View Full Version : A sorry for a few people.....with Gerbos permission :)

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 12th, 2004, 05:59:21 PM
Blade Ice wrote on Yesterday 09:50 PM:

quote: From Alana Stormcloud: Posted at swrpg.
Ok this is just my two cents...... So please no one take offence because I freely admit I don't know everything that is going on or has gone on here. I just know there are a lot of good people here who have a vision and from what I see the vision worked and the board has flourished. A long time ago I was going to bring the Shrine here but egos got in the way and it was an issue that was dropped and what I have learned from running my own area it is not always what I want but what the rpers want. They are the ones we have to make happy because they are the ones who make this small world flourish.

I am at fans with the Shrine and no I don’t agree with everything that Ogre does as I am sure he doesn’t agree with everything I do but he has graciously allowed me a small piece of Fans and I know come hell or high water he will protect my rights at the Shrine no matter if he agrees with it or not. I used to think him unfair but what I came to realize is that he is fair for the greater good and in the end that is what truly matters. I also know that being an owner of such a huge board is very very hard and sometimes you just can’t make everyone happy, so you just have to do what’s right by the community at large even if it means hurting friend’s feelings. Over all I have no true opinion on a lot of this, like I said I don’t truly know everything that’s going on. What I do know is that there are good people here who love to rp, who love to make things great for posters. In the end that is all that matters, we may not agree with everything, we may not like everything.

I have in the past be very harsh in my views of people, but what I have come to realize is that everyone here is human and subject to failings as am I. If I knew then what I know now I would tell everyone whose feelings I may have hurt and people I have angered that I am completely sorry because I only saw what I thought was in my boards best interest and not the community as a whole. Even if I don’t agree with everything the people in power may do at any board I have to respect that they do the best they can for everyone.

It is the rpers that make a board strong but it is the admins who keep it running smoothly for us. I know for a fact that running a VB board is not cheap and it is a scary thing to hand others power over something so expensive due to all the tech stuff that has to be done. Dara has graciously paid a lot of money to supply us a fun place to play. I take into consideration if she paid for it and supplied us with it then she has its best interest at heart IMHO. It’s much like the Shrine though not nearly as huge, it is paid for and I know I feel the same for it as I am sure she does for this place. I have no problem with anyone here be it Mara who was always a friend to me, Sums who I have always viewed as a peace maker and fair, Jedah who loves the community and would see it thrive, Snackums who though I don’t know him well seems to be a good person. And all the familiar faces Vegs who is a great rper and though we may not see eye to eye is truly a diplomatic person and one who will stand for what’s right. Aura who has always been a good friend to me an awesome rper and though I don’t know the whole story behind her leaving, I do know she loves this place and only wants to rp and make it a better place to be.

I wish I could go back, knowing what I know now and redeem all of the hurt feeling between people here and at fans. We all do what we think is right at times and sometimes it goes horribly wrong. Kitty if you see this I never meant you any harm or hurt and I am truly sorry.

Hugs to everyone I know this is an odd post but I just wanted people to see we are all human and make mistakes. But what matters the most is what is good for the group as a whole.

Holli/ Alana

Pm From Gerbo Lang
Wow I was amazed by this post and I realise it must have taken allot of guts to right it. I know I couldn't have done something like this so publically. One part of me wishes it would have been said at fans but I'll take as it came. This next part ain't going to be easy since me and you haven't spoken since like august of last year but 'll try my best.

I know and understand why I was banned from the shrine and i don't expect to prove to get unbanned for I veiw that as unfair to the other posters. I am though going to appologize for my action towards you and the shrine. I didn't in the end show you the respected you deserved alana. I jumped to a conclusion before I knew who was actually behind it. To explain my action all i can say is I did most of it to protect what I created both the Dhampire Gerbo lang and the vampire Jason dreggs. I even broke a few of my own rules I don't like to get in on board polotics although I ways seem to. I did not and still do not agree with the sith vampire issue but that is my opinion.

I don't believe on the day I got banned it should have come to that point. I think both of us could have been a little more grown up about it at least I know I should have. I believe I friendship would still have been intact if I would have left the shrine with little sound as possible. My reason for leaving should have been IC in the sence my character no longer fit in and OOC so I countinue to keep are friendship. I choose to fight it and force full blame for me leaving on you and the shrine in the process causing uneeded stress on your community and my self.

I'm not good at appollogizing for my action I hate doing but there always comes a time when you got to do it. You seem to have appologized for yours so I feel I need to do the same to you personally and hopefully you will show some of this to the others who where affected by my actions.

To be honest I have been trying since new years to figure out a way to try and patch things up between us. I don't expect us to be friends again but just maybe someday we will get that chance, So alana I'm sorry.

BTW I will make sure kitty sees this post you made because I know for a fact she doesn't go to swrpg.

Gerbo Lang

PM from Alana Stormcloud
I agree Gerbo I think there were to many heated emotions and I acted very childish at times and it was all due to the fact that I was upset u were leaving the way u did and the big ugly ooc at fans. I accept your apology and I hope you accept mine. I never ever meant for it to get out of hand the way it did and I am ashamed at the way I acted towards people who were in truth just giving there opinion or just as upset as I was. Thank you for this I needed it and it is much appreciated. I would like to post this at the Shrine for others to see if you wouldn’t mind, You can pick if it’s a locked or open forum or if u even want it posted

Tell Kitty I am sorry things got so out of hand and I am very sorry to her and anyone else I hurt or made mad. I know she may not forgive me or accept my apology but I feel I owed her one for the ugly words we exchanged with each other.

Huggs Gerbo and thanks.
Always Holli/ Alana

PM from Gerbo Lang
Post it I think it would be a good thing. I'lll tell kitty next time I see here.