View Full Version : Force Divided(Complete)
imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 01:14:24 PM
*Natia was being driven nuts on Coruscant. One can take only so much of the city planet before going nuts. And well, she'd reach that limit. She'd packed her bags, left messages to family and friends saying that she's going to be gone for awhile, and away she went.
Two days later, she gets off the public transport on a backwater planet, away from all the hustle and bustle that's been her life lately. She's taken a few weeks for herself, to relax, and let herself get sane again so she can deal with the beuracacy of the GJO again.
Her hair's tied back in a braid, including her white lock. It's been a couple of years for her since she got black hair and brown eyes. She was born with blonde hair and ice blue eyes. Yes, she's definately seperate from her birth family now. She's an Elessar. Her Grandfather is none other then Marcus Elessar himself.
Today she's dressed in her black bodysuit with black boots and black gloves. A lightsaber's clipped to her belt. Around her shoulders is a hooded cloak, the hood's down. As she makes her way away from the spaceport, she watches those around her, going about their everyday lives, totally unaware of a Lost Jedi amongst them.
And she truly is Lost. For one thing, she doesn't pay strict attention to the Jedi Code, and she wants revenge. The one emotion that has stuck with her for years. Revenge. And someday she shall get it. But at the rate things are going, it's gonna be awhile. Perhaps she shall never get her revenge. And she won't if the Jedi ever find out about her desire.
A smile dances across her face as she thinks back to her many times of enjoyment which she's had lately. She's got a nice sized family now which all of them love her. As well as accepting her. She gets lost in her thoughts as she walks through this small city, trying to decide which hotel she shall stay in*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 28th, 2004, 01:38:05 PM
Amongst the crowd, a figure was clad in black and moved through the market place in search of various trinkets. Such out of the way planets had a knack for rare goods from exotic foods to transponder jamming equipment. Such planets were also quite accessible from Meras.
Dalethria had just returned home from a well deserved kidnapping by Sorsha. Needless to say, the Dark Mistress needed more then a slight slap upside the head to dispel the cloud of depression that caused her to grow weak and pathetic. She had become a homebody, bound by invisible chains of her own making. It finally had grown serious enough that her Sister caused an intervention...
She paused in her musings, setting down a bag of spice, realizing that Milivikal and Blade still needed to be thanked properly for their parts in taking her down. Especially the Siren. She was the deciding factor. If it wasn't for her, Dalethria probably would never have made it to Ch'hodos. So, was Dalethria to thank her for beating the hell out of her or to thank her for helping to heal her.
Either way there would be pain.
"Hmm?" There was something in the air that caught the Mistress' attention. It was the sweet feeling of vengeance and despair that seemed awfully familiar. She couldn't quite put her finger on where she had felt this. Curiosity needed to be sated. The Sith wrapped the cloak around her tightly and went off in search of source.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 01:48:07 PM
*Natia comes out of her thoughts as she's walking through a market place. A smile touches her face as she sees where she is. She starts to browse amongst the various stalls, looking at this trinket and that. This happiness lasts only a couple of minutes as memories of the market on her homeworld come flooding into her mind.
With a sharp throw and a slight look of anger in her eyes, she tosses the trinket in her hand down to the table and turns to leave the market. She needs to find herself a hotel to stay in. Whether she stays on this planet or not will be decided later, but tonight at least, she's going to be here.
A few quick moments later, and she's out of the market, in a street making her way towards the end where there looks to be a nice hotel*
Might as well try there. It's as good as any I guess.
*Natia grips her bag even tighter as she makes her way down the street towards the hotel*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:26:36 PM
There it was again. A sharp spike of anger again that was oddly familiar. Dalethria sharply turned towards it, tracing it easily towards the other end of the marketplace only to find out that the cause of the disturbance was a Jedi.
She grinned, recognizing this one. The young Jedi Natia Elessar who was still full of anger and vengeance. Dalethria could almost hear the girl's mind screaming for retribution. She took a moment to look around the immediate area and couldn't spy any other Jedi, which was strange. Why would they allow such impressionable youth to wander around such places unattended, Dalethria would never understand. What she did know, unwillingly from Navaria, was Natia had yet to overcome her feelings over her childhood. Her upbringing was horrific and the child craved to follow her feelings to dispose of those that caused her grief.
And why shouldn't she?
Slowly the Sith followed the young Jedi, keeping a safe distance behind Natia until their was a break in the crowd. Dalethria pulled down her hood and spoke curiously, "Such anger possesses you and yet, there is nothing you can do about it." Natia knew that voice. It was Navaria's but something was off in the tone of it.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:38:10 PM
*Natia spun around when she heard, what she thought was Navaria's voice, but not Navaria's. She takes a deep breath to calm her mind of the thoughts that have been troubling her*
I believe you to be mistaken. Anger does not possess me, for I have nothing to be angry about.
*Natia keeps her body language composed and calm, as if she is not angry and that she has nothing to be angry about*
Might I inquiry why you are following a person who is on a... an assignment.
*Natia enquires softly, doing her best to keep her thoughts under control so as to show a complete calm front. She knows that she's telling a lie, but she's not about to say that she's on vacation right now*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:47:34 PM
She folded her arms in front of her chest and stood there, eyeing Natia, "Really? Nothing at all to be upset about. Interesting." Dalethria knew that the assignment was a lie as well. She'll give Natia credit. The girl was going a good job to hide the turmoil inside her. She was the perfect picture of a calm and proper Jedi.
The Sith knew better. "Then why was it you graced my home at one time, being trained by my beloved daughter Taja?" She smiled, "Yes, I remember you well, Natia."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:56:26 PM
Perhaps I was young and foolish at the time. Not knowing what I was doing and hurting. When none help when you hurt, you naturally turn to the first one who does help.
*Natia says, thinking back to when she first met Dalethria*
Or perhaps I believed that...
*Natia's voice trails off, knowing the foolishness of saying something that isn't true*
I was young, and I was hurting. I wanted to hurt those that had hurt me and the Jedi were not offering me the chance because that is not the Jedi way. I have since seen the error of my ways and am living quite happily with the Jedi of the Order now.
*Natia does not voice the fact that she wishes to kill one person in particular. The one that arrested her Mother Xazor and put her on the run*
Yes, I do remember you as well Dalethria. You accepted me into your home and made me feel welcome. And for that, I am thankful.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 28th, 2004, 03:49:37 PM
Dalethria was a bit baffled. Natia was trying too hard to appease her and hide her true feelings. The young Jedi was lying to her. "Really? You're happy and content with how life's been treating you?" She could tell the truth from Natia's eyes but the girl was still defiant.
She regarded the girl and smiled, "Natia, dear. You're feelings betrayed you since you step foot upon this planet. It was how I found you so easily. If the situation was different we'd be fighting against one another as enemies." Then her eyes turned soft, almost like Navaria's, "But it doesn't have to be that way. You don't have to keep running away from the Jedi because of what you want. It is your right to demand retribution and I can help you again ... If you let me."
The Sith took a step forward, testing the waters, "I know part of the reason you left me was because of Taja's disappearance. I apologize for that but I can rectify her mistake in letting you go."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 03:59:02 PM
No, I'm not happy and content with how life's treating me. Partially I am because I have a wonderful family which accepts me for who I am.
As for you finding me easily, you used the Force. With it, you can locate individual ppl. And I'm not running away from the Jedi. Retribution will come when it's ment to come, not before.
*Natia says the last bit, knowing it's not true*
Perhaps if Taja hadn't have disappeared, I'd be a Darksider right now instead of a Jedi. But it's the past.
*Natia turns and starts walking towards the hotel, motioning for Dalethria to walk with her. That right there says she's willing to listen*
How could you help me get retribution??
*Natia questions, happy that she's away from her family for now*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 29th, 2004, 01:59:02 PM
Dalethria growled softly, narrowing her eyes in disgust that she was wasting her time with this lowlife Jedi. All the talking was getting no where. Natia wouldn't listen. Why was she doing this? There was no point!
The sabre at her side sprang to life within her grasp and quickly Dalethria closed the distance between them. Before the young Jedi could react, her head was lopped off in one fluid motion...
She blinked, realizing that Natia was still waiting for her and replied as if nothing was wrong, "You said that retribution would come when it was time. I mean," she shrugged, "you waited this long, what is ten or twenty or more so years to wait. Granted, that's if your father is even alive so you could see justice done. There is no taking into account all the other possible ways he could die before you personally could reach him." She pursed her lips, "Not a very satisfying I would think."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 30th, 2004, 09:03:36 AM
But my biological Father is dead. I killed him when I was four. It's my legal guardian that I want to kill now.
*Natia replies while her thoughts wonder why she's talking about this to Dalethria. She shouldn't even be thinking of killing anyone. Killing isn't the Jedi way and she is a Jedi Padawan right now. And not apprenticed to just anyone either*
No, it wouldn't be very satisfying to know that he died before I could kill him. I want to hear him beg for mercy, to make it end so he won't have to suffer anymore. Then I'd just smile and continue making him suffer more.
*Natia's eyes get a glow in them as she says this, as if she knows exactly what she's going to do when she finds her legal guardian. And she does know since she's thought long and hard on it.
Right now, she's not to concerned about being the proper Jedi since there are none around and she doesn't think that Dalethria will tell others what she's saying. And if she does, who will they believe, a Sith or a Jedi. A slight smile touches her lips again at this thought*
Perhaps I don't want to wait for retribution to come. Yes, it will come on it's own time, but truthfully, I'm done with waiting. He took my childhood away, and almost my life. I'll take his life away.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Apr 30th, 2004, 10:20:33 AM
"Ah, my apologies for assuming incorrectly." This was delicious news. Natia already had blood on her hands from killing her father. Now she wanted more and the more Natia talked, the wider the smile grew on Dalethria's face. Not due to the fact that she was winning, it was out of understanding the need the Padawan was craving. And that look in her eye as she talked about her guardian. Years of devilish thoughts were behind those eyes waiting to be unleashed.
"And I'll be there to help you. It makes me sick when parents, or guardians in your case, abuse their children in any form." Her thoughts led back to her own daughter and her features softened. She was safe on Ch'hodos with her Sister. Safe with Sorsha. It was a thought she would not have fathomed after her Sister made her believe that Aliandra was lost to her. Sorsha, Blade and Milivikal were lucky to be alive after that stunt. "Oh yes, I can think of many ways to make people suffer if they ever laid a hand upon my daughter in any fashion."
The hotel was only a few more meters ahead when Dalethria stopped, "And that's why I want to help you. You deserve what you want because what happened to you was wrong. People like that deserve to die, the cowards that they are."
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 1st, 2004, 09:00:15 AM
*Natia stops along side of Dale and looks up at her since she still hasen't finished growing*
Both my real Father and legal guardian abused me. All I wanted when I was younger was to have a normal life. Even today I'm still affected by what happened to me and I continue praying that I don't get attacked when I'm tired.
*Natia stops talking for a moment, wondering why she just told Dalethria that bit about her not wanting to be attacked when she's tired*
I don't think my family would understand if I went out to seek revenge on my legal guardian. Revenge is of the Darkside, and I'm a Jedi. I do not seek revenge even if that is what I truly want. The code stops it.
*Natia thinks of what she would do to those that harmed her family, and Leten. They'd get worse then what she plans for her legal guardian*
And how exactly would you help me??
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 1st, 2004, 06:25:05 PM
"The Jedi Code." She shrugged, "Well, yes. True. It does prevent you from seeking revenge, but only because you abide by it."
The girl was conflicted, looking for an excuse to tell Dalethria to bugger off and to find a way to accept what she was telling her. She just had to keep the interest and steer Natia closer to her desires. "I offer you the means to get your vengeance, and the certainty that no one will ever know what has occurred. Your family, nor the Jedi, shall ever hear of it."
Dalethria knew that Natia wasn't believing her. She was a Sith after all. Who would believe the word of a Sith? Those fears needed to be quelled. "Even if I did say anything to them, they never would believe me anyway." She raised her brow, waiting affirmation, "Right?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 2nd, 2004, 10:40:41 AM
*Natia looks at Dalethria with interest when she says that she can gaurentee that neither the Jedi or her Family would find out. Surprisingly enough though, a small part of her is believing Dalethria*
True, it would be your word against mine.
*Natia does hold a bit of respect for Dalethria from when she was younger and first met her. One reason why she's willing to listen to what is being said*
I only have a short amount of time right now before I need to return to the Order. You have that much time to convince me of what you say.
*Natia's not saying exactly how long she's got before her vacation is over*
But please do keep in mind, I'm needing time to relax. I've been on a stinking planet for quite awhile now.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 3rd, 2004, 10:51:07 AM
"Well, if you need to relax." She waved a hand towards a small cafe that was near. "I suggest that? Unless you rather have this discussion in private in your hotel room. I completely understand."
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 3rd, 2004, 10:59:47 AM
First I'd need to get my hotel room, but if you're willing to wait until I've gotten one, I'd rather this discussion be private.
*Natia says. But what was she doing. Willingly letting a Sith keep her company, even one who she associated with years ago. That just might be it. She does hold a bit of respect for Dalethria because of her association with her when she was younger. Youngsters are very impressionable, even at age 14 which she is.
She starts walking again towards the hotel, wanting to just put her feet up and talk. After walking the few short meters, she enters the hotel and goes to the front desk, asking for a room and says that she doesn't know how long she's staying. After payment for two nights, the minimum which she can get away with because of her uncertainty, she's handed a key and told the room number which she's got*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 3rd, 2004, 11:56:02 AM
Dalethria stayed outside, sitting on one of the benches while Natia took care of the arrangements. She didn't want to crowd the child or seem overly eager. Things were going smoothly as long as Dalethria kept Natia's interest.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 3rd, 2004, 12:02:22 PM
*Natia walks up to her room, unlocks the door and steps in. It's a rather nice room, well for the price that she paid for it, it better be nice. She places her small travel bag on the floor by the door and looks around. A nice comfortable looking bed, a couple of chairs, and a few others things are around the room. The bathroom is off to one side and opposite of the bathroom is a kitchenette.
Using the Force, she picks up her bag and places it beside the bed before using telepathy to inform Dalethria of the room number and that she can feel free to come up if she wants to*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 3rd, 2004, 12:54:38 PM
That didn't take long, she mused to herseld and headed into the hotel. Natia had good taste since the building look as good on the inside as it did outside. Must be nice leeching off of Granddaddy's money.
After taking the lift and turning down several corridors, Dalethria knocked on the door to the Jedi's room. She would have just let herself in by the door was closed.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 3rd, 2004, 01:01:18 PM
*Natia glances slightly at the door and uses the Force to open it. She's standing by the window looking outside. The view is overlooking the city, mainly the market though*
Come on in and close the door behind you.
*Natia fully turns to look at Dalethria as she enters*
It's nice to get off of Coruscant. Been cooped up there for far to long.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 4th, 2004, 11:55:56 AM
She complied and took off her cloak, placing it neatly over the back of the nearest chair. "Getting off of Coruscant is always a good thing for anyone. The city is packed full of beings with no true open space; since that is overcrowded with ships. "
Dalethria paused and looked at Natia seriously, "Honestly, I could talk until I was blue in the face, but only you can tell me how I can convince you that what I speak of is truth."
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 4th, 2004, 03:21:13 PM
There should be a maximum number of ppl allowed on Coruscant at any given time. That would cut down on the number of ppl there and give us all a bit more room.
*Natia walks over to a chair and sits down in it*
But if I were to tell you how to convince me that you speak the truth, then you would do just as I told you to do, and that would mean nothing. You need to prove to me that you speak the truth.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 5th, 2004, 10:06:58 AM
"Then we have a dilemma." Dalethria found a place to sit on the couch and rested a leg on top of the other to get comfortable. "Considering what you want, everything that needs to be done would have to be subtle. If you wish for training, it doesn't have to be on Meras. That could be easily tracked if we weren't careful if the Jedi grew suspicious. There are plenty of places in the galaxy we could meet.
Then of course there is the importance of getting you onto your homeworld. False identification is easily managed, not to mention this." She reached into her jacket and pulled out ... something. Natia couldn't tell what it was, but Dalethria threw the object towards her. When the Padawan caught it, she was surprised to see a sheathed dagger. "That is from my personal collection. Those that know me, know that weapon intimately. The hilt is metal, but the blade itself is made from a special crystal. When the blade plunges into the skin, you break off the hilt and an extremely nasty poison enters the body of the victim." She grinned wickedly, "Death is excruciating and can last for hours depending on how potent the poison is."
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 5th, 2004, 12:22:11 PM
*Natia catches the dagger and looks at it as Dalethria explains it. She studies it rather closely, a slight smile on her face as she hears what it can do*
I hope never to have to experience that.
As for getting onto my homeworld, that can be done easily, even without false identification.
*Natia looks up from the dagger and looks at Dalethria*
Now, why should I let you train me??
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 5th, 2004, 12:30:54 PM
She conceded to Natia's point about her homeworld. The child would know her home best, but Dalethria didn't want to leave any of her resources out for the Padawan.
As to her question about training, it caused a devilish grin to spread along her face. "Because, you're going to have to learn how to use that weapon in order to make it seem like I was the one that caused your legal guardian's death." She grew silent then, letting the meaning behind those words sink in.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 5th, 2004, 12:39:20 PM
*Natia nods her head slightly. Yes, that is a logical explanation on why she should let Dalethria train her a bit. It would actually be good if her legal guardian's death wasn't pinned on her, but on someone else*
You have a very good point there. I think I like it.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 6th, 2004, 09:51:34 AM
Her grinned turned softer, "I'm glad that you like it. Does that mean you wish to go through with it? I wouldn't want to presume anything, Natia. Would be rude of me."
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 6th, 2004, 09:58:08 AM
*Natia is silent for several minutes while thinking on what Dalethria said. Revenge against her legal guardin is so close now, that if if was possible for her to smell it, she would be*
Yes. It does mean that I wish to go through with it but the Jedi must never find out.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 6th, 2004, 11:10:45 PM
"Of course not." She held out her hand, "Which is why you must give me back the dagger. For now. If you were caught with it...." Dalethria eyed Natia knowing that the Padawan was smart enough to figure out the rest. If she went back to Coruscant with that weapon and the Jedi found it on her person, Natia would have some explaining to do. No one would believe that the young Padawan could have gotten away from Dalethria unscathed with one of her precious weapons.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 7th, 2004, 10:33:42 AM
*Natia understands the logic of giving the dagger back to Dalethria since she would have more explaining to do if she were caught then she would want. With obvious reluctance, she hands the dagger back*
You're right. If I was caught with it, I would have a hard time explaining myself to the Jedi. To be truthful though, I wouldn't explain myself to them. I would try and find a way to explain myself to my Grandpa, but no one else.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 10th, 2004, 10:43:30 AM
"Well regardless of that, I'd rather not have that situation come up." Dalethria placed the dagger back into the inside jacket pocket. "The Jedi would get suspicious and we don't want that after all.
This on the other hand won't pose a problem." She threw Natia a communicator. "When you are ready to meet, contact me using that. The frequency you'd be using would be bounced around so many planets that the best slicers on Coruscant will be scratching their heads if they try and trace it. Not to mention it has a voice modulator on the side there. Can't even tell it's you."
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 10th, 2004, 10:57:46 AM
*Natia catches the communicater as it's tossed at her*
That's good to know. Still, I'll be on the safe side and when I call you, I'll be someplace by myself where others won't be able to accidently overhear me.
*Natia tucks the communicator away*
So, how long are you going to be on this planet??
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 10th, 2004, 11:00:07 AM
"Here?" She narrowed her eyes in thought, "I was only going to be here for the day. Was just looking for some odds and ends for the homestead."
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 10th, 2004, 11:02:44 AM
*Natia nods and smiles slightly. What are the odds that she's meet up with Dalethria on the one day that she's here*
Have there been any changes to your place since I was there??
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 10th, 2004, 11:44:54 AM
She had to think about that one. It had been sometime since Natia was at the mansion last. "Outwardly, no. Everything is the same. We cleaned up the grounds a bit since spring has settled upon us in the mountains." The defenses had improved too over the last couple of years. Dalethria had become paranoid during that time and made certain to use her money well in safe-guarding her home. Well, technically Navaria's inheritance but that was a minor detail.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 10th, 2004, 11:54:12 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly, trying to figure out what's going on with her. Here she is talking with Dalethria, and accepting her help when she should actually come forward and talk to her Grandfather about this. No, she doesn't want him knowing how much she's wanting this revenge.
What's worse though, is the fact that she's tempted to ask Dalethria if it's alright if she comes and visits. She takes a deep breath and redirects her thoughts*
I'm happy to hear that.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 10th, 2004, 12:15:18 PM
She felt an inclination that the Padawan wanted to see her estate again. "Well, it is actually quite beautiful. No words could describe what the lands look like now. If you ever wanted to see it ..." Dalethria gave Natia a smile that was inviting. Sure it would be difficult to keep her visit low profile but one time wouldn't hurt. The more that Natia was around her, the more influence Dalethria could impart upon the child.
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 10th, 2004, 12:35:02 PM
*Natia gets a look of surprise on her face which she quickly masks with a smile when Dalethria suggests a visit sometime*
I'll have to keep that in mind. It would be rather hard for me to come and visit without others knowing. And besides, it wouldn't be right for a Jedi to go to your estate.
*Natia laughs slightly as she imagines herself cloaked up aboard a hired ship just so she can make others think she's going someplace else*
You have to admit, it would be difficult.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 10th, 2004, 01:43:18 PM
She conceded, "I know. I just meant if you could, you'd be welcomed. Until then, I will just have to wait for your communication." Dalethria began to rise, "I know you came here to relax, and I believe I've taken up enough of your vacation time. Yes?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
May 11th, 2004, 09:54:39 AM
*Natia stood up as Dalethria does*
I will find a way to come and visit, though it will take some time. It was nice talking with you again after all this time.
*Natia's got a lot to think about over the next little while. And what decisions she makes will change her life in one way or another*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
May 11th, 2004, 10:39:17 AM
"Please be careful. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you before we could speak again." Dalethria was genuinely upset by that prospect. "It would be unfortunate. But, I'll leave you to your well deserved rest. Good day, Natia."
She smiled lightly and left the Padawan alone with her thoughts. The Sith was rather amazed at how easy that was but revenge always was a powerful motivator. Natia was still wary of her but in time, the child would soon see eye to eye with Dalethria completely. There was still the doubt that someone in the Order or her grandfather would change her mind and find out about their little talk... but she needed to let Natia go in order to earn her trust. Without trust, Dalethria wouldn't be having a visitor in the future...
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