hummed to herself, dropping the cash to the table before her and proceeding to fiddle with one of the safety clips holding her dress together. It jumped open unexpectedly, pricking her finger and drawing blood. "Damn," she yelped, snatching her fingertip to her mouth and struggling to hold her clothes together with one hand.

Jun 2nd, 2004, 10:07:04 AM
Tybalt looked at Dodge. Not believing that he was actually awake for a change. How Claudia could drag that loser around with her was beyond him. And she called Tybalt a brat. His eyes quickly gazed upon Balthasar's new found friend.

"Hey, Boss" pointing in her direction. "I think your girl is having a problem with her clothes."

Jun 4th, 2004, 02:27:51 PM
Tilting his eyes upwards slightly at Dodge who had just messed up his cards, his firey eyes looking into his for a moment before turning his attention back to the cards and playing with them, not really paying much attention to him but still answering his question, "Nothing now." He said calmly to Dodge..

Messing with his cards once again, shuffling them and doing nothing in particular with them, which was just a habit Kyle tended to have when he wasn't killing or sleeping with woman or drinking..he played with cards..but as he did this now he also kept his eyes on the people at Balthasar's table, knowing full well that the one known as Tybalt was trying to stir something up with Claudia..he just waited though, wondering if some fun would pick up..

"Would you like to play something?" Looking up at Dodge slightly out of the corner of his eye..

Dodge Spencer
Jun 9th, 2004, 05:23:09 AM
“No. Cards is for drannits,” Dodge slurred, shaking his head. He wouldn’t have had the mental coherence to understand the rules even if he had been sober. On the other hand, even in this inebriated state, he knew that card games equated to betting, and he wasn’t in the mood for loosing anything tonight.

“Well, apart from Strip Sabacc,” he added, with a furtive glance at Claudia.

Jun 10th, 2004, 02:19:20 AM
"Balthasar, c'mon. I can take Claudia. This isn't even a fight. She has been after me so long that I stay away from her and get her. I know that you don't approve, but I'm going over there. Let me tell Linn though first."

Tybalt walked back to the table and sees Linn. Wow she looks good. He doesn't want to lose this one in front of her.

"Linn, I'm going over to fight her for what she did earlier. I want you to stay here. I don't care how bad the fight looks like it's going, stay in this booth. You don't have to stay you know. But, I wouldn't mind if you did."

Tybalt began walking walking over to Claudia's table. He was going to kick Claudia's a**. That was, if she was going to fight fair, without having all of her friends jump him too.

Linn O'Conner
Jun 10th, 2004, 09:36:03 PM
Linn listened as Tybalt gave her instructions. She pulled her sword from under her cloak. She looked Tybalt straight in the eyes and flashed the sword at him.

"Don't get yourself hurt, or I will be out of this booth in a heartbeat."

Jun 12th, 2004, 04:39:42 PM
As he approached Claudia's booth, Tybalt's anger was getting to its boiling point. He had not only brought his blasters with him, he had also brought the bottle that she had stuck into the table.

"Claudia! What's your problem today? I think there's something that we need to settle here."

He got to the table and stuck the bottle into the deck of cards and into the table. Tybalt leaned over and got right into Claudia's face.

"What's it gonna be?"

Claudia Avallone
Jun 12th, 2004, 06:02:06 PM
Winking at Dodge, just before the raging youth arrived at her table, Claudia settled back in her seat with a sly smile curving her lips. While he carried on with his quaint little speech, her hands slid down her sides and to the many tears in her leather pants that hosted various types of blades. He was so full of himself, just like Balthasar had been, but it seemed he too needed to be put in his place.

Glancing at Balthasar before Tybalt stuck his face in her own, she smiled and nodded, pretending that she was listening. "You know, you are making a big mistake, little boy. Now why don't you crawl back to your girlfriend while you still have some body parts intact. But if your in such a hurry to die...."

Jun 12th, 2004, 10:39:48 PM
Knowing Claudia well enough, seeing her put her hands under the table, Tybalt backed off slightly. He was scowling at her. He was not going to back down now. Claudia needed to be shown that she was not to be so feared in the gangs here in the undercity.

"Little boy? I've grown since you've left, Claudia. So you don't know what's been going on, do you? Don't pretend either. You aren't pretty when you pretend. Come to think of it, You aren't pretty either way."

Tybalt was not going to look over at Linn at the mention of him 'crawling back to her.' Claudia would use this to her advantage while he was distracted. He didn't want to give her that chance.

"I'm in no hurry to die, but don't you remember Claudia when we were younger, you couldn't get a hold of me to hurt me when I ratted you out to Balthasar. What makes you think that you can take me on now?"

Dodge Spencer
Jun 13th, 2004, 08:12:16 AM
All of a sudden, someone was shoving Tybalt in the chest. Spencer had gotten to his feet quicker than expected for a drunk. His face was twisted into a look of disgust, as if he felt dirty from having just touched Tybalt.

“Cause she’s a big girl now,” Dodge barked. “Now frell off, before I rearrange your face.”

Jun 14th, 2004, 01:15:03 AM
Tybalt fell back slightly from the shove, but steadied himself quickly. No move was made on Dodge. He just stared him in the eye.

"Dodge, IF she is such a big girl, then why are you sticking up for her? She can't take care of herself? What a great boss you have. Especially if she needs a drunk for a bodyguard. Spencer, go crawl off into your bottle and let Claudia deal with this on her own."

Tybalt put his hands on the table and leaned forward, not remembering that Claudia had her hands under the table. He had an extremely confident and sarcastic tone in his voice. Tybalt came here for Claudia, no one else.

"Claudia, now that your little...plaything is done with me, can you and I deal with the matter at hand? Are you going to talk to me or what?"

Jun 17th, 2004, 08:34:11 AM
-Jandor cut a swathe through the dancefloor, the pulsating rhythm of the crowd slowly crept back into the void he trailed behind.
He was wearing black, nothing to flashy, nothing to shaby. It had been some time since he had done away with the Jedi robes.
He was glad.

They itched.

He wandered over to the bar, his firm demeanor set his blazing eyes out from the crowd.
It certainly helped to get the bar tenders attention.
Jandor perched on a stool, he wasn't really planning on going out onto the dancefloor; unless of course he planned on using the front exit.

The bartender turned behind to fetch his drink, Jandor reached into his leather jacket and removed a comm device; he hit a quick-call button on the touch-display, it responded by warming to life again, the tone as it dialed through.

The black liquid splashed around the ice a bit as the bartender settled the short glass down in front of his patron.
Jandor gave a slight nod to the bartender as he lifted the comm to his ear, the backlight subtley washed his face with a blue hue.
He took a sip of his drink before the line got through.-

"I'm contacting a Mr Hallward, I'm Mr Paris.
Yes,......that's right.
Yes, I'll wait."

-He waited while the operator put the call through to a secure private line; he swivled around on his stool a bit as he looked out over the club.-

Jun 17th, 2004, 02:56:25 PM
Kyle didn't get mad easily, he usually kept his cool and calm, but one thing that he didn't stand was people destroying his things and calling Claudia ugly..but, he kept his cool anyways, letting Claudia and or Dodge handle this little nuisance..tilting his head a little bit, he looked over at Tybalts little girlfriend and Balthasar..grinning a little bit, he leaned over and whispered into Claudia's ear..

"I think I'll go pay Tybalts table a visit..I'm sure you have everything controlled here.."

"Well, you have fun now, Claudia, Dodge." He said as he stood up.

Looking down at the table as he stood up, he felt his rage boil as he saw the newly bought deck destroyed, "I just bought that deck also.." Cracking his neck he looked at Tybalt with his firey eyes as he ran a hand through his red hair..he then walked past him..his hands slipping into his coat pockets, feeling the two ace cards which had razors implanted into them, he then slipped them up his sleeves..

He had many weapons, but nobody ever suspected the aces and they were his favorite, easy to hide, quick to use, and deadly..as he got over to Balthasar and Linn, he smiled at the two, taking a seat and placing a hand on his face, rubbing the dragon tattoo on his face which extended down his neck and chest..placing the other one on the table, showing them he ment no harm, but really he would kill them if they moved..or try anyways..

"Hello my dear..and hello Balthasar.." He says to them with a smug smile on his face

Linn O'Conner
Jun 17th, 2004, 08:08:25 PM
Linn sneered at the newcomer. She didn't like the looks of him. Her hand was still around her sword, and though she wasn't in the mood to fight tonight, she would, should it come to it.

Linn scooted down the seat to make room for the man, and she kept an eye on the potential brawl unfolded across the bar.

Jun 18th, 2004, 02:30:35 AM
Tybalt saw Kyle get up and walk towards his table with his peripheral vision. However, he wouldn't take his eyes off of Claudia. He wanted to know what Kyle was up to though. Although, Linn was a girl who could take care of herself. He found that out tonight for sure.

"Claudia, what's it going to be? I have to ask you again? I take it that you are a coward too?

Jun 18th, 2004, 04:24:07 AM
-Jandor was just sitting waiting as he listend to the music as he waited for the call to be putt through.
He saw the girl sneer at him.

He couldn't help but return a little smile.-

"Love you to."

-His smile took a slightly creepy turn as it went lop-sided.-

Claudia Avallone
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:04:01 PM
Her senses were running high, leaving her painfully aware of everything and anything around her. Her fingers played over the hilt of a finely crafted dagger she had extracted from the make-shift holsters in her pants. Her eyes locked with Tybalt's and for a moment, she seemed not to be listening to his comments. But then, it all happened so quickly.

Her hand snapped upward from under the table, dagger clutched tightly in her palm, and then the weapon sank into the table, right through the boy's hand. Kicking the table over, meaning to drag Tybalt down with the wood pulpit, Claudia stood and plucked one of the boy's blasters from his hip holsters. Forcing it under his chin, she smirked, baring her teeth in a devilish smile.

"I'm no coward, kid."

Jun 18th, 2004, 09:50:09 PM
When their eyes locked, he had not expected Claudia to pull this one. Tybalt yelled out in pain as the dagger went through his hand. It actually got stuck into the table. Suddenly, he was on the ground and his own blaster was under his own chin.
Man, she has grown up alot he thought to himself.

"When you have to use someone's own weapon against them, Claudia, you are a coward."

Claudia Avallone
Jun 18th, 2004, 09:55:50 PM
"And here I was trying to be nice, offering you a quick death." She hissed, her hand gliding down her legs to snatched up yet another dagger. This one, she placed directly over his heart. She continued to watch him, spinning the dagger tauntingly against his chest, teasing the fabric. Removing the blaster from his throat, she casually tucked it back into his hip holster and then reached for another dagger, her full intent to drive his other hand into the floor.

"But if you should like that I carve you up slowly, I would be happy to oblige you."

Jun 18th, 2004, 10:57:29 PM
He didn't know her all that well anymore. She wasn't one to give weapons back. Tybalt seized this opportunity to go for his blaster. He didn't care That she had the dagger at his heart. Although, his feet were still free. He put his feet into her chest and flipped her over his head. He reached around with his blaster pointed at her. Pulling at his hand while it was still stuck into the table. That was hurting terribly.

"Claudia, thanks for giving my blaster back to me. I was in need of that. Although you pretty much took the use of one of my hands. I will take you down for this."

Jun 19th, 2004, 01:27:37 AM
-Jandor dropped of the voice message he was looking to when the thetwo of them started to flair up.
Jandor was justputting his comm back in his jacket when one of them nailed the others hand to the surface with a knife, closely followed with a blaster to the chin.

Jandor's pupils widened, Jandor was always a child of violence and this was real entertainment.
If the violence spread, all the better.-

Jun 26th, 2004, 04:38:18 AM
As Tybalt had his blaster on Claudia, he began to pull his hand out of the table. The pain that it was causing was almost unbearable. He had to slide his hand up to the top of the dagger and then pull it up while keeping the blaster on her at the same time. He began using his feet as leverage and puhing. He was ready to pass out and she could see this in his eyes.

Kyle and Dodge could see it. Tybalt wanted Linn's help, but he couldn't ask for it. He wanted to prove to her that he could take down a woman. After all, she had almost taken him down earlier this evening.

With a severe strain in his voice.

"Claudia, when are going to give up?"

Linn O'Conner
Jun 30th, 2004, 04:34:13 PM
Linn was by Tybalt in two strides. One hand snatched her hair jerking her head back and her sword was pressing into the other woman's neck. Her hand desperately wanted to rip out every strand of Claudia's hair, but she knew Tybalt could handle her. He just needed a few moments to recover from the dagger through the hand move. Linn kept one eye on Kyle and Dodge as she let her blade pierce the soft skin on Claudia's neck, and smiled as a little blood trickled down her own hand.

Claudia Avallone
Jul 1st, 2004, 11:58:07 PM
"Ha! Need a woman to help you, Tybalt? You're even sadder than I thought. Guess you have me now, now that your little girl friend is here." She crooned, tipping her head back enough just to catch Linn's gaze. "And you, after I am done with him I am going to rip out your eyeballs and feed them to the nearest person. And after that, I am going to break ever bone in your body and thoroughly enjoy doing so..."

Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:07:19 AM
Tybalt looked at Linn. He was relieved to see that finally Claudia was under control, but now she was threatening Linn. Plus, like she said, he didn't need a woman helping him.

His hand was free, but there was now a huge hole in it. Standing up and looking down at Claudia.

"Claudia, are you comfortable down there? I hope so. I didn't think that I would get out of this one. And no, I don't need a woman helping me. She came over on her own. But I accept the help."

He looked at Linn and winked.

"Thanks, babe. I owe ya another drink after I take care of my hand."

Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:12:21 AM
Finally, Balthasar slipped into the fray, though it seemed the young miss had been able to calm things down. Narrowing his eyes on her, he approached Linn from behind and casually, carefully placed a hand over hers on the hilt of the blade she wielded. He wondered how mad Tybalt was going to be after he told him of the little secret he had hidden all these years. His brows knit downward in a thoughtful frown, as did the corners of his lips. "Kindly, miss, remove your weapon from my wife's throat. Lord knows she deserves to die, but when she does it'll be by my hands."

Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:17:33 AM
Tybalt's eyes widend in betrayl.

"What did you just say, Balthasar? This is something you have never told me. Is this why you wanted me to keep an eye on her all the time?"

He looked down at Claudia?

"No wonder why you hate me, you b****."

Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:27:57 AM
Gently guiding the weapon away from Claudia's throat, he cautiously stepped around the woman and helped Claudia to her feet, turning her into him. He was taken back to a time when he had first met the woman, she was no more than a girl at that time, though. She had recently escaped from a medical hospital, one they placed the insane in for trying to hurt themselves and others of course, and he had thought to help her. She claimed that they had made her insane, that she had never done anything wrong, and when he finally decided that he didn't believe her, she began to hate him.

"Tybalt, watch your language." He snapped, placing hand on Claudia's head, almost protectively, yet lacking the common gentleness that most humans possessed.

Claudia Avallone
Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:40:54 AM
Claudia scowled darkly, once again they were trying to prove her the child in the situation. Tybalt still didn't understand anything, nor did Balthasar. She really didn't want to hurt anyone, but it seemed like it was the only way to get them from stopping to hurt her. He had always been a kind husband, though he was somewhat over-protective and suspicious over, considering she escaped from one of the top mental-clinics on the planet. Her eyes closed and her arm dropped down to her sides, for a few moments, she just stood there, her hands going unnoticed by those watching her.

Her head rocked lazily on Balthasar's shoulder, she was almost content with herself for the first time in a long time. Kyle had never been able to offer her the comfort and devotion Balthasar had. He had been a good bed-buddy, as some classified him, but none other then the West Sector leader had ever loved her. She let out a sigh and then opened her eyes, and all thoughts of love and calm disappeared at the sight of Linn. Her right hand snatched up a dagger from on of the holes in her pants and with a fluid strike, the weapon found itself buried into Balthasar's shoulder.

Flipping back away from him, she ran toward the railing, but not before she smashed Tybalt a facer. "Now you know. Balthasar, I hate you for this... and as for you.." Her gaze flicked to Linn. "I'll be seeing you again.. very soon." With that, she vaulted over the railing, before any shots could be fired, and into the crowd below.

Jul 2nd, 2004, 12:54:34 AM
What the heck had just happened? Tybalt couldn't figure anything out at first. When he came fully around he realized that Claudia had stabbed Balthasar before taking him down. He ran to his friend's and boss' side to see how badly she had hurt him.

"Balthasar, you're going to be o.k. Med techs are on the way. Claudia took off. What was that about? Why would she do that if you're married?"

"Linn, grab a chair here and sit with us."

Jul 2nd, 2004, 01:01:00 AM
"Isn't it obvious..?" Balthasar winced, staggering backwards a bit before he wrenched the blade from his shoulder. She hadn't shoved it in all the way, but it was enough to leave him out for a few days. He needed a frelling vacation anyway. "She hates me." He hissed, throwing to the dagger to the floor with anger guided accuracy. Slipping to the floor, he raised a hand to his shoulder and stared at it for a few moments. So much for being a loving husband.

"Tybalt. I'm really tired of.. all of this. I am going.. to rest for a long while after this. Think you could take over West while I'm gone?" He asked, looking to Linn. "And of course the lovely miss is invited to stay as well... just.. don't go after.. Claudia.."

Jul 2nd, 2004, 01:14:34 AM
Tybalt looked shocked at the request, but knew he was more that capable of handling it.

"Sure boss. Anything you need. But I can't go after Claudia."

Tybalt shook his head in disgust for the woman.

"Alright you got your sitpuations. I won't go after her. Linn, you want to stay?"

Jul 5th, 2004, 11:41:57 AM
Tybalt looked up at Linn and wasn't sure how to ask her this. He was a bit enamored with her but didn't want to let her know it right now. But he figured she knew.

"Linn, would you like to stay here and help me with the Eastern Faction? I could use your help. I know that for a fact. I wouldn't have gotten away from Claudia if it weren't for you."

"So what do ya say?"

Linn O'Conner
Jul 8th, 2004, 08:11:55 PM
Linn sighed. She carefully wiped the slight drops of blood on her blade, then placed her sword back into its sheath. She turned to Tybalt. Her face was still cloudy, but she looked him in the eyes. She nodded.


Jul 12th, 2004, 03:38:41 PM
Thanks, Linn. Let's get him to the Med Bay and then ruling this faction. We have to keep our defenses up against Claudia coming back.

Linn O'Conner
Jul 12th, 2004, 03:47:10 PM
Linn thought quickly on what had just happened. Tybalt's words snapped her back to reality. She nodded.
