View Full Version : Dhampire
imported_Blade Ice
Apr 16th, 2004, 11:58:17 AM
Dhampire = Half human/Half vampire. its the techincal name for them.
For those of you who don't know I run the only Dhampire here at this board there for I control the market I guess. Now this character (Gerbo Lang) IMO has worked really well for me. He has had his share of good threads. Only problem is lately I don't think he is excepted by the vampire society as a whole.
So I would like to discuss the problems with a Dhampire race (half vampire). Just so the topic doesn't get off hand and for those who think vampire characters are a god moding tool. I have never been accused of god mooding with gerbo so there will be no discussion on that aspect. I want to know your views on weather a Half vampire can exist.
the other reason i wish to discuss this is because at some point I was hoping to make a backround story on the Dhampires but the way its looking I may never get to do that. Because no one seems to eccept the idea. So please tell me your Ideas or pros and cons on such a concept as a Dhampire.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 16th, 2004, 12:19:25 PM
Could you explain how a Dhampire is created? I'm not clear as to whether its a vampire and a human procreating (and exactly how they go abotu that) or something else.
imported_Blade Ice
Apr 16th, 2004, 12:52:07 PM
They only way Dhampire can be born is from a vampire Male and Human female. There are two possible reason for this I'm not sure which one is considered right.
One reason is because the human females womb is able to sustain life. The other reason could because if it where a mortal male and a female vampire the female vampires body would feed of the blood of the young baby while its in the womb making it beborn a full vampire instead.
The theory behind the Dhampire is that they are rare and are ussually killed at birth for being abominations. Most people view the vampire as an undead thing and unable to procreate. For the most part that is true when a vampire mates with another vampire. But when they feed off of a mortal they get life of there own of sorts is how they explain Dhampire of being possible.
Now here is a little bit on how I explain Gerbo. He was born of a mortal mother and a vampire father as a weapon so his father could control vampire world but gerbo in the end fought the brain washing and killed his father and brothers and became a hunter. (this the shorten version)
Now in a fiew threads I want to do i want to change the whole concept or idea of where vampires came from to make them fit better into the sw universe. I can use this by using the Dhampire. The Dhampires where once a race of very techinolgically advanced beings but there world was litter with people who wanted to control so constant war was going between hundred of factions. Until one day a great plague hit and in the end the clans united to form one to save there race. the plague though left side affects on the survivors. They where unable to procreate with each other to rebuild there race if they did there off spring was highly strong and need to feed more then they did and seemed to be affected by sunlight. soon there offspring grew and destroyed there parents. Then the rise of the vampires came.
weather this will be accepted or not I really don't care. I don't know if this was what you wanted to know but there is a little more about how I'm going to explain them.
Also they are not as strong as vampires and the dhampires born from vampires tend to be steral(sp) for some reason when mating with humans. Dhampires are not unaffect by the sun and tend to get heat like strokes after long exposure to it.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2004, 02:59:39 PM
Just to throw a monkey wrench in the middle, the mother's blood and the baby's blood never mix. That's what the placenta does, it takes nutrients from the mom's blood and transfers it to the baby. That's how the mom can give birth to children that have a different blood type than the mother.
I've never been a big fan of the whole "undead" in a Star Wars setting. Loooooong lived, sure, but dead? nah. Just my personal preference. Those who know about such things will be better able to help you.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 16th, 2004, 03:05:17 PM
I think you already know my thoughts on all of this, but I'll post them up anyway.
The way I always saw it was that vampires could only have 'children' by stealing human offspring and turning them. Baring in mind that vampires don't "age" physically, if a child was born a vampire it would remain a child forever (case in point Claudia, from the Vampire Chronicles).
The reason why they can't reproduce? I figure they're cursed, a la Legacy of Kain. Damned so that although they can live a long time, they have no way of continuing their progency without turning others into demons like them.
imported_Blade Ice
Apr 16th, 2004, 05:36:59 PM
Yeah there are allot of people who think the way you do Jen-Jen although Vampires can age if they choose to even an rices vampires if I remember right. Although what ever her name from Interview couldn't do it because she was turned at way to young of an age.
LD yes I know that still doesn't mean the female vampire womb couldn't feed off of its baby. Also as for not think undead fit into the starwars universe such stories fit into all other myths and stories. believe it or not there are people who believe they do exist even ann rice believes in them. So why can't they also be a monster a myth or legend of star wars? Just like werewolves.
So far this is what I thought the response would be. I have a question for the vampires of this board. For those who look at the vampire as a curse I want to know who you believe start the curse or where it start if any of know or have an opinion on it.
Mu Satach
Apr 16th, 2004, 06:39:59 PM
Originally posted by Blade Ice
Vampires can age if they choose to even an rices vampires if I remember right.
From what I remember about "old" vampires in Anne Rice's books is that they are not old physically, but mentally and in their actions. Aside from being totally nuts because they can't handle the passage of time, they are unchanged. The best description I believe is at the end of Interview with the Vampire when Louie stumbles across Lestat who is living on rats in the old mansion.
Anne's vampires are unable to physically alter anything about their appearence once turned. Hence the rule "That the Dark Gifts must never be given to the crippled, the maimed, or to children, or to those who cannot, even with the Dark Powers survive on their own." I believe this is spoken by Armand to Louis and why Claudia is an oddity. I believe the Paris vampires wanted to kill her right on the spot, even before they found out about her murdering Lestat.
Another example of how they do not physically change, Lestat's mother goes bonkers when she cuts her hair and it grows back the next evening.
Of course I could be mistaken, I read those books long ago and haven't had the urge to pick up anything vampire related since.
PS - I should also point out, I quit reading the Vampire Chronicles after Tales of the Body Thief so she could have changed her mind in her later books... plus... ultimately I don't think it really matters because fiction is fiction and this isn't a court of law.
Jordana Montegue
Apr 16th, 2004, 08:03:01 PM
Physical aging requires that the cells of the body be living. Since vampires are not 'alive' physical aging is impossible. It's also impossible for a male to produce sperm if his body is dead. So, no kidlets.
IMO - I have yet to see anyone rp a vampire well. They have mega-super powers, never, ever get killed (yes, they can be killed) and they seem to only thrive off of making posts about maiming, killing thousands because they are oh-so-powerful and turning every female character on the board into one of their love slaves.
Oh yeah - and to feel emotion, one must be alive. Since vampires are dead - they don't feel. Unfortunately, films seem to ruin that, too by giving Dracula a love interest. Drac sees hot chick - desires hot chick to possess as his own - Drac dies.
Again, just my opinion but hopefully it's helped you out a little.
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 16th, 2004, 09:54:10 PM
MO - I have yet to see anyone rp a vampire well. They have mega-super powers, never, ever get killed (yes, they can be killed) and they seem to only thrive off of making posts about maiming, killing thousands because they are oh-so-powerful and turning every female character on the board into one of their love slaves.
Alas, you are correct. Vampires seem to be the resident excuse to create a repressed, angsty, all-powerful character. No offence to anyone is intended, but the idea of a mother feeding off of her child... Well, strictly speaking, that feeding would begin at conception, (assuming a dead woman or even an "undead" woman could still produce eggs...) which would kill the child, not taint it. Furthermore, how can dead or "undead" men produce sperm? Further-further more... there are so many good species in *real* Star Wars canon. Why go an create something which is not only highly implausable but also somewhat sidestepping the entire SW world?
Jason Dreggs
Apr 16th, 2004, 10:15:55 PM
Again please none of the god modding issues. I have never been accused of god moding as Gerbo lang or with Jason dreggs who is full vampire. It is not the issue weather you think people create them to be all powerful. I do not consider gerbo or Jason overly powerful hell I don't consider Jason powerful at he can't fight only thing he has is a mouth only reason he became vampire was because he feel in love with one.
If they are undead and not living creatures vampires that is then they wouldn't need to fee d to survive. But the basic fact that they need to feed proves that they are living but on little bit different terms then humans. They live off the life blood of mortals. The life blood gives them a life of there own so they can live forever. Thats how explain a dhampire is possible a vampire feeds gaining life from a mortal does the hanky panky gets the mortal pregnant and pops out a half breed.
Also why is a vampire so Implossible? Oh yeah almost forgot there are vampiric races in SW so its not so far fetched to have them her. They even mention vampire sith briefly in a dark side source book wich was liscensed by Lucas arts. I believe it in the section where they talk about Mara Jades history and her training as an assasin.
Emotion is not an alive thing its a human thing or a mind set and Vampires still have a mind so they can feel.
Also on a side note did you know that the idea of vampires came about because of people who where animic (think thats the term people have low cell counts and problems with there blood). They kept them in dark rooms because they tended get burned by the sun very easily. They also feed them blood of animals because it seemed to help. I don't remember the exact story behind it I'll have to look for it I got it someplace.
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2004, 10:36:20 PM
If they are undead and not living creatures vampires that is then they wouldn't need to fee d to survive. But the basic fact that they need to feed proves that they are living but on little bit different terms then humans. They live off the life blood of mortals.
Fine, yes with you so far.
The life blood gives them a life of there own so they can live forever.
Noooooo. Lost me there. Sorry, but that where I question this in Star Wars. There is simply no valid way to do that with the roleplay frame.
I actually dotn care if someone wants to be a vampire as such - most of the things a vampire has or does are I guess pretty likely and even explainable in a Star Wars setting, if you put your mind to it. But Undead and Immortality or living beyond a resonable time span is where I would personally draw the line.
On the times in the last year or so I've RP'ed with either a mention of a Vampire or one in the RP, I've simply added a mental note Marcus thinks they are insane or got some sort of disease. It's usually pretty funny. But that's like a self rationalisation and with approval of the other person.
Anyway, I pretty much dont care anymore and havent for a long time. But it is my opinion that Undead just can not exist in a SW setting. That is an opinion only. Doesnt stop RP'ing with or talking about relations with undead.
BTW, Vampireism is actually thought to be what ther supersicious Dark Ages people knew as Rabies. A sufferer of rabies actually does have a remarkable similarity in symptoms to the vampire legends.
The Sith Vampire is a literal bloodsucker, not an Undead one. Gotta make that disinction too.
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 16th, 2004, 11:18:39 PM
Also on a side note did you know that the idea of vampires came about because of people who where animic (think thats the term people have low cell counts and problems with there blood).
No, it's not Anemia, it's Porphyria, an enzyme difficiency which inhibits the proper production of iron in blood cells that is the origin of the vampire myth. Just so you know. :)
The Sith Vampire is a literal bloodsucker, not an Undead one. Gotta make that disinction too.
This is also true. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 17th, 2004, 01:35:36 AM
Regardless of whether or not we are calling them 'undead', I still stand by my earlier point - based on what you find in the Vampire Chronicles.
MO - I have yet to see anyone rp a vampire well. They have mega-super powers, never, ever get killed (yes, they can be killed) and they seem to only thrive off of making posts about maiming, killing thousands because they are oh-so-powerful and turning every female character on the board into one of their love slaves.
:| well, you aren't reading enough posts to do with vampires then, because I can guarauntee there's at least one that isn't like that.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 17th, 2004, 01:53:20 AM
Dasq, admit it, you're trying to turn all the women of the board into your love slaves. ADMIT IT!
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 17th, 2004, 02:37:36 AM
:uhoh shhhhhh. I told you not to mention that.
Jordana Montegue
Apr 17th, 2004, 10:21:21 PM
I've read plenty of posts - both here and elsewhere - and I still haven't seen a vampire played well. As has been stated before, this is solely my opinion.
To quote Marcus: BTW, Vampireism is actually thought to be what ther supersicious Dark Ages people knew as Rabies. A sufferer of rabies actually does have a remarkable similarity in symptoms to the vampire legends.
The legends/history of vampirism also depends on whose origins of the tales you read. The Chinese have a version of the vampire (its kinda neat, actually) that differs from the typical ones we have.
I don't see how a vampire (male) can impregnate a female. The sperm wouldnt be viable - there wouldn't be any. Even if its a half-breed - half human half vampire - the genetics from the vampiric side of the gene pool would make the male sterile.
Thats the part about the whole vampire character thing I never did understand and probably won't ever be able to believe. Even in the film Blade - he came to be because his mother was bitten by a vampire and something was transferred into the mother's bloodsteam and passed on to the fetus, thus creating Blade.
I even found that to be reaching - possible (maybe) but still reaching considering the fetus' DNA would have to have been altered in order for other changes in the physical appearance to occur.
imported_J'ktal Anajii
Apr 17th, 2004, 11:01:11 PM
Are those Chinese vampires you speak of the ones that are blind and have to smell your breath to find you? And they suck life force, not blood, if I recall correctly.
Force Master Hunter
Apr 17th, 2004, 11:46:46 PM
I liked the ones that hop up and down. Kangaroo Vampires :D
Jordana Montegue
Apr 18th, 2004, 01:56:54 PM
:lol Well, the ones that Force Master Hunter likes are the ones in Chinese lore. I only discovered this because a few years ago I was curious as to just how the stories about .vampires ( got its beginning so I did a little research on the web. Found some interesting reads out there and it was pretty neat to read the lore of other countries on this topic.
(That's just one link that has some interesting things written on it.)
Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 18th, 2004, 09:51:44 PM
Hmmn I cant reproduce...
Cant walk in the sun... unless protected very good....
I do feel...
I don't age...
I don't kill thousands ..not once..
Yes I like women...:smokin what male rper doesnt
Love slaves hmmn Ill have to try that..
I think Blade is possible.. because the baby was human completely. Filled with a curse at a young age the Dna was Altered in some way...??? So he is not Vampyre, Or human but a new thing altogether.. Thats my opinion. Jordan you dont think anyone rps a good vamp, Well then you have piqued my interest. Of course thats a blanket statement but like I said, "You have my interest."
I would like to see, and Im not being sarcastic..Your vampire, Your version how in your opinion it should be done.
I prefer to think of a vampyre as a person filled with passions. You want them to have no emotions. Why not make us Zombies only difference is that we drink blood and not flesh.. No I want fire, passion, lust, combat.. We are long lived we thirst for these things to release us from the long boredom of our eternal lives!
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 19th, 2004, 12:45:51 PM
Dalamar, there's a solution to that you know. If you want a release from an eternal life, then just make your vampyre not eternal. Just *very* long lived. ;)
Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 19th, 2004, 03:26:50 PM
Hmnn okay done!!!!!! who would have thought that it would have been that easy. It dont matter to me. Its not real, or is it? lol. Looks over his shoulder at Dalamar. "Im sorry Dalamar but Look at Lilian shes so sexy she made me do it." But hey another point to the life thing. Like they said in the movie dracula. The blood is the life. Yes where dead but we feed off live people. the BLood is the life. "Yes Dalamar Ill shut up now.. " Man he is touchy.
Alana Stormcloud
Apr 19th, 2004, 04:19:36 PM
I personally do not believe in Vamps having kids... I base my Vamps off of Anne Rice and I find that I just can't agree to the vamps being able to have kid’s thing. I do not agree that they don't have feelings, like Gerbo said they have minds, they think so they must feel, though maybe on a different level as others. Alana does not go around killing thousands; she is killable just like everyone else's char on the boards with the writer’s permission. Vamps are not IMHO infallible, there are a lot of things that can kill them.
Alana loves and yes she does like men ;) just like other female rpers but no she doesn’t want to turn everyone she meets. She is played as a Sith so yep she is bad.
I do not run my vamp as all powerful, and a lot of my posts have to do with very human dealings. Alana dealing with her uncle, and a lot of other things that have very little to do with killing. In Fact I rarely do a thread where Alana just kills and Maims, not to say that she doesn’t like any good Sith she loves a good kill :p I also know there are a lot of people that play vamps around here and they rp them well imho Yes there are always those who go overboard but on the most part most of stick to the rule of not godmoding. :)
also the way I look at it this is all fiction, and there are a lot of odd char. here. Have fun with it thats what this is all about.....
Wei Wu Wei
Apr 19th, 2004, 04:28:56 PM
There has been contention on this board for sometime about whether or not Vampires (The European blood-sucking, live forever types) fit well on a Star Wars forum.
But I do think the Chinese versions might do well, considering they suck life force, and not blood. That could be translated into something having to do with the Force.
Jordana Montegue
Apr 19th, 2004, 05:00:26 PM
Ok Dalamar, I accept your challenge. Give me about one week's time to get myself a vampire character. You name the forum to rp it out in.
imported_Gerbo Lang
Apr 23rd, 2004, 01:58:58 PM
This has gotten a little off topic but it hasn't been a train wreck yet. Since my character isn't accepted because of birth issues, issues with vampires being undead. Thats fine I offer two other sulotions both of wich screw my character over greatly in what I have already done with him but make him more acceptable.
1. I can go with the Blade idea an Idea I scrapped at the begining because I wanted to follow the more Vampire Hunter D way. Also because I didn't want to fight over how closely my character resembled Blade.
The idea is this Gerbo's mother was pregnant the normal human on human. While she was pregnant and about to go into labor she was in the turning process the taint that attacked her body embued itself into gerbo and hence a daywalker was born. Personally it screws up his back story but its probably more acceptable.
2. This Idea I came up with saves a bit of back story but screws everything I rped and said as Gerbo lang all to heck. Like the fact that his father tortured him into being a weapon to fight and kill other vampires to give his father ultimate power over them.
Instead Gerbo will be from a completely different race called the Dhampires. The race was a peacful one untila curse befell them. There children where born monsters of the night or born vampires if you will. The race now uses cloning as a means to populace alive and hunt what they feel they have created Vampires.
Darren Caerdeth
Apr 24th, 2004, 01:10:58 AM
Or, you can RP your character's backstory as you always have, and focus more on the character now, and not the character then.
Ryla Relvinian
Apr 24th, 2004, 01:51:20 AM
Without being offensive to anyone here, is this Dhampire idea in any way based off of some sort of Video Game?
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2004, 02:20:08 AM
It's from the movie Blade. The character, Blade, was a 'daywalker'.
Jason Dreggs
Apr 24th, 2004, 10:15:34 PM
Actaully the term Dhampire comes from an anime called Vampire hunter D. which I believe predates Blade.
Originally posted by Darren Caerdeth
Or, you can RP your character's backstory as you always have, and focus more on the character now, and not the character then.
Because allot of his storyline now deals with his back storyline thats why. I need a stable back story and the way the character is now no one accepts him thats why I have to change him. Its not cause I want it more because I feel I have to in order to keep him going her.
Vampyre Dalamar
Apr 24th, 2004, 10:54:41 PM
umm.. As far as I know no one is challenging your character. should be comfortable running him. But then I dont know everything.. OR DO I. heheheh :smokin
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