View Full Version : Needing a drink (open)

Liam Jinn
Apr 21st, 2004, 03:03:20 PM
After another failed attempt to sleep, Liam gave up on the idea altogether. He hadn't been to Yog's since he had be back, so what a better time to visit then now? He carefully slipped on his black T-shirt and tugged his boots on, lacing them up. After a quick look-over in the mirror, the Jedi Master made his way out of the living quarters to find the bar.

As he neared the entrance, the guards out front stopped him and asked for any weapons. He held his hands up to show he wasn't carrying any and they let him pass. His boots made a distinctive 'thud' on the wooden floor as he made his way to the bar. He took a seat on a stool and set his arms on the counter, looking over the alcohol selection.

"Let me have glass of whiskey, if you don't mind." he said politely to the barkeep.

With an acknowledging nod, the man turned around to find a glass. With nothing else to do, Liam began glancing over the faces of patrons, seeing if there was anyone he recognised.

Shade Magus
Apr 21st, 2004, 03:11:28 PM
Shade had been sitting in Yog's taking a shot of Jack, hoping it would help him sleep, but after three shots he realised it wasn't going to help. So he began looking around the bar. He saw a man who he thought he recognize, but couldn't be sure. He glanced over at the man again and his eyes widened. No...it can't be. I haven't seen him in ages. With nothig better to do Shade went over to the wamn and sat down in a bar stool a few feet away from him. "Excuse me sir, but you wouldn't happen to be Liam Jinn. Would you?"

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 21st, 2004, 03:21:52 PM
Shanaria had been spending the day in the bar, flirting with strangers for most of the time. Most of the people she was flirting with were buying her a drink, so after 5 hours of flirting and 12 drinks later, Shanaria was plastered. She stagger out of the ladies washroom with a half empty Cider still in her hand. She trips over a chair that is attached to the floor, and stumbles back to her feet.

"Ahhh...Who putt that there! Ahhh no matter..."

She sits down the the boys she has been with all day, and they go to buy her another Cider. Shanaria kindly excepts the new drink, finishing off her last one. A few moments later she singing badly...

"My Bunny... flys over the ocean...My Bunny flys... over the SEEEEE!"

Liam Jinn
Apr 21st, 2004, 05:35:58 PM
The bartender turned around a moment later and handed Liam a glass of whiskey. As the Jedi tried to pay for it, the bartender shook his head.

"This one's on me, it's good to have you back, sir."

Liam smiled and thanked the man. Not a second later someone came and sat down beside him, and asked him a question.

"Yes, I'm Liam Jinn," he answered, turning to face the man. "Might I ask who's inquiring?"

The face looked familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on the name. In the background he could hear someone singing, and not too well either..

Shade Magus
Apr 21st, 2004, 11:15:59 PM
Shade winced as Shanaria sung a little off key. "Jedi Knight Shade Magus at your service. You may have heard of me from an old freind of yours. Verse Dawnstrider."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 23rd, 2004, 11:03:28 AM
Shanaria continues to sing as some of the boys start get a little hands on with her. She is so drunk she doesn't even notice the boys.

Liam Jinn
Apr 23rd, 2004, 07:07:31 PM
"Shade Magus! Ah, the name was on the tip of my tongue. Jedi Knight, eh? That's good to hear."

Liam finishes his first drink and sets the glass down on the table. The bartender notices the empty glass and refills it, this time with a little bit more. With a smile, the Jedi Master raises the glass and takes a drink.

"Verse Dawnstrider - now there's a name I haven't heard in ages. How's he doing?"

Shade Magus
Apr 24th, 2004, 03:28:03 PM
"Well...to tell you the truth I don't know. It seems no one has seen nor heard from him in a very long time. I took his son Chaos on as a Padawan, but it seems he too has disappeared."

Liam Jinn
Apr 25th, 2004, 06:33:15 PM
"What a shame. I hope they make it back soon, I've got some catching up to do with them.."

He takes another drink and sets the glass down once again.

"So has anything interesting happened since I've been gone?"

Shade Magus
Apr 26th, 2004, 12:36:38 PM
"Honestly there is to much to say in just one sitting. Where to begin, where to begin. Well how about this. If there is anything you'd like to know about you could ask. There is just to much for a starting point."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 28th, 2004, 02:34:22 PM
Shanaria gets up after a while and staggers over to the bar. She trips when she gets there and falls into Shades lap. Shanaria Giggles...

"Hi! Where'd you come from?"

Liam Jinn
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:19:27 PM
Before Liam has a chance to respond, a woman falls into Shade's lap, giggling.

"Heh, does this happen often?" He says with a grin, gesturing at the new arrival.

Shade Magus
Apr 29th, 2004, 12:26:27 PM
Being Shade's nature he couldn't stop the comment before it came out of hs mouth."I like to think I came from my mother, but it might have been a test tube. Duh! Sorry about that," he said as he turned to answer Liam's question. "If only I could count the number of tmes this has happened."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 29th, 2004, 12:45:13 PM
Shanaria reconizes shades voice...

"Oh... Hi shade!..." She giggles "...Are you the one that started the room spinning?"

Shanaria looks up over her head, and since she is lying on Shades lap, all she sees is the Bar..

"Woh... who put the bar on the celing... did you do that Shade?"

Shade Magus
Apr 29th, 2004, 09:08:29 PM
Shade shook his head smiling. "Liam this is Shanaria the resident smurf."

Shanaria Fabool
Apr 30th, 2004, 01:57:36 PM
Shanaria giggles...

"That's smurfet to you bub!"

She then leans closer to Liam...

"I really think hes lying... I'm really not a smurf... I'm really an Omwati... Though I don't know if we are related to the smirfs"

Liam Jinn
May 1st, 2004, 04:12:43 PM
Liam extends his hand towards Shanaria with a friendly smile on his face.

"It's nice to meet you, Shanaria. I'm Liam Jinn. Are you a Jedi?"

Shanaria Fabool
May 1st, 2004, 10:17:27 PM
Shanaria drunkenly shakes Liam's hand...

"Good to meet you... Last I checked I was I Jedi... Are you the one that turned the room upsidedown?"

Liam Jinn
May 2nd, 2004, 04:25:11 AM
Holding back a chuckle, Liam shakes the woman's hand, the smile not fading from his face.

"I'm not the one responsible for that, sorry. It is a pleasure meeting you though, even under such circumstances."

He grins then downs the rest of his drink, shaking his head with closed eyes as it goes down his throat and into his stomach. It had been too long since his last drink, the burn reminding him of that..

Shade Magus
May 2nd, 2004, 04:31:31 AM
Shade looked at Shan laying across him. It had been awhile since he had anything close to this happen to him. He shook his head smiling. "Sorry Shan, but I didn't do it either. I can turn it back to normal for you thought if you want." He then turned to Liam. "Well it's been a long time since I last saw you. Where have you been off galavanting too?"

Liam Jinn
May 2nd, 2004, 04:47:48 AM
"Dantooine, to be specific. I didn't even let the council know of that though, so keep that between us."

He looked down to Shanaria, then back at Shade. The memories were on the edge of returning, but he wouldn't allow that, not now. This was his time to relax, and that's precisely what he intended on doing.

"But enough of that, it's all in the past. What's this I hear about the Black Hand breaking up?"

Shade Magus
May 2nd, 2004, 04:53:06 AM
Shade nodded at Liam's request. "Actually I am as lost on that as you are. You see I also took a leave of absence while you were gone, and when I came back the Sith Empire was gone and the Black Hand had met the same fate. From what I gather there was a power struggle from the inside and next thing anyone knew, the walls came crubbling down."

Liam Jinn
May 2nd, 2004, 05:01:15 AM
"Well, I can't say it's completely unexpected, but to have it fall this soon.." He chuckles, "I would've at least bet on another year for the united Dark Jedi."

He grabs the bartender's attention long enough to get another drink. After taking a slow drink he sets the glass down, looking around the bar.

"So what group is left that the Jedi are still facing exactly?"

Shade Magus
May 2nd, 2004, 05:10:23 AM
"Hmm...well there is still the Sith Order, and then there are numerous small factions or Dark Jedi running around, but the is no major factions for the time being."

Liam Jinn
May 2nd, 2004, 05:16:57 AM
He takes another sip of his drink and chuckles.

"Well, what do you say to putting an end to those 'small factions'?" He said with a grin, looking Shade straight in the eyes.

Shade Magus
May 2nd, 2004, 05:19:05 AM
"Believe me I've been trying, but it seems that they like to move about before anyone can corner them long enough to do anything."

Shanaria Fabool
May 3rd, 2004, 12:32:22 PM
Shanaria smiles up at shade and Liam...

"If none of you fliped the room or started it spinning, then do you think that you could put it back to normal. I don't like having everything on the ceiling..."

Shade Magus
May 5th, 2004, 05:36:32 AM
Even though he was being smart, he couldn't help resist the chance. It was just to tempting. He lifted his hand slightly and Shanaria rose into the air and twisted till she wasfloating on her stomach. "Better?"

Shanaria Fabool
May 7th, 2004, 03:25:37 PM
Shanaria's stomach starts to churn, as she replys with a sickly tone in her voice...

"No... I'd say that worse.."