View Full Version : Re: Corellia and ImpSov

Darth Viscera
Apr 14th, 2004, 01:18:37 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Corellia is an Imperial Military Protectorate allowing us to concentrate of the fleeting we love and the Sith/Force-ness they love. (Re: Who Needs Bacta thread)

Corellia is not an Imperial protectorate. That suggests a hierarchical relationship which is thoroughly unacceptable to TSO, and which Rie would never agree to. Corellia always has been and always will be in TSO's possession. The relationship between the Empire and the Sith is one of mutual friendship, not one of protector and dependant. This is how it has always been. You should talk to Rie and rethink your position before you call Corellia that.

Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2004, 01:52:16 PM
Is it me, or is it getting AWEFULLY hot in here?

Telan, what Visc said. We only agreed to be mutual "friends" as it were... basically a "you don't shoot us, and we don't shoot you". We also agreed to let you use (i.e. borrow) out shipyards to build some ships.

Corellia and all it's assests are TSO owned and protected. If we require aid, yes, then we may call upon you.

But no, Corellia is NOT an Imperial protectorate.

Telan Desaria
Apr 14th, 2004, 03:36:30 PM
in name only. We're not claiming it, just saying "this we'll defend." Please, do not take offense. We have no intention of claiming it as an Imperial holding.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 14th, 2004, 03:42:22 PM

Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2004, 03:42:55 PM
I can live with that. Just as long as it's understood that TSO and it's assests are TSO owned.

Darth Viscera
Apr 14th, 2004, 04:04:51 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
in name only. We're not claiming it, just saying "this we'll defend." Please, do not take offense. We have no intention of claiming it as an Imperial holding.

Then you should use a term other than protectorate.

Telan Desaria
Apr 14th, 2004, 04:58:04 PM
we've stationed Destroyers and Battlestations. Protectorate is just a military term.

Apr 14th, 2004, 05:50:45 PM
You've... stationed SDs and battlestations?

As kind as that is of you to do, we already have our Golan gun stations or whatever they're called and we have a fleet near the space ports and shipyards orbiting Corellia, not to mention a planetary shield...

Perhaps, instead of placing the ships and stations around the planet, you can divy them out between the other planets in the system, i.e. Talus, Tralus, Soronia, Coronia, Drall, Selonia, etc.

Darth Viscera
Apr 15th, 2004, 02:58:57 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
we've stationed Destroyers and Battlestations. Protectorate is just a military term.

It is not just a military term. It's a term which is unacceptable to TSO due to its inherent provocative hierarchical meaning.

Main Entry: pro·tec·tor·ate
Pronunciation: -'tek-t(&-)r&t
Function: noun
Date: 1692
1 a : government by a protector b capitalized : the government of England (1653-59) under the Cromwells c : the rank, office, or period of rule of a protector
2 a : the relationship of superior authority assumed by one power or state over a dependent one b : the dependent political unit in such a relationship

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 15th, 2004, 11:30:07 AM
Curious - is there a thread where this agreement was made? And if not, perhaps one should be made, now, so TSO and the Sovereignty can hash out the meanings and the placement of ships, etc. In an IC manner, and out of this thread, since this thread is not about the current subject.

Telan Desaria
Apr 15th, 2004, 03:08:25 PM
there was. Who Needs Bacta - - it happened a while back. But I would be more than happy to do another if you wish.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 15th, 2004, 04:08:06 PM
I leave that decision up to you and LV. Since it was Malice who apparently brokered the deal between you and TSO, it seems that things need a bit more clarifying with the remaining membership.

Telan Desaria
Apr 15th, 2004, 04:17:12 PM
I await your decision.

Apr 15th, 2004, 04:45:38 PM
Telan, come over to the TSO board, in the Corellian Moon Spaceport. We'll finish the discussion there so as to not continue to hijack this thread.

Hollie, if you'd be so kind as to move posts 75 and onward. Just stick it in the above mentioned forum and call it hashing or something.


EDIT: Thanks for the transfer, Visc. :)

Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2004, 05:03:30 PM
Ok, I felt it best to just have this discussion moved here so we didn't muddle up the other thread. I also feel it's somewhat superficial to make a RP for the sole purpose of hashing this out, while it's much much easier to just talk it OOC and make a decision this way. (Besides, I just don't have the time to get involved in another RP.)

Anyhoo, I dunno what exactly it was you did in that thread you mentioned, and with whom, but I can tell you right now that I would never have agreed to allowing TSO to be protected outright by the Sovereinty. Nothing against you or any other Imperial. I just want TSO to stand on it's two feet and if they need help, they can certainly call for it.

Now that's not to say we aren't of good terms with the Imperials... we most certainly are. We have a common goal and common enemy, so it only makes sense to fight one front instead of a dozen.

But I really would prefer it if you didn't use the term protectorate. You can say you have a pact or agreement with TSO that you have been allowed to use her shipyards to build ships and will come to her aid if she calls for it.

Telan Desaria
Apr 19th, 2004, 04:18:43 PM
Of Course. I didn't mean any harm.

Apr 19th, 2004, 04:23:07 PM
It's all good, Telan. I just wanted to be sure the waters were crystal clear and all that. :)

(And glad you found this thread... I was beginning to think we'd lost you :uhoh )

Telan Desaria
Apr 19th, 2004, 04:29:53 PM
I'm a tad slow....