View Full Version : Starless night(open)
Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 06:35:48 AM
Shade walked through the streets of Coruscant, dodging in and out of alleys. The Jedi Knight was trying to make it to his favorite meditation spot, that was about five kilometers from the Jedi Temple, in record time. He used a Force assisted leap and jumped up, grabbing a pole and swinging around on it, flinging himself into the air.
Shade was able to preform two backflips before finally landing on his feet. He was now standing on a narrow ledge facing the southern side of the city-planet's only natural lake. It truely was a place to be admired. Shade went to end of the ledge and carefully flopped down so that his legs were hanging over the ledge. He pulled his robe off and layed it out behind him while he stared off into the night's sky.
That was one of the only things Shade disliked about the planet. It caused so much of it's own light from buildings and signs that one could rarely see the stars. It was something that he yearned for. To stand in a lush green forest and look up into a clear starry night. Well, maybe once I finish this portion of Spada's training, I can take Jacali to get her ship from Zenoma Sekot. There, I can look into the sky and see the stars. Hopefully it would be soon, the Jedi thought as he leaned back onto his robe and closed his eyes.
Zachariah Darmok
Apr 15th, 2004, 11:34:46 AM
' A plague Coruscant is, something of a cancer, a desease of sorts that infests our galaxy with Jedi and peace. Dont these people rearlize that peace is nothing but a lie? a dream?' Zachariah spoke softly and smoothly like a rich chocolate dripping from a cake.
He was standing upon the top ledge of the contruction they stood upon and like Shade was looking out over the vast city of Coruscant but not on awe, in disgust. He hated Coruscant and what it produced, Jedi and grime. That was it, and Darmok detested it.
Wrapping his cloak around him once again, he looked down to view the Jedi Knight and smiled menacingly, a smile that meant little and was full of hatred and sarcasem.
' You are a Jedi? But of course you are...'
Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 05:48:53 PM
Shade looked up at the man and nodded, returning his gaze to the sky. "I am. And you are?"
Zachariah Darmok
Apr 15th, 2004, 05:53:25 PM
' Darmok, to you, just Darmok and im affraid i hate Jedi' He continued to look down, his horrible smile consistant. For a moment it looked as if Darmok was going to just stand there but suddenly and quite suprisingly Zachariah swept out a hand from underneath his clock and force pushed the Jedi.
Of course the ledge was not wide enough nor a match to catch the Knight and the force push pushed the Jedi from the ledge and swiftly off the edge, a fall of no less than two thousand feet spanned below them.
Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 06:00:52 PM
Panic was the first thing that came to Shade's mind, but Jedi weren't supposed to panic. They were supposed to be the calm of the galaxy. As he went tumbling off the ledge, Shade used the Force to calm himself, allowing himself to see all possibilties. It was because of this that the Jedi saw the small hand hold. He reached out for it and caught himself.
There he was hanging two thousand feet above the ground, but atleast he was breathing. Shade reached up and grabbed another small protruding object, and using the force pulled himself back onto the ledge. There he went into a low crouch, staring at Darmok.
"Impressive. You almost had me there, but I must ask why you would do such a thing? Even enemies can sit down and talk. Can't they?" As Shade spoke he slowly rose from his crouched position, calling on the Force incase of another unexpected attack.
Zachariah Darmok
Apr 15th, 2004, 06:11:47 PM
' Oh but of course, unfortunetly i am not the one tetering on the edge of life and death am i? No, this is not a place for idle chatter, boy.' With this, a larger force pushed eminated from Darmoks raised had and this time the Jedi was pushed further away from the ledge, this time there would be no chance of grabbing the stone once again.
Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 06:19:52 PM
Shade was ready for the push this time and though it knocked him back farther, he was able to think more clearly this time. Aided with the clarity and spee of the Force, Shade reached into a compartment on his belt and pulled out a very thin wire, with a small grappling hookon the end. He twirled it around and threw it up, using the Force to guide it. It wrapped around Darmok's foot and Shade frowned slightly. That wasn't what he was aiming for. If Darmok couldn't catch something then they would both end up in the water below. And falling from two thousand feet, water or not would still hurt.
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