View Full Version : The Fiction Of Government (COMPLETE)

Tiberius Anar
Apr 16th, 2004, 12:56:01 PM
At the Civilian Flight Control Centre on Thyferra the watch officer keyed off the comm and headed for the main control station. In the centre of the room was a massive holographic projection of the Imperial Sovereignty’s capital world with many small images of spacecraft and aircraft moving about it. He glanced at it, his eye travelling across the myriad images to rest upon a single large vessel. A SSD, a super star destroyer, named Intimidator, the flagship of Grand Admiral Desaria, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy. He keyed the intercom for the controllers sitting at the tiers of control stations around the room.

“Everybody look sharp. There will be a special flight headed for orbit in one minute. Designate it as ChanOne. It is to be allowed clear passage to orbit.”

As he finished speaking a new icon appeared on the projection, at a point just outside Xuchphra City, and moving rapidly upward. It was a shuttle with an escort of eight fighters.

Its appearance elicited an immediate response from the controllers. They began sending messages to the pilots of the various smaller ships ordering them to hold their positions or alter course way from ChanOne. As they did so the noise level increased dramatically. A trainee turned to his companion, a woman who had worked in the CFCC for ten years.

“Why is everyone so excited?”

“Because that’s the Chancellor’s private shuttle,” replied the woman.

* * * *

Aboard his shuttle Tiberius Anar watched as the ground retreated below him. He could see the sprawl of Xuchphra City beneath him, an island of grey in a tangled sea of green rainforest. This would be the first time he had left the surface since taking office eight months ago. He was not looking forward to it.

Sitting opposite his was one of his private office staff, a young man named Wes Chanik. Wes was his political secretary, a post only recently created. After a series of appalling political blunders by his Civil Service staff Anar had decided he needed someone with the political savvy to know what was politically expedient and what was not.

“Might I ask why we are making this trip, Excellency?” asked his political secretary.

Wes Chanik had recently joined the Chancellor’s private office, he was intelligent, observant, careful and, above all, a Party member. This was of supreme importance to Anar because, after eight months, he had come to realise that the bureaucrats in his office were not totally committed to the New Order. They also seemed horribly incompetent when it came to judging the political mood. Wes was there to ensure that mistakes were not made, and to keep an eye on Quintus Varro, Anar’s Private Secretary.

Anar regarded Wes for a moment, before saying “To further the fiction that is government.”

“Your pardon, Excellency I do not understand.”

“I did not think you would,” replied Anar with a sigh, “No one really does.

“In government there are certain fictions that we maintain in order to make it work. For example that ministers make all the decisions in their department, which is ludicrous because they cannot possibly decide everything. The Civil Service does makes most of the decisions for the minister and he approves them. You see?”

“Yes, but that is hardly a fiction, Excellency. Officially the minister does make the decisions,” pointed out the younger man.

“But the people believe that the minister sits down and actually thinks about each decision. They believe that they really do decide everything. That is why ministers get the credit for success and the blame for failure, regardless of whether they actually took the decision or not. And we let them believe that because if they knew the truth the people might decide that they do not need ministers.”

“I see. But how does this trip help with that?” asked Wes leaning slightly as the shuttle banked for the next part of its climb spacewards.

“I said that there were fictions, plural, that we maintain. This helps with another one.” Anar galnced out of the window. “The biggest fiction of government, in fact.”

He lapsed into silence, apparently lost in his own thoughts. Or perhaps he was testing Wes’s patience, seeing how long he would wait to hear what this great fiction was. After a minute Wes decided to prompt Anar.

“And that is…” he said tentatively.

“That I am the supreme ruler of the Imperial Sovereignty,” replied Anar turning to face Wes. His voice was half laughing, half bitter.

Wes raised his eyebrows in genuine surprise. “But surely as Chancellor you are?”

“Are what?” asked Anar.

“The ruler, you have supreme power after all.”

“Ah, but I don’t.” Anar looked at Wes and read the signs.

He was reeling. He had been raised to believe in the supreme authority of the Chancellor. Taught by party, school,and Propoganda Ministry that the holder of that office was the supreme ruler of the largest Imperial faction. And here he was listening whilst the holder of that very office told him otherwise.

“I have a great deal of power, believe me. But I do not have supreme power. I must share power with another.”

To give him credit Wes was quick to recover, and his mind was already working. After thirty seconds he had the answer, “Desaria.”

Yes. Grand Admiral Lord Telan Desaria, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy. That was with whom he shared power. The man who put Anar in power. The man who commanded the loyalty and respect of millions of men under arms. The one man who could remove Anar from power.

“So that is what you are doing. Paying him homage.”

“Yes and no,” came the classic political answer. “No because he will be the one doing the bowing. To the public it will appear that he is subservient to me. And yes because I am going to him. So between he and I, I am the one being subservient”

Wes considered this for a moment it seemed rational enough. “But why does he do this? If he is so powerful why let the public, and his troops for that matter, think that he obeys you?”

"For many, many reasons. But mostly because he needs me, just as I need him," Anar settled back in his seat and left Wes to figure it out for himself.

After a two minutes the pilots voice, distorted slightly by static came over the cabin speakers, "We are approaching the Intimidator. Prepare for landing."

Telan Desaria
Apr 19th, 2004, 03:12:56 PM
" You want to know something, Malik?"

Senior Lieutenant A. F. Malik, Imperial Fleet Assault Corps, moved forward from his flanking position. The lieutenant and his charge now strode shoulder to shoulder, though the other gentleman was considerably taller. " Excellency?"

" I hate going to Thyferra."

" Why is that, Excellency?"

The taller gentleman regarded the query for a moment, piecing together an explanation for his randomly interjected aside. Snatching bits of information was no burden for a man whose neurons never slept.

" Since the Civil Administration was created, it's a den of snakes. Politicians and bureacrats slithering about, proud of their own power - they think for themselves first: before the Empire! That's the difference between a proud officer and a proud politican: the latter is willing to die for his cause, the former willing to live for himself."

The pair turned a corner from a wide corridor running through the bowels of the Imperial flagship. The corridor fell away, disgorging its humanoid contents into a massive yaw cut into the belly of the durasteel beast. Lining the ceiling ten levels above were racks upon racks of Mark III TIE Defenders and their counterparts, the Scimitar Assault Bomber. Below stood an entire legion of Imperial soldiers, mustered for parade and inspection.

A wide swath seemed cut through the uniformed mass where the Lieutenant walked behind the man he guarded. Companies of Assault Corps soldiers stood at attention, a platoon of stormtroopers scattered here and there. An entire battalion of Imperial Army troops lined the perimeter giving the formation a grey and olive trim.

" But today, on military property, it is different," commented Grand Admiral Telan Desaria. " The serpents are coming into our lair."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 20th, 2004, 11:48:23 AM
The shuttle passed through the magnetic barrier that shielded the hanger from the harsh vacuum of space with only the slightest of jolts. Colonel Harsk switched over to repulsorlift engines and, with practiced, ease swung the shuttle around to its designated spot. As it touched down the shuttle made the slightest of noises against the hard metal deckplates before Harsk switched off the engines.

Then, as the engine noise died away, the exit ramp lowered from beneath the head like cockpit section. With a slight hiss it settled into place. And then there was slience.

Anar braced himself and then stepped onto the ramp, walking down it into the lights of the hanger bay.

Telan Desaria
Apr 20th, 2004, 03:31:02 PM
The Grand Admiral watched the High Chancellor of the Empire stride down the Lambda-class shuttle's small access ramp. With wings upswept, the ubiquitous Lambda looked like a giant insect displaying food on a dark grey tongue.

Grand Admiral Desaria had to do much mental maneuvering to keep the analogy from contaminating his stolid features with a comical expression.

The Chancellor and his procession neared; when they were within five meters, the Grand Admiral closed his eyes and dipped his head toward the decking, It was by no means the full bow an officer might have used when in the presence of the Emperor or Diktat, but a display of respect nonetheless.


Tiberius Anar
Apr 21st, 2004, 07:08:00 AM
Anar watched Desaria bow. It was not a full bow by any means but it was just enough to be respectful with out entailing any humiliation or real loss of face.

"Grand Admiral Desaria I am pleased to see you once again," he said as Desaria returned to his habitual parade ground stance. "I trust that all is well on Porall?"

Telan Desaria
Apr 21st, 2004, 03:29:02 PM
" It is now, Your Excellency. In a week at most, a continuous defensive barrier will face the Core and our enemies there. The interior of the Empire is a safer place."

The Baron smiled tightly. " Can I offer you a tour of the flagship?"

Tiberius Anar
Apr 22nd, 2004, 11:53:21 AM
"I would," said Anar, "I have not had the pleasure of seeing such a magnificent vessel from the inside."

His voice suggested an enthusiasm that he did not feel. As the admiral led him out of the hanger he was hoping that the tour would not take too long.

Telan Desaria
Apr 22nd, 2004, 03:36:48 PM
The Grand Admiral was no fool. He did not have the political intuition or keen personal insight of a Moff, but he could read those around him. A glance back gave his personal guard, Senior Lieutenant Malik, the intended order without a word; thusly the entourage that followed the commanders of navy and government fell back.

" We need keep up no more appearances. Will you join me for a drink in my quarters?"

Tiberius Anar
Apr 23rd, 2004, 02:49:21 AM
"So long as it is a good vintage, yes."

Telan Desaria
Apr 23rd, 2004, 08:05:49 PM
" The finest Corellian brandy in the galaxy."

With an amiable smile, the Grand Admiral gestured for the Chancellor to follow in his wake. Sixty decks and one hundred-eighty sections later, the pair arrived at the quarters of the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy.

It could have been of little suprise to the Chancellor that the space was opulent and open. Above the entryway ran a small balcony where a man could stare through plated transparisteel into the depths of space - currently offering a magnificent view of Thyferra. Shelves containing rare, bound books held information and wisdom lost to many. Tables etched in the rarest of woods held crystaline statuines and priceless artifacts.

The Grand Admiral motioned to a high-backed chair padded in a deep satin. When the Chancellor moved to make himself comfortable, his host poured two glasses of the finest sherry known to man. One glass found its way into each man's right.

" To the Empire," Desaria toasted, raising his glass ever so slightly.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 24th, 2004, 02:38:16 PM
"To the Empire," Anar echoed the toast taking a sip. It was truly an exquisite drink- he made a mental note to get his hands on some. He raised his glass again, "And to its guardian. You're doing stirling work, Telan."

Telan Desaria
Apr 24th, 2004, 03:43:06 PM
" You're too kind, Chancellor. I am only doing my job. The credit must go the millions in uniform - for they execute the orders I give."

Desaria let the taste of the brandy settle on his tongue.

" What brings you into orbit, Your Excellency?"

Tiberius Anar
Apr 24th, 2004, 03:52:26 PM
Anar smiled, "A variety of matters that are best dealt with face-to-face." He settled back into the chair.

"First I wished to discuss a joint venture by the Diplomatic Service and the Navy. We have opened negotiations with a planet named Tolea 'Fuin," he pronounced the name carefully, "The High Ruler is facing civil unrest and a possible rebellion. We are renedering assistance to him."

Telan Desaria
Apr 24th, 2004, 03:54:03 PM
" I see."

The Grand Admiral had guessed there was a string to be pulled, but he had yet to see it dangling before him. The Chancellor's words illuminated the situation perfectly.

" And how does the military fit in?"

Tiberius Anar
Apr 24th, 2004, 03:57:19 PM
"The military will provide military muscle to prop up the High Ruler's administration. The forces deployed will restore order to the planet and then remain to protect the High Ruler, for the time being at least."

Telan Desaria
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:09:41 PM
The Grand Admiral pursed his lips, calling data to the forefront of his mind with great ease. For nearly three and one half decades, the entire span of his life, he had lead and soldiered on and that had given him a keen memory for figures and facts. He could glance at a roster and recall it a week later.

" An Aurora-class Star Destroyer and two Fire-class Frigates were detached from the 3rd Heavy Assault Squadron and are undergoing refit here. I will extend their detachment. Will that be sufficient? Do you require ground troops?"

Tiberius Anar
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:13:22 PM
"I believe the standard complement of troops for a Star Destroyer will be sufficient for our purposes," said Anar with a smile, "Am I take this as a your approval?"

Telan Desaria
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:16:22 PM
" I must say that the initiative for the leader of the Civil Administration. However, I support your decisions thus far. I would be remiss not to take an opportunity to bring glory to the Empire."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:20:28 PM
"You know, I wish that you would stop using that term. It gives the wrong impression." It was one of Anar's pet peeves that the Supreme Commander had yet to shake that habit of refering to an Empire now dead.

Telan Desaria
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:26:44 PM
If possible, the Grand Admiral's face fell. It became red and a deep fire shot through his eyes. The very expanse between military and political leaders filled with a dangerous electricity. For the Baron, he was not sure if he could prevent himself from killing the man seated opposite him.

" The Empire cannot die, Chancellor. It lives forever as long as we believe. Do not lecture me on death. I have seen more death than most men see in a thousand lifetimes. It shall rise again and the loyal will be rewarded. The martyrs will be lauded and the glory will be ours again. The rebels will be sacraficed onto the altar of the Emperor and we shall build our cities with their bones. Never - ever - speak like that again."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:31:59 PM
Anar looked at the anger blazing across the Admiral's face and for a moment considered changing the subject. But now was as good a time as any to sort this out.

"My friend, the Empire as a concept is not dead and the New Order survives. But the term conjures up images of Palpatine's rule in the minds of many, particularly of those of the non-humans who are Imperial subjects. The word "Empire" is a political gundark- dangerous. We must use it judiciously lest we cause oursleves problems."

Anar held his breath, hoping that this had made the postion claer to the admiral and that it would lessen his anger.

Telan Desaria
Apr 26th, 2004, 06:07:01 PM
" I have spent many years fighting for the Empire. It is an ideal I have lived my life by. I have ordered many thousands to their deaths because of it and I can never let it go. I use it not as a phrase of what was but what must be again."

Grand Admiral Desaria appeared to lose his focus with reality, for a moment letting his eyes drift into an alternate dimension.

" I can't stand the way things are now. We worry about distinctions - Federal, Sovereign, Remnant. It is so difficult to look on ships I once commanded as enemies. I remember when we took Asmeru, I fought against a man who had decorated me when I was a Captain. Things have gone too far."

He reverted to reality.

" I hold on to the past so that we do not forget. All we have is Imperial and I will be damned if I will abandon that. I don't like xenophobia, in fact I abhor it. It is our job as leaders to make the galaxy see the righteousness of the Empire - as it is now."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 27th, 2004, 03:33:12 AM
Anar latched on to one phrase, "As it is now, the Empire is the Sovereignty. We must seek to differenciate oursleves from the others for our own safety. Or would you rather that we be lumped together with The Federacy and all those petty warlords? We are separate from them and to signify that we call ourselves 'The Imperial Sovereignty'. That distinction is what will save us if ever the New Republic turns upon any of the others. We can point and say it was them not us provided we continue to make that distinction, the moment we drop it we are done for."

Telan Desaria
Apr 27th, 2004, 05:54:09 PM
" I understand your point, Chancellor, but you must understand something: military blood runs through my veins. Old habits of allegiance die hard. That is why I have somewhat as competent as you to run things."

The Admiral raised his glass in silent salute.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 28th, 2004, 01:31:31 PM
Anar bobbed his head in equally silent acknowledgement. He knew he had not won, but he had made progress. He would return to this topic at a later date.

"May I ask what operations are being planned by the High Command? The briefing papers are volumous and tedious, they also tend to obscure the facts."

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 01:42:12 PM
The Grand Admiral let slip a slight chuckle before reigning in his jocularity.

" That is true. Marshal Prem is nothing if not thorough. There are orders for everything - I assure you that is not an overstatement. But to your question, High Command has received plans from the Commander of the Mayagil Sector Fleet for a limited offensive against the Solaarian Confederation. They are rebel supplied and trained but are in total disarray after their last civil war. Vice Admiral Messhir will take one force and assault their peripheral world of Virmeude. I will take another and advance on Xagobah."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 28th, 2004, 01:47:04 PM
"Do our intelligence sources offer hard evidence of New Republic support?" asked Anar. "If they do then I can see no political objections as regards foreign policy."

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 03:47:31 PM
Desaria's smile faded, his face hardened.

" Intelligence is sure. A border raid a while ago revealed several republic officers on duty when we stormed the bridge of a Solaarian frigate. Most of their ships use the same transponder codes as the day they came out and Intelligence confirms they are Republic yards."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 29th, 2004, 02:18:04 PM
Anar nodded. This was perfectly acceptable to him. Accepting aid from the New Republic was not what he called neutral. The attack was thus justified.

"And what do we gain from this offensive. I am correct in assuming that this is more than a punitive action?" he assked.

Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2004, 03:37:14 PM
" The Empire undertakes no mission without more than one goal in mind."

Grand Admiral Desaria placed his decanter on an end table and removed a two-dimensional map from a book nearby. He handed it to Anar before seating himself once more. Brandy again in-hand, he resumed.

" We achieve several goals here. Firstly, our route of attack and extension of territory will surround Clak'dor VII, a rebel stronghold. We will lose no men to a siege. We then extend this attack to several other worlds while we encirlce our true objective - Sluis Van. Task Force Alpha and Beta will unite outside the system and drive home the attack. Task Force Delta, currently assembling, will mop up behind us to secure these gains.

" With the completion of this operation, we acheive a shipbuilding parity with the Republic."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 30th, 2004, 11:06:25 AM
Anar raised an eyebrow, this was a considerable prize.

"And you feel that the New Republic will not oppose this?" he asked carefuly, "As a military strategist that is."

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 11:14:15 AM
" They should indeed, but I do not feel they will. Their assets are tied up elsewhere and cannot respond immediately. Secondly, the Solaarians are not part of the Republic. By avoiding military confrontation on Clak'dor VII, they have no legal reason.

" I think that by the time they do respond, we will be entrenched in our targets and the cost will be seen as too high. We can the yards operational one month after their capture."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 30th, 2004, 11:26:12 AM
"Choosing not to attack Clak'dor was wise of you, Telan. Their senator is, by all acounts, a most rabid anti-imperialist, not to mention a militarist. Had you entered Bith space he would have had the New Republic Navy on you in hours."

He paused, pondering the situation, before continuing, "As it is he is likely to object most vigorously to being encircled. But as you say he has no legal grounds to call in the New Republic Navy. And if his government attack with their own defence fleet, I am confident that our diplomats can convince the Senate to stop them."

Anar steppled his fingers and regarded Desaria over their tips, "I suppose that you intend to take Clak'dor in the future."

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 11:41:15 AM
" Not by force, no. They will be completely isolated from the galaxy. The hyperspace lanes will be interdicted and any craft running the bloackade will be lawfully destroyed as contravening Imperial territorial sovereignty. The Bith destroyed their homeworld a long time ago and with it any chance of self-sustenance. Thusly, they will have no choice but to surrender within weeks."

The Grand Admiral refilled his glass.

" As for their defense fleet, it is composed of a half dozen frigates under three hundred meters. A Victory-IV class Star Destroyer would make quick work of them in an hour at most."

Tiberius Anar
Apr 30th, 2004, 12:02:10 PM
"Again, you show admirable caution," said Anar. He took a swig of his drink, leaving a little of the pale liquid in the glass. He eyed it for a moment, "But I wonder- will you show such restraint if we already had Sluis Van? Would you be as willing to avoid a confrontation in, say, a year's time?"

As he spoke his eyes remained fixed on the liquid in his glass, he did not see the expressionn that crossed the other man's face...

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 04:33:01 PM
" My dear Chancellor - once Sluis Van is ours and those yards are producing at full capacity the Republic will be in a much poorer position to respond to our movements. I am not foolish enough to tempt them outright. They still have Fondor and Kuat running overtime.

" In a year, well we must wait and see. Our border skrimishes will continue, doubtless. The day of reckoning between the Empire and the Republic is coming, but when is the question. When, indeed."

His response was full while being empty at the same time. As he pondered what he said, he wondered if spending time with the Chancellor had given him a politician's tongue.

Tiberius Anar
May 2nd, 2004, 01:54:00 PM
Anar looked up at Desaria. “You believe that we will go to war, and that in such a war we can win?"

Telan Desaria
May 3rd, 2004, 05:04:57 PM
" I have faith that we will win, yes. Not at first, no. There will be setbacks, but in the end victory will be ours. Not in either of our lifetimes, though."

Tiberius Anar
May 5th, 2004, 01:14:58 PM
"But you would have us attack the New Republic if the opportunity presented itself? I don't mean a limited operations like Bestine, you understand. I mean a full scale attack against many worlds."

Telan Desaria
May 5th, 2004, 06:26:13 PM
" If the opportunity presented itself? Yes."

Tiberius Anar
May 6th, 2004, 07:01:55 AM
"I see.The criteria for such a conflict being that the Sovereignty would benefit from the conflict. Gain resources, men, worlds, shipyards and so forth. And the Sovereignty would to enjoy those benefits. This is all true, is it not? Those are the criteria?"

Telan Desaria
May 6th, 2004, 07:04:47 PM
" Mostly. Strategists must make such plans based off of such parameters. But I am not a strategists - this I freely admit, this is why I have the General Staff - but I am a fairly competent tactician. Thusly, I know how to seize an opportunity - - or the moment."

Tiberius Anar
May 7th, 2004, 12:48:32 PM
"There will never be an opportunity for such an attack," said Anar calmly, "The New Republic would turn upon us like a rabid wolfhound and tear us to pieces."

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2004, 01:07:51 PM
" Time will be our ally, Lord Chancellor. We may not see that day, or perhaps even our children may never see it. But our descendants, no matter how far removed, will one day see right triumph over wrong - that is the way of things. The universe appalls chaos. The Empire is the embodiment of order, through and through. You might say it is ordained that the Republic democracy, the very personification of disorder, fall."

Tiberius Anar
May 7th, 2004, 03:11:25 PM
"No it isn't," said Anar flatly, "It is the personification of Republican Unity Theory."

Telan Desaria
May 8th, 2004, 07:51:59 PM
Desaria looked coldly across the roo.

" If you doubt our victory, why do you salute the same banner I do?"

Tiberius Anar
May 9th, 2004, 11:18:04 AM
"Republican Unity Theory means that I must doubt the possibility of success by your methods of open war. If you had a proper grasp of the realities of galactic politics you would understand," snapped Anar. He paused, realising that becoming angry would not help his case. He took a deep breath and, when he opened his mouth his normal controlled voice emerged, "You made me Chancellor to handle the domestic matters that you cannot be bothered with. You also made me Chancellor to advise you on foreign affairs. Will you listen to my advice?"

Telan Desaria
May 9th, 2004, 03:02:32 PM
" Of course,. But the last person I need sitting it your office is a defeatist. Do you think I am so blind as to think Imperial victory easy? Do you think I have made my career by underestimating my opponenets? The answer is no. I am neither blind nor arrogant. I know the Republic to be larger but I am bound by my oath to uphold the belief that it will crumble no matter how unrealistic that view may have become.

" You were an executive when I was leading war fleets. When I was in battle, you were in board meetings. This experience breeds a different understanding. But we are both Imperial citizens. We must act like it. If we look bleak, then so will the public. If they lose faith in us, then we are all damned."

Tiberius Anar
May 9th, 2004, 03:51:39 PM
"Pessimist I may be, realist I am, but defeatist I...am...not!" snapped Anar, his voice filled with outrage. "You question my devotion to the New Order, you accuse me of being no better than the phonies that sat at the cabinet table a year ago and said, 'No more war. We cannot win.' ou insult my honour, sir!"

With out intending to Anar had risen from his seat literally trembling with rage.

"Rid yourself of the misconseption that I am just another cowardly politican looking out for is own interests. I am not de Nostradaum!"

He took a breath to calm himself, "I want to see the New Republic destroyed, I want our successors to rule from Coruscant, I want to restore order to the Galaxy, just as you do. Everything I do is for that end, and the sooner you realise that the better, because then you might actually start listening to my advice."

He remained standing his eyes fixed on Desaria's own, daring him to say another word against him.

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 02:14:58 PM
So it seemed that the Grand Admiral had finally pushed the buttons of his senior administrator. For all the goadding he had doen to the Supreme Commander, it felt good to wear the other pair of jackboots for a change. However, the Grand Admiral was not the type to gloat, even if the vengeance that went with it was sweet indeed.

So he stood, leveling his gaze towards the Lord Chancellor.

" Very well. I mean not to insult you, simply warn you. You are not de Nostradaum, I give you that. But you are a politician. Given what the Empire was fifty years ago when politicians ruled, I am skeptical of you all.

" What advice would you give me, then? I am interested to hear what you have to say. I have always been receptive of your ideas - when they do not contradict what I believed was policy. Perhaps you should try a more in depth explanation."

Tiberius Anar
May 10th, 2004, 02:33:23 PM
"I have every faith in our eventual victory, I simply doubt the methodology to be employed," Anar said, his voice calm now, "It is that which will damn us more surely than a little private pessimism."

"I am not a military expert, but in my opinion the sort offensive we have just been discussing will not work against the New Republic. Why? Not because they are bigger, which they are, or stronger, which they may be, but because they are a republic. What is more a republic born out of a war, making it even more dangerous," he was warming to his subject now, his voice rising and falling as he spoke.

"Every republic in history has been created by a mutual desire held by the different people that create it. There were republics on my homeworld- one of them was created when the people decided to overthrow a tyrant ruler. The New Republic is no different- it is simply bigger. The people that make it up rose up to overthrow their oppressors, that is to say us. The all hated the Empire, they all hated the New Order, and they all hated Palpatine- apart from that they did not have anything in common. It is that shared hatred of the Empire that united them in the first place as the Rebel Alliance, it was that shared hatred that led them to form the New Republic and that shared hatred that kept them going.

But they have lost that unifying factor. The Empire has broken up into what seem to them to be inconsequential factions. To them we are weak and divided and can pose no serious threat. And so they can get on with their feuds and backstabbing- petty species interests and rivalries will paralyse them. And that is to our advantage.

"Whilst they are distracted we can annex neutral systems by whatever means we can. We will grow strong off their resources. No-one will pay attention to us because they are too concerned with their own interests. By the time they realise what we are doing it will be too late."

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 02:45:50 PM
" This is what we have been doing. But without engaging them outright we look weak and non committal to the outside. How do avoid that and still show that our mettle is great?"

Tiberius Anar
May 10th, 2004, 02:48:47 PM
"If we take on the Repuiblic to prove that then we will suffer for it, and gain little by it. So we must find other ways to prove our strength." Anar settled back in his chair, "A roving task force."

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 03:14:39 PM
" Go on."

He had the Admirals interest now.

Tiberius Anar
May 10th, 2004, 03:24:40 PM
"Something along the lines of the operation on Tolea 'Fuin, but writ large. We create a task force that will roam neutral space offering aid to any legitimate government that requests it. The legitmacy is important otherwise we shall be seen as pirates.

"The task force will carry a diplomatic team, under a senior member of Diplomatic Service who will negotiate on our behalf. The commander of the task force is empowered to use his forces as he sees fit, with the advice of the diplomats.

"Naturally we will profit by this directly- resources, contracts, treaties- but also we will gain a reputation as benevolent defenders of order. And your men will get to blast pirates and rebels out of space and off planets- proving their mettle.

"But here's the best part," he paused ready to deliver the final, winning, element of his pitch, "It will set up our final assualt on the New Republic."

Telan Desaria
May 11th, 2004, 03:03:48 PM
There came a leer into the gaze of the Grand Admiral.

" You have my undivided attention, Lord Chancellor. This task force would have to operate our of a permanent base, somewhere on the border yet secure."

A wealth of ideas flooded the Admiral's conscious until he found what he was looking for.

" What do you think of Eriadu or Varonat? Bothy are on the border and making them into a base of operations would free up ships currently allocated to their defense."

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 03:30:35 PM
"I can see no problem with them," said Anar, "Both are too far fro the Republic to concern them and they are well equipped to support a task force. I will leave the arrangments to you, of course," he inclinded his head towards the admiral.

Telan Desaria
May 11th, 2004, 03:32:56 PM
" Of course."

Desaria crossed one leg atop the other as he relaxed into his chair.

" But how does such a display, this roving command, set up a final assault, however far removed, against our most hated enemy?"

Tiberius Anar
May 11th, 2004, 03:37:34 PM
"On occasion we will select, along the way, targets that will help us in the long run. We want to set up a jumping point to the Core, we get rights of access to a convenient system. We want to be ready to strangle a Republic world, we establish a presence in their neighbour's space, a mining operation or some such. We prepare the final assault along the way, slowly, softy, subtley and safely."

Telan Desaria
May 12th, 2004, 02:36:17 PM
" An intricate plan, Chancellor. I expected nothing less. It will, of course, take some time to authorize and create."

Tiberius Anar
May 12th, 2004, 02:40:21 PM
"Naturally," said Anar with a smile, "But this is all about taking our time. Our eventual victory is assured and we need not hury about it."

Telan Desaria
May 12th, 2004, 02:42:45 PM
" A toast then, Your Excellency. To the Final Victory!"

Desaria stood and raised his glass. For the first time, the Supreme Commanders of the Fleet and the Government were on eye-level.

Tiberius Anar
May 13th, 2004, 06:58:19 AM
Anar rose to the toast, "Final Victory!"

The two men drained their glasses whilst behind them Thyferra rotated lazily upon its axis and the teeming masses over whom they ruled went about their business completely oblivious to what had just been decided and ignorant of the realities of government.