View Full Version : Yavin IV Q&A thread

Morgan Evanar
Apr 7th, 2004, 01:59:01 PM
Feel free to ask questions. I'll answer them as best as I can.

Excuse my spelling/coherence, I have a sore throat and a fever. Clear, concise thought isn't my strong point at the moment.

Whoever wants to go, permission from the council required. Right now I think its
Rie Mystt
Morgan Evanar

Coruscant isn't the best environment for every Padawan. Yavin is much more secure, secluded, and quiet. Both Morgan and Rie have a strong affinity with a more wild, unpopulated region than with a populated, building region. Coruscant wasn't working for everyone. Further, keeping all the eggs in one basket is never wise.

When? Now, I guess.

How? Riiiiiiiiight :0

Shade Magus
Apr 7th, 2004, 03:31:59 PM
do we have to make a thread requesting permission to go to yavin or just ask?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 7th, 2004, 03:33:34 PM
Well, you should decide if you really want to be on Yavin. I mean, the people who are at Yavin have a very good reason to be.

Shade Magus
Apr 7th, 2004, 03:36:36 PM
I mean I am thinking about taking one of my Padawan's there for training in the very near future. I was just curious about how to go about doing it.

Apr 7th, 2004, 05:55:53 PM
Remember, that if you wanted to go to yavin, it wouldn't be a permanent dealy. If you required only a months time, then you'd only be there a month. If you required a years time, well then, you'd be there a year.

The time spent learning on Yavin will be different with each individual.

Rognan Dar
Apr 7th, 2004, 10:21:20 PM
Ok, I got a question:

Is there going to be anyone in a more permanent way there to kind of watch over the place?

And I was wondering if you guys were thinking of using this as a kind of Jedi boys/girls scout camping trip? Instead of whatever you learn in those you would be learning about the force and such?

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 8th, 2004, 12:27:14 AM
That is a very good point, Rog, and I happen to like the idea. Would be a very interesting idea to pair the youngling class with the Yavin crew. That would also be good to work with a less-threatening place (I mean, Coruscant to a 6 year old is full of danger) and a good way to get them immersed in the Jedi training.

I'd be happy to help with this. :)

Apr 8th, 2004, 12:58:14 PM
Is there going to be anyone in a more permanent way there to kind of watch over the place?

So far, and as far as I know, Morg and myself will be stationed on Yavin permanently.

Shade Magus
Apr 8th, 2004, 02:08:29 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
Remember, that if you wanted to go to yavin, it wouldn't be a permanent dealy. If you required only a months time, then you'd only be there a month. If you required a years time, well then, you'd be there a year.

The time spent learning on Yavin will be different with each individual.

Ok I get it now. Thanks.

Rognan Dar
Apr 8th, 2004, 09:45:26 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
That is a very good point, Rog, and I happen to like the idea. Would be a very interesting idea to pair the youngling class with the Yavin crew. That would also be good to work with a less-threatening place (I mean, Coruscant to a 6 year old is full of danger) and a good way to get them immersed in the Jedi training.

I'd be happy to help with this. :)

Actually, thats not what I was thinking of when I asked the question. But I do like the idea. Even though I'm not knighted...and that the younglings group doesn't really exsist...whatever...

James Prent
Apr 12th, 2004, 07:05:10 PM
I will be traveling to Yavin at some point, but not right now. Have some things to do first.

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 13th, 2004, 04:35:20 PM
Happy Jedi Padawan Day Camp!!! We could call it Camp Midichlorian!

*Sings: "So rise, and shine, and obey your master-master... You'll be come a... Jedi faster-faster, Children of the fooooorce..." ;)

Apr 13th, 2004, 05:11:00 PM

I think Ryla needs a lollipop. :lol

Shade Magus
Apr 13th, 2004, 05:27:19 PM
Better make that two...

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 13th, 2004, 08:14:41 PM
*more* sugar? Surely you jest.

But seriously... Might be a fun RP idea.

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 14th, 2004, 10:43:26 AM
long as there is no song singing >_< hehe

Garen Selore
Apr 14th, 2004, 02:28:10 PM
Question. If AB is posted to Yavin as an administrator of the accadmy there, after I get back from the thread where I'm getting the evil soul out of Garen, since AB is my master would that meen that I would also be posted to Yavin?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 14th, 2004, 04:14:39 PM
If your AB's padawan you would end up at Yavin, yes.

Pierce Tondry
Apr 14th, 2004, 07:40:30 PM
If my son is Ryla's Padawan, will he end up there? :")

James Prent
Apr 14th, 2004, 08:26:42 PM
Ooh Jax on Yavin! :)

Oh no, Jax on Yavin! :eek He can't go yet, I need him here for a story!! :cry

Pierce Tondry
Apr 14th, 2004, 11:10:07 PM
I'm sure something can be worked out.

Gotta let dad have his fatherly visits, after all.

Rognan Dar
Apr 14th, 2004, 11:17:50 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
Happy Jedi Padawan Day Camp!!! We could call it Camp Midichlorian!

*Sings: "So rise, and shine, and obey your master-master... You'll be come a... Jedi faster-faster, Children of the fooooorce..." ;)

I think, after fixing up the idea, that it could become a great idea and a fun RP. And it doesn't just have to be for the younger people either. We could have some more experienced Knights and Masters to form a kind of boot camp for those that would be to big for the kiddy pool. :)

Shade Magus
Apr 15th, 2004, 12:26:58 AM
Boot camp? Bad memories...

James Prent
Apr 15th, 2004, 10:45:49 AM
Pierce, fyi, check my study or just the Grounds (Destinies: Fury). :)

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 16th, 2004, 04:11:35 PM
Re: Jax... I'm sure we can figure out something. My only active padawan is Iago Kent... I believe that Jax and I haven't done many things in terms of training. Would either of you be opposed to him being around Yavin for at least some time?

Sun Zao
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:19:49 AM
I will also ensure that anybody who goes to Yavin has...things to do >D

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:27:29 AM
*Braids flowers into his beard and eyebrows*

Sure, mr hermit man! ;)

Sun Zao
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:30:57 AM
*whaps her with his cane*

"Less braiding hair and more cooking food, woman."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:33:03 AM
Ok, I'm not sure if this was answered or not, but do we need to do a thread where we are asking the Council for permission, or can we just ask OOC for permission. I think it would be great to be able to get Natia immersed in Nature again since she's been on Coruscant for awhile with Poledra(who is her compainion who's a wild owl)

Ryla Relvinian
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:43:56 AM
Probably, (though I want Rie and Morgan's opinion on this, since this is kind of their project) just have an IC thread asking the Council and giving a good reason.

And speaking of Council duties, since Ryla's still on the council, will she be sort of the emissary to Yavin, on behalf of the council?

Apr 19th, 2004, 12:03:22 PM
That wouldn't be a bad idea. We were gonna make the high ranking Jedi a kind of sub-Council on Yavin, so you'd be part of that. And with that, you could be the direct link to the main Council on Coruscant.

Soolin Anjhurin
Apr 21st, 2004, 10:18:21 AM
Seeking a permanent position on Yavin myself. ;)


Vishan Korogoth
Apr 21st, 2004, 12:01:55 PM
Yep, me too :D

James Prent
Apr 22nd, 2004, 06:04:47 PM
Ryla, Pierce, I think we can figure something out after the Destinies threads are finished.

James will be retreating to Yavin IV after their completion, and she can accompany Jax there, if that will work out best. And Ryla, if you want to do some training with him, feel free to start a thread and let me know.