View Full Version : Rip it up...(Ileya and very OPEN)

Apr 20th, 2004, 01:46:03 PM
An explosion erupted behind the lithe figure in the blackbody suit with the web-gear. Her long satin black trenchcoat ripped in places as she was thrown from the roof of the two story building, to land upon an awning below of a shop. Ripping through the canvas, Raevin Simone, assasin for hire had landed upon the shop owner's wares. Quickly getting up, she sprinted down the street as she looked back to see the owner who was yelling at her, get knocked out of the way by the several men who pursued her.

She had taken a "job" through an anonymous source against her better judgement. Even Ileya had warned her about such delaings, but the thrill of the hunt and the kill had gotten the best of her and now the result was a doublecross and her being turned from hunter to the hunted. A demented smirk showed as she rounded a corner and sprinted down the deserted alley. Her thick soled boots pounding the turf as her arms pumped in her desperate run. She was nearing the dividing wall when mini explosions spouted from the wall to her right as they opened up on her.

Laser bolts flashed past her as she leapt and grasped the walls top edge and pulled herself into a side-tumble off the wall and ontp the other side. Rolling from the pile of garbage against the wall's opposite side, she got back to her feet and sprinted. Seconds later and twenty yards away, the wall blew up and she stumbled to her knees to look back and see the group emerging from the smoke and dust and pointing at her screaming orders to each other. Pushing herself up, she drew on them. Two chrome blasters appearing and she let fly. Emerald shots flew back at the group and she floored two of the eight. The others ducked out of her line of sight, Taking that moment's advantage, Raevin turned and ran once more.

Quicker you find your way back to the spaceport, quicker you be off planet

She thought to herself. Knowing full well she wa being chased away from the spaceport and that her ship was probably under guard. Just make do.....Work your way back slowly girl

She laughed when she had a thought, and spoke to herself outloud.

"Dammit, Ileya is going to kill me when she finds out."

Yurza Magus
Apr 20th, 2004, 02:24:07 PM
Yurza was walking down an alley when he was knocked down by an explosion. What the frell? As the dust settled he saw men emerging from a hole in the wall. All of them were packing heat and the Dark apprentice smiled. They trained their sights on him for a moment before one was mowed down by a blaster shot. Looking up fom his safe spot behind a dumpster, Yurza saw a girl shooting at the group.

Well this is interesting, he thought as he looked back at the men and then returned his gaze to the woman. He saw the blaster before it was almost to late. He brought his lightsaber up, only activating one of the blue blades a batted away the stray bolt. "Dumb girl. Does she know who she is shooting at?"

Yurza watched as the girl turned around, and he gave chase. Using the Force he was able to catch up to her in no time. He ran a few meters in front of her, giving her plenty of time to either stop running or he would make her stop. "What do you think you are doing shooting at me?"

Apr 20th, 2004, 02:45:15 PM
She had glanced back to see the group turn the corner as well, and her senses told her to turn back. Just in time to see some guy standing in her way and also in the way of the sure to come blaster fire. As he was making his bravado, she roughly brought both into a recess in the wall just in time as laser flashes flew by.

Her hand came up with one of her chrome blasters and she peeked out to send another volley back at them before turning her attention back at him.

"Are you an idiot?? Don't you know suppressed fire when you see it? I wasn't aiming for you!"

She whispered harshly as more return fire flew past the opening in the wall. She leaned out and shot back several times, then came back and looked at him with an irritated glance.

"I'm being hunted if it didn't catch your attention....And if a shot flew near you, then you mister...were defiantely in the wrong place at the wrong time."

She leaned out to see one of them advancing, and placed a well aimed shot into his head. The ruffian dropped like a bad habit and she glanced at the stranger.

" Now they saw you with me, they may come after you too...."

Ileya Simone
Apr 20th, 2004, 03:31:39 PM
Ileya left her ship in the docking bay and walked with her bag of 'toys' thumping lightly against her left hip, her twin chrome blasters holstered snuggly against each thigh. Her waist length patent leather jacket hid the throwing knives strapped to her bare biceps. She unclasped her dark hair from the back of her neck and it fell in a straight curtain to her jawline as her brown eyes scanned the crowd from beneath mirrored sunglasses.

She had lost contact with her sister Rae not too long ago and that was highly suspicious for Ileya. The two of them made a pact to talk every day if they did not see each other or made sure to tell the other when they were going to be out doing a 'job'. For the longest time she had been trying to get Raevin to join 'Fatal Beauty, Inc.' but for some reason, she had been fighting it.

Rae's last whereabouts were here and she looked at her wrist comm. Shaking her head, she let out a frustrated sigh. She knew Rae had taken a job she shouldn't of and when she found her sister, she was going to skin her alive before locking her butt up in her office.

"Where are you, Rae?" She muttered under her breath as she looked out over the city as she emerged from the docking bay. As if in answer, she heard blaster fire and a smile suddenly lit her face as she recognized the sound of Rae's weapons.

Trailing the sound, she hurried as fast as she could, hoping to get to here before any authority did. She rounded the corner to see her sister drop a few men from her stand point and Ileya grinned again, digging into her bag for a grenade. Tossing it up in the air a few times, she gauged the distance and then pulled the pin and tossed it into the remaining group of men as she ran for her sister, diving just as the grenade blew. The blast from it rolled her a bit and she quickly sat up, pulling her blasters out to aim infront of her just incase someone survived to come after them.

A few silent minutes passed and she lowered her blasters, placing them back in their holsters as she looked at the handsome man before turning her attention to her sister.

"Something you want to tell me, Rae?" She asked, canting her head to the side .

Apr 20th, 2004, 03:45:53 PM
She heard the explosion and instinctlively brought her weapon to bear. She heard Ileya speak and a relieved, yet mischievous smirk appeared. Glancing at the stranger, she looked back at her sister.

"Something you want to tell me, Rae?"

"Not really."

She knew, Ileya knew she went directly against her advice and better judgement and wasn't going to give the satisfaction of saying so. But the smirk said it anyway. If one looked up the definition of "Trouble", they'd find Raevin's picture and name in there.

"The "mark" I was given....fake....they were waiting for me. Seems someone was a might bit miffed at me for "offing" a friend. Frelling thugs, they take everything too kriffing seriously. Like this guy here....upset I threw a blaster shot his way."

She said as she gestured to the blonde guy next to her. She looked over Ileya's shoulder and scanned the distance.

"We all better move it....I think we may have company."

Wails of sirens was heard down the street and getting closer by the second. Shooting at ruffians was one thing....trading shots with the local authority was somehting rather different.

Yurza Magus
Apr 21st, 2004, 12:35:53 PM
Yurza stood up and smiled. "You think the law enforcement agencies have any pull down here? Think again. This is my territory and they know it. Oh where are my manners. I am Yurza Magus, apprentice to the Dark Mistress Dalethria." Yurza deactivated his lightsaber and connected it to his belt. He turned to the one who had thrown him against the wall.

"And I suggest that if you really are as good with those weapons as you say then you would have picked off those guys each with a single shot. Now that that is out of the way. If you really do want to be out of sight from the local authorities, I have a small safe house not to far away from here if you wish to hide out there. It isn't much, but it is one of the few that have never been penetrated."

Ileya Simone
Apr 23rd, 2004, 07:54:20 AM
Ileya stood, looking over at Yurza and the lightsaber he was putting away.

"A Jedi, eh?" She asked, glancing at Raevin. "You know how to pick them, don't you?" Ileya dusted herself off and then turned to face Yurza. "I'm Ileya, this is my sister Raevin. We appreciate your offer for safe housing and would like to take you on it. In our line of work, well...mixing with local authorities would be bad thing."

Yurza Magus
Apr 23rd, 2004, 05:35:46 PM
Yurza's hand almost went out and struck the girl. He had to visibly restrain himself. "Very well follow me. And I warn you miss...don't ever call me a Jedi again." Yurza turned and began walking down the alley, deeper into the darkness. He then stopped and turned to his left, facing a large wall.

"My place is right behind here. Forgive me if I don't trust you, but I ask that you look away so that I can open the entrance."

Apr 25th, 2004, 02:31:53 PM
Raevin's hazel eyes hardened a bit also, the subtle twitch of his arm....the tone of his voice....it made her trigger finger itch to pull a blaster shot right between his eyes, or from behind his head, which ever he produced for her opportunity. Force users...she never cared for them, either they were prissy and all peace loving like the Jedi Ileya took him for, or they were arrogant and thought themselves untouchable like this blowhard. Which meant he was one who was a dark one, a Bad boy.

"As I don't trust you, But...you can trust me on one thing, one more threat out of your mouth toward my sister and I Will show you my true skills as a killer and place a mark on my lipstick case with your hide, I have killed your kind before....we clear on that?"

She turned and faced the other way, still wanting to draw on this stranger. Her eyes cut to her sister and she had to smirk. The years she spent plotting to kill her, and now she was protecting her as she always should have been. Funny how things change. She spoke softly to Ileya.

"Sorry, If any one is to threaten you in any way it will be me."

Yurza Magus
Apr 25th, 2004, 03:21:00 PM
"Then don't give me a chance." Once he was sure both women weren't looking, Yurza ra his hand up the wall, until he located serveral oddly shaped bricks. He reach out with the Force and pushed all of them simultaneously. The wall slide back and up revealing a very odd scene. A small house surrounded by blue grass and a variety of gardens. It wasn't something one expected n Coruscant, but with enough credits one could have anything their heart desired.

"Here we are. What do you think?"

Ileya Simone
Apr 26th, 2004, 04:09:12 PM
"Sorry, If any one is to threaten you in any way it will be me."

"Yes, I can feel the love, Rae." Ileya hissed back.

Ileya hadn't meant anything by what she had said and found it very interesting that he felt the need to strike out at her. She opened her mouth to argue her meaning, but decided against it. Raevin was already wound up to smack him a good one, she would not give her sister another reason to wind her up even tighter.

She followed the Jedi without a word, her eyes watching him carefully as they entered his house. She looked around, still silent as the door was closed behind them.

"It is nice, Yurza. I thank you again."

Yurza Magus
Apr 26th, 2004, 04:21:32 PM
Yurza nodded as he walked to the front door. It opned and inside the house was decorated with antiques. Painting hung over the walls. The carpet so plush that is came over the sole of his shoes. He lead them into a small sitting room and waved at the chairs. "You can stay here until you feel ready to go back outside."

Apr 27th, 2004, 10:48:21 PM
Raevin followed in and her hazel eyes wandered the expanse of the room. It was nice....but it was his. He hadn't impressed her all that much so far and she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. She just grunted an approval and walked passed Ileya to come to a rest against a wall. Arms crossed over her chest and she glanced at her sister.

"How long you figure? Couple hours maybe? Less??"

She looked at Yurza and brushed some errant strands of hair away from her face.

"Yeah, thanks.....whatever."

The last word she mumbled as she took out her blasters and inspected them.

Yurza Magus
May 5th, 2004, 06:51:03 PM
"I'd give them two, three hours at the most before they pack up and leave."