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Telan Desaria
Apr 15th, 2004, 03:16:34 PM
“ Good evening, Your Excellency,” chirped a humanoid female from behind her desk, too giddy her recipient’s taste. While the Grand Admiral could appreciate cheer and joviality, the sheer pitch of her voice grated on his nerves. He could picture fingernails scraping across chalk every time a word passed from between her over-glossed lips. It took every ounce of gentlemanly manner he had stored in the recesses of his soul to smile gracefully before speeding as deep into High Command as he could get.

That woman, thought Desaria, not allowing himself to finish the sentence. Many other officers, while enjoying the appeal her lithe physique and abbreviated apparel provided, could not stand her voice either. The notion brought a smile to Baron Telan Desaria’s face, the memory of Field Marshal Tchort visibly cringing coming to life in his mind’s eye.

The pair of guards posted outside the Admiral’s door came to attention and offered salutes, one finishing first to use that hand to push open the wooden entry of Desaria’s office. He returned their gesture and disappeared inside but was immediately accosted by his Adjutant, Brigadier General Maxim.

“ Good evening, Grand Admiral.”

“ Is that so? Just what makes this time of day good to you, General?”

The fresh-faced officer titled his head and smiled. “ Why Admiral! I am awake, alive, and reasonably sane: that alone is reason enough for me!”

Grand Admiral Desaria could hold a stern face for only a few seconds before a grin spread across his face, signaling his acquiescence. He unbuttoned his great-coat and removed his visor-cap, placing both in their appropriate positions upon a rack near the door. Many other officers had their aides do such things – the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, while an elitist, was still independent.

Maxim placed a small pile of flimsiplasts before the Baron as he took a seat behind a rather expansive wooden desk. “ Vice-Admiral Messhir will be arriving in two hours to dine with you.”

“ That will be pleasant ending to a horrid day. From dawn until dusk I have had politicians of all sorts paraded before me. To make matters worse, every one of them got the same answer – see the Chancellor! Most of them have yet to understand that the Civil Administration was created so I could concentrate on military matters!”

“ I’ll send them a memo, Your Excellency.”

Desaria glowered at his adjutant. “ If you get any more cynical I am having you committed.”

Telan Desaria
Apr 19th, 2004, 02:58:51 PM
“ Sir!” Admiral Messhir barked, rising from his chair to a rigid attention - no mean feat for a man near six decades of age. The gentleman was, however, in excellent physical condition. The era of large and lethargic officers plaguing the Imperial hierarchy had more than passed into history.

“ Please, be seated.”

A waiter approached and pulled out a chair for the Grand Admiral then took his cap and coat. As he was disappearing into the depths of Xucphra City’s most elegant restaurant another came forward with a glass of Imorrian brandy. It was smooth and chilled, aged to perfection. That perfection came at a price – a bottle averaged ten thousand credits.

“ Exquisite!” Desaria commented, nodding graciously at the waiter who disappeared in turn when another neared holding a tray of appetizers.

“ At these prices, it very well should be,” Messhir replied. His words were uttered at almost a low growl, very unfitting for the spit-and-polish staff officer he was. The Grand Admiral hid a chuckle under a cough, knowing there was little to spend a Vice-Admiral’s salary on in the Mayagil Sector. Eriadu was a planet renowned for its industry, not its culture.

A time later came the main course, a type of elorrian boar. Both gentlemen enjoyed the meal, chatting all the while. They related their share of military anecdotes from the outlandish to comical. When dessert finally arrived they delved into the evening’s conversation.

“ Fine dining aside, what brings you to Thyferra?”

“ You do; or rather, High Command does. As you know, doctrine prohibits me from undertaking offensive action outside of my sector without expressed permission from above. That’s just what I am here to do – propose an assault.”

The Grand Admiral drained his glass of its contents and regarded the officer opposite him. Every offensive to date had been planned in detail by the General Staff, and to a greater extent, High Command. The commanders of various Imperial sector groups, while competent, seemed to content to only do as they were told. Initiative had always been praised in the Fleet, but did seem to be rather lacking among those in power. Desaria welcomed the change, but could not acquiesce so easily.

“ You are aware we are engaged against the Republic at the Core-ward edge of the Empire?”

“ I am, sir. That is why my plan is limited and not intended to act as a vacuum for resources. It would call for elements from two sector fleets, neither of which is a priority area or in any danger of attack. The operation would be a general offensive…”

Telan Desaria
Apr 20th, 2004, 03:22:22 PM
" The Solaarian Confederation, eh?"

Marshal Alexi Prem, slowly thinning Chief of the Imperial General Staff, removed the sealed lid from a plastic bottle of purifed water. As professional as his guest, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy, he looked almost out of place with tunic removed. The white collared-undershirt proscribed underneath was unmistakably cut on military lines but still could pass at a glance as civilian.

Only one man in the whole of the Empire was as attentive - if not retentive - to notice - Grand Admiral Baron Telan Desaria.

" An intriguing possibility, no?"

" Indeed. But even planning such an operation brings us awfully close to angering the Federacy, to say nothing of the Republic."

Desaria sipped on the glass of tea Prem had offered when he arrived. " The rebels are supplying them munitions, ships, materiale - they're a satellite state in all but name. That makes them a viable target. Not to mention the fact that their armed forces are a laugh, even with rebel help. And the Federacy - we've laid enough mines in a deep enough depth to keep us secure."

" You're not putting your lot behind mines, are you Tel?"

The Grand Admiral barked a punctuated laugh. " Hardly, but they are quite a detterent. They would have to loop around half of our border to even bother us. We also have three full sector fleets on the highest alert round the clock. They can be dealt with. However, I am not planning to conquer the Solaarians entirely. They have something I do want, though."

" Oh?"

The Grand Admiral took a piece of flimsiplast from inside his tunic and handed it to his friend. Thereon was a system circled in a bright red stylus ink. Prem looked up as a knowing smile spread from ear to ear.

" Telan, you devious rothar..."

Telan Desaria
Apr 21st, 2004, 05:11:59 PM
There was quite a clamor about the Devidian Spaceport with all manner of craft buzzing about. Supertankers too large for their corporate berths offloaded their contents into smaller repulsor-engined vehicles. Passanger liners took on their human cargo at immense queues jutting out of the tarmac expanse. Trucks carrying fuel and crew moved about at ridiculous speeds, each one hoping to keep to schedule.

Grand Admiral Desaria, strolling along a raised corridor between launch towers, wanted badly to compare the scene with an Imperial facility, but he could not. While he wanted badly to extol the brilliance of Imperial organization, a garrison or base was just as hectic.

Field Marshal Fieri von Laang noticed his friend's concentration drifting. " Something on your mind, Tel?"

" It's nothing," Desaria replied, shaking the idleness from his mind. " Anyway, I'll be taking Task Force Beta from Eriadu. Admiral Messhir will take Task Force Alpha from Asmeru. He's requested an additional four days to execute some maneuvers: I gave him five. We'll be ready to launch at the end of the week."

" Does he have any idea that you've altered the plan like this?"

" I've given him the basics and explained to him that the plan was altered, but I did not tell him how. As it stands, you myself and Alexi are the only three people who know our real goal."

" Well, good hunting."

The Grand Admiral shook his comrade's hand and departed, the bone-white shuttle disappearing into the morning sky.

Telan Desaria
Apr 22nd, 2004, 05:15:35 PM
" Welcome back, Admiral."

" Good morning, Captain Voltaire. How have you been?"

Captain Linux Voltaire, commander of the flagship of the Imperial Navy, seemed aglow with life. His superior noted, but sadi nothing - at least not then. " Well, sir. My brother just announced his engagement."

Desaria smiled cordially, returning a salute thrown up by a passing Fleet lieutenant commander. " Send him my congratulations. His help with dechipering the mystery of this very ship has not been forgotten."

" He will be very pleased to hear that, sir."

The Baron could contain his curiosity no more, wanting to ask the question before they reached his quarters. " I simply must now: what has you in such an outstanding mood?"

" If I may be frank, sir?" Desaria nodded. " My brother's romantic success made me reconsider my own solitude and I decided to end it. There is a certain frigate commander that I have a vested interest in."

" Best of luck, captain. Sweep her off of her feet. I will join you shortly."

Voltaire clicked his heels and saluted as the Grand Admiral disappeared into his quarters. The lights clicked on, automatically triggered by a newly arrived heat emission. With little time to spare before the flagship departed Thyferran space, he steeled away to his desk.

The Admiral adjusted his Imperial Cross from the obsidian desk-top reflection, then took stylus in hand to pen a brief missive.

To: Field Marshal Jarek Tchort
Supreme Commander, Imperial Army

From: Grand Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Imperial Navy


I am departing Thyferra for Eriadu where a small task force is being assembled. A new offensive is being launched. For security reasons, only myself and two others know the operation's final objective. The first phase will be launched at the end of the week, Task Force Beta under my command. Our destination is Clak'dor VII, peripheral planet of the Solaarian Confederation.

Also assembling at Eriadu is the 20th Army of eight divisions. I know that remaining on Thyferra must be mind-numbing, so I invite you to join me at Eriadu to assume its command.

When you arrive, I will share with you the information I apologize that had to be kept from you. The going will be tough and it will be a challange. The rewards, however, will be vast.

I look forward to seeing you. Gloria Imperium, Jarek.

- - -

Before the Imperial flagship vanished into hyperspace, the message coursed through the HoloNet towards High Command. Shortly thereafter it arrived at the estate of Archduke Tchort.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 22nd, 2004, 05:33:14 PM

The light laughter drifted through the Tchort mansion, rising above the ticking of chronometers and the low, ever present hum of electricty. In the expansive and decorative study, two uniformed men sipped at brandy.

"Good news, sir?" Asked the seated figure of Major Hemlin Vryss.

"Oh yes indeed. Hemlin, we are leaving. Duty calls."

Vryss cocked an eyebrow as his superior gulped down the last of his brandy and grinned broadly.

"Very good sir. The last few weeks have been fairly hectic, what with Bestine and all."

Tchort nodded as he stood up and stretched his arms out, the strain of the past weeks drifiting away as he considered what Desaria had in mind.

"They have, the Isle of Orrl and the High Command Complex are not places I willingly like to spend hours upon hours in." Tchort snatched up his visor cap and jacket, his fingers running over the embroidered Imperial insignia above the right breast.

"I'll call ahead, have Temel organise your shuttle and effects, sir."

"Thank you, make sure he hurries up about it. The Grand Admiral has something big in the works, I intend to get in on the action."

With a final exchange of goodbyes and well wishes, the two parted.


Sometime later, with swan-like grace, Tchorts' personnal shuttle swept up into the azure Thyferran sky, en route to Eriadu.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 22nd, 2004, 06:05:44 PM
The interior of the Lambada III shuttle carrying Field Marshal Tchort was cramped, at least compared to the sweeping estate that Jarek had spent much of his time in over the past weeks. Yet, the trip was smooth and uneventful, the two and one half days journey was lightened by the (rarely expressed) dry humour of Vryss and sleep.

Finally, the voice of Ensign Marrel cackled over the comm system, informing the passengers of their arrival over the former Tarkin stronghold.

After the quick exchange of passwords and co-ordinates, the shuttle accelerated toward the sprawl of Eriadu city, carrying the Archduke and his aide.


General Theo Lane walked briskly down the double ranks of Army troopers, blaster rifles held taut across their chests. His tan uniform was perfect, his face neutral. He stopped short of the landing pad, squinting into the summer sun as the glaringly white shuttle decended before him. With a clunk the shuttle came to rest, it's wings folded upright. The dull grey rank hissed open, disgorging two men, the first, a man over six feet, with a trim cut of blonde/brown hair and clear blue eyes under his visor cap. In his hand was clenched the baton of an Imperial Field Marshal.

"Field Marshal Tchort, on behalf of the garrison and people, I welcome to Eriadu. I am General Lane."

"Thank you General, your men are well turned out, I expected no less."

"Indeed sir."

The three men turned about and walked down the ranks of olive uniformed troopers, voices floating into the summer air.

Telan Desaria
Apr 22nd, 2004, 06:17:26 PM
"...thus leading to the actual conquest of the planet surface."

Grand Admiral Desaria held up a hand to Brigadier General Maxim, halting his presentation to the Intimidator's senior officers. " Let us leave the ground assault well enough alone. I have a strong feeling the 20th Army's new commander will have his own plan."

Maxim nodded knowingly and resumed the prepared battle plan.

" The Task Force has already been formed into A Squadron and B Squadron. A contains four heavy cruisers and our flagship. B has six light cruisers and two frigates - their roll will be to revert four seconds ahead and assess the defenses. Estimates on that are as follows: one Golan IV platform. No shields."

" Ground troops?" asked Lieutenant General Westril.

" 20,000 per city..."

The briefing continued on into the early hours of night. When it was over, every senior officer on the flagship knew his duty.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 23rd, 2004, 11:31:48 AM
The sun was begining to set in the summer sky of Eriadu, the rays making their last attempts at clawing over the horizon towards Eriadu City.

The Imperial Army base which lay just outside of the city was in a word - enourmous. One of the perks of being Dukedom of the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army meant that Eriadu had taken second place behind Carida as a key training and marshalling center for Imperial Army formations.

Jarek Tchort had spent much of the wanning day reviewing an endless stream of troops which comprised the 20th Army. Columns of Repulsor tanks, armoured vehicles, walkers and Infantrymen had paraded past the balcony of the Imperial Garrison HQ building. The heat had been uncomfortable for even the command staff seated on the balcony, let alone the goose-stepping Infantry.

"A fine fighting force. You are to be commended General Lane. The troops appear in excellent shape." Tchort commented, shifting his sunglasses to cover his eyes better from the sun above.

"What is more, Field Marshal," Lane interjected, "III Panzer Korps has seen heavy action along the Republic border, they are the core to this force. Your hammer if you will. Excellent soldiers."

"I had heard their former C.O. was KIA." Commented Tchort.

"He was, Colonel General Vryss. To be exact sir." Lane smiled half heartedly, snatching a look over the other side of the balcony to where the stoic figure of Major Hemlin Vryss stood.

Tchort sighed, his face passive. "I met him only a few times, I remember he was an excellent soldier, extremely professional. For some reason I never connected the two men. Hemlin never mentioned him. I assumed they were unrelated, Vryss is a common enough name Mid-Rim."

Lane cocked an eyebrow. "Curious. Usually these young attachés are all to eager to throw relatives names around."

Jarek nodded, his eyes running along the rows of soldiers still marching in step below. "Curious indeed. But such is his way. It is his own buisness. For now, let us worry about the immenent arrival of Grand Admiral Desaria. I want the garrison turned out in an resplendent manner."

The crunching footsteps of the troops carried past the lines of soldiers, soon to find themselves in combat, stripped of an illustrious commander.

Telan Desaria
Apr 23rd, 2004, 03:40:11 PM
" Damn!"

The word resounded through the sapcious aft-bridge office of Grand Admiral Telan Desaria. What remained of a datapad slammed hard on amarble desk now fell harmlessly towards the polished floor. The nobleman, one not known for his outbursts, was indeed angered.

" It was received when we dropped out of hyperspace to alter course at grid 8-19."

Grand Admiral Desaria fumed, his face growing a darker shade of red with every second that passed. The breaths he was taking as if air were rare slowed. His face lightened and his brow unfurled. Calm was setting in where professionalism had taken back the reigns of the Supreme Commander's mind.

" Clak'dor VII may indeed be an unattainable goal for this venture. The last thing we need are rebel fleets over Thyferra. So we shall take it by not taking it."

Captain Voltaire was bemused, to say the least. His commander had, however, just shattered a plasteel device with his band hand and was not about to speak no matter the level of their friendship.

" We shall give them enough rope to hang themselves but we shall tie the knot. Resume course for Eriadu and order General Maxim to remove Clak'dor VII from the operational itinerary."

" Ay sir."

" Order his to advance plans to phase III - the conquest of Xagobah."

Telan Desaria
Apr 26th, 2004, 03:04:10 PM
“ Eriadu Control to Contact-designate 74596-Delta, Freighter Olian. You have deviated from your assigned course. You are now entering a restricted flight path reserved for Imperial Military traffic. You have five seconds to revert to your original heading. This is your only warning.”

The call went out to a small ovoid transport bearing Catharnn markings. Catharnn was a small collective of reptile-like humanoids outside Imperial space famous for its aquatic delicacies. Given the predominance of industry of Eriadu, their stuffs were in great demand by the monetarily elite. This excellence in ingestibles did not, however, affect their disgustingly poor handling of ships of all sizes. Sloppily, the transport engaged thrusters and removed itself from a wide swath of vacant space.

“Cheri-a dukha-halinn, Eriadu. We have changed coursssse.”

“ Acknowledged Olian.”

No sooner had craft cleared the perimeter of restricted space then that space became filled with the twelve-thousand meter expanse of the flagship of the Imperial Navy. Angling down towards Eriadu, the dagger shaped titan was an imposing sight to all who laid eyes on her. She glided with seeming ease from the edge of hyperspace into orbit slowing as she went. Without delay a swarm of four Mark III TIE Defender squadrons poured from the hull’s ventral yaw. They formed up with impressive speed to secure the adjoining area before proceeding with routine flybys and passes over the superstructure.

Barely had a dozen minutes passed when the fighters assumed a new formation, this one coming into being as a bone-white shuttle cleared the launch bay. The small craft formed a protective sphere around the shuttle as it descended to the surface with its precious cargo – the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 27th, 2004, 04:09:10 AM
Adjoining Eriadu City spaceport, Erriium field, an enourmous millitary parade ground, designed specificly for high profile arrivals, lay in waiting for the arrival of Grand Admiral Desaria.

The Eriadu City Garrison had sent out 500 soldiers - under the watchful eye and sharp tounge of General Lane - to welcome the Grand Admiral.

They now were formed up on the duracrete field, uniforms resplendent, from boots to coalscuttle helmets to the orange boar on their cuffs which designated them soldiers of the Eriadu garrision. Aside from the odd scuffle of boots, the only sound was the drill sergeants issuing bellowing commands at the slightest sign of imperfection. Two ranks of Stormtroopers completed the impressive show of force.

Jarek Tchort, wearing his ebony black dress uniform and visor cap, stood beside the tan clad figure of General Lane, the latter sweating somewhat, from the heat and from the prospect of meeting the most powerful man in the Sovereignty, save the Chancellor.

Jarek himself waited patiently, the general air of silent excitement from the young troops around him had to be admired. They all waited eagerly for Desaria, the man had a massive following even amongst the Army. Anar may be the poltical head, though Jarek solemnly, but Desaria had the millitary in his pocket, should he so desire.

Tchort squinted at the bright azure sky above, catching a glimpse of his friends descending shuttle.

Telan Desaria
Apr 27th, 2004, 05:51:42 PM
Eriadu was not exactly a warm world, far from what Thyferra was before the introduction of the weather modification nets. It was simply a warm day.

Grand Admiral Desaria noticed right away, thanking the Emperor he had worn a thinly-made uniform. There was little force in the wind causing the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy to grumble imperceptibly under his breath. The primary star in Eriadu’s system was thankfully obscured by some passing cirrus clouds keeping direct rays of light from Desaria’s eyes. His greatest physical flaw was photosensitivity.

Lined on the asphalt strip were several battalions of the local garrison troupe, a rank of stormtroopers at their backs on either side. Officers stood at attention before them, uniforms immaculate. The Grand Admiral was once again thankful for the blocking of the sun for the reflection from polished jackboots and helmets would have been unbearable.

The Admiral marched forward through the opening between regiments, glancing at every spaced company with a keen eye. Not a man waivered. He had come to expect such excellence from what the Navy now referred to as “Tchort’s boys.”

Desaria received the salute of the garrison’s command staff which he crisply returned before turning to his counterpart.

“ They are well drilled, Jarek. Glad you could make it.”

Jarek T'chort
Apr 27th, 2004, 06:01:12 PM
Jarek smiled warmly and proffered his gloved hand, a gleam in his eye.

"Thank you Grand Admiral, always a pleasure. I couldn't pass up your invitation, I've been longing to get back in the field."

The clouds passed overhead, leaving a cool breeze in their wake, which washed over the assembled Imperials.

"Now, what exactly do you have in mind my friend?"

Telan Desaria
Apr 27th, 2004, 06:39:12 PM
The Grand Admiral smiled in turn. " Walk with me."

Desaria turned to walk between the lines of assembled troops, waiting for his friend and ally to fall in next to him. The staff and garrison commander wisely walked with them, but far enough behind to please both Supreme Commanders.

" We are going to conquer Xagobah. I have had to cancel operations against Clak'dor - I've been informed the rebels would respond too forcefully. You and I both know we cannot resist a strike at this time. So, Clak'dor will be cut off from them by way of our Xagobahn assault. It will whither on the vine without an Imperial troop setting foot on-planet."

Desaria returned another salute.

" Xagobah, however, is not our ultimate goal. As we speak, Vice Admiral Messhir is taking his squadron ot Virmeude. We're going to take a much bigger prize."

Jarek T'chort
Apr 27th, 2004, 06:47:35 PM
The gleam in Jarek's eye had not left as he watched his superior detail his plans. He ran over his friends words in his mind, the gleam becoming brighter as he thought over Desaria's words.

"Virmeude....Xagobah. The Sluis sector - why - I would not be making a wild guess if I deduced you are after Sluis Van?"

Jarek's mouth curled into a smile as he walked with the Supreme Commander of the Sovereignty Armed Forces.

"A prize indeed."

Telan Desaria
Apr 27th, 2004, 07:01:49 PM
" You are quick, indeed, my friend. And what's more, you are correct. The Solaarians have it garrisoned as they do Xagobah and Virmeude, but they're in disarray. Even with Republic weapons they're ineffectual.

" The key is make our advance rapid and hard. They won't put up too much of a fight for Virmeude, or Xagobah for that matter. But Sluis - they will fight for. They don't have the capacity to get those yards working but we do. You see the plan? By taking the flanking systems, it will be cut off and we can move in for the kill."

Jarek T'chort
Apr 27th, 2004, 07:08:10 PM
As Desaria described his plan, Jarek listened carefully, his thoughts and face pensive.

"A fine plan, for which the Twentieth Army is at your disposal. We are ready to move."

The pair neared the end of the ranks of Imperial soldiers, both men's thoughts on the task ahead, the lives that would be lost, on the goal of victory ahead.

Telan Desaria
Apr 27th, 2004, 07:09:45 PM
" Very well. Embark your men, Marshal. Gloria Imperium!"

Telan Desaria
Apr 28th, 2004, 04:48:53 PM

The first component of Task Force Alpha to arrive at its destination was a Shadow-class cruiser. Long, black, virtually undetectable, it was the perfect herald for an assault. She entered the system under the scopes of those tasked with keeping vigilant watch over the Solaarian border. Sensors went active and receivers of all kinds drunk in every detail of the system.

Little time was wasted in relaying that data to where the battle fleet laid in wait. The cruiser disappeared after an hour of committing its view to digital memory, replacing its place in space with an impressive flotilla of warships.

Warships bearing the Crest of the Galactic Empire.

R. S. Esalis
Apr 29th, 2004, 04:37:27 PM

A single shuttle dropped from hyperspace without fanfare or warning, and for some reason, even though it was the familiar Lambda-class seen regularly by many, this one seemed to radiate cold. Outward appearences paled in comparison however, to the woman who piloted the craft.

R. S. Esalis. The woman who headed the Inquisitoriate.

Her presence here was two-fold, but she would wait before revealing to the good Grand Admiral as to the entirety of her visit. As it was, she would accompany Desaria on this campaign whether he liked it or not.

As the shuttle banked to the left, bringing it closer to the Super Star Destroyer that sat deceptively silent over the planet, Esalis reached forward, keying her comm system.

"This is High Inquisitor Esalis, requesting permission to come aboard the Intimidator."

Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2004, 05:08:47 PM

" Esalis?" exclaimed the Grand Admiral, spitting his tea across the room. Captain Voltaire, hapless messenger of the news, had to try hard to restrain laughter.

" Indeed, Your Excellency. Her shuttle is requesting a landing berth. Shall I refuse her accomodations, sir?"

Desaria shot his flagship's commander a reproving glare. " What can I do? That woman will be undoing. She is the embodiment of evil - she's an Inquisitor!"

Voltaire had to try harder.

" Let her land but keep her away from me! have some department-head yo hate take her on a tour of the ship - - -show her every compartment. That should take her several years..."

Leon Dagrelle
Apr 29th, 2004, 05:11:08 PM
' Commodore Dagrelle, we are now entering the space of Eriadu in Hyperdrive, shall i slow us to impulse?' Barked the Helmsman, a small but vocally powerfull chap that seemed to project his voice across the bridge..

' Thank you Ensign, please slow us to half impulse and inform the other Soyuz-class Pickets to do the same. Once we are within orbit status of Eriadu make it known to the Grand Admiral that we have arrived and ready for his orders' The Helmsman nodded and turned back to his screen, a look of determination upon his face, one day that Ensign would be a Captain, he had worth.

The Commodore had shifted duties for the time being. By invitation from the Grand Admiral he had been reassigned from Inquisitorate duties to those of commanding a small task force within the campaign and to be frank he much rather preferred these current duties. Leon had always been a navel officer and not one for the office, space was his home and that was that.

' Bishop...' He called without turning to his right hand and Captain, Bishop.


' Have my Lambda readied and on standby for my departure just incase the Grand Admiral requires my presence and advice, im sure some sort of meeting is to take place.'

' Aye Aye sir...' Bishop stalked from the confines of the bridge.

Leon stood, hands behind his back with clasped hands looking through the main view port. The Picket fell from Hyperdrive in a matter of seconds and there infront of his very eyes was Eriadu and the Imperials forces surrounding it.

How so very beautifull Leon thought.

How so very pretty indeed.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 29th, 2004, 05:15:19 PM
Resilient blue rushed the craft’s forward view ports and bombarded them with intensive energy. The powerful display of natural fury fell on veteran eyes. Not a single crewmember of the Federal ship paid a moment’s heed to the awesome display of technology and engineering. The vessel shook violently as it made its run through a miniscule sub slip lane in hyperspace—a usual occurrence on heavily modified Fast-attack frigates.

The bridge—described often as a cockpit—was cramped by anyone’s standards. A small team lined the miniscule command area of the Hound’s Tooth. Staff wrestled with the advanced systems, their faces calm as they ran through routine adjustments. The Federal ship wasn’t designed for luxury. It had two powerful engines and a core with enough output to provide for the immense weapons capacity of the craft. The crew quarters were a joke amongst those who chose to serve aboard Fast-attack frigates.

With an immense jolt the rough hunting craft tore itself free of hyperspace. Restraints prevented the sudden reversion from sending the cabin into disarray. Materials were secure and all loose ends were safely bolted down.

The captain sat in a somewhat elevated chair facing the foreword view ports. The lighting in the cockpit dimmed significantly as the ship entered a low emissions mode. Looming shadows embraced consoles and faces alike.

Captain Yerving’s eyes narrowed in concentration as he silently read the sensor’s data. “Status?” he said out of pure habit, his attention elsewhere.

“The Ravenous has just emerged from h-space. Transports following.”

R. S. Esalis
Apr 29th, 2004, 06:34:10 PM
Her shuttle berthed in one of the expansive docking bays on the underbelly of the Intimidator, Esalis allowed herself a moment of grim satisfaction - her presence was unexpected, she knew that, and the High Inquisitor would have payed a small fortune to have seen the Grand Admiral's face when he'd been told.

Rising to her feet, she let the shuttle finish its' post-flight sequence on its' own, and striding from the bridge to the boarding ramp, she waited patiently as it descended to the deck of the bay.

Hands went up to straighten the lines of her bloodred tunic, and Esalis let a thin-lipped smile curl at her lips. The ramp hit the deck, and High Inquisitor R. S. Esalis began the short journey from her shuttle, polished black jackboots clacking against the metal paneling like a metrinome.

How she hoped that the Grand Admiral would be as glad to see her as she was to be seeing him.

Telan Desaria
Apr 29th, 2004, 06:37:38 PM
" Madame Inquisitor!" beckoned a fresh-faced young officer in the black uniform of Imperial Intelligence. " Welcome to the Intimidator.

The officer, an Ensign, came bounding up - obviously late for what his assignment had been. He threw up a stiff salute then let his hand fall. Despite the high-standing of the flagship's latest visitor, he was unusually calm and oddly upbeat.

R. S. Esalis
Apr 30th, 2004, 12:20:14 AM
Returning the salute, Esalis looked down at the ensign, her gaze steely and unrelenting.

"I wish to see the Grand Admiral," was her only simple order.

Jarek T'chort
Apr 30th, 2004, 10:38:02 AM
The 20th Army had loaded into three Kuati supertankers over the past few hours, the huge barrel shaped transports were full to the brim with men and materiél. Inside the tankers, young men and women of the Imperial Army settled into tiny, utilitarian quarters alongside stacked speeder bikes and rack, upon rack of blaster rifles. It was by no means a comfortable trip ahead of the soldiers, but it was one they were used to.


Jarek was still on Eriadu as the 20th were embarking. As he walked toward the raised landing pad his shuttle rested on, he stole a sidelong glance at Vryss beside him.

"Must be strange for you, serving with the 20th."

Vryss didn't look at Jarek, his eyes were fixed on the shuttle.

"Strange, sir?"

Jarek sighed, but decided to press the issue.

"Your fathers outfit. I am at a loss as to why you neglected to mention that fact."

"I saw no need too." Vryss face was as stone, his eyes still averted from the Field Marshall.

"Right," Jarek murmured, "whatever issues you have, leave them here Major."


Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 10:56:45 AM
" Madame Inquisitor, I have been authorized to tak you on a tour of the flagship," the young ensign replied, deftly avoiding her question. Little did she know, his orders caem from Captain Voltaire and were explicit - the High Inquisitor was to be kept away from the Grand Admiral.

" If you will follow me, I will conduct you. This is truly a wonderful ship. We are actively preparing for a hyperspace jump right now..."

R. S. Esalis
Apr 30th, 2004, 12:09:35 PM
Esalis did not move. Instead, she stood rooted to the deck, her eyes boring holes in the young officer standing before her. Clasping her hands at the small of her back, the High Inquisitor spoke with an icy chill lacing her tone.

"That's very thoughtful of you, but I already know the layout of a Super Star Destroyer.

"Take me to Grand Admiral Desaria now."

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 04:28:02 PM
The Ensign had his orders, but he did not defy the High Inquisitor twice. Better to face the wrath of a ship's captain than the leader of the internal security forces.

" Very well, Madame Inquisitor. Please, follow me."

Off they went towards the bridge.

R. S. Esalis
Apr 30th, 2004, 06:16:01 PM
With the barest of nods she had followed, her gait smooth and precise, punctuated by the sound of her boots upon the deck. She kept her hands at the small of her back however, and her eyes straight ahead.

Overseeing this little endeavor of Desaria's had been a somewhat last-minute decision, but in hindsight, she was glad she'd come - any chance to legitimately rankle the Grand Admiral's feathers was welcomed with open arms.

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 06:31:14 PM
" I should seal off the bridge."

Captain Voltaire turned about to keep from chuckling. He knew that the High Inquisitor was no laughing matter, but to see his iron-willed friend, conqueror of a hundred worlds, flush, was priceless.

" Sir, we are readying for the jump to hyperspace."

" Are all of Marshal Tchort's troops embarked?"

" The tankers are full and in formation. We have received word that Vice Admiral Messhir is commencing his assault as well."

Desaria steepled his fingers. " Engage the drive engines. Take us into battle."

" Aye sir."

The Captain of the Intimidator beganh issuing the appropriate orders. While he did so, the sound of jackboots grew nearer in the aft control corridor, with a female's body in them!

R. S. Esalis
Apr 30th, 2004, 06:46:43 PM
With just the right amount of devious charm, and just the right smirk on her lips, High Inquisitor Esalis neared the Grand Admiral's command chair, her hands coming from behind her back to rest at her sides. Slowing to a stop alongside Desaria, she looked down at him sidelong.

The smirk widened just a bit, almost unnoticable, and unless one knew her extremely well, it would be nigh impossible to know that she was in fact soaking these first few minutes up.

Oh how wonderful it was to grace people with her presence - especially when she knew they saw her as nothing short of the devil incarnate.

And in some ways, she was.

"And how are you this fine day, Grand Admiral?"

Jarek T'chort
Apr 30th, 2004, 07:26:11 PM
In the enourmous hangar bay of the Intimidator, Field Marshal Jarek Tchort stepped smartly from his bone white shuttle, visor cap in hand, the stoic figure of Vryss behind him.

A young Lieutenant stood at the foot of the ramp, in between a double rank of stormtroopers.

"Welcome aboard the Intimidator, Field Marshall."

"Thank you, where is Grand Admiral Desaria?"

The Lieutenant looked suddenly uncomfortable, his feet shifted.

"On the bridge sir, with the High Inquisitor."

Jarek looked at Vryss, whose face had finally cracked into a bemused expression. It was somewhat common knowledge just how bitter the Grand Admirals hatred for the secretive and deadly woman who ran the Inquisitorate was.

"Then I think he will be in need of some moral suppourt. Take me to the bridge Lieutenant."

Lieutenant Graves smiled slightly and turned on his heel.

"This way, sir."

The pink cheeked Lieutenant led Tchort to the massive turbolifts, their destination - the bridge of the Intimidator.

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 07:27:46 PM
Her voice was like venom as it seethed the air between her lips and the ears of the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy. He had met her on several occassions, confronting her once over the Duchess s'Ilancy, and he had no love for her. It was safe to say that he loathed her very existence. As an officer and commander, he appreciated a person who completed their tasks with a raw efficiency paralleled only by machines - - but her lot was evil. Under her authority, citizens suspected of treason and sedition were drug away and disappeared. The disloyal vanished and the guilty suffered to no end. Her presence was evil, but unfortunately neccessary.

" I am doing well, Madame Inquisitor. To what do I owe the" - he had to think of a word he needed to say to replace the one he wanted to say - " privilege? I was not informed you would be coming aboard."

R. S. Esalis
Apr 30th, 2004, 07:44:49 PM
Esalis was overjoyed, proud of herself beyond all means. She took a particular pleasure in the amount of hatred and displeasure her presence evoked in the Grand Admiral, even just her voice. It was such an exquisite thing to behold.

And as always, he himself was immaculately dressed as always in his spotless, wrinklefree uniform. Pristine and proper, the epitome of the Empire - a warrior.

The High Inquisitor bowed in respect. "It was a last minute decision, Grand Admiral. The Inquisitoriate has decided to watch and observe a few of the Sovereignty's missions, and instead of sending one of my normal agents," straightening back up and once again placing her hands behind her back, she went on, her voice like honey - and yet, there was venom in that silky voice as well.

"I thought it would be a pleasant surprise to perform this particular task myself aboard the Intimidator."

Jarek T'chort
Apr 30th, 2004, 07:55:09 PM
"Never send a dragon to do a sucubus' job."

The parade ground, gravelly voice rang out over the hum of bridge activity behind the positively enraptured figure of Esalis.

Jarek strode over toward the mismatched pair, a gleam in his eye. He understood how Desaria felt, though he did not show it. With a smirk he bowed to Desaria and Esalis.

"High Inquisitor, I don't belive I have had the honor?"

R. S. Esalis
Apr 30th, 2004, 08:55:05 PM
Inclining her head, Esalis sent a look to this new arrival. Her face lit up in feigned delight however, and she turned more fully to regard Tchort.

"Ah, Field Marshal Tchort. A pleasure to finally meet you, I must say," she let her eyes sweep up from the soles of his polished jackboots to the pupils of his eyes.

She cocked an eyebrow.

"... a pleasure indeed."

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 09:06:09 PM
By the Gods! cursed Desaria, making an oath by the divine beings believed to rule Centaur from afar. This is the last thing I need: my best friend dating my worst enemy. If I didn't know any better, I would say that woman found the Field Marshal attractive.

The Grand Admiral was by no means a psychic, but he had interpreted the look the High Inquisitor gave the most recent arrival to the bridge.

Desaria stood and turned also towards the tall Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army. " Field Marshal, you will pleased to note that the Fleet has entered hyperspace. We will arrive at our destination in three hours."

Let us hope I can save him...

Jarek T'chort
May 1st, 2004, 03:04:49 AM
"The pleasure is mine, High Inquisitor".

An odd look

Thought Jarek as he returned Esalis' smile, his bright eyes in their turn sizing up the scarlet clad woman. She was beautiful in an icly cold way, with eyes that knew far more then she would ever say - she was head of the Inquisitorate after all.

The icy ones are usually demons in the -

Desaria's seemingly strained voice cut into the Field Marshall's unwholesome thoughts.

"Field Marshal, you will pleased to note that the Fleet has entered hyperspace. We will arrive at our destination in three hours.""

"Excellent, the 20th are positively itching to get into battle," Jarek replied, his eyes still smiling at Esalis, "as am I."

R. S. Esalis
May 1st, 2004, 04:09:43 AM
Nodding to the Field Marshal, Esalis turned back to Desaria then. The look in Tchort's eyes and on his face in reaction to her greeting was amusing, but she hid her mirth well. Intruiging none-the-less though, and she made a mental note to once more go over his file. From what she remembered reading, he was a more than capable officer and sound leader - not to mention he wore his uniform well.

She smirked inwardly to herself, allowing one or two impure thoughts before reigning them in once more.

"Grand Admiral," she started, "During those three hours, I would very much like to ask you a few questions regarding this undertaking."

The High Inquisitor let her next words fall from her lips with precisely controlled sarcasm, "At your leisure, of course."

Telan Desaria
May 1st, 2004, 05:28:14 PM
Grand Admiral Desaria felt more uneasy than he had in a long time. To another, doubtless his flag-captain among them, the situation was comical. It might have been to Desaria were the woman involved not the most deadly in all the Empire.

" Jarek, Madame Inquisitor, will you both join in my office?"

Without waiting for an answer, Grand Admiral Desaria headed aft.

- - - - - -

Vice Admiral Messhir had a fair assortment of ships under his command when Task Force Alpha made its entrance from hyperspace. Six cruisers of varrying class made the centerpiece of the scratch armada while a dozen gunships and frigates formed the vanguard. It was far from the daunting fleets with which the Empire had conquered the galaxy, but in hard times much had to be made of what was available.

The Solaarian Confederation had been on a war footing for some time, its brutal civil war only a few months into history. It was not suprising that the defenses were prepped and ready to engage the attackers. Unfortunately for them, Solaarian Central Command had placed Virmeude very low on a roster of importance - its forces were accordingly poor.

Messhir sat stolidly on the bridge of his flagship, the Dreadnaught III-class Heavy Cruiser Dauntless, issuing orders with every intake of breath. He had planned the operation to the last detail and had committed a good deal of it to memory. Many were stunned that for every move the enemy made leading up to gunnery range, the Admiral had a rapid response.

His frigates dispersed as they came closer to the enemy, falling back around the six cruisers at the heart. Pushed ahead of the formation, they let loose a powerful cannonade into the approaching Solaarian ships. They scattered with little effort, though relatively little damage.

Precisely according to plan, the frigates and gunships sho forward from their new flanking positions and dove head-long into the dislodged enemy. Streaks of fire lit the sky as blasts of enemy lanced from ship to ship.

The Empire had come to Virmeude.

R. S. Esalis
May 2nd, 2004, 05:01:02 PM
With a smug expression, the High Inquisitor followed Desaria, Field Marshal Tchort in her wake as well. Her eyes never wandered though, staying straight ahead, never deviating to either side. Esalis, hands clasped behind her back, her strides measured, strode with parade quality precision behind the Grand Admiral.

As they entered his office, Esalis allowed herself a small amount of relaxation, and she let her arms fall to her sides. She remained standing though, waiting for his offer to sit. Of course, she wondered, he might just not extend it simply because it was she who was now standing in his office. She could tell he was seething inside.

The thought made her smile inwardly.

"Are you feeling well, Grand Admiral? You look a bit... flustered."

Telan Desaria
May 2nd, 2004, 05:04:17 PM
" I am feeling fine."

Damn that woman!!!

Desaria took his seat behind the wide obsidian-topped desk, wondering if he should offer a seat to his guest. The Admiral in him wanted to watch her squirm, but the gentleman won out.

" Won't you sit down?"

Jarek T'chort
May 2nd, 2004, 06:17:41 PM
T'chort stepped into the office behind Esalis, his face as stone. The High Inquistitor was quite a looker, but his loyalty to his friend and superior won out over his inclination to flirt, the air of tension stiffled that well enough.

Keeping silent, he noted the same flustered look that the head of the Inquisitorate had. He found it at first amusing as had Volitare, but a stab of anger won out. Anger at the impunity and disrespect with which this cloak and dagger figure acted toward a man who now held within him perhaps the last true vestiges of the Galactic Empire, the power and prestige of names like Tarkin, Vader, Thrawn, Viscera.

Jerking out of his thoughts, Jarek remained standing, hands clasped behind his back, eyes keenly watching the interplay between these diametrically opposed Imperials.

R. S. Esalis
May 2nd, 2004, 07:33:30 PM
Giving Desaria a genuinely polite nod, Esalis took a seat. Legs crossed, she let her arms rest on the armrests, yet kept her back straight.

"My thanks to you for allowing me to come aboard and accommodating me. I know that unexpected arrivals can be a bit... surprising at times... and at other times," she paused then, easing herself back into the seat before finishing her sentence, "... not so welcome."

Her eyes took on a hard glint, and she went on before the Grand Admiral could say a word.

"But, I am here for a reason, Sir. Not a surprise visit to be taken on a tour of this vessel."

Telan Desaria
May 2nd, 2004, 07:59:15 PM
Grand Admiral Desaria could see concern etched across the face of his best friend. He then realized he had never explained his views on the Inquisitoriate to the Field Marshal. For that matter, he did not know the precarious relationship Esalis had forced upon the Admiral. Desaria made a note to speak with Jarek.

Summoning the professional calculation a Grand Admiral needed to possess, Desarai regained the composure of his position.

" So, Madame Inquisitor - what, in particular, brings you with us to Xagobah? Do you know something I should? What is so important that you left Thyferra?"

Jarek T'chort
May 3rd, 2004, 05:18:02 PM
"Especially during the spring," Jarek interjected with a faux serious look crossing his features, "given the fine view from the Inquisitorate complex across the Ionian coast."

While those in the upper echelons knew of and indeed agreed with Desaria's views concerning Intelligence and the Inquisitorate, Jarek had never encountered such bitter and barely masked animosity between two beings on the same side. Alas, such was the relationship between the Grand Admiral and Esalis.

R. S. Esalis
May 3rd, 2004, 05:33:30 PM
"I know nothing beyond what I am told, Grand Admiral. The reason for my presence here is simply to observe and ask questions.

"And as such, I do have a few questions about this endeavor of yours."

A pause as she folded her hands in her lap. "I'm just a little concerned about how close this will bring the Sovereignty to a possible war with either the NR or the Federacy?"

Telan Desaria
May 3rd, 2004, 05:45:27 PM
His professionalism restored, he calmly began in cold, calculating terms.

" I have adjusted the original operational parameters to prevent both. The originarl target for Task Force Beta was Clak'dor VII - but I was informed of its likilood of provoking a response. I adjusted our target to the next - Xagobah. This will cut off Clak'dor from the Republic - a price they pay. They will thusly wither on the vine without any intervention from us.

" And the Federacy - I have limited the operation as to make sure their space lanes are not cut. I wish not to engage the Federacy. We outnumber them and can withstand an assault, but I would rather deploy resources elsewhere. "

Jarek T'chort
May 3rd, 2004, 06:00:19 PM
Jarek nodded as Desaria spoke.

"I remind the Madame Inquisitor, our border with the Federacy has been heavily fortified and mined. Any assault by them at this point would be met with solid defense and then answered with overwhelming force."

With a grimace he looked to the Inquisitor, a cold look in his eye.

"The Republic is, on the other hand, doubtless going to attack us with full force in the very near future if our forces over Bestine suceed."

Telan Desaria
May 3rd, 2004, 06:02:28 PM
The Grand Admiral chuckled. " Indeed. The Core-ward front should keep them preoccupied for some time. We have enough deployed formations in reserve to make them think twice about counter attacking anywhere."

R. S. Esalis
May 3rd, 2004, 06:22:53 PM
Esalis returned Tchort's gaze, her entire demeanor now one of utter seriousness. Gone was the condescending bantering manner from before.

"Do you gentlemen realize the size and scope of the NR's fleet? You are playing with a monster, and if you anger it enough, it will wipe us from the galaxy.

Telan Desaria
May 3rd, 2004, 06:29:50 PM
The Grand Admiral glowered at the female Inquisitoriate officer.

" I am well aware of the size of the Republic fleet. Are you aware of their current preoccupations? They have a vast swath of territory to defend and administer, only a small portion of which is available for offensive operations.

" I have considered the alternatives. I have adjusted our planning accordingly. But we are trying to rebuild a fallen empire - to do so we must take risks. I am willing to take that risk. I must, or I cannot wear this uniform."

Jarek T'chort
May 3rd, 2004, 06:38:31 PM
"Exactly. The Republic is enourmous, that in itself is a weakness as Grand Admiral Desaria has pointed out."

Jarek allowed a short smile to cross his lips.

"Not to mention the Republic forces are now at a disadvantage in terms of the quality of their ships and personnel."

R. S. Esalis
May 3rd, 2004, 06:57:24 PM
With a scowl, the High Inquisitor glared at Desaria. "Perhaps you don't quite understand what I'm saying.

"During the battle of Yavin, as well as the battle over Endor, underestimation led to our defeat. You say the NR is too spread out, but just how sure are you?

"And as for the Federacy, there is no way that you can take everything into account - Khendon Sevon is no doubt infuriated about his wife and her new 'home' on Thyferra. I do not doubt that he would do everything in his power to not only get her and his unborn child back, but also use that as an impetus to declare war on the Sovereignty. I have no allusions that he will use this chance to strike while our own forces are stretched thin."

Telan Desaria
May 3rd, 2004, 07:07:09 PM
" Your strategic vision is sound, and I appreciate the historical reference. However, I do underestimate our enemies. I know full well that an assault would cripple us if not obliterate us. But I also know we would hurt them. I know if they have any strategic vision themselves, they need to consolidate. They need time to prepare, and that is time we would use to hurt them further still. I await their assault, for it is inevitable. But I repeat, we must risk it. We will clash sooner or later - I am doing everything I can to forestall it.

" Imperator Sevon is a strange man. Strange, but smart. He would not use a sword when a scalpel would do. We have to worry about precision strikes with cloaked craft against the woman's home and abductions hither and thither, more so than an offensive along the front.

" Our forces are stretched thin, but you forget just why this attack is taking place. We are demonstrating to the galaxy that even stretched thin, we are still a dangerous opponent. This will make them onder just how powerful we will be when fully operational."

Khendon Sevon
May 3rd, 2004, 07:44:36 PM
Weapons bristled from nearly every inch of the vicious war vessel. She slowly plodded through space, a twin mirroring her every motion. Without warning several other, larger craft joined the formation.

“Sir,” said the sensors officer, “the convoy has now fully assembled.”

“Open a comm. channel to Xegobah,” said the commander routinely.

“Aye, Sir.”

“Xegobah Command, this is Federal maritime transport grouping delta seventy-two requesting permission to land.”

“Federal convoy, you are number thirty in the queue, transmitting holding coordinates now.”

The Captain sighed heavily as the comm. channel clicked off. “This bantha fodder again.”

“Orders?” asked the navigation officer.

“Make for the coordinates at half speed. Tell the Ravenous to take up rear guard.” The nine Federacy ships formed into a tight column and began moving towards their destination.

Telan Desaria
May 3rd, 2004, 08:09:22 PM

The Imperial assault forces were numerically inferior to the foes under their guns but had one advantage that had won many a battle in times past - discipline. When the order was passed down from commander to commanded, the maneuvers were executed with the greatest of precision.

A dozen gunships and frigates moved around the embattled enemy, showering them with light and flame. Fires sprouted out from where shields had failed, explosions leaping into the darkness of space. One Solaarian ship disappeared from the tactical display of Admiral Messhir, then another. One by one, their numbers were falling from the thirty they had peviously stood.

" Admiral," commented an officer in the operational command center. " We have several in-bound contacts on the far side of Xagobah."

Messhir looked away from the three-dimensional holo-representation of the battle and planet. The calling lieutenant stood on a platform above where other technicians went about their work, entering data every second to update every display throughout the fleet. " Can you give me a more accurate description. Are they Solaarian reinforcements?"

The question was almost ridiculous since they had not been expecting the attack. If they had called, none would arrive for another twenty minutes - and that was measured by Imperial response times. He felt obliged to ask, nevertheless.

" IFFs are Federal, sir."

" Open a channel."

With a nod, the Lieutenant signaled the opening of frequencies across the plane of combat.

" Federal vessels. You are entering a combat zone. This area is claimed by the Sovereignty and is undergoing pacification. You are at risk of engagement. Respond please."

Standing orders to avoid combat at all costs rung in the ears of the Vice Admiral as the new blips, outlined in blue, came into humming-life above the projector.

Khendon Sevon
May 4th, 2004, 01:30:56 PM
The Captain of the Scarlet Note sat straight in his command chair. Red restraining straps crossed over his loose fitting uniform. The young officer palmed a strand of black hair out of his eyes and scrutinized the sensor displays.

Virmeude was a close neighbor to the Federacy and, as such, trade ties were strong. Captain Rohl’s ship and one other evil, weapon bristling fast-attack frigate escorted four large trade craft.

“Sir,” spoke an officer, “incoming transmission, it appears to be originating from a Sovereignty fleet.”

The Captain’s eyes showed his confusion as the message played. “Open return frequency.”

“This is the Captain of the Scarlet Note escorting Federal convoy Bravo Twelve. I have orders to see this formation to the planet and ensure their safety. Your claim to Virmeude, as far as I am concerned, is not legitimate.

“You will leave this flight alone or face the consequences.” With that Rohl cut the transmission.

“Launch fighters,” as the words left the lips of the officer the initialization sequence began. Twelve TIE Swarmers fell from the wings of the frigate and took up defense formations. An additional squadron lept forth from the underside of the other Federal fast-attack frigate in the group, the Iron Will.

Telan Desaria
May 4th, 2004, 01:45:21 PM
Messhir heard the reply and was not phased. His orders, however, were clear.

" Give them permission to land. When we occupy the planet, we will take it from there. Let them conduct their business and be on their way. Relay our acquiescence for their safe passage."

Khendon Sevon
May 4th, 2004, 02:10:56 PM
“Sir,” said one of the bridge officers, “we’ve been given permission to land.”

“Permission,” spat the Captain, “who do they think they are? Keep the Swarmers deployed. Bring us in at best speed.”

Captain Rohl studied sensors’ data and watched visual feeds all around the ship. “They’re getting rocked out there,” he said to himself, “they need help.” An intricate web of colors grew in the distance. Entire craft deteriorated under the strain of war. “This just isn’t right, they don’t even pose a threat. Open a channel to Extended Fleet Command, encryption level Alpha.”

“Aye, Sir.”

“This is Captain Rohl of the FAF Mark Two Scarlet Note. We are currently in the vicinity of the planet Virmeude. A Sovereignty fleet is threatening the populace. We have secured safe passage to the planet; however, I have concern for the lives of those that are being slaughtered by the superior weapons and tactics of the Sovereignty. Requesting aid and orders. Rohl out.”

The ships’ engines roared to life and left blue ion washes in space as they launched towards the planet. Four large FT-25’s huddled between the two warships as they neared their destination. “Initiate landing procedures.”

Telan Desaria
May 4th, 2004, 03:18:21 PM

The matter of the Federal ships was closed as far as Vice-Admiral Messhir was concerned. He had heard their offer of assistance to the enemy - clearly a breach of protocol. Accordingly, he had sent a request for orders to High Command, but a reply would be at least three hours in coming. There was little he could do but wait and see what happened. His forces were more than capable of fighting two Federal warships - but he seriously hoped it would not come to that.

The battle itself, the element of the present he could forge to his will was going well. Half of the enemy ships had been destroyed, an additional half-dozen routed. The remainder were erratically charging the Imperial assemblage without plan or reason. They were being slaughtered by accurate, rapid, and powerful counter-battery fire.

" Primary defenses have been accounted for," commented a watch officer in the situation room.

" Very well. Commence Phase II."

Virmeude was a populous world, but very poor. The Solaarians in their haste to create a strong industrial capital had stripped its infrastructure and shipped it to Bpfassh leaving a billion people with little work and little money.

The military, however, did not suffer from a want of funds. Ten major bases had been erected on the planet housing ground forces, fighter squadrons, aerial defenses, command and control centers. It was this that gave the Imperial attackers their next target.

" Execute Phase II, First maneuver."

The plan for operations had been rigidly instilled in every captain. They knew exactly what to do when the word came from above. Smaller warships scurried into blocking positions about the heavier cruisers how pointed their heaviest guns towards the surface. With no planetary shiedl to stop them, the Imperial ships began to volley and thunder at one military target at a time, clearing the way for the 16th Army, waiting only ten minutes away.

R. S. Esalis
May 5th, 2004, 04:12:04 PM
The Intimidator

The High Inquisitor sent a cold stare to Desaria, but maintained her silence as she let his words sink in. She pursed her lips.

"If you stretch us too thin, what will happen when the citizens of our other planets - planets that we took forcibly and under duress - decide to rebel? If we do not have the resources, firepower, and manpower to quell such uprisings, then what is the good of this offensive? If you can't hold onto the worlds we already have our feet on, how can we hope to conquer and KEEP others?"

Esalis took a breath, then went on, her voice impeccably smooth. "I understand it is not my place to take part in the decisions made for the expansion of the Sovereignty - my business lies in its' interior.

"But, when it concerns my own people having trouble cleaning up the messes you invariably make on your pacified worlds, then it becomes my place to voice my displeasure and concern.

"This I speak to you as one Imperial to another - not the barely contained 'enemies' that you seem to think we are."

Telan Desaria
May 5th, 2004, 04:32:47 PM

Desaria felt his teeth unconsciously gnash his teeth together as he glowered at the alluring but serpentine female.

" I understand your concern and appreciate your frankness. If there was a threat of rebellion, I would not be launching this offensive. I created the Civil Administration with the strict edict to pacify the inhabitants of the Empire. I do not agree with every law passed, but if it makes the people happy from Eriadu to Ison and Trebizond to Thyferra, then I can be content. I strictly ordered the restructuring of occupation policies many years ago so such things would not happen. We are trying to endear ourselves on the populace, not alienate them. This is why Eriadu is loyal now when it was our enemy only four years ago."


The cruisers of Task Force Alpha let loose volley after volley loose into the ball of green and brown that was Virmeude. Long range sensors aboard the various combatants relayed to data to the operational command centers where proud captains watched their crews' work make ash and flame where military structures once stood. There was little the Solaarian Army could do but run to be out of the way of such a pounding as the Imperials were unleashing.

Vice-Admiral Messhir, upon glancing over the shoulder of a nearby Ensign, could only thank himself for deploying his two Destroyers as escorts for the transports - their useage as fire-points would have been overkill.

" Admiral, we have acheived success as determined in the Order of the Day. Bases 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, have been rendered useless. The remainder will come under our guns when we reposition for Phase IV."

Messhir smiled approvingly at his Army liaison, Colonel Maziere. With the exception of the Federal ships' entry into the system, everything was going accoding to plan.

" Bring in the Sixteenth Army, Colonel."

The Colonel smiled in turn before he acknowledged his orders and dispatched a communique to the transports.

As the intentions of the Federal ships could not be determined as of yet, Messhir sent two of his frigates to pick up survivors from the destroyed Solaarian ships.

- -

Three Kuati supertankers arrived at once, exiting hyperspace as only well-drilled flight teams or tuned navicomputers could. Behind by only a scant few seconds came two Victory III-class Star Destroyers. The tankers made their way to the surface and disgorged nine divisions of the Imperial Army.

Sean Piett
May 5th, 2004, 10:14:53 PM
Piett rested in his personal yacht, high above Thyferra. So far, his diplomacy had done little to ease the stress between the two nations- quite likely it hurt the relations.


Piett thumbed through reports- important reports. These were reports that he'd much rather not pass through grids the Sovereignty controlled. They were brought, generally, express by a courier. And here, he saw, the Federacy was preparing to lock down and defend a trading partner.

Piett stood suddenly. "Dodger. In." He spoke loudly enough for his voice to carry through the open door to his yacht's lounge. A well built military man stepped into the room.

"Sir," he greeted, acknowledging Piett.

"Dodger, get the courier ready. I've got a disk for him to deliver. Be back in ten minutes."

"Sir," the man repeated before backing out of the room and leaving.

Piett moved back to the datapad sitting on the table. He leaned and started typing, craning over the moniter.

Deploy MI&FM onplanet. Befriend&supply locals. Move in 2 std. munition convoys and arm/train indigen. ppl. Do not engage SOV flt.

The message was brief, but the form of shorthand that Piett used was indicative of other things as well. Piett took a moment to encrypt the file before he ejected the disk. He trotted to the closet of his study, and pulled out a suitcase. He cracked it open and set the disk in lightly, taking in the explosives and countermeasures. He closed it suddenly as he heard Dodger enter the room.


"Sergeant Dodger, give this to the courier. Have one of my Storm Guards accompany him. They must leave immediately."


Khendon Sevon
May 5th, 2004, 10:53:15 PM
The Scarlet Note shook violently as she entered the planet’s atmosphere. All around her brilliant displays of energy broke through the atmosphere of Virmeude and collided with the ground.

“Orbital bombardment,” remarked the Captain, “they’re not even giving them a chance. I thought the Sovereignty was ‘sporting’,” he mocked their Imperial sect and shook his head devoutly.

The tight formation of Federacy vessels rapidly descended. Thrusters fired and the ship gently rocked and swayed as it adjusted for landing. Struts extended from the bottoms of the craft and the convoy gently touched down.

“Tell all of our marines to suit up and meet me outside. Request that Captain Tremall of the Iron Will meet us with his contingent.”

Moments later Captain Rohl stepped off the yawning landing ramp of the fast attack frigate. He stood proudly clad in marine armor, a heavy rifle slung over his shoulder. An officer equally clad in a black variant adeptly moved next to him. “Lieutenant,” said the Captain, “you’re to assign snipers to protect the convoy. I want the rest of your men to form up and follow me to the government building located here,” a map projection appeared on both men’s screens, a red dot signifying their target location.

“As of right now, we don’t have official Federacy orders; however, we’ll be working on ‘good faith’ actions. I’ll take full responsibility.” The heavy thuds of additional armor came from the expanding mouth of the Iron Will as Captain Tremall and his marines marched off the vessel.

“Ah, good,” said Captain Rohl, “let’s move out, I’ll brief you on what I plan to do when we get there. I’m leaving Captain Nueritue of the Federal Trade Navy in charge of the ships while we’re away. Helmets on, weapons ready, let’s move out!”

Jarek T'chort
May 6th, 2004, 03:53:52 PM
Jarek sat silently, face passive, watching the confrontation between Desaria and Esalis. The office felt uncomfortable with the sheer confrontational nature of the scene he was bearing witness to.

Desaria's desk buzzed once, distracting him from the Grand Admiral's words, with the filtered voice of Captain Voltaire reaching the trio's ears.

"Grand Admiral, we have reached the Xagobah system."

Khendon Sevon
May 6th, 2004, 05:49:11 PM
The Hound’s Tooth settled into her pre-assigned slot, engines idling as the small vessel slowed to a halt. The frigate gently swayed from side to side as microbursts of maneuvering thrusters positioned her at the front of the pack of Federal craft.

The fast attack frigate was an overhauled version of the older Guild vessel. Federacy engineers had installed new engines, shields, weapons and even heavily modified her hull and sensors. An occasional version of the resilient craft sported cloaking devices; however, neither the Hound’s Tooth or the Ravenous had been fitted with the sensor’s evasion systems.

Captain Brigs’s fast attack frigate pulled up next to Captain Yerving’s. Behind them seven transports nestled in for the long wait. The convoy sat in the placid expanse of space surrounded by several other tradecraft.

A sudden, sharp inhalation caught Captain Yerving’s attention. “Sir!” shouted the voice of the sensor’s office, “we have massive reversion spikes!”

The Captain’s eyes went wide as his neural interface relayed projected trajectories and incoming confirmed paths. “All craft, full ahead,” began the Captain smoothly, his experience taking over, “reactors to full power, arm weapons, defensive banks out, contact the convoy and have them make for the planet. Open me a channel with Brigs, now!” The transports of the formation began an all out sprint towards the planet.

“Yerving, we’ve picked them up, too!” said the rough voice of the captain of the Ravenous, “suggest we move, they’re about to come out right on top of u…” A sudden ear piercing warning erupted as ships began appearing only a hundred meters away from the two warships.

“GO! NOW! ALL ENGINES AHEAD FULL!” Screamed both commanders to their crew. The frigates maneuvered skillfully around new reversions as the ships were brought up to full combat readiness. Squadrons of TIE Swarmers easily slid from their underwing storage pods and formed in clouds around the two speeding vessels.

R. S. Esalis
May 6th, 2004, 06:24:25 PM
With the barest of nods, Esalis ceded the Grand Admiral this conversation. No matter. It still remained to be seen what would happen in this operation, and the High Inquisitor was a patient individual when she needed to be.

Now was a time that called for such patience.

Standing, she gave Desaria a slight bow. "Very well, Grand Admiral, I shall wait and see how this project plays itself out."

Telan Desaria
May 6th, 2004, 06:53:46 PM

Desaria accompanied Tchort to the bridge, leaving the Inquisitor in their wake. Their conversation would have to wait for another time. Now, battle beckoned.

Guards came to attention as the pair of Supreme Commanders made the twenty or so metre jounrey to the bridge-proper. Techs on either side of the control corridor were busily engaged with their tasks - coordinating the flagship of the Imperial Navy and her escorts was no cake-walk.

" Take evasive action!" came a shout from the bridge as Field Marshal Tchort and the Grand Admiral stepped onto the catwalk. Captain Voltaire, seated in the Admiral's chair, took no notice of their arrival. He was engrossed in the work to which he was so wll suited. Both senior officers wrapped their black gloved hands around the guide rail as the flagship yawed to starboard.

" All ahead port shafts: starboard shafts to full reverse. Engage ventral-port thrusters to one half!"

Grand Admiral Desaria caught the meaning of the Super Star Destroyer's reversion interruption: a small assortment of craft had stumbled across the planned path of the Imperial squadron.

Worse news still - the ships flashing on Master Chief Petty Officer's screen bore a Federal signature.

The Baron shot his comrade a look conveying the ominance their operation had just acquired. His gaze then passed to the bridge viewports where the other warships of Task Force Beta maintained their formation. One escorting Imperial III-class Star Destroyer sat off the bow with a pair of frigates off its haunches; the reconnaissance squadron of four ships lay off the port-quarter in diamond formation; nine cruisers finished out the force, scattered about the area as escorts and the main ships of the assemblage.

The Intimidator quickly regained its position. The Federal ships had scattered themselves, two small vessels close-in towards the flagship and what appeared to be transports dove fast for the safety of a relatively undefended Xagobah.

" Admiral, the flagship is at your command," Voltaire said, rising from his seat. The gentleman next to him took the chair and smoothed out his pristine tunic.

" What is our opposition here?"

" One Invincible-class cruiser under the Solaarian flag. All other in-system traffic is not a threat....except the Feds."

" Thank you, Commander," Desaria chided. " Concentrate Squadron I along our formation periphery opposite the Federal ships just in case. Send Commodore Degrelle to the aft - escort the transports down. Remaining ships - maintain current position."

Acknowledgements abounded. Four medium cruisers, one of which was the SDT-equipped Privadorn, maneuvered themselves twenty kilometers opposite the Federal ships. The rest of the task force made an impressive display of itself - the dagger shaped command ship, a battleship on point with cruisers in a protective ring - and showed its teeth.

Khendon Sevon
May 6th, 2004, 07:05:08 PM
Captain Yerving cursed rapidly as he screeched orders. A thick, red light flooded the cockpit of the frigate as it adroitly continued its maneuvers. The Ravenous mirrored her sister ship adjustment for adjustment.

“Do you see that…” said the Captain dumbfounded over the laser burst communication system to Captain Brigs.

“Yeah… it must be their flag ship.”

“Brigs, I’ve got a crazy idea, I’m transmitting it to you now.”

Within moments the two craft turned simultaneously towards the planet, their TIE Swarmers docking in rapid succession, and entered sudden acceleration. They winked out of existence and back into it in an instant. They had just made an advanced in-system precision hyperspace jump.

Xagobah filled Captain Yerving’s screens. “Broadcast them a general warning, stay in orbit.”

Telan Desaria
May 7th, 2004, 08:46:23 AM
" Curious," Desaria mused as he watched the two Federal warships flee after the transports they had been obviously guarding. Their maneuver was no where in his mental archive of tactical movements, nor had it any value he could intimate were he in their position. " Rededploy Squadron I - shadow them at all times. Continue our forward movement and bring the transports into formation."

The Imperial task force moved closer to Xagobah and the cruiser between.

" Send the following message: Solaarian vessel. This system has been annexed by the Galactic Empire. You will either stand down and vacate the area or make preparations to defend yourself. In one minute we will open fire unless we receive a reply."

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2004, 02:21:46 PM
“Sir, receiving a heavily encrypted communiqué from Extended Fleet Command.”

“Patch it through to my console,” Captain Yerving turned to a small monitor and put on his headphones. He listened intently and stared at a screen blocked from view by the other crewmembers.

Colors played on the Captain’s face as his mind snapped like a vice. “Open direct optical communication with the Xagobah defensive force.”

“Established, Sir.”

“This is Captain Yerving of the Federacy Extended Fleet. I’ve been ordered to assist in the defense of Xagobah as an advisor.”

A frantic voice responded in broken basic, “You, suggess’s somethin’, now!”

Yerving spoke calmly and clearly, “Sir, you cannot hope to fight against a superior force toe-to-toe. Rather, you’ll have to adapt your methodology. Now, I’m not suggesting abandoning your planet. On the contrary, you’re to keep it. However, your fleet will not be able to withstand the devastating onslaught that the Sovereignty can wield.

“I’m suggesting, Sir, that you follow these coordinates,” the Captain rapidly typed in information, “Live to fight another day. Bring all your fighters, transports, whatever you need with you. Have your ground forces dig in, evacuate your military bases, and decentralize.”

The voice of the man quivered, “This is prep-preposterous!”

“It’s the only way!” Growled the Captain.

“This what your government say?”

“This is what my government has entrusted me to suggest… as your advisor.”

“Very well… what are these coordinates?”

The men continued talking for several seconds. After several tense moments the entire flotilla of defense ships began to frantically jump to hyperspace. Additional forces fled from the planet’s surface, leaving on the other side of the massive sphere.

“Orders, Sir?”

“Hold this position. We’re not abandoning those ground forces… and we have additional orders.”

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 02:41:52 PM
The Federal warships remained where they stood, but there was something afoot. Oddly enough, the planet's resident Invincible-class Heavy Cruiser and every other ship registered under the Solaarian Confederation Navy did move away from their charge.

" This is odd," Grand Admiral Desaria muttered, vocalizing the feeling that was permeating the bridge. " Ensign Wrammen - triangulate their coordinates. Do the projected paths of the enemy and Federal ships intersect?"

" Computing, Your Excellency."

The Grand Admiral turned and and looked down into the port crewpit where a holographic representation of the system hummed alive. Imperial warships were displayed in perfect models glowing with an azure hue, Federal in green, Solaarian in red. At the center was Xagobah itself, agrarian and thriving.

" Negative, Your Excellency. They are maintaining a standard orbit. They're just sitting there," replied the Ensign.

" It is obvious that our Federal friends want to play. We shall oblige them, but let them make the first move. Center all ships into Phase II. Begin landing the transports. Marshal Tchort, your shuttle awaits."

Desaria then turned from his friend and back into the full realm of naval warfare he enjoyed so.

" Dispatch orders to Squadron I - cease shadowing. Form up with the Reconaissance detachment and engage at flank speed, course three-five-eight. Open fire at maximum range when you approach the Solaarian ships. Maintain flank speed. Disengage immediately upon receiving further orders."

" Ready all other ships for an assault. Cover the landing zone accordingly."

Khendon Sevon
May 10th, 2004, 03:39:32 PM
The Solaarian ships began accelerating at breakneck speeds as their vessels entered hyperspace. Several blinked off out of existence as they went in varying directions, attempting to foul following.

The Hound’s Tooth sat in space, slowly orbiting the planet of Xagobah. “Sir, what are your orders?”

“We’re to hold here, for the moment. A large group of Federacy transports will be coming from hyperspace in roughly an hour. We have to provide guidance until then. Contact Major Brax, I have to speak with him.”

Moments later a man in full mobile infantry armor clamored into the small bridge. Along the right portion of his face, from eye to lip, ran a large scar. His smile was lopsided and tinged with evil. “Yes, Captain,” he said in a voice coarse as sand as he took a knee.

“You’re to take your squad and drop to the planet, Captain Brigs will be putting his squad under your command, as well.”

“Drop, Sir? You mean… mobile infantry style?”

The Captain looked worried as he spoke, “Yes. I know you’ve all had at least one jump before… do you think you can handle it?”

The Major stood up, snarled and snapped a salute, “Sir, YES, Sir!” he growled.

“Good, your orders are as follows.”

Five minutes passed by without incident. Suddenly, garbage began to vent from the two Federacy vessels, a routine operation usually done before engagements. The fragments entered the planet’s atmosphere and began to burn.

Cargo containers with ceramic heat shielding burst through the lower atmosphere first, retro rockets slowing their descent. Following them were thinly armored marines in mobile infantry drop suits. They fell like stones, landing rockets only firing when they were extremely close to the ground.

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 04:39:33 PM
" Belay that order."

Captain Voltaire was startled, but moved closer to his Admiral to listen for new orders. It was rare that a Grand Admiral made a mistake, but he was always man enough to acknowledge it.

" Cancel the order for Phase II implementation. Reign in the pickets and pull back the transports. Prepare for a jump back to Eriadu."

" Sir?"

Voltaire was dumbfounded. They outnumbered the enemy and had a clear advantage. There was something wrong - - - very wrong.

" Send orders for Admiral Messhir to disengage as well and rendezvous with us at Eriadu. Cancel all orders to Task Force Delta - tell them to stand down."

" Your Excellency, Task Foce Beta is engaged."

No sooner had the tactical operations officer relayed the confused reply, Voltaire moved closer to Desaria. " Admira.."

The Grand Admiral blustered and rose, anger welling up in him. " Carry out my orders or relieve yourself - I will find someone who will."

" Aye sir," replied a bewildered Captain.

Desaria stormed from the bridge leaving many questions unanswered.

- - -

The Imperial Fleet above Xagobah vanished - as did that over Virmeude.

R. S. Esalis
May 10th, 2004, 07:25:31 PM
She had watched all that had happened from behind Desaria, rage slowly building as the Grand Admiral essentially turned tail and ran. He was running! Running from a ragtag group of Federals!! Victory would have been his, and he wasn't willing to reach out and grab it!!

Storming after him, the High Inquisitor stayed her tongue until they would be in the sanctity and privacy of his office. And quiet she remained, brooding dangerously in silence.

The silence between the two Imperials was palpable, and as soon as they stepped into his office, allowing the door to close, R. S. Esalis snarled at Desaria's back.

"How dare you retreat? After the argument you presented me with, after the explanations and assurances you gave to my reservations, you turn your back and run?!"

She folded her hands at the smal of her back, the next words coming from her mouth the most scathing and biting the Grand Admiral had ever heard.

"How can you call yourself Imperial if you flee from your enemies."

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 07:41:36 PM
The Grand Admiral simply brought himself up the small stair level to his desk and plopped down on his chair. The burden of command had forced him into a rather unpleasant spot, one that had forced him to act dishonourably. But the spot was, nevertheless, his.

The Inquisitor, however, did not help matters. But she was right. Despite his feelings, he owed her an explanation.

" Sometimes we must do things that sacrifice ourselves for the good of others. It is never a grand act, but neccessary. My honour is moot, I am afraid. I acted as I had to."

The Admiral removed a glass and poured himself what as doubtless a stiff drink.

" Those Federal ships made me think. I did not understand their actions at first, but I did. I had an apiphany, you might say. I noticed that while not openly belligerent, they were hostile. Imperator Sevon knows he cannot defeat us militarily. But he can hurt us. More so than I realized. We have built so much on a reputation of acting legally in the name of the Empire. However, if we act first, if we fire first, no matter how proved, we look terrible in the larger picture.

" I must inform Chancellor Anar that he has taught me a thing or two. I am loathe to give him that satisfaction, though..."

Desaria drifted into a calm state, almost whistful. He came back to his senses and resumed.

" Sevon wants to provoke us into action. However, if by cancelling one offensive saves us this greater trouble, then so be it. My reputation may suffer - so be it.

" How can I call myself an Imperial, that is simple. Because I am willing to put the good of the Empire above my pride. I flee? Yes. Am I proud of it - no. Was it neccessary?"

Desaria took a swig.

" Yes."

R. S. Esalis
May 10th, 2004, 07:58:26 PM
The High Inquisitor glared at Desaria as he spoke. She cared not for his excuses, and it showed in her stance. Stepping forward, Esalis lowered herself into the seat that sat across from Desaria.

"You have a distinctive advantage in this particular situation, You outnumbered those Federacy ships; what even prompted you to pull out? You could have won. Gods, Desaria," her hands came to rest atop the surface of his desk, "victory was yours without a doubt."

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 07:59:48 PM
" Are you deaf?" he asked, his voince if not mind distant, far from as reproving as it had been only days before. " I know that once I set events in motion, there will be no stopping them. Yes, we could have won. But are you ready for the day when we lose?"

R. S. Esalis
May 10th, 2004, 08:10:39 PM
If her voice could have dropped in temperature, it certainly would have. She leaned forward.

"We won't lose.

"You forget the resources - or more correctly, resource - that you hold within your hand."

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 08:12:35 PM
" What would those be? An odd smattering of ships we can throw at him? I won't start a chain of events I cannot control. The last thing I need is a war with the Federacy. If the loss of a little prestige is what it takes, then so be it. We will sow such a minefield that every ship he can field won't be able to get within a parsec of our space!"

R. S. Esalis
May 10th, 2004, 08:16:45 PM
A dangerous glint shone in her eyes, and Esalis let a feral grin cut her lips.

"You have Kyryanu Sevon in your hands. You won't have to fight a war. And Khendon Sevon won't start one with you either. Not if he values the life of his wife and unborn child."

Telan Desaria
May 10th, 2004, 08:18:35 PM
The words hit the Grand Admiral like a Star Destroyer at flank speed. Kyryanu Sevon was the wife of the man whose ships he had just spared for the sake of peace.

I have her?

" What do you mean I have her?"

R. S. Esalis
May 10th, 2004, 08:44:35 PM
"What would you say, Grand Admiral Desaria," her words were perfectly articulated, her entire body a conduit of cruel, vicious intent, "if I told you that you have, in your custody, the pregnant wife of your enemy?"

Telan Desaria
May 11th, 2004, 02:58:09 PM
" I would say that you have gone mad. If you are referring to Sevon's wife, she would travel with at least a legion of guards."

R. S. Esalis
May 11th, 2004, 03:24:40 PM
"Oh she did, just about," Esalis said lightly, as if the whole thing were as important as the color of the carpet beneath her boots, "She most certainly travelled with quite the escort."

Leaning back in her seat, the High Inquisitor cast a cursory look to the glass Desaria held.

"Unfortunately they could only do so much against a vastly superior force who's sole intention was to intercept and kidnap their charge."

Telan Desaria
May 11th, 2004, 03:30:56 PM
" I see."

Having just ordered his first withdrawal in a very long while, he was far from the normal character he was. She obviously expected some tirade about Imperial honour, but he was in no mood to give one.

" And this was authorized by Intelligence, I wager."

Desaria sipped on his beverage slowly and deliberately. Imperceptibly, a glimmer came back to his eye.

" So we have the Imperator's wife. How high a price would he pay, in your opinion, to get her back?"

R. S. Esalis
May 11th, 2004, 03:39:20 PM
"It's not what we can make him do or pay. It's what we can make him not do.

"You do not wish to engage him? Very well. Give him an ultimatum. If he tries to start any sort of skirmish or battle, you will kill first the child, then the mother. Or maim, torture, experiment on, whatever you deem fit."

Esalis bilnked.

"You have a hold of him through possibly the one thing he cares the most about. I'm willing to bet that he will do whatever you say to ensure his wife's safety - as well as that of his child's."

Telan Desaria
May 11th, 2004, 04:45:24 PM
The Grand Admiral was taken aback. Here was the High Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire advising him to blackmail a rival leader to secure peace in the galaxy - at least, as far as the Empire was concerned.

That would be the farthest removal from tradition any action any person with the name of Desaria had ever taken. Such an act would require a great deal of introspection, a great deal of musing.

A Grand Admiral, however, never had as an ally the Gods of Time. War was a fluid occurance no man of flesh could control - he could only rely on the fact that the only certainty was uncertainty. Perhaps then, with that in mind, such actions that strayed from tradition were almost ordained. Innovation was something Desarias had prided themselves on since the creation of that proud House.

Honour could be maintained, and he would have much to atone for. But the action is could be rationed was required. Was one man's dishonour worth the honour of an entire state?


Desaria gave his drink a stern stare. The sum of all his rage flared and subsided in the blink of an eye. The decanter went flying against a far wall, its contents spraying against the purple-watered fish tank he had kept since time immerorium. To her credit, Esalis did not flinch.

" Very well. You are a devious woman, Madame Inquisitor, and I am not beyond my education. Issue an edict from your office post haste and I shall affix my seal without delay. Inform Imperator Sevon of our prize and give him the terms of her continued survival. His ships with withdraw immediately from the entireity of the Sluis Sector without exception. He will issue orders imemdiately for all of ships to unilaterally avoid any and all confrontation with vessels bearing the flag of the Empire.

" Any contravention thereof on the first offense will result in the removal of one limb from the child. The second offense will result in its permanent gentic mutation into something...unpleasant. The third violation will result in the disembowlment of the female mother - his wife. The fourth and final violation will result in her termination."

R. S. Esalis
May 11th, 2004, 05:00:33 PM
Esalis nodded, the look in her eyes quite possibly the most evil anyone had ever seen. She would enjoy the upcoming conversation with Khendon Sevon. She would enjoy watching the look on his face and his reaction. She would enjoy every single millisecond of it all.

"As you order, Grand Admiral Desaria. I will do what you wish."

Telan Desaria
May 11th, 2004, 05:02:28 PM
When Esalis bowed and departed, Desaria played the last rendition of von Bachman's 838969th Symphony ever recored...