View Full Version : Ship info
Wolf Bane
Apr 29th, 2004, 01:06:53 PM
I need some Information on Vong ships. I know there Biological, but how exactly they run and what there replacement is for the Hyperdrive so on and so forth anything on them would be useful?
Next I need to know currently for the board what the average Hyperdrive system is and what the exceptional system is? If anyone has such information they can give out.
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:00:49 PM
Vong Tech = Bad Idea
As for Hyperdrives. I use a class 1 for most of my ships but I have recently upgraded to class .9 Anything from Class 3 (slowest) to Class .35 (fastest) works on most small ships. anything slower or faster then that arnt used generally.
This site will help you on the classes.
Hyperdrive ratings (
That site is by no means accurate but it will give you an idea of how things are rated.
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:05:50 PM
The Vong do not exist.
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:19:55 PM
You might want to try the SW encylopedia at Theforce.Net.
They might have something Vong there...
However I would like you to rethink the usage of this technology since not everyone approves of the Vong....
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:20:34 PM
Originally posted by Firebird1
You might want to try the SW encylopedia at Theforce.Net.
They might have something Vong there...
However I would like you to rethink the usage of this technology since not everyone approves of the Vong....
Let me be clear:
Here, the Vong do not exist.
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:22:57 PM
Originally posted by Charley
Let me be clear:
Here, the Vong do not exist.
Well excuse me for trying to be tactful and answer a question.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:24:13 PM
If you want an organic ship, you could try:
Sekotan Starship
this was the generic term used to describe the incredibly fast starships which were produced on the planet Zonama Sekot, during the last decades of the Old Republic. These ships were organic in nature, and were rumored to be capable of making 0.4 past lightspeed. It was later revealed that these ships were "grown" to a specific master from unique seed-partners which grew around standard starship mechanical parts. The resulting starship was emotionally attached to its master, who controlled the ship by initiating physical contact with it. The development process of these ships was quite intense, and the new master had to be emotionally and mentally ready to accept the burden of ownership. Otherwise, the seed-partners would reject the master. The ships were formed by and extension of Sekot, with the help of immense tree-factories known as Jentari. While not intelligent, Sekotan starships were no doubt alive, and could not survive without the physical and emotional contact of their masters. In order to obtain a ship, a prospective buyer had to locate an agent of Zonama Sekot, who would then arrange for transport to the planet. The planet's exact location was a well-guarded secret, and after the creation process was completed, the buyer had their short-term memory wiped clean to remove any trace of information on the planet or the creation process. After the disappearance of the planet Zonama Sekot some three years after the Battle of Naboo, all Sekotan starships suddenly withered and died, and no others were ever seen in the known galaxy again. This indicated that the living ships also needed a tenuous contact with Sekot itself in order to survive. The development of these starships followed the pattern of the lifecycle of a boras tree, with the seed-partners being forged into seed-disks, then annealed into starship form.
Damon the Shade
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:24:19 PM
Not going to use vong tech just looking for info on it because I am interested in how they work exactly.
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:26:42 PM
Originally posted by Firebird1
Well excuse me for trying to be tactful and answer a question.
Just offering a clarification, since there seemed to be a misunderstanding.
Kelt Simoson
Apr 29th, 2004, 04:23:51 PM
Tell me, if the Vong do not exsist how did the Imperial Factions come to be apart in IC then? I dont care ether way but the fact remains that IC to my knowledge, the Imperials were split apart by a Vong armada?
Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2004, 04:27:14 PM
The Empire was split because a massive armada was cobbled together to chase the Vong out of this galaxy. What they are trying to say is that the Vong are embattled in their own lair and have no remnants remaining. What does still exist is being hunted, albeit at a terrible cost, by this armada.
The Vong are no longer a threat here because we made them disappear. They are part of the past and have been effectively written out of the future.
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2004, 05:45:15 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
The Empire was split because a massive armada was cobbled together to chase the Vong out of this galaxy. What they are trying to say is that the Vong are embattled in their own lair and have no remnants remaining. What does still exist is being hunted, albeit at a terrible cost, by this armada.
The Vong are no longer a threat here because we made them disappear. They are part of the past and have been effectively written out of the future.
nope. i'm not RPing that, I haven't RPed that, so that hasn't happened.
Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2004, 06:13:33 PM
That is the storyline for the restart - - no?
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 29th, 2004, 06:47:58 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
The Empire was split because a massive armada was cobbled together to chase the Vong out of this galaxy. What they are trying to say is that the Vong are embattled in their own lair and have no remnants remaining. What does still exist is being hunted, albeit at a terrible cost, by this armada.
The Vong are no longer a threat here because we made them disappear. They are part of the past and have been effectively written out of the future.
That's what I thought the story was too.....? Then how else was the clean flush of fleeting done?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 29th, 2004, 06:56:23 PM
Yeah, that's the impression I was under; Visc taking a huge armada and some of his higher ups and going Boss Hogg on the Vong :huh
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:17:39 PM
If the Vong don't exsist then what happened to TSE then?
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:22:53 PM
Have your characters believe whatever they want, I'm not RPing that drivel, and I'm going to keep it ambiguous where Visc was in my RPs. A lot of the Imperial fleet is still gone, but I'm not going to write out such a silly, self-compromising RP.
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:27:30 PM
So what happened to the Vong then?
Did someone just destroy them outright?
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:29:25 PM
last time the Vong were RPed at swfans was in 2000-2001 with DarthPoreon's Vong group I believe.
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:31:34 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
last time the Vong were RPed at swfans was in 2000-2001 with DarthPoreon's Vong group I believe.
Thats not what I asked for....
I wanted to know, in your opinion, what happened to the Vong. This is critical to the fleet reboot seeing that it created the current Imperial picture.
EDIT:-Rephrased a question better
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:31:44 PM
I'm sure that was originally your story for Visc's whereabouts during your absence, Visc, and it was convenient at the time given the combined need for a fleeting clean slate and the writing off of the Vong existence in our fictional little galaxy. Everyone else here seems to be under that impression; are you saying you've changed your mind or are you flat out denying that such a story arc had ever been conjured? :\
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:53:52 PM
I thought it up, but I regret that I did, as it was a very compromising RP to have to write. I'm not going to do the RP equivalent of a solo story where I dig my own grave and jump in, as I have consistently stated ever since shortly after the common sense rules were enacted whenever the vong were brought up in a thread I was reading. I'm not writing it, and neither will I be held responsible for whether or not the Vong exist at swfans. As far as I'm concerned, the Vong were a failed attempt to create a new group at swfans that went kaput in early 2001 and haven't existed since.
The fleet reboot was a policy change which was negotiated OOC and agreed to, and while its stipulations (which I agree with) were carried out IC, its explanatory impetus (which I disagree with) never was.
Wolf Bane
Apr 29th, 2004, 07:54:35 PM
wow I turned this into war on the vong just for asking about there stupid ships. Only reason I wanted to know was cause I wanted to know what they used since hyperdrives are mecanical. I'm looking for alternate forms to go into lightspeed because I'm working on a ship for a friend here. The ship it self is not from the Star wars Galaxy its self (it is not vong eather) I'm just trying to figure out schemes for it so it can be compared to ships that are from the star wars galaxy.
The ship I am working on is nameless at this point. So far what I have gotten info on it is that it has a sort of AI running as it main computer (think Hal). Its crew is group of aliens called the Vore. The ship wasn't really a big problem until today when someone from fans asked my friend for schemes. Well she couldn't give them she doesn't really understand all this ship mumbo jombo. I know enough so i can make this ship fit in to SW galaxy. I'm jus tlooking for ships to compare it to it is reasonable.
At this point what I got is its about the size of a victory class star destroyer with an engine that has hyperdrive equivelent of class 1.0 just like the victory class star destroyer. But it drive is a bit different in the sense that he makes folds in space which it travels on. So you really don't have to worry about astrogation. tihs all i got for the ship at this point.
(Folds are theoretical rips in space)
Apr 29th, 2004, 08:04:55 PM
Wolf Bane:
Folds in space?
Might be better to stick to Hyperspace, just makes it easier for people to understand.
Ok then consider at this point that for the purpose of General Knowledge the Imperial Armada storyline is there. I understand the fact that you don't want to write yourself in the grave though.
Wolf Bane
Apr 29th, 2004, 08:07:50 PM
It will be like this. It will be folds but when I right the schemes it will be writen as a hyperdrive. considering there are many aliens races in sw universe I highly doubt that they all use a Hyperdrive in there ships.
Apr 29th, 2004, 08:17:09 PM
The only reason I suggest you use it as a hyperdrive is because:
1) Some things affect them, shutting them down.
2) Every ship that I know of, except for the Vong, in the Movies
or EU used it.
The second point is just for continuity, it's the first one that is important.
Given that most people here do not have access to these, but both the Imperial and Republic have Gravity Well Generators that do not allow ships to jump to hyperspace when activated. As long as the ships drive wither it be hyperspace or folding space follows the same exact rules as a normal ship with a hyperspace.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 29th, 2004, 08:53:44 PM
Originally posted by Wolf Bane
It will be like this. It will be folds but when I right the schemes it will be writen as a hyperdrive. considering there are many aliens races in sw universe I highly doubt that they all use a Hyperdrive in there ships.
The only non hyperspace using race is the aig Tii and they teleport. Interstellar travel without hyperdrive is basically not possible and certainly, there is no hint of anything else other than hyperdrive in any movie or reference I know of. Others may know different.
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
I thought it up, but I regret that I did, as it was a very compromising RP to have to write. I'm not going to do the RP equivalent of a solo story where I dig my own grave and jump in, as I have consistently stated ever since shortly after the common sense rules were enacted whenever the vong were brought up in a thread I was reading. I'm not writing it, and neither will I be held responsible for whether or not the Vong exist at swfans. As far as I'm concerned, the Vong were a failed attempt to create a new group at swfans that went kaput in early 2001 and haven't existed since.
The fleet reboot was a policy change which was negotiated OOC and agreed to, and while its stipulations (which I agree with) were carried out IC, its explanatory impetus (which I disagree with) never was.
a) No one said you to write yourself out of existance. Your status was 'undetirmined' so that if you ever wished to come back, you can and do
b) No one said for it to be written up, it was simply accepted and given as a baseline for the new fleeting regime to take over, which, if you look, the participants are right now handling very well without any disputes.
c) The Vong have been declared non existant by the roleplayers as a body as have midichloridians under "even Canon can be spastic" thinking.
d) I have the flu and probably came of snappy
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2004, 09:02:36 PM
I have no objection to it being general knowledge then IC that the Imperial fleet went off to fight the Vong. If anyone ever brings it up in front of Visc I'll just say that that was the line they were fed by the HoloNet via top-level Imperial Intelligence, which would explain it being common knowledge.
Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2004, 09:11:27 PM
Very well. That is sorted out.
Wolf Bane
Apr 29th, 2004, 09:49:38 PM
quick question what does ALF Shield mean?
Jst wondering got to the ship almost finished then I got to run it by the frend see if it what she wanted then run it by you people here at fans. she already has a picture of the ship I just had to do the schemes for it and work out a few things that where different from the norm.
The ship itself I highly doubt will ever be used as a fleet battle ship it will be more of a personal ship then anything so I don't think it really matters what its got but some one in a thread with her through a fit about her just mentioning it so i figured I would help out. :)
Apr 29th, 2004, 11:40:39 PM
One thing I see as a problem is its size. To build , supply and Crew a ship the size of a Vic you would need alot of resources.
More then an individual would have.
Also as for Fold Drive Systems. Stick with Hyperdrives they are the same thing. 2 major universes use fold systems for FTL travel.
Macross or Robotech Fold System. These are actually slower then Star Wars hyperdrives. @ 6 minutes to travel 1 light year.
Wing Commander Fold System. - this is like a fold drive but isn't. It uses gravitic anomalies to fold space. Yes you travel a great distance. problem. time is warped with you. it causes aging differentials between people on ships and people on planets.
Star Ship troopers use a system much like this.
But everything comes down to warping or changing Space time. With any FTL system other than the Warp Drive the ship has to enter a sub space type of layer.
So a fold drive doesn't give you instant travel like some think. there is always a draw back.
I haven't done my homework on Farscape and can not say how they handle FTL travel.
Despite all of what I just said. :lol the main problem with having a fold drive would be technology base. The Star Wars Galaxy is by far one of the Less Technologiclly Advanced of the Sci Fi universes out there.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 30th, 2004, 01:59:30 AM
Technically, Hyperspace is hopping to another "dimension" for want of a better word, it's not "folding" space/time. IIRC
Silus Xilarian
Apr 30th, 2004, 03:27:14 AM
I always just thought of it as a ship running at or faster than the speed of light.
Apr 30th, 2004, 03:45:03 AM
Yes, but an object with mass cannot reach the speed of light, for its mass would become infinte. Therefore, it must enter a space that has no mass, and mass is not a factor so that it may pass the speed of light. That's what hyperspace is.
In real space, light has already approached the speed of light, and has become infinite. That's why it does technically have mass, but it is so incredibly large that it is nearly impossible to detect, but can still not escape black holes. In effect, since it has already reached the speed of light and become infinte, all current things which have mass are actually forms of light.
At least, that's how I understand it to work. That's also how scientists are arguing that nothign is real, and we are all three-dimensional holograms existing withint he mass of infinte light, but in a way that we comprehend to be solid.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 30th, 2004, 03:54:06 AM
For the metaphysics techo BS knobjob
Basically, for the non BS version, you pass from basically one dimension into another by unknown means. The other dimension allows faster than light travel. Best descriptin I've ever seen that does nto rely on metaphysics and BS explainations.
Khendon Sevon
Apr 30th, 2004, 06:51:05 AM
A.L.F. technology is a former Galatic Military Alliance research. I'm not too sure you can get your hands on the technology. An A.L.F. shield basically generates a field that repels energy for a very short period of time.
For instances, the average 1000m vessel might have four or so ten second bursts of A.L.F. shielding.
Wolf Bane
Apr 30th, 2004, 10:37:18 AM
One thing I see as a problem is its size. To build , supply and Crew a ship the size of a Vic you would need alot of resources.
Not a problem actually she is in control of a group here at Fans and controls a army vore the race that runs the ship.
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