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Zacharia Dawnstrider
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:04:24 PM
It seemed like the perfect day. Everything was normal and the day was flowing just as usual. People and aliens alike crowded the sidewalks and the traffic above the Coruscant shops, clubs, and businesses was quite a steady stream. To a normal person, this sunny day would have been the perfect opportunity for work outdoors, or even a nice jog, but that was the thing -- Zacharia Dawnstrider was anything but normal.

The large wooden door of, what had to be the raunchiest tavern in Coruscant, flew open to reveal a young man clad in the brown robes of a Jedi. Fact being, he was a Jedi. What was he doing in a place like "Hell's Fury"? Well, one could only guess. A black leather boot stepped over the threshold accompanied by the other. Two blue eyes scanned the area, meeting the faces of the rough and rugged patrons. Heavy smoke rose on plums, thicker then the air just outside of the door. To most people, that was bad enough!

"Wassssssssssup?!" The gentle tenor voice of the young Jedi Padawan touched the ears all around him as he smiled a smile that belonged to one of canine descent. A few lofted a brow or cocked their heads to the side, while others gave the young man quite a scowl. This was probably the stupidest thing that he could have done, but Zacharia was determined to spread the news of the Jedi to these forsaken souls. Unfortunatly, he would be in for one hell of a surprise...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 27th, 2004, 10:33:37 AM
The shadows of a dark corner of the bar clung to the Darksider as if it were his own skin. His face could not be seen within the darkness, unless you sat but a few feet from him. Ambrose watched as the inn went about its normal hustle and bustle every day. Ambrose picked up the goblet that was placed in front of him and drank the blood red wine. When the Dark Lord placed the glass back in its original place, the Vampire felt ripples in the force. It was from a Jedi he could tell. He had delt with many of their kind before. He could see the Jedi walking even before he stepped through the threshold that led into the bar known as Hell's Fury.

Ambrose cold see the brown robes sway as he walked past the sensor beacons that were designed to detect any type of weapons. But it was easy enough to sneak a weapon such as a lightsaber through. The beacons had stopped working about an hour before the Vampire had arrived.

Ambrose looked into the motal's mind and could very easily read it. Ambrose could tell that this being was just a padawan learner in the force. Ambrose could read his mind as if it were an open book for all. Ambrose concentrated upon the force and spoke into the Jedi's mind.

"Zacharia Dawnstrider, you have come to the wrong place to try and show the ways of the Jedi..."

Zacharia Dawnstrider
May 1st, 2004, 01:41:01 PM
A strange sensation came over Zacharia as the words touched his mind. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and a chill ran down his spine. It was more than just the fact that the origin was a Sith -- he was something more, something that he knew somehow, he should hate. Of course, the Padawan was not quite educated on the history of the rivalry between the vampires and the Garou, and in fact, he was not quite certain that this being was anything but human. However, the fact remained that he felt quite different and very awkward suddenly.

It happened suddenly, then. The Padawan's mind flashed blank and all he could see was a room bustling with people, when suddenly a terrible dark figure pushed through the doors. The beings eyes possessed a demonic quality that Zacharia could not dismiss. There was just something about him. In the next second, he moved to an empty table and seated himself, and then Zacharia's eyes flashed back into the present. It was another vision -- they were becomming more frequent lately. He would have them at night sometimes and they were terrifying.

"Why cannot I be here as well? No one is ever lost, and I know I could reach the darkest soul in the room, somehow." The Padawan whispered to himself, but hoped that the being who had touched his mind could hear him.

All in the same, the Garou could not help but wonder if the vision had been of the one communicating with him right now...