View Full Version : A search

Tharinye Lerf
Apr 29th, 2004, 10:18:33 AM
Tharinye looks up at the sign above the door saying Dexters. According to his research, Natia spends alot of her time in this place. Though why is beyond him, at this point in time.

He pushes open the door and enters the diner. He sorta sticks out in his suit and shiney shoes. Definately not a Jedi look he's got. His blonde hair is cut short, and his ice blue eyes dart around the diner before stopping at the counter.

Slowly, he makes his way over to the counter, his eyes scanning everyone he passes, hoping not to spot Natia since he doesn't wish to talk with her yet.

When he reaches the counter, he pulls out a picture on Natia and puts on the countertop.

"I'm looking for a person who knows this girl. I've got some quetions to ask about her. Her names Natia Elessar."

Tharinye looks around to see a few heads raise and then go back to what they were doing. He waits for someone to respond.

Apr 29th, 2004, 03:27:21 PM
Silence in the bar about anyone to do with an Elessar was the first rule for the regulars. Dexter himself, a big 4 armed being looked that the holo, pretending to think.

"Heheheh. Looks like your crap outta luck, buddy. That lil girl aint allowed in here, not after her bird pooed in the soup"

Someone, who was eating soup, looked revolted and hurredly put their spoon down, suddenly not hungry any more.

"And if yer law enforcement, you aint welcome either, not without a legal document. It put's me customers off their food, the stink of a lawman"

Tharinye Lerf
May 1st, 2004, 09:38:29 AM
"Look, some heavy charges are against her, and I'm trying to help her out. She's innocent, I'll prove it, but not if you don't tell me anything.

I know for a fact that Natia was here today already, as she was yestarday and the day before, and the day before that."

Tharinye centers his look on Dexter.

"Look pal, you know her. You like her and you don't wish harm to come before her. I'm her older brother and I was most distraught to find out that my baby sister is charged with these things. I'm trying to find a way to prove her innocence so she won't be found guitly and end up either rotting in prison or dead.

So, are you going to help me or am I going to have to get the law enforcement here to search the place for hiding criminals."

Tharinye straightens his person slightly, looking completely serious. And if he has to, he shall get this place searched.