View Full Version : "What? Baby-sitting?" (Lorani - closed)

Makoto Neo
Apr 24th, 2004, 06:27:08 PM
Makoto Neo, Sith Knight, had received a datapad note of a enrollment under his tutorlige no less than four hours ago. After the inital disgust of having to baby-sit a young apprentice, he sat down and read the archives on the apprentice. She had been on one training mission, which was good enough for Mako to decided on the meeting in one of the many lounges in the Palace.

He held the datapad in one hand, and propped up his head with the other. There was a crackling natural fire going on, and the calm warmth was making the wolf sleepy. He sighed harshly and flicked his ears back in irritation, the baby-sitting concept came up again in his mind.

He shook his head and sat up from his slouch, leaning forward to rest both elbows on his knees.

Lorani T'sava
Apr 25th, 2004, 08:07:07 AM
Lorani skips into the lounge in an unusually cheerful mood today. Could be the message she got asking her to come here. Or could be she's getting along rather well with Ida in their own weird little way.

The 10 year old girl, dressed in a off-white jumpsuit, looks around the room with a smile on her face. Empty except for one person. Probably the person she's going to meet so she skips over to him, a smile on her face.

"Hi. I'm Lorani, and you are?"

Makoto Neo
Apr 25th, 2004, 07:15:34 PM
Mako glances lazily over to the energetic lass. Was this the nut he had to teach?

"Makoto Neosis, Knight. I guess yer the one assigned under me?"

Lorani T'sava
Apr 26th, 2004, 12:26:44 PM
"Guess so."

Lorani says cheerfully. She's quite full of energy today, and she's not bothering to try and control that energy.

"Nice meeting you. So, what should I call you?"

Makoto Neo
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:00:49 PM

Mako leaned back into the chair, beckoning up another to slide across from him. He motioned for the child to sit.

"You may call me Makoto, or Master - your choice. I ask that you refrain from fuzzball, puppy, or uncle unless you want a beating. Now, your record reports that you've been on a training mission. What sucess did you have?"

Lorani T'sava
Apr 29th, 2004, 10:00:31 AM
Lorani takes a seat in the chair, pulling her feet up onto the chair. She decides that depending on her mood depends on whether she'll call him Makoto or Master.

"I didn't have to much success because we learned how to pick things up with telekinesis, and well, I couldn't even budge it at all. Not even a slight wobble from it."

Makoto Neo
May 3rd, 2004, 08:35:13 PM
"Alright. That gives us a basis to work upon."

He leaned back into the chair and rubbed his chin with thought. He contemplated on how to go about this, his first introduction had been many years past and hazy on his mind.

"Tell me, how much of the force have you seen?"

Lorani T'sava
May 5th, 2004, 12:28:34 PM
"I've seen ppl use it my whole life. A person several months ago told me to get training cause I can use it as well, though I'm not sure how I can cause I can move a rock."

Makoto Neo
May 7th, 2004, 05:40:38 PM
"You can use it well and you can't move a rock?" He continued to rub his chin, then rested his arms on the chairs armrests.

"Focus is required for any individual, be it young or old, to weild the force. Even the wildfire individuals who have a talent for the arts must focus before ever manifesting the Force. I am not as adept in the Force as other in my rank, but I excell in combat. This relationship, master and apprentice, will be rewarding for the both of us.

Now, the force is everything around us, correct?"

Lorani T'sava
May 9th, 2004, 06:44:13 AM
"As far as I know it is. It's around us and in us, but only a few are gifted enough to actually be able to use it."

Lorani says as she starts to swing one leg, but keeps bashing her heel against the chair.

Makoto Neo
May 9th, 2004, 07:30:06 PM
Mako nods slowly.

"And you think you are one of these few?"

Lorani T'sava
May 10th, 2004, 08:55:38 AM
"Yes I do. And if someone tells me otherwise, they're gonna be in big trouble."

Makoto Neo
May 14th, 2004, 08:07:29 PM
Mako grins in amusement, then calls over a table with the force and sets the datapad down upon it. He motions over to the 'pad for the lass's attention.

"Make that move, doesn't matter how much, just so I can evaluate on what we need to begin with. You must focus emotions to accomplish it, concentration is key."

Lorani T'sava
May 16th, 2004, 09:41:56 AM
Lorani looks at the datapad and focus her attention on it. Calling up memories which caused her anger in her past, she focus and does her best to lift the datapad. The longer she focus's, the longer the datapad sits there as if she's not even trying, the more she gets frustrated and angry and tries even harder to lift it with the Force. The datapad doesn't even budge in the slightest.

Makoto Neo
May 26th, 2004, 05:44:50 PM
Mako barely smirks, covering his snout with his left hand.

"And if someone tells me otherwise, they're gonna be in big trouble," he mocks in a childish voice, which seemed very uncharacteristic of such a deep voiced individual. "You can't lift it, lass. Your not trying or you do not have an ounce of anger in your mind."

Shoddy attempt to get those emotions going, Yep.

Lorani T'sava
May 31st, 2004, 10:35:22 AM
"I am trying. The stupid things not even budging though."

Lorani snaps at Makato. She knows that she's trying, and she's doing her best, but she just can't seem to lift the datapad. She focuses on the datapad again, trying to lift it with the Force, or to even just get it to twitch slightly, but no matter how much she focuses, she can't seem to get it to budge in the slightest.