View Full Version : An Idea I Had

Apr 6th, 2004, 08:26:42 PM
I really like the idea of making the Jedi out to be the bad guy on Sith ruled planets. Traditionally, I would call for television ads and propaganda books, but seeing as we can't really publish anything or put out a TV ads, I think I may have a new solution. I would like to create a character that would pose as a Jedi, but would commit terrorist acts on TSO held planets.

IC-wise, this would be a good idea because with a Jedi clearly committing terrorist acts on the people and the Sith Order publically condoning the acts and the Jedi, it would logically improve TSO's image. We can't just say, 'Oh, the people love us' all of a sudden. I think we need to give some reasons why they would both IC and OOC.

Also IC-wise the actual Jedi would find out one way or another that someone is posing as a Jedi and making them look bad, naturally they would suspect it was a Sith trick, but things like keeping them out of TSO business (not including governmental business in Coronet) would give them no evidence.

OOC-wise, this is a crafty, manipulating and evil plan that the Sith would likely come up with.

I don't want the character to just continue on forever. I think it would be appropriate if, say, a year from now the character is caught by a Sith Knight and IC the people shall love TSO for what it has done. The main idea is that TSo creates a problem secretly, solves it and reaps the benefits.

Secretly the character would be affiliated with the Sith Order, possibly on the payroll or trained under the order for the specific task of posing as a Jedi. This point is especially important because without TSO support, the point I'm trying to convey would not be conveyed. I think such a character would need IC support, though not publically of course. Consequently that requires OOC support as well. So hopefully I'll get the go-ahead right off, but if any suggestions can be made I am most definitely open to them.

Lady Vader
Apr 6th, 2004, 08:57:21 PM
Not a bad idea, Southstar. That deserves ANOTHER cookie!

*Gives him ANOTHER cookie*

But, instead of creating a new character, why not create another name as an alias for your current character? It would make things interesting and you can certainly use the Force which would further the illusion that it is a Jedi.

But before we go ahead with this idea, I do want to hear what the rest think. They may have some ideas to add to this...

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 7th, 2004, 02:14:50 AM
I think this is good. I'm all for masquerading as a Jedi to tick people off :D Go for it, Southie.

Darth Viscera
Apr 7th, 2004, 07:15:21 AM
you mean you're not already doing this? jeez, you guys really need to come to me for your propaganda needs - I have a vicious political attack machine. Just ask Christin about the sandwich of Rebel oppression.

Lorani T'sava
Apr 7th, 2004, 11:29:56 AM
I think it's a great idea.

Dark Lord Rivin
Apr 7th, 2004, 12:57:18 PM
Go For it! If you need any help with the IC threads, I'll be willing to help.

Apr 9th, 2004, 09:53:34 AM
Well thank you for the support, and Rivin I probably will ask you for some help because I'm going to need a Sith to play the "good guy." Unfortunatly I can't get to it right away cause I have a huge paper due Wednesday, but after that I'm good.

Rasha Vill
Apr 13th, 2004, 12:37:50 PM
Okay! Just PM me at the Rivin or Rasha accounts with the thread and I'll be there.

Apr 19th, 2004, 07:20:28 PM
Ok, so I finally got around to posting that thread, I've had quite a few things to do with school lately. It is pretty long, but I think it gives quite a few examples of how the Sith are manipulating Corellia and how extensive it is.

The thread is here:Playing Jedi (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35310)

And any feedback is appreciated.

Dark Lord Rivin
Apr 20th, 2004, 10:35:27 AM
I'm in there! It looks great, and look like it will be fun.

Rasha Vill
Apr 21st, 2004, 11:57:35 AM
Oh... Southstar... Rasha doesn't like you.


Apr 21st, 2004, 12:37:59 PM
Hmm... yes. I can see how that might happen :)