View Full Version : Uniforms

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:17:29 AM
Right. I didn't know what tag to put, so I picked the one that would probably get the most attention ;).

OK. Here we go. On the website, www.st-spike.de, there are a series of Star Trek uniform graphics. In the past, I've edited these several times to come up with uniforms for the Matrix, Stargate, and once or twice for Star Wars. However, I've not done it in a while, and I fancy getting back into it again. As this is my main RP, I was thinking of doing some Star Wars ones. Once I'm done, I'll put a little web page up somewhere with them on, and I might send them to spike too...he has a little "non-trek" section that they could probably go in.

Basically though, I would like any suggestions/requests for uniforms. I can think of a few (unfortunately all the hard ones, lol), but there are some I'm not sure of, so if you could give me a vague idea, that would help a lot.

- TIE Fighter Pilot (Helmetless...doing the helmet is too fiddly)
- Imp Officers (What colours, Grey, Black...what else?)
- Stormtrooper (Helmetless)
- Scout Trooper (Helmetless)
- Snowtrooper (Helmetless)
- Storm Commando (Black Scout; Helmetless)

- Starfighter Pilot (That lovely orange thing...helmetless)
- NR Officers (Not sure about the uniforms, tho...was gonna do Ackbars, but thats all I know)
- Rogue Squadron (maybe...they had their own flight suits in Michael Stackpole's X-Wing series)

- Clone Trooper (for my mercs; Helmetless; Red, Yellow & White)
- Jedi Robes (Maybe...are you Jed's still wearing those?)
- Sith Robes (Same question as above. but with Sith, not Jedi)

Anyone else I can't think of? I remember a Tan uniform for the Imps, and I know that Isaard wore a blood-red imp uniform as the head of imp intelligence...

Also, any factions who have uniforms, or any individuals who might want outfits, let me know, and I'll try and put something together.

- Jace

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:06:59 PM
Here is a list of Imperial uniforms.

Imperial Navy
Fleet officers - green-olive breeches, tunic, black jackboots and olive cap. Belt is waist-length with a silver clasp. Rank plaques are on the left breast with decorations below and at the center of the neck.
Fleet Assault Corps - coalscuttle helmet (black), black breeches, black tunic, jackboots. Black leather gloves. White cuff title.

Imperial Army
Officers - khaki tunic and breeches, jackboots, belt at waist with clasp, insignia in the same place,
Troopers - dependent upon environment.
Stormtroopers (officers) - black throughout with white cuff title
Stormtroopers (troopers) - off-white/grey armor
Shocktroops - grey breeches and tunic, black jackboots, blue cuff title

Inquisitoriate - blood red tunic, black breeches, black jackboots, rank plaque is red over black.

Intelligence - black throughout.

Civil Defense Force - blue tunic and breeches, black jackboots

All uniforms have the belt with silver clasp. The jackboots are a polished black almost up to knee level. Any questions?

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:14:16 PM

Questions? Just one or two...*grin*

I always get confused by the word Khaki...it IS a shade of brown, right?

With the civil defence force, are we talking navy blue, sky blue, or somewhere in between.

When you say "cuff title", what do you mean by that?

Oh, and what about all the stuff in white, or is it not worth going that high?

Coalskuttle helmet...*dies* I am not looking forward to attempting that. You do mean the ones from in the AT-ATs on Hoth, right, as opposed to the Death Star gunners?

I guess I'll need to go search for a couple of Imp uni pictures so I can get a better idea of what I'm working with. I suppose I should get to work. Thanks.

*mumbles something about rather being eaten alive by a rancor than working for Imps again...*

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:27:22 PM
The Civil Defense Force wears a dark blue.

A cuff title is a strip about four inches above the cuff of a full-length sleeve. It goes all the way round the sleeve.

A coal-scuttle helmet is the one used by the Fleet troopers aboard the Death Stars (not the gunners with bulging face plate).

The only persons authorized to wear white are Grand Admirals. Their uniforms - breeches and tunics - are white with gold braided epaulettes. The rank plaque is six blue over six red.

Also, members of the General Staff as well as senior commanders wear a broad red stripe along the outside seams of their breeches.

A Grand Admiral has a black seem stripe and black cuff title.

Travis North
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:29:42 PM
Here's the Imperial Ranks. Just cause they go with uniforms.


Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:35:58 PM
Not the ones we use...

Travis North
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:43:35 PM
What do we use?

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 05:45:42 PM
there is a rank chart posted in the fourms somewhere - -Ill pop it up for tomorrow night.

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 06:13:14 PM
Am I right in assuming that there's no cuff tie on the Fleet Staff uniform, and that the right colour is what Admiral Ozzel wears? If so, here's my first draft. I'm fiddling with the positioning of the ranks, and I'm not happy with the collar or the double-breasted doo-hicky yet. But basically...is that the right colour and, with a bit of imagination, does it look vaguely like the right thing?

PS. Not done the hat yet...its a bit too fiddly for 1am...especially since I haven't had caffene yet!

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 06:17:23 PM
Guess I forgot to include the picture...Ah, the genius of it.

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:32:32 PM
That is more of a jumpsuit - what a non commissioned officer would wear. The tunic goes down below the belt - and breeches are jodphurs. They, puff out for lack of a better word.

But well done on the whole - -I can't even come close.

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:46:43 PM
I just fiddled with it...Spike's the guy that did the hard part.

I'll extend the tunic in a bit, and see what I can do about the trousers...puffy pants, you say? Wow...I never knew the Imps had such style. ;)

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:57:18 PM
indeed. We believe in pagentry. Find a picture of a World War II or post German officer. The pants are called jodphurs - those are what we wear.

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 30th, 2004, 10:18:38 AM
One quick thing before I update the picture...did I get the rank insignia the right way up? I'll swap it round before I upload again if I need to.

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 10:21:44 AM

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 30th, 2004, 10:55:55 AM
Ok. I've switched to Stormtrooper officers, as the black was easier to work with. I've *tried* with the trousers. They're by no means perfect yet, but the puffiness is starting to appear. I also think this guy is way too highly ranked to be a Stormie officer...we'll just say he's a very high ranking one *grin*.

I know already that the trousers need some work...but any other suggestions? Marks out of ten? Bits I should work on (like the rank insignia)...?

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 11:11:18 AM
It is very good, actually. Like you said, the pants need to be made into jodphurs, but that I am sure you can take care of.

As well, there should be a white stripe down the pant seam and the cuff title.

Good show!

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 30th, 2004, 11:18:02 AM
*grin* oooh...praise...yay!