View Full Version : Stranded in Space (Jedi please)

Apr 9th, 2004, 07:37:53 AM
Little over a week ago, a message had been sent to the Jedi Order. It had been sent by a young missionary Jedi, spending time traveling around some of the Republic’s more pastoral and, for lack of a better word, backward planets, spreading the good word of the code. The message went as such:

“During my travels I have come across a most unusual thing. I have found myself in a most xenophobic community. I myself was not welcomed at first, but as I am humanoid in appearances, the community has become accustomed to me. However, it seems that there have been other travelers who have arrived here and have been immediately ostracized. One of the more accepted community members informs me of a crashed pod or ship of some sort, that the locals claimed contains some kind of beast-man hybrid. I have been told that the man has tried to approach the community numerous times, but the locals have turned him away each time – often with force.

The scarce few alien sympathizers in the community are growing worried for the man. They estimate it has been at least a month, if not two, since the ship crashed into the outskirts of their province. They would have gone to investigate his whereabouts and status themselves were it not for the wild animals that roam the outer plains. I am not strong enough in the Force to do this task either, but I can feel that he is still alive… and… well, I don’t want to jump to any conclusions about him, Masters. Suffice to say, I hope you can dispatch a Jedi to aid in this matter, if only to save the man from the certain death that these peoples ignorance have condemned him to.”

The missionary had waited a week – there had been no reply. Yet, one morning, he heard the sounds of an engine above the quiet hum of the machinery that the farmers used. Pacing out of his lodgings, he shielded his eyes against the suns as he looked into the sky. A vessel was banking down towards the settlement.

The Jedi had come, and so the missionary waited.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 9th, 2004, 08:02:48 AM
Padawan learner, Jacali Danner's hands eased over the controls of the ship. It was her first diplomatic mission on her own.

The request had come to her through her master and the council and Jacali had accepted it with open arms. Some excitement had been her first emotion she felt, being it she was going alone.

But, that had been tamped down since, she had a job to do and a life was at stake.

The flight had been easy as she landed the ship and shut down the converters. Dressed in full Jedi attire, she grabbed her pack and slung it over her shoulder and strode down the hatch with a slight limp in her gait. The noticable brace was now hidden by her outer Jedi cloak.

The air smelled fresh and clean, much nicer than that of Coruscant, it was a nice change along with the natural surroundings of trees and plants.

As her feet made contact with the dusty ground, she saw a humanoid man awaiting her and made her way over to him.

Jacali bowed quickly. "Jacali Danner, Jedi Padawan-sent by the council to aid you."

Apr 9th, 2004, 08:13:11 AM
The man bowed his head in greeting, “I am pleased to meet you, Padawan Danner. I am Rouk Gend, a fellow student of the light. Thank you for arriving so promptly.”

The man was dressed in traveling clothes that looked as though they had once been the garments of a Jedi, until someone had taken a pair of scissors to make them more accommodating for the warm climate. He motioned for Jacali to walk with him.

“I believe it is imperative that we discuss your presence here and act on the matter at hand as soon as possible, Padawan. Every moment we stand by is another that man is at risk. Unfortunately, we cannot simply wander out onto the plains to find him… the community’s leaders have stationed guards on the province borders, to ensure that no one comes our goes without their permission.”

Rouk stopped walking, folded his arms over his chest and gave a slight sigh. His eyes turned towards a large building, sat squat amidst a cluster of smaller huts. It had a guard on the door, who held a primitive gunstick of some kind.

“What course of action we take is entirely up to you, Padawan. I have no authority here. I can only hope that as an agent of the Jedi Order, you will have more success swaying their opinions than I have.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 9th, 2004, 08:44:51 AM
Jacali listened carefully, it seemed rather strange that a community would lock themselves into such a way of life. But, all communities had their reasons, she was sure this one was no different. Something had happened here to sway themselves to believe all outsiders were bad.

But, in order to save the being that had crashed she would have to talk to the leader and find out just why they were living in such a guarded way and why they were so locked on to it.

This would be the only way to work through the situation and get to the man, she would have to understand the leaders point of view first.

Jacali nodded. 'Very well, I would like to talk to the leader first. I need to know why they are so guarded. Something has happened here to do this." She looked at the building and then back at Rouk. "What is this leaders name and how soon do you think I will be able to see him?" Time was everything.

Apr 9th, 2004, 09:14:55 AM
“I have only met with the leaders of the community once… there are four of them, all humanoid of course. I am sure you will be introduced to them when you are given an audience with them.” He now motioned to the building that had held his attention, “They convene within that keep. From what I gather, their jobs are not exactly the busiest within the community. I would imagine that it would be possible to meet with them right now”

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 9th, 2004, 10:01:54 AM
Jacali nodded. "Then to the leaders I shall go. Thank you, Rouk. I'll be back."

The Padawan began her trek towards the building, along the way she took in her surroundings and the beings that stared at her as she passed them by. A few females pulled their children closer to them.

Jacali remained calm and content smiling and nodding to anyone that acknowledged her along the way. She kept a light and friendly attitude, it was her personality as always and usually got her a positive response back.

It was getting warmer as she went along and soon she'd have to shed the cloak, in fact she decided to shed it now. Pulling it off, she quickly rolled it up and placed it into the pack and then continued. Now, her lightrsabre was visible attached to her belt as was her brace.

The Padawan stopped in front of the guards at the main building. "Greetings, I'm Jacali Danner, Jedi Representative from Coruscant, requesting to convene with your High Council Representatives."

Apr 9th, 2004, 12:58:35 PM
The guards looked Jacali up and down. They wore primitive clothing, that looked as though it had been made from the hide of some animal – although they were a little too lanky to assume that it had been the two guards who had killed the beast they now wore. One of them nodded and pulled back the curtain that was acting as the door to the enclave, allowing Jacali to step inside.

The interior was as bright as the exterior, with a thin thatched roof that allowed the light and heat to stream in. There was no furniture inside, and the figures who one could only presume to be the Council were all seated on large plump pillows on the ground. They were speaking openly with one another, and only paused when they saw Jacali enter. One, an elder man, squinted at her.

“A Jedi? You must be the one the missionary sent for,” he surmised, nodding vaguely, as the others looked between one another, “Please, be seated. What can we help you with, Master Jedi?”

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 9th, 2004, 10:18:19 PM
Jacali respectfully bowed a greeting to the Council before taking her seat.

"Yes, I am the Jedi Representative that Rouk Gend requested." She paused.

"I've come on behalf of a being that has been possibly and probably injured, beyond the outlands of your city from a crash. With your honors permission, I would like to investigate the site for myself and get the being medical attention as soon as possible."

Apr 10th, 2004, 03:25:55 AM
“You wish to help the alien,” one of the other elders said – a middle-aged woman, with a slight scowl etched onto her expression. The others looked between one another, exchanging troubled or suspicious glances.

“Why? It is a monster. One of our own scout patrols saw it, as it tore the flesh from a plaincritter with its bare hands.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 10th, 2004, 07:35:51 AM
Fear from the unknown will grip hearts in ways as such, but Jacali needed to get them to understand past the point of fear.

"There are so many species among us within the universe, High Council. We couldn't possibly know them all, some more overwhelming than others. The Jedi are to preserve life and help those in need. This alien, is a living being and it too deserves its right to live and survive, just as any of us." She said in a gentle reassuring voice.

Apr 10th, 2004, 07:47:38 AM
“Even a living being who has taken the lives of our livestock?” the elder retorted.

“You may venture out to find the beast, Master Jedi, but I cannot guarantee that the members of community will greet it with anything less than fierce animosity upon its return to our community.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 10th, 2004, 07:53:29 AM
Jacali nodded. "All I can ask of you and your great community that you look into the light of your hearts when I return. The life of this alien could be near loss already, I shall see what I can do, your eminance."

Apr 10th, 2004, 07:58:04 AM
“I am afraid I can show no mercy or pity to such a vile creature,” another one of the elders snapped. “Now if you’ll excuse us, Master Jedi, we have important business to tend to.”

Clearly, this was not the case, yet the guards came to escort Jacali back out into the open regardless. Evidently, some toes had been trod upon.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 10th, 2004, 10:39:08 AM
Diplomatic expertise was definitely not here. Jacali winced inwardly, this had not gone very well at all. The Padawan stood and bowed once again in respect. "I thank you for your time." She merely stated as she regarded the guards and went towards the door.

Saying anything else at this point would do nothing, but cause more animosity, she did reallize when it was time to back off and let it go for a bit.

Though the first talk ended badly, she had gotten what she came for, approval to go into the outlands and locate the being that was causing them such distress.

Jacali headed back towards she ship and Rouk, somehow things would find a way of working out. She was a Jedi representative, she had to see the way from both angles...

That was it!! That was what happened, she walked in there only thinking of what the Jedi had wanted and not what reasons they had for being so concerned about the being in the first place.

First learning error. She would do better the next time.

With a deep breath, she pushed the outcome of the meeting aside and walked more quickly towards her ship.

Apr 10th, 2004, 11:37:23 AM
The missionary walked with Jacali, having overheard the entire conversation between Jacali and the elders. He looked vaguely troubled, an expression that didn’t suit his kindly face.

“Are you going to leave immediately, Padawan? I would join you, but I am afraid my skills would be of little use. I can offer you only this,” he pulled back the clothes at his waist, exposing a blaster, “if you think it will be of any use. It pains me to have to let you go alone, but I fear I would be more of a hindrance than a help.”

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 10th, 2004, 01:24:25 PM
Jacali smiled as she stopped and looked at the missionary's blaster. "That's alright, Rouk. I've got my lightsabre, I used to carry a blaster all the time, but now..." She patted the sabre and began walking again.

"How far out is the crash site?" She asked as she continued with her slightly limping gait.

Apr 11th, 2004, 07:18:13 AM
“From what information I’ve gathered, it’s around half an hours walk from the settlement. You would be able to see it from the settlement if it wasn’t for the dips and rises in contours in the area,” he explained, covering his blaster up with his cloak.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 11th, 2004, 01:07:12 PM
"Well, shouldn't be too hard to get too then." She answered with a nod. Dips and rises, might be a tad bit difficult, but nonetheless, she would get out there.

"Thanks, Rouk. Your information will do well." She told him as they reached the edge of the city. With a new direction in mind, Jacali began making her way towards the crash site.

Apr 12th, 2004, 04:03:11 AM
The terrain was mostly plains, with a few rock formations dotted here and there. Grazing animals were spotted around too, with their owners standing idly by watching. Their heads turned to watch the Jedi as she passed by, as did those of the guards who patrolled the boarders. They weren’t fond of Jedi, but then they knew that she could out-do them if things came to blows, so weren’t about to push their luck – especially not against a lightsaber. If Jacali focused on the Force, she would be able to feel the signatures of those around her, and the man ahead. Oddly, if she concentrated enough she would be able to feel a faint taint of the darkside…

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 12th, 2004, 04:33:17 AM
The terrain wasn't as hard to walk as she had first thought, the Padawan opened herself to the Force, feeling everything around her.

Jacali felt that the guards were slightly leary of her and paid no mind, they weren't a threat. She concentrated deeper on the Force and stopped for a second.

Darkness. She would have to be guarded while she investigated and continued on. The crash site didn't look all that bad, at least the ship didn't blow.

Jacali found a carcuss of an animal or two beginning to rot from the heat.

She passed it by and went to the hatch. "Hello, is anyone here?" Announcing that she was a Jedi, would come later. Let's not continue on the wrong foot.

Apr 12th, 2004, 04:39:23 AM
Inside the craft was wrecked. Some of the windows had been blown out by the crash, and the whole hull had crumpled under the impact. There were more bodies of animals within, some just picked at, others that appeared to have been there for weeks. In the middle of all, there was the man. Descriptions of him being a beast didn’t seem very accurate. He looked perhaps eighteen, nineteen, twenty at most. His hair was all tangled, making it difficult to tell what color that was, but it being in such a state revealed one thing – his ears were faintly pointed at the tips. There was definitely something feral about the way he looked, and the torn clothing only added to that. Oddly, he hadn’t woken up yet, and this was clear from the quiet snoring that could be heard.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 12th, 2004, 04:51:56 AM
The rotting of animals inside the ship wasn't too bad since some of the windows were busted out, letting in a breeze of fresh air now and then.

The Jedi Padawan entered cautiously, leaving herself open to the Force to sense any impending danger.

Quietly, she searched for the pilot, he was still alive and that was a good thing. Jacali found him, sleeping a few moments later.

"Hello, sir." She didn't get too close and left her lightsabre within quick reaching distance, if needed.

Apr 12th, 2004, 05:07:03 AM
From the build of the ship, it looked as though it had been bought on a Republic world, though the man didn’t bear any insignias to mark him out as a Republic pilot. The fact that at least he was a Republic supporter must have been somewhat comforting.

“Hello, sir.”

His eyes fluttered open. Even in the darkness, their feline design could be seen. They were yellow with a sliver of pupil, that dilated in the shadows to try and draw in more light. Instant shock hit him and he lurched backwards.

“Get away from me!” he yelled, looking around frantically for something to use as a weapon.

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 12th, 2004, 08:35:02 PM
"Easy, friend." Jacali said as she sent some Force soothing waves his way to calm him down. "I'm a friend, I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to help, if you'll let me."

Apr 28th, 2004, 09:05:41 AM
“Who are you, what are you doing here,” he choked out, now one his feet. He could feel something, something touching his mind, and it inflamed his danger sense further, as he suspected the woman of trying to use some kind of mind control technique (the Republic had taught him all about this).

imported_Jacali Danner
Apr 30th, 2004, 04:54:02 AM
"I'm a Jedi, my name is Jacali Danner. I've been sent here by the Jedi Council to assist you. You need medical attention, water and food. I'll get you these things, if you'll allow me too."

May 1st, 2004, 02:54:48 AM
The Jedi – he knew that name! They were part of the Republic, agents of Peace, or so he had been told. Were the stories true? He had become increasingly paranoid, as a result of living on the plains. She could have been a member of the enclave, trying to trick him. But then would she not have already offed him in his sleep? The man rubbed his eyes, the light from outside stinging them a little. “I… I’m Raif.”

imported_Jacali Danner
May 1st, 2004, 07:20:08 AM
Jacali gave him a respectable Jedi bow. "It's nice to meet you, Raif. How long has it been since you've had any water?"

May 2nd, 2004, 02:57:17 AM
He pressed his palm against his brow and shook his head, “Yesterday. There’s a water supply not far from here… I can go at night, when the patrols are asleep.” The level of darkness that Jacali could feel from the man had dropped distinctly – it seemed that he had lowered his guard. “… Why are the Jedi Council after me?” He was tense again all of a sudden, and his mind reeled to think what he could possibly be accused of. “I didn’t mean to use the Force, it just came accidentally! I won’t use it again, I swear.”

imported_Jacali Danner
May 2nd, 2004, 06:16:55 AM
"It's alright, Raif. You're not in trouble, besides being stranded here. That is why I've come, we found out that you had crashed and everyone was turning you away. I have come here to help." She took a cantine from her pack. Jacali poured some water into her hand and drank it, to show him it was alright for him to drink.

"You need water, drink this." The Padawan walked over to him and handed the cantine to him. "Drink it all if you need."

May 2nd, 2004, 08:55:03 AM
He wasn’t about to say no to water. He drunk it quickly, spilling some over his chin and half-bare chest then wiping it away with the back of his wrist. The thought that she could be lying or trying to ply him with poison didn’t occur to him, which struck him moments later as an oddity, given the suspicious state of mind he’d been in since he found himself stuck on this god forsaken planet. “I thought the Republic had given up on me,” he said, then took another drink, “I thought at first they would send someone out to find me, since this is one of their ships and all… I guess I’m expendable.”

imported_Jacali Danner
May 2nd, 2004, 09:04:24 AM
"I got here as soon as I could, Raif. Coruscant is quite a ways away. Are you injured? I have some medical supplies."

May 3rd, 2004, 07:22:45 AM
He shook his head, looking down at his tattered clothing, “No, I’m not. They didn’t attack me... and most of the animals here seem placid, or placid enough that I could over power them.” Though he was slim-built, there was a strong air about him. His Cathar blood gave him stamina and the will to fight. It was lucky that he was so persistent; any other man might have given up hope sooner. “How did you convince them to let me back into the village?” he then asked, looking up with a curious expression on his face.

imported_Jacali Danner
May 4th, 2004, 01:34:56 PM
"Good question." Jacali answered. "Fact of the matter is, you've not been allowed back in yet, I was only given permission to come out here right now and I'll have to go back to fill them in on the details. Tell me, why do you want to go to the villiage, is there something there you need?"

She paused. "If I could get some more information, it would help me out a lot." Jacali picked off a food capsule from her belt and gave it to him. "Eat this it'll help you reserve some strenght, it's a few rations capsules, they are tasteless, but nutritious."

May 8th, 2004, 06:33:27 AM
Raif examined the capsule with an incredulous eye for a moment, speaking as he did. “What do I need? I need a repair crew. I don’t want to be here anymore than they don’t want me here. As if it isn’t totally obvious, this ship is frelled,” he replied, a sharp edge to his voice, which showed his frustration. Shaking his head, he tilted his head back a little and swallowed the food capsule. It made his stomach churn and growl, as he longed for some food of real substance.

imported_Jacali Danner
May 8th, 2004, 06:57:51 AM
"I can see you wanting to get off this place, but the people of here, are not exactly up to date as we are." She looked at his ship and winced. "Not at all. I'm a very good at maintenance and repair and mechanics and this is going to take some major work here. We're going to have to order things off world to be delivered here, including a hoist. Which means, I'm going to have to go back and talk to that council. I think, they were hoping you would just leave with me and forget the ship. But, no worries, I'll help you get back up and running."

May 8th, 2004, 07:06:22 AM
Lifting both hands, he waved them dismissive. “No, if you can give me a ride of this planet, I don’t care about the ship. We can salvage the databank… I can foot the damage payment to the Republic.” He was lying on the last point. If he was going to pay back how much he would owe for trashing the ship, he’d need to find a steady and fast paying job. His previous employment required him to pilot cargo and passengers back and forth, making it impossible for him to carry on this line of work, now that his ship was out of action.

imported_Jacali Danner
May 9th, 2004, 06:18:59 AM
Jaclai nodded. "Well, I can get you off this planet and pending on where you need to go if it's not too far out of the way from Coruscant, I can take you."

May 9th, 2004, 06:36:33 AM
“Coruscant!” His enthusiasm rose, and then fell steeply as he felt his body ache under the sudden increase in movement. “You’re going back to the Temple, right? Take me with you.”

imported_Jacali Danner
May 9th, 2004, 06:39:49 AM
Jacali smiled and gave him a nod. "That can be done, Raif. I'll help you gather your things and we can be off."