View Full Version : Keeper of the Peace (Open. Two Jedi wanted.)

Apr 15th, 2004, 03:51:13 AM
Kreedo Braduk, Jedi Knight, walked quickly towards the entrance of a large building. The almost endless abyss between the towering buildings of Coruscant loomed on either side of the cold metallic walkway. Kreedo looked back and forth with his large Rodian eyes whilst reaching out with his force sense, probing for dangers. A mercenary hiding in a darkened window with a charged disrupted rifle could mean the end of a Jedi and Kreedo was not going to take any chances. He had so far survived the Imperial’s holocaust against the Jedi and dying while resolving such a relatively insignificant trade dispute would be a terrible waste. Kreedo kept a hand on his belt, near his trusty arbiter pattern lightsabre. To most observers, the presence of the sabre was one of the few things that showed Kreedo was a Jedi. His Rodian hair never sat right despite his attempts and he always looked slightly scruffy for a Jedi Knight. His clothing was very unlike usual Rodian style. He wore creamy coloured tunic, pants and knee high leather boots typical of the old order Jedi. Fortunately, most of the mercenaries and criminals that Kreedo dealt with were not familiar with the Jedi of the Old Republic and, while in a passive stance, Kreedo usually wore a long brown cape. Kreedo hesitated as he reached the door before pressing the opening button. Immediately a small slit opened it the door and a pair of human eyes looked out.
“What business do you have here?” Asked the guard.
“I am here to speak to Captain Delm about a trade dispute.” Kreedo replied confidently with his slight Rodian accent, much decreased from years of living away from Rodia.
“What’s your identification?” The guard inquired.
“You don’t need to see my identification.” Kreedo said, “You will let me in to see Captain Delm.” The guard fell silent for a split second as the mind trick took effect.
“I don’t need to see your identification. I will let you in to see Captain Delm.” The guard stated and the metal door slid open with a metallic grinding sound.
“Thank you. Resume your business.” Kreedo said, walking into the building. The guard nodded and pressed the button to close the door. Kreedo’s Jedi instincts showed him exactly where to go and he made his way confidently towards Delm’s office. The middle-aged merchant captain sat at his desk. He looked up as Kreedo walked in.
“Who are you? You don’t have an appointment.” Delm said.
“I have come to create a fair agreement between you and Captain Valdamir.” Kreedo replied.
“Why should I change my mind for a strange Rodian?”
At that, Kreedo cast away his cape and took his sabre off his belt.
“Are you threatening me, Jedi?” Delm asked, leaning back in his chair and smiling evilly. “Not very Jedi-like.”
“I’m not threatening you. I’m just letting you know that I can solve this problem whether you agree or not. Valdamir is in the right here.”
Delm simply chuckled.
“I had a feeling that one of you so called peacekeepers would show up so I organised a little party.” Delm tapped a button on his desk and the door at one side of the room opened revealing ten Imperial stormtroopers. Kreedo turned to the door through which he came but already, more stormtroopers had appeared to block the way.
“It looks like another Jedi will go the way of his predecessors.” Delm said, smiling cruelly. “Farewell, Jedi.” With that, a metal case lowered around Delm’s desk, shielding the merchant from harm. The stormtroopers advanced, blasters held ready. Kreedo had no choice but to fight. He activated his lightsabre, revealing its green blade. At the sight of the laser sword, the stormtroopers opened fire. Kreedo deflected the laser blasts and called upon his Jedi agility, leaping forward. He swung his sabre at the nearest stormtroopers. He killed two with his first swing before leaping over another three and thrusting the blade downwards. The three stormtroopers fell and Kreedo landed skilfully on his feet. He deflected laser shots as he ran to get his cape. He picked up the garment and slung it over his shoulder before running towards the door. Kreedo slashed a stormtrooper that blocked his way and then when he reached the door he used the force to throw back the three stormtoopers that barred the exit. He stepped over the troopers and ran towards the building entrance. He reached out with the force and pressed the opening button. The door slid open and Kreedo rushed out. He threw his sabre at the arch above the door, breaking the masonry, which collapsed and blocked the entrance. Kreedo pulled the sabre back to his hand using his force abilities before deactivating it and clipping it to his belt. He sighed and tied his cape chain around his neck.
“That didn’t go well.” He said to himself in his native Rodian language.

Kreedo climbed into the speeder he had been given by Master Tarku and started the vehicle. He steered the speeder down onto the sky highways and accelerated to full speed. Stormtroopers fired at him as he sped away, having broken through the blocked door.
“Kreedo, come in.” Came the voice of Master Tarku through Kreedo’s communicator. Kreedo detached the voice communicator from his belt and held it near his mouth.
“I’m here.” He said.
“How did the mission go?”
“Not well. The Empire was involved. I had to fight my way out and Delm didn’t look like he was going to change his mind about the agreement.”
“That’s unfortunate. Do not blame yourself. The dark side can take hold through all negative emotions.”
“I know, Master.”
“Very good, Kreedo. I have another mission for you. Report back now.”
“I’m on my way.”

Kreedo walked into Master Gorn Tarku’s chamber and undid his cape. He placed the cape of a hook near the door and took a seat at the table that filled the center of the room. Master Tarku, a human, halted his meditation and looked up as the Rodian entered.
“Welcome back, Kreedo.” Tarku said walking to the table and sitting opposite his former padawan.
“Thankyou, Master Tarku. You said you had another mission for me.” Kreedo said.
“Indeed I do. A dangerous situation has come up on Dalmordia.”
“That’s a forest planet isn’t it?”
“Yes, but there are considerable urban areas. The situation is rather dire. A wealthy business owner, Sven Krieg, has acquired a militia army and is holding the nearby Rebel settlement, Hirda, to ransom. His army is not the dangerous part of his scheme, the rebels could repel them, but he has a powerful weapon. If deployed, it could wipe out the whole settlement. It is our responsibility as peacekeepers to save Hirda and remove the weapon. This is a difficult mission but you will not be going alone. I have organised for two other Jedi to join you. You will meet them at the platform where your ship is landed tomorrow morning.”
“Understood, Master.”
“Now go and rest, Kreedo.”
Kreedo nodded and rose to his feet. He walked out of the chamber, taking his cape and tying it again. He stepped out into the night air of Coruscant and headed for the speeder. Hopefully this mission would go more well than his last one.

OOC: This thread is open to anyone who can find a way to get into the story. I need two Jedi to be the ones that go with Kreedo. Anyone may fill the position or if no-one elects to do so, I will use NPCs.