View Full Version : Finding the Courage

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 7th, 2004, 12:10:20 AM
Ruth stood outside, watching as people walked in and out of the Jedi Recruitment Center. She had stood in this spot so many times, never quite ready to go in. Parents took their children inside, youth walked in nervously, and adults sauntered in, trying to look brave. Why do they have more courage than I? Ruth asked herself.

Finally, Ruth walked to the door. She opened it and entered. The entire building spoke of calm and purpose. Ruth felt even more intimidated inside than she did outside. Who am I fooling? she thought. There is no way I will be accepted here. I should just walk out now. Still, something made her stay.

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 7th, 2004, 02:17:29 PM
Ruth still stood in front of the door. Someone bumped into her. Feeling very foolish, Ruth appologized to the person. Moving away from the door, Ruth went to stand in a corner. She watched as other applicants spoke with a recruiter. When there are fewer people, I will talk with someone.

Ruth stayed against the wall until most of the applicants had left. Well, it's now or never. Gathering her courage about her like a cloak, Ruth stepped away from the wall. She walked over to a recruiter.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 8th, 2004, 01:35:51 PM
Turning from one now departing applicant to the next, Dasquian smiled.

“Greetings, Miss. I am Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Can I help you with something?”

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 8th, 2004, 07:08:11 PM
Ruth swallowed hard. Her mind went blank for an instant, but Ruth quickly recovered herself.
"Yes sir." she said, her voice slightly shaking. "I wish to become a Jedi."

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 10th, 2004, 03:38:02 AM
“And why is that?” he asked, smiling reassuringly upon sensing the womans anxiety.

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 10th, 2004, 09:14:49 AM
The Jedi's smile reassured her somewhat. Still, Ruth had to pause for a moment to gather her thoughts. Come on Ruth. she said to herself. Just tell him what you told your parents. Taking a deep breath, Ruth said aloud: "Sir, I wish to become a Jedi to help and protect the peoples of the universe."

Ruth cringed inwardly. Good job, Ruth. How many people have said that to him? That's the kind of answer a young child would give. Feeling very foolish, Ruth looked expectantly at the Jedi. She hoped her answer would be enough, but she highly doubted it.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 13th, 2004, 03:48:34 AM
“Admirable sentiment,” he replied with a nod, “Can you tell me what it is you see a Jedi as being? What their duties are, individually and collectively?”

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 15th, 2004, 11:07:45 PM
Breathing deeply, Ruth cleared all the doubt and anxiety from her mind. "Individually, a Jedi's duties are: to love, protect, and serve his fellow beings, to follow the dictates of the Jedi Council, and to never give in to fear, greed, or wrath. Collectively, the Jedis' duties are: to love, protect, and serve their fellow beings, to follow the dictates of the Jedi Council, to support and help each other, and to guide those who are training to become Jedi."

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 16th, 2004, 03:39:04 AM
“Correct, and in protecting others, a Jedi may called into combat. The life of a Jedi can often be perilous- many do not welcome the sight of a Jedi. With this in mind, would you still wish to commit your life to others?”

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 16th, 2004, 09:29:31 PM
Ruth nodded, relaxing slightly. "Yes sir, I would and I do. Though my heart may not be the most steadfast, I do not believe I would waver in my purpose if tested. While fighting does not frighten me over much, I am not fond of violence. And as I am no longer welcome in my own home, it would be no hardship for me to be ostracized by those who dislike the Jedi."

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 19th, 2004, 09:43:25 AM
Dasquian nodded once more, “Very well then. I welcome you to the Jedi Order. You will be contacted by a Master when your training is to begin. Until then, you are free to explore the grounds and find a room within the living quarters. Also, if you would like to meet some of your fellow Jedi, Master Yoghurts Bar and Grill would be a good place to do so.”

Ruth Leofsiege
Apr 19th, 2004, 08:09:45 PM
Ruth smiled, her eyes shining with happiness. She bowed to the Jedi. "Thank you very much, sir." Forcing herself to refrain from skipping, Ruth walked out of the Recruitment Center, headed for Master Yoghurt's.