View Full Version : To Save my Child (Marcus)

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 28th, 2004, 07:38:43 PM
Lost Padawan learner, Quay'Na Rakai-Scott parted ways from Kack Mebuff in mid-afternoon after her appointment.

He offered to take her back to her condo, but she told him she wanted to go take a walk in the park not to far away.

Many, many thoughts were going through her mind, as she walked slowly down the sidewalk feeling the rush of emotions from everyone around her. Not many paid much attention to her, some took note to the two sabre's hooked to her belt and continued on in a hurried fashion.

Quay took her time, for she wasn't supposed to be doing any strenous activity, walking didn't seem too strenous. The Padawan was still in somewhat of a shock, to think that at any moment with one wrong move...she could die.

"...if your womb ruptures, you'll bled to death..." There were so many mixed emotions of this, part of her didn't care if it did happen, it would be a means to end all the hurt and pain she had been in.

But, there was the other part of her that wanted this child, be it her only child, she would love it, care for it and do everything she could to keep it.

Anthony came into her thoughts so many times, she wouldn't ever forget the hurt look he had in his eyes, when she told him she was going to keep the child. God, what was happening, why was her life in such a mess?

Quay'Na entered the small park and walked a ways in and found a secluded bench and took a seat. A playground was not to far away and the Padawan watched children play and enteract with their parents. She wondered deeply what was in store for her and her child, would there be times like these? Would Anthony want to join in as well?

Quay sighed, he would have to be told of her condition as well as Marcus, but she planned to go to Marcus first.

Coronet. Why does have to be Coronet? She asked herself and closed her eyes,

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 09:36:07 PM
The first way Quay would know she had been followed was a large black cat, wlaking as bold as can be across the park, up to where she sat and then, just as boldly and as if it belonged there, onto her lap.

The enxt was a shabby old man, dressed in rags, a bottle of booze in one broken and dirty claw. He shuffled to the same bench, before sitting down and talking a hit from the bottle - of somethign that smelt like paint thinners and probably tasted worse.

"HOOOEWEY! That's put em hair on der chest!" he wheezed loudly.

"You should learn to keep your thoughts more shielded" came Marcus' voice from the hobo against all probabilities. "Even when I do not try to intrude, I sense your thoughts clearly. I would be askign the same question too"

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 29th, 2004, 04:26:10 AM
Quay'Na opened her eyes when the cat called 'Stig' jumped on her lap. It was only a few moments later, she felt the presence of her master and then saw him dressed as a hobo as he took a seat beside her.

She pet Stig and answered Marcus without looking at him. "I shall work harder on that, Master." She paused for a moment.

"I have to go to Coronet, Master. It seems it's the only place I can go to insure I'll be able to have my baby. The situation my baby and my body are in, isn't good. It's not good at all."

Quay'Na looked back out at the children and sighed deeply.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 29th, 2004, 06:54:20 AM
"I wouldnt call Coronet the wisest of places to go, Padawan, your life in danger or not. I'd be cautious about that Sith controlled sytem and you know how powerful and skilled I am. I'd not tread there unless I had a pressing urgency. Why Coronet? Why is this the only place you can go? what medical facility can there be on that planet that there is not here? It can not be an issue of payment, you know the Lost can afford treatment. So tell my why there"

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 29th, 2004, 04:00:40 PM
"I'm originally from Corellia and my doctor is there, he's a specialist. He's known for many years that I would have to go there to have this procedure and I was prepared to do it."

She paused and rubbed behind Stig's ear. "Only now, this pregnancy has made the issue worse. My womb is not strong enough to carry this child and if it tears...I'm as good as dead."

A tear fell and she quickly wiped it away. "I asked if my doctor could come here and he said, there was just no way and I needed to make arrangements to get to Corellia in the next day or so. My pregnancy is on emergency status..."

Quay'Na looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I can't lie to you, Master. I'm scared. I would rather face a Sith warrior than this. I don't want to die or have my baby die and I've yet to tell my husband."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 30th, 2004, 03:40:40 AM
"Oh dear"

The cat meowed, Marcus seemed to concentrate for a moment.


Quay-hawk not happy

I know.

She's troubled about kitten she has

You can tell?

It's easy to know. Quay-Hawk has kitten and is worried.

Your the one that spied when she was in the building. Yes, I know.

"I guess The Preacher's going to Coronet" he said out loud.

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 30th, 2004, 03:54:36 AM
The Padawan leaned back and sighed deeply. "My husband will probably want to come too, if that's alright. I can't see him not coming even if this isn't his child, I'm still his wife."

She was quiet for a few moments. "Master, how does one cope with something like this? I want to be strong and yet everything seems to want to pile up against me."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 30th, 2004, 05:26:21 AM
"How am I to answer that? I do not see the future liek other Jedi do. All I can tell you is about 6 weeks ago, I came back to this planet beset with all sorts of problems and with rumour Helenias would die. The next morning... I was a father. Who knows what may come, but you will find your strength"

Quay'Na Rakai
Apr 30th, 2004, 02:22:47 PM
"It's strange how one finds their strength, I know I will. It's just found in the darndest moments, isn't it? When one thinks there is no hope at all. I have to be strong, this little one is counting on it." She said as she placed her hand on her abdomen and felt the little life growing there through the Force.

About that time, Quay's comm chimed. "Yes?" She answered.

"Mrs. Rakai-Scott, this is Dr. Nitara's office. You're to be that the West Coronet OB/G Clinic the day after tomorrow at 6am. Your testing will be done first and the surgery will take place either late in that morning or early afternoon. No food or drink twelve hours before. Directons to the clinic will be provided on the holonet under your doctors name."

"Thanks." She said solemnly and clicked off. Quay'Na sat there, her mind going through the motions of acceptance, everything was happening so quickly.

Marcus Telcontar
May 1st, 2004, 01:38:33 AM
"Like to see you get to Coronet by then" Marcus stated quietly.

Quay'Na Rakai
May 1st, 2004, 07:57:25 AM
Quay'Na nodded. "I'll be there, Master. But, I need to go talk to Anthony first and I'm sure he'll be joining us. Would be a good time for you to meet him, I suppose. When should we leave to get there on time, Master?"