View Full Version : Searches End?

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 23rd, 2004, 09:11:15 AM
First it was days, then weeks, which then became lengthy months in which Grace had heard nothing from her brother. It was by random chance that she even found out she had a brother, which had come to a surprise to them both at first. The Van-Derveld family, consisting of Vega himself and his son Darius, had traveled to Kuat to purchase a ship for his finance. Grace introduced herself as a Van-Derveld right away, not realizing who her customers were, when they came to her place of business. That sparked a lengthy discussion until they came to the conclusion they were indeed half siblings due to Diego's wandering lusts.

Vega wanted to keep in touch with her and Grace wished to do so likewise. He was the only being in this galaxy that had answers to her questions about a great deal of things, which were only scratched when she visited Fascinataru. She was not only blessed as a shapeshifter, Vega was pretty certain Grace was Force sensitive. Important topics to say the least, but the trip was mostly trying to fend of Darius' inquisitive nature about her life. All in all, was rather a dull visit.

After she left her brother's home planet, there was nothing. No communication of the sort. Her brother was a Sith and could have been stringing her along, but Grace had the sense that wasn't the case. It was just a gut feeling that something happened to Vega. As to what happened, she wasn't certain and quickly her resources were put into place to find out what did occur.

Needless to say, Vega was quite busy for being a dead man. Oh yes, that was the first news that came through her office since every Force user in the known galaxy heard of his death. She was angry that the bastard went and got himself killed, but realized she was more saddened by the news then anything else. This came as a surprise and she wasn't sure how to handle that emotion. Other reports came in where there were sightings of the Sith Lord, but nothing concrete. It was merely speculation but regardless, those that did happen to see him were scared out of their wits.

She was about to call this silly investigation when a report from Corellia came. There was no pretense or scare tactics. Vega was indeed on the Sith controlled world, freely gallivanting out in the open for all to see. Quickly she contacted her aide, Felix D'eath, to prepare a ship for her trip to Corellia. Felix was an individual that was loyal to his Boss and knew her better then himself. It was his job after all. He was quite perplexed as to why Grace would want to travel there, even to see Vega. Felix was well aware of her attitude towards the Sith and tried to voice his concerns, but they were silenced with a glare that spoke volumes.

So, here she was. Standing outside her ship and waiting for the paperwork to be filed for the time she was going to be staying here. She had yet to contact the Palace personally of her arrival. Incase Vega's presence was still a secret, she'd rather not be blown out of the sky for being stupid. Once all her affairs were in order here, she would make her way towards the Palace personally and discuss her reasons for coming to Corellia a little more discretely

Lady Vader
Apr 23rd, 2004, 08:48:49 PM
The clerk at the spaceport went about his business as the blonde woman waited patiently for him to finish. Between "mmhmm's" and an insesant typing, he finally looked up.

"You've been cleared to exit the spaceport."

He reached out and handed her a remote datapad.

"This'll get you back into your assigned port where your ship is."

He looked back down at his screen. "Just as a security precaution, and we do ask this of all guests visiting Corellia, what is the purpose of your trip here?"

He looked back up, waiting for her answer.

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 24th, 2004, 07:10:04 PM
"You've been cleared to exit the spaceport."

Finally she thought and took the datapad, looking it over. The city was quite expansive and having this little map would make her life easy when she wished to depart.

He looked back down at his screen. "Just as a security precaution, and we do ask this of all guests visiting Corellia, what is the purpose of your trip here?"

"Hmm," she frowned. Lying wasn't really an option. They, being the Sith, would know of her presence soon enough. "I'm here visiting the Palace." Grace smiled sweetly, "Business as they say."

Lady Vader
Apr 26th, 2004, 04:04:26 PM
The clerk smiled in return. "Business it is," he said, typing her answer into her registeration profile.

When all was said and done, he stood and gestured towards the exit. "Have a pleasent stay here on Corellia."

As she turned to leave he turned his attention to the next being in line. "Next!"

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 27th, 2004, 12:56:15 PM
Grace hailed a hovercab with little difficulty and was well on her way. The driver showed signs of worry when her destination was revealed.

"Are ya sure you wanna go to the Palace, ma'am?" He turned around for a quick look at Grace. "I mean, there are alot more interesting things to see on Corellia. Not to mention safer."

There was only one reason she would have ever ventured to this Sith controlled world. So no, there was nothing else that Grace found interesting. "I know, but that's where I'm heading. Safe or not." The driver shrugged, knowing he wasn't going to change her mind by the sound of her voice. By the way she dressed, he was at least hoping for a decent tip.

The ride took close to an hour in traffic and the cab pulled outside the gates. "Okay, here we are. Far as I can take ya."

Guards were everywhere like flies and Grace sighed, "I can see that." She exited the vehicle and pulled out a cred card. "Any protocols I should know?" She really didn't like the Sith, only for the simple fact that their little tiffs with certain governments, or individuals, have forced her to gain and loose money that profit seems unattainable with certain clients.

"Well, don't get 'em mad," he motioned with his finger as if someone was slicing his neck, "if ya know what I mean. That's about all I can say."

That was the other reason she didn't like them. Look at them wrong, there went your head. She swiped the card, making sure to give him a healthy tip for making her laugh. "Well, we all know that one. Have a good day."

He tipped his hat and drove off, leaving Grace all alone out front. The guards were wearing helmets so she couldn't see their faces, but she knew they were eyeing her in suspicion.

Better get this over with... Straightening out her jacket, she walked towards one of the guards near the entrance and spoke in a confident manner, "I need to speak to someone in charge. Oh, and before you ask, no I'm not expected. Just let them know a Grace Van-Derveld is here visiting the Sith Order from Kaut." That should get someone's attention...

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 27th, 2004, 01:16:55 PM
The name Van-Derveld run alarm bells wherever you went. Everyone had heard of, or met, at least one Van-Derveld. Whether it was the mid-rim Force-users, or the outer-rim Force-hunters, their name carried a great deal of something with it. This something varied from place to place, depending on who you spoke to. Some said they had created their own hype to gain respect, others said they didn’t exist at all. Those few who were actually members of the family were stigmatized by it all, and Grace was no different. The guards watched her with a mixture of disgust and awe. The resemblance between the woman before them and the man behind them was uncanny.

The message had been delivered to Vega and as quick as it had arrived, he had come. He paced past one of the guards, locking his eyes a moment with the eyes behind the visor as if silently cautioning for thinking such scandalous thoughts about Miss Van-Derveld. A small smile then creeping over his list, he turned to look towards the blonde, his head tilted to the side.

“What a pleasant surprise.”

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 27th, 2004, 02:13:01 PM
She knew name dropping would get a response, but even Grace was amazed at how fast her dear Brother had arrived. Vega looked quite healthy and unharmed from his brush with 'death'. She wondered how long he has been here on Corellia. To heal his wounds? Or for other purposes?

"Well, I'd say the same but I'm not surprised to find you here." Grace smiled thinly, "I spent good money tracking you down. And no invitation to the funeral." She feigned a pout, "Tsk, tsk. You hurt my feelings."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 28th, 2004, 07:28:11 AM
Pressing both palms to his heart, Vega feigned a look of hurt, to match Graces. Then dropping his hands to his sides, he shrugged, “What can I say? I didn’t think you’d be interested. It wasn’t exactly the liveliest of parties in the world. Anyway, you’ve found me now – you know, I’m flattered that your hard earned credits to find me. Was there any purpose to the search, or did you simply miss your little brother?”

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 28th, 2004, 09:47:37 AM
Now an arrogant grin outlined her face, "I like being right. Something didn't add up about your death." She motioned her hands outwards towards her side, a gesture that encompasses them both, "So here we are."

The grin faded and Grace looked uncomfortable for a moment as her eyes found the ground interesting when she mumbled, "Though I was upset briefly..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 28th, 2004, 10:27:51 AM
A more sincere smile came over Vega. So she did care. The pair hadn’t become especially well acquainted in their time spent together, but their blood bound them together. “Would you like to come in,” he motioned back towards the visitors compound, “or shall we walk and talk? I doubt these fine gentlemen want to be bored with our little sibling chats,” he added, grinning at the guards.

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 28th, 2004, 10:35:10 AM
She looked up and match him grin for grin, "None of their business anyway." Looking pass Vega, her eyes beheld uncertainty, "I would figure I'd be welcomed in the Palace since I am your Sister." Then they shifted back to her brother, "Though would I truly be welcomed?" The Sith unnerved her and she didn't trust them, a fact about Grace that was new to the Sith Lord.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:58:22 PM
“Given that not even I am truly welcome, sister dear, I very much doubt that you would be. That is the price we pay. Then again, I’m not particularly concerned with the opinions of a few Corellians playing soldiers,” he added, almost daring the guards to retort.

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 28th, 2004, 03:27:08 PM
She glared at the faceless guards, knowing that Vega was right. They were nothing compared to their birthright. Grace stepped up next to her brother without a word and slipped an arm around one of his own. "Since you know this place better then I, you should lead the way." A few strands of blonde hair fell away from her face as she turned towards the guards, "I'm sick of eavesdroppers."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 29th, 2004, 01:41:02 PM
The pair strode between and past the guards, who shifted uncomfortably, not daring to make comments to one another even when the Sith and his sibling had disappeared inside. “Did you come all the way from Kuat? … Speaking of which, how is your business?”

Grace Van-Derveld
Apr 29th, 2004, 02:56:48 PM
"Yes, I did actually. It was quite a long trip." Her mind was still on alert, but Grace had relaxed somewhat with her Brother. It made her realize that she was a bit tired, mainly due to the time difference. "As for my business, it is doing marvelous as always. I left Felix in charge in my absence." She squeezed Vega's arm and let out a throaty chuckle, " Poor man was in such a state when I left. He was all worried about my safety and tried to convince to stay up until the point my shuttle took off."

Apr 29th, 2004, 05:09:49 PM
*As the pair walked into the grand entry way towards one of the cooridors that would lead them to the many comfortable visitor lounges, a sleek black figure came bounding out of an adjacent hallway chasing after something small and meak.*

*The small figure reaked of fear as it darted down the hallway and made a sharp turn at the last minute near the end wall. The large cat followed in hot pursuit, making the same sharp turn, though because of it's greater weight, it's side slammed into the cold stone.*

*With a snarl and roar, it lost no time in continuign it's charge after the squeeking blur. Finding some sturdy traction, the cat leapt, clearing several feet much faster than the small creatures fast-moving legs could carry it, and landed right on top of the dark ball of fluff.*

*There was a momentrary hush followed by a high-pitched squeek... and then nothing. When Iesis stood from her hunched form, the floor was clean of any evidence there ever was a small rodent there. Though the rodent had been a mere morsal, it had been an entertaining hunt. The cat showed this by emitting a loud purr. And the purr only got louder as Iesis saw Vega and made her way over at a trot, slamming her large head under Vega's draped hand, threatening to bowl the man over as she rubbed her heavy body against his leg.*

Vega Van-Derveld
May 1st, 2004, 02:46:45 AM
“He seems like the capable type,” Vega smiled as he remembered his one and only meeting with Mr. d’Eath. Quite the charming man. Just as he had been about to speak against, the black panther Iesis had appeared out of nowhere. The creature seemed to have developed a liking to him – odd given his species. He gave the great beast a scratch behind the ear, smiling down at her before looking back to Grace. “She doesn’t bite,” he grinned. “This one belongs to one of the Sith Masters… the leader of the entire faction. She’s a bit of a spy for her Mistress, aren’t you Iesis?”

May 1st, 2004, 01:48:24 PM
*In response, the big cat gave a small jump from it's fore-legs so that it was now on it's hind legs with giant paws to either side of Vega's neck, one on each shoulder. The cat's head came up to just past Vega's, showing the panther was indeed large and agile. It rubbed a velvety cheek against Vega's face before attacking it with a very large, very pink, very rough tongue... all the while rumbling with a satisfied purr.*

Grace Van-Derveld
May 1st, 2004, 03:24:09 PM
"Not harmless?" She wasn't too sure. How could a panther that size be anything but harmful? It was even taller then Vega, but it was apparent that Iesis did like her brother by the way she was showering him with affections. Grace decided to keep her distance. Didn't mean that the panther would like her. "A spy for the leader of the Sith Order? Well, doesn't surprise me that the Mistress of the Palace is curious about your visitor. I did sort of appear out of the blue."

Vega Van-Derveld
May 2nd, 2004, 02:54:17 AM
He turned away, wrinkling his nose as it began to paw at him. With care, he gently began to push away her paws, until she felt back down to the ground – but still remained, staring up at him with an almost loving expression. Frell knows what the panther liked so much about Vega. “I’m sure Lady Vader trusts my judgment on who I do and don’t bring here, though. Don’t think of yourself as being unwelcome, Grace. You’re an honored guest.” He looked back to Iesis, “Are you going to show us where your Mistress is, or are you just here for the company?”

May 5th, 2004, 05:57:33 PM
*There was intelligence in her eyes, and her next movements would further prove this.*

*She nuffed softly and turned, ambling lazily in the direction she had come bounding down earlier. Half-way to the corner, she stoped and looked back at Vega, then moved a lil more and looked back, waiting.*

Grace Van-Derveld
May 6th, 2004, 10:22:26 AM
"Well I suppose that answers the questions now doesn't it, Brother?" Grace almost took a step forward to follow Iesis, but she remained at Vega's side out of uncertainty. "I'd rather have you lead."

Vega Van-Derveld
May 6th, 2004, 10:40:44 AM
“What are you so afraid of?” Vega asked, shaking his head in disbelief as the pair began to follow Iesis. His expression was one of genuine incredulity. “You’re a Van-Derveld, Grace. Act like one.”

Grace Van-Derveld
May 6th, 2004, 10:50:53 AM
"Excuse me?" Grace was offended, "I had to convince myself to come here fearing death incase I was wrong about you. Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered." There was no hesitation in her steps as the blonde quickened her pace to catch up with Iesis.

May 6th, 2004, 01:01:00 PM
*Iesis led the pair into a small visitor's lounge. It was sparsely decorated, yet very comfortable and plush. The sun outside had set and the cool night breeze was coming int through an open window, over-looking the plains to the north.*

*Iesis meandered to a spot near the crackling fire in the fireplace, letting her fur warm itself. It also put her in a spot close to her mistress.*

Lady Vader
May 6th, 2004, 01:01:37 PM
*Standing slightly to the side, but in front of the fire place was a tall woman, her sillouette casting odd shadows against the opposite wall as the flames danced.*

*A hand, with gleaming claws, came down to scratch the big cat behind it's ears.*

Vega Van-Derveld
May 6th, 2004, 01:11:00 PM
He shook his head as Grace stormed off ahead. Obviously it was going to take her a while to get used to her brothers unique brand of charm and humor. Smirking, his gaze traced upwards, coming to rest on an increasingly familiar figure, flames framing her silhouette. Vega was tempted to ask if they were interrupting her late-night fire watching, but bit his tongue and opened with the decidedly more cordial, “Good evening, Lady Vader... another of the Van-Derveld progeny,” his eyes moved to Grace, “has come calling.”

Grace Van-Derveld
May 6th, 2004, 11:29:11 PM
That was her cue and even in the face of uncertainty, Grace always had proper etiquette. "Greetings to you Lady Vader. I'm Vega's older sister, Grace Van-Derveld."

Lady Vader
May 10th, 2004, 07:10:11 PM
*LV turned, her features accentuated by the flames. Her green eyes roamed over vega's before locking oto Graces'.*

Welcome to Corellia, Miss Van Derveld. I hope your trip here was uneventful.

*She moved to take a seat with her back to the fireplace.*

I hope Vega has been a gracious host.

Grace Van-Derveld
May 11th, 2004, 10:03:40 PM
"Yes it was. Finding the palace was quite easy. As for Vega," she glanced over at her Brother with a sideways smirk. "He hasn't had enough time to prove if he was gracious enough, but so far so good."

Vega Van-Derveld
May 12th, 2004, 12:36:15 PM
“Gracious? Me?” Vega quirked a defiant eyebrow. “Don’t be so silly.”

The Lupine flashed a fanged grin.

“I’m sure, even with your limited knowledge of my profession, you’ve heard of Lady Vader before. Or her husband at least.”

Lady Vader
May 14th, 2004, 09:55:02 PM
*LV smirked. The question was, which husband? Her first one, Anbira Hicchoru, or her second, Darth Vader. Both were well known, and both were known to have ties to her. She sighed inwardly. What a life she had lead.*

*She waved a hand in Vega's direction.*

Please, you give me too much credit.

*She motioned to Grace.*

Please sit down and make yourself comfortable. After your travel, I would think you would like some refreshments.

Grace Van-Derveld
May 15th, 2004, 09:04:47 PM
"I may not know much about your professions," Grace didn't want the gracious Lady Vader to feel left out and took a seat, "but I do know names." She smirked, "It's my job after all to know things. Knowing all sorts of things is good for business.

Refreshments would be lovely. Corellian wines would have to be found somewhere in your collection, yes?" This was more what she was used to. Idle chatting in comfortable surroundings, but Grace never forgot where she was, nor lowered her guard.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 16th, 2004, 04:06:17 AM
Vega slouched into an armchair. He could make himself at home anywhere.

“Wine more so than whiskey now that these new trade laws are being introduced.”

The Lupine eyed Lady Vader a moment. “We’ve elected a new government you see Grace, one that is for the people. Aren’t we generous?”

Lady Vader
May 16th, 2004, 05:54:45 PM
*LV snapped a finger, and immediately a couple of servants came, one with a tray laden with snacks, and the other with a cart of wines. Once disposing of the food stuff, they departed.*

*LV went ahead and poured Grace a glass of red Corellian wine and handed it to her. Then she answered Vega's question.*

Yes indeed. We have found it does us no good to be against those that would help us to prosper. If the people are happy, then we are happy. And both prosper from this happiness.

Not many think that Sith can be democratic in this regard. But that is the old way of thinking. We are trying to introduce a new way.

Grace Van-Derveld
May 16th, 2004, 07:15:07 PM
Grace was baffled, and she probably looked that way before her brother and Lady Vadar. "Is it even possible for there to be a new was of thinking about the Sith? I mean, you have quite the colorful history..."

Lady Vader
May 19th, 2004, 04:35:13 PM
*LV chuckled.*

And, pray tell, please let me know of the first race or culture you come across that has not had a colorful history.

You grow and learn from the past. It's the way we evolve.

Grace Van-Derveld
May 21st, 2004, 12:22:37 PM
"Yes, but no offense Lady Vader. Not every race or culture has had a bloody history to make it so ... colorful." She sipped at her wine. "Hearing what you have done to change this notion interests me."

Lady Vader
May 24th, 2004, 07:12:50 PM
It's interested quite a number of people. The entire system is somewhat flabergasted.

*She lifted a hand mater-of-factly.*

I guess even those they didn't feel could change have indeed changed.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2004, 11:42:24 AM
“The Jedi will no doubt suspect it is a plot of some kind- to lull them into a false sense of security, so that we can with the greatest of ease slip beyond their borders and then, when their defenses are at their lowest, attack.”

Vega paused a moment.

“And they call us paranoid.”

Grace Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2004, 01:02:48 PM
"Well, I don't know much about your battles back and forth ... What I do know is that I'm pleasantly surprised by my visit here Lady Vader." She picked up an appetizer, "I'm glad that I came, though of course, my real reason was to see my Brother."