View Full Version : Political Ramifacation.(Warlock/Elders)

Rasha Vill
Apr 21st, 2004, 11:56:13 AM
Rasha comes storming into one of the Sith meeting rooms. She had been informed that a number of the elders were in at the time. She pushed, in her hand was a live news brodcast of the fight in the streets. (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35310)

She walks up to the table where some of the elders sit, and slams the news brodcast on the table in front of Warlock.

"What is the meaning of This! When I agreed to let your people frame the Jedi in Coronet, You promised me that there would be NO lasting damage!

The phones in my office are Rining off the hook with the political leaders of the other Sith Planets in the system wanting details on How a blood thirsty, phycopathic Jedi got ON the platnet in the first place! They are demanding that the Sith increase spaceport defence, with more checkpoints for spaceport arrivals and scaners that detect force user at every Checkpoint! We don't have that kind of money in the budget!

Not onlly this, but I have been trying to get a representive from Drall to come over and see how much thing have improved since I took over here, and I finaly got him to agree to show up, BUT Your men have just BLOWN UP THE HOTEL HE WAS GOING TO STAY AT! AND with 9 deaths in the streets in front of the now dead hotel, and hundreds dead IN the hotel, there is No way I can get him to come now! You couldn't have picked a lower class Hotel?! It Would still be just as dramatic! So I ask again... WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!"

Rasha's face is all red with fury, and she is now breathing heavy as she waits for the responce of the elders.

Lady Vader
Apr 21st, 2004, 04:04:56 PM
*LV held her amused grin in check, never letting it slip onto her features. It was a shame the hotel chosen had been such a lovely one, but it's use had been slipping as grander hotels had been built. They'd figure what to stick in that slot of land later.*

*Right now, LV looked over Warlock's shoulder at the news-feed on the data pad, depicting scenes of a Jedi running amuck, followed closely by a Sith. It was all happening live.*

*She let Rasha spill through her words and anger, studying the images until the Mayor had fallen silent with her last question pratically yelled into their faces. She looked up, anger evident in her eyes, yet she kept her voice calm and collected.*

It appears we may have a breach of security. Someone let this Jedi in through secret channels unbeknowist to us. And that would mean someone pretty high up on the security ladder.

*Rasha looked like she was about to explode with another tirade. LV held up her hand.*

It will be dealt with. Right now, you need to calm yourself so that you may calm the people and instruct that they go to their homes and stay there until this matter is dealt with.

Further more you must contact the representative from Drall and explain to him that this is a situation that will be dealt with in a tiemly and swift manner. We will reschedule his arrival for a later date, and if need be, I will personally escort him aboard my ship to ensure his safety.

*That seemed to calm Rasha somewhat, but the little black clowd over her head remained. LV looked at Warlock, letting Rasha cool a bit.*

Do you have any insights as to where our security leak might be?

Rasha Vill
Apr 22nd, 2004, 12:45:58 PM
Rasha forced herself to calm, though her eyes still gave away her anger.

"I have already spoken with the Drall representive. He has said that if being with TSO will cause the Jedi to act this way on his people then he is quite happy to remain neutral. He will not endanger his people to this extent if we can not already protect what we have."

Rasha looks at Warlock to here his point of view.

Apr 24th, 2004, 07:57:19 AM
Warlock was, with ease, hiding the wry smile that was trying to edge upon his lips. It seemed although Rivin’s plan had gone as expected, it had backfired. The Mayor’s reaction was to be expected, really.

“Surely, the representative sees now more than ever a need for affiliation with the Sith Order. With unprovoked attacks from the Jedi rife, we must unite and help one another.”

Rasha Vill
Apr 26th, 2004, 10:24:19 AM
"That line of attack may work, but how would we prove that the attack was unprevoked? Everybody knows that Sith and Jedi are natural enemies. It would be rather difficult to convince them that we did nothing to deserve this.

Unlike here we do not control the media there. They know of the reputation of the Jedi that the NR has given them, and most of them beleave us to be the evil ones."

Lady Vader
Apr 26th, 2004, 04:07:33 PM
*LV shook her head.*

Really, if we are the evil one's, then why is it that the JEDI is the one hacking and slashing at the people?

*She waved her hand at the live feed coming from the datapad.*

As it is, is it not one of our own down ther, risking his life, to try to stop this crazed Jedi? Surely the people are not blind?

Rasha Vill
Apr 27th, 2004, 12:05:37 PM
"No the people are not blind, and the people in the streets are cheering on Rivin. But the peopel of Drall are seeing this from a diffrent light. They beleave that we have done something to the Jedi that has caused them to attack us, and think that joining with us will put them under attack from the Jedi."

Rasha pauses for a moment...

"And what will happen if this news footage gets out of the system? What if the REAL jedi find out about this? They would be able to tell that the person fighting Rivin is not one of their's. This would hamper my attempts to het us an ear inside the NR senate."