View Full Version : The War of I: Misplaced Identities

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 8th, 2004, 03:07:29 AM
There was something deeply satisfying in having clairvoyance enough to know what others did not. In the past months, year, however long it had been, it was doubtful that many mourned the death of Vega Van-Derveld. However, at least three times as many would have doubted it. How could a mere assassin kill a Sith Lord, they would ask? Especially in close combat? It was not possible, it wasn’t probable. In the past, Force users had been bested in melee, but the planning needed was meticulous, the tools required were plentiful, it was no small job. Perhaps this was why so many had come to the funeral, to see proof, but even then, was it enough? No, especially not for Sith and Dark Jedi, a paranoid lot, always searching for the truth, even if it was staring them right in the face.

Of course, in this instance, their suspicions had been correct. Vega Van-Derveld had never been murdered. Some knew of this, some didn’t. Regardless, it was difficult to be certain, especially with the so-called assassin and pirate Jacob Nives frequently rearing his head. Then, too, was the case of the so called ‘Lord’ Van-Derveld who had found his way to Corellia, proclaiming to be the reincarnation of the former Black Hand confederate. Surely if the real Van-Derveld was still alive, he would do something about this madman?

He would now.

A criminal, they say, always returns to the scene of the crime. Atticus Almasy would do just that, even if he wasn’t sure why. He wandered through Corellia’s dark streets aimlessly, muttering conversations with the voices and apparitions in his head. His booted feet were taking him somewhere familiar and he could feel it. While he had been officially a member of the Sith Order for some time now, his training had progressed little beyond minor telekinetic activities with Lady Vader and so he found himself roaming like a wild dog in search of some kind of challenge. Paradoxical, really, given the fear he oozed anytime he was out of the confines of the Palace.

As he walked, he turned a corner into an alleyway and found a familiar sight. It was the place where he had entered as Atticus Almasy, and left as Vega Van-Derveld. He smirked slightly, lip twitching as he strode into the dead end. As before, it was silent and housed little but debris and detritus. His eyes came across something odd as he walked, however, and he knelt down to inspect it. The ground was scorched. Tracing his hand over it, he nodded slightly… yes, that was when the lightning had struck, when it had happened.

“Looking for something?”

He stood quickly, turning to face where he had come from. The vague outline of a figure could be seen.

“Go away,” he snapped.

“No, Atticus, I think I’ll stay.”

The figure took a few steps forwards.

“You see, I think you and I have a little something to talk about, Atticus. A very important little something that you’ve been avoiding for some time now. Have you got any idea what that might be?”

Brow knitting, Almasy sneered, “I haven’t the time or inclination to deal with you, waif. Leave now, before I am forced to make you leave.”

A slight laugh, “Do you really believe you could do that?”

“That and so much more. I am Sith, you fool. Vex me and you will feel a world of pain.”

The figure was almost visible now, as he took another step forward. His hand rose into the air, palm open facing outwards towards the so-called Sith. Instantly, Atticus fell backwards. As he hit the ground, a flicker of fear crossed his face before he scrambled backwards and up to his feet. “Still delusional, Atticus? I thought you would have realized by now. You can’t keep lying to yourself forever, because one day your lies will come back to haunt you, and they will be very…”

Atticus’ throat tightened.


His held his hands against his neck, choking for breath. snap-hisssss – a yellow beam cut the shadow, illuminating the figure (http://panic.hopto.org/swf/vega/seifer/09.jpg).
