View Full Version : Questions (Loki)

Tharinye Lerf
Apr 15th, 2004, 10:53:07 AM
Tharinye rests his head in his hands as he closes his eyes for a moment. Things are not easy right now. Everyone that he's talked to about Natia has said nothing but good about her. They don't see the real Natia. The one that turns her back to family and kills them in cold blood. The one that will murder innocent children just because they were playing with a ball and the ball hit her. Nobody seems to care that they are making themselves vulnerable to this girl which he unfortunatly is related to.

After several mintues, he stands up and puts his suit jacket back on, doing it up properly before stepping out into the hallway from his room. It is time for him to go and meet some more ppl who know Natia, or at least used to know her.

Walking down the hall for several minutes, he finally stops at a door and knocks on it, hoping that the person is in.