View Full Version : I come bearing gifts (Lady Vader)

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 8th, 2004, 03:26:44 AM
A lone figure stood in the center of the recruitment center of the Sith Order. In his hand, he held a long metal rod, almost like a spear, upon the top of which was skewered a rather gruesome gift. A decapitated head had been rather hap handedly impaled upon the tip. It looked as though at the time of impact, the head had still been conscious – at least, one would imagine so from the look of sheer terror on its face. It was someone (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3586) that members of the Sith Order might recognize. At least, Lady Vader would – and that’s who the figure was waiting for.

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2004, 12:50:38 PM
*One of the Palace guards had informed the security office that the Order had a visitor, with a rather gruesome object with him. The guards had hemmed and hawed about letting him enter, but after a while they agreed to let him enter with an escort, due to his odd item.*

*While this occured, the security office had contacted LV via her commlink, advicing her of the visitor. LV had thanked the officer in charged and made her way down to the visitor's area.*

*Upon entering, she saw the two burley guards standing a ways back from the visitor so as to give him space. In the center stood the visitor, and LV recognized him right away. While most who had gone to his wake would have been surprised, she was not. Thanks to her visit to Fascinataru and Iesis' eyes, it was not difficult to put two and two together, even though Daiquiri had revealed nothing.*

*What did surprise her, however, was the head upon the spike that the visitor brought with him. The likeness was uncanny to the visitor, save for the head had no body, and was very much dead.*

*She made her way slowly to the visitor before stopping a few feet away. Behind her, Iesis slunk in to sit beside her mistress, looking up at the visitor, and purring in recognition.*

*LV cocked an eyebrow, looking breifly at the severed head before looking back down at the visitor.*

While you seem to have slaughtered a member of the Order, I can't truthfully say I'm disappointed.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 8th, 2004, 12:57:36 PM
“Who wouldn’t be happy to be rid of the worm?” Vega smirked, twisting the pole in his hands so that the severed head was looking him in the eye. How amusing Atticus looked. His smirk grew into a grin. Then swiping the tip of the spear downwards, one of the guards jumped slightly, as it seemed for a moment possible that the head would fly off and careen him.

“I thought you could stick it outside of the recruitment office, to serve as a warning to future applicants. Either that, or mount it. It would go nicely above a roaring fire,” the Lupine continued, lifting the pole horizontally and laughing to himself as he turned it in midair, as though it was some spitted animal being cooked over flames.

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2004, 04:38:57 PM
*The corner of LV's lip curled upward into a grin.*

What a morbid idea to have it over a fire place. Seems it'd ruin the beauty of the flame though.

*She came closer and looked at the severed head. It was starting to smell slightly which caused her nose to wrinkle.*

I think it best we place it outside of the recrutiment office and let the carion birds pick at it. And once it's cleaned of it's flesh, we'll have a lovely skull to adorn the entrance.

*She looked at Vega.*

But do tell me... why the gift? Are you offering this with something else, or just by itself?

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 9th, 2004, 06:28:28 AM
“That all depends really,” he replied with a vague shrug, “on whether or not you’re in the business of allowing people who have murdered your apprentices to join your ranks.”

Lady Vader
Apr 10th, 2004, 01:52:11 AM
*LV smiled.*

Only if he who brings me such a gift makes up for what my...

*She gestured towards the head on a spike.*

...former apprentice lacked.

*The smile widened.*

Of course, I know you'd have no problem in making up for what he lacked.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 10th, 2004, 03:13:35 AM
“A compliment,” the Lupines smile grew.

“Then again, one wouldn’t need much in the way of power or strength to surpass the worm, but I know that you’re being sincere.”

Vega spread his arms at his sides, as if in surrender.

“So you have your second gift.”

Lady Vader
Apr 10th, 2004, 04:38:24 PM
And a wonderful gift it is.

*LV put her hand on the spike to which Vega let it go. She then handed it over to one of the guards.*

See to it that this head is placed on a spear outside of the recruitment center entrance... in an area for all that come here to see and take it as a warning that those who fail will end up more ahead than they thought.

*The guard took it without question and headed out to carry out the task. The other guard remained where he was standing. She turned to the second one.*

You may go. I will not need your services any further.

*With a quick snap of his head in a short bow, he departed. She then turned to Vega.*

Let's see about finding you a meal and a confortable room, shall we?

*She gestured towards the hallway that would take them to the Palace.*

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 11th, 2004, 07:06:59 AM
Beginning to walk, Vega folded his arms behind his back, almost a little sad that he no longer had his gruesome token to parade around. Regardless, he was pleased that this intial meeting was going well thus far.

“An excellent idea, Lady Vader. I’m sure you have at least a couple of questions to pose me before we’re finished here today.”

Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2004, 04:29:26 PM
*LV laughed.*

Indeed. But there'll be time for questions over a warm meal (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=35229).