View Full Version : Where is my room?

Liam Jinn
Apr 21st, 2004, 02:00:27 AM
Ah - here it is.

Liam opened the door to his room and stepped inside, the door shutting behind him quietly with a nudge through the Force. Because he hadn't seen his home in so many years, he couldn't help but to stop and glance over things, his head filling with memories he had nearly forgotten. Sighing, he closed his eyes and cleared his head. There would be plenty of time to reminisce later, right now he needed to rest.

Slowly and carefully pulling his shirt over his head, he walked to a mirror and examined the new scars that now littered his torso. He ran a hand over the scars formed by slugs passing through his body like it was paper, then over the many gashes that hadn't quite healed fully, then stopping as his hand neared his left side. He remembered the explosion...

Plenty of time to reminisce later.. he thought to himself again.

The Jedi Master turned and walked over to his bed, pulling his boots off of his feet and rubbing his soles. He felt older than he should for his age, or at least older than he thought he should. With another sigh, he laid down on his back, wincing slightly. The comfortable bed and blankets were a nice change. Smiling as he closed his eyes, he thought of all the events that had lead him to where he was now in his life, waiting for sleep to overtake him.


He woke up suddenly, covered in sweat. His dreams would not allow him to rest peacefully, but that was something he was getting accustomed to. Rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the time.

Frell...a whole two hours..

He rolled out of bed, cursing as he did, then made his way to the sink, filling a glass full of water. After a few full glasses, he laid back down and tried to sleep once again.