View Full Version : Relaxing

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 6th, 2004, 12:25:31 PM
*Natia is not your typical Jedi. She does not dress in Jedi robes. She often goes out to do things which need to be done without notifying the Council. Today, she's dressed in a black leather bodysuit with a black leather belt which her lightsaber is clipped to. Her foot wear is black leather boots. On her hands are black leather gloves. At first glance, some may mistake her for being Sith, but she's not. She's just a 14 year old Jedi Padawan, or as she likes to think of herself, a Lost Jedi Padawan.

Despite being with the Lost Jedi, she's still with the GJO, believing that they are for the most part still doing the right thing. There was the bit where her Mother got arrested infront of the Council and they did nothing. That really ticks her off. For the most part, she just goes around helping those that need it and has nothing to do with the Council.

Right now, she's walking down the hall to the Gardens so she can take a bit of time and relax before heading out again. Her hair is tied back in a braid, her white lock though is tucked behind an ear.

After she reaches the Garden, she pulls up a tree and sits on the ground, leaning against the tree*

Rognan Dar
Apr 6th, 2004, 10:38:23 PM
"Well, well. Look at what we have here," came a voice above Natia. "Haven't seen you around all that much. And I see you have a very distinct fashion now. Very becoming of you. Though, I must say, it is a little...how should I say it...straying from the Jedi image?"

A figure dressed in the style of a Jedi was in the tree. Though, the tipical brown color was nowhere to be seen. It was in a few shades of white and gray. And also in the tree next to him was Yarden, his Wevicat. She was completely black from head to toe. With the two of them, the colors contrasted eachother.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 7th, 2004, 11:06:33 AM
*Natia looks up and smiles as she sees Rognan*

Indeed, it has been awhile. But not all Jedi are the same so why should we portray ourselves as all being the same. I find the Jedi robes to be annoying and they kinda give me away when I'm away from the Order helping ppl which might not except my help when I'm dressed all formal as a Jedi.

Besides, my Jedi robes no longer fit me.

Rognan Dar
Apr 7th, 2004, 11:00:45 PM
"Yes, I agree. The robes can be a little constricting at times. And they do give you away. Buts not all about comfort in the Order. Just like its not about making everything better for yourself. Thats not why people come to the Order. Though, some might admit in the end that that is why they came. Because they didn't like their life in the past and wanted something different."

Rognan looked down from his perch in the tree and returned Natia's smile.

"I do have a quesiton, though. Why is it that your robes no longer fit? Cant you get new ones that are right for your size?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 8th, 2004, 12:14:42 PM
If I wanted to make things better for myself, I would be with the Sith despite them being an evil to the galaxy. As to why my Jedi robes no longer fit me, I outgrew them years ago and I haven't bothered getting new ones which do fit because I don't like the Jedi robes.

*Natia closes her eyes for a moment, thinking back to when she first joined the Order as a young child. She'd been sent here from Tyntia where she was learning to use the Force. She was sent here because she couldn't keep up on the mountainous terrain. A smile crosses her face as she remembers the beauty of the Academy before her smile turns into a frown since she knows that it was attacked and the attacker is still at large*

So Rognan, are you going to come down here or are you going to remain perched in your tree??

Rognan Dar
Apr 8th, 2004, 10:11:32 PM
"Oh, I have thought of coming down. Its just that it is so comfortable up here. Why dont you join us up here? Or do you prefure me coming down?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 12th, 2004, 06:04:43 PM
*Natia shrugs since it doesn't matter to her whether it's up or down. She stands up, looks at the tree for a moment before swiftly climbing up to perch on a branch beside the one Rognan's on*

I'm fine either way.

Rognan Dar
Apr 13th, 2004, 02:43:37 PM
"Suit yourself," he said and leaned back on his branch,

"So, my Lorrdian friend, why is it that you want to return to the sith? You did mention that it would be better for you to be a sith and not a Jedi."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 14th, 2004, 08:26:49 AM
But I don't wish to return to the Sith. I'm a Jedi, and I shall remain a Jedi until the day I die. I've been to the Darkside and I've done things which I am not proud of. I shall not make that same mistake twice, well I guess it would be thrice. It would be better in some ways because I wouldn't have all the restrictions which I do as a Jedi.

*Natia says, keeping her body very still so Rognan can not read her body language*

Rognan Dar
Apr 14th, 2004, 10:49:56 PM
"And you think that those restrictions hinder you from doing what you think you need to do? If we did not have these 'restriction', these laws, these codes then we would be like the sith. We would do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted without worring about what we do because we are stronger then most. But thats what seperats us from the Sith. We do control ourselves. We have restriction so that we dont do whatever we want with the skills we have learned to harnes. But I'm sure you have heard this many times."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 15th, 2004, 09:49:50 AM
But restrictions can sometimes hinder a person from doing the right thing. Yes, restrictions are good to have. They do prevent us from using our powers for selfish reasons.

Rognan, do you believe it's wrong to break the restrictions if it means doing the right thing for somebody??

Rognan Dar
Apr 15th, 2004, 03:33:15 PM
"It depends what you are doing and what you are breaking. I tell you the truth, I do not always obey the rules either. I have broken and twisted the rules so that I could help someone. Not thinking clearly about my actions. And sometimes it was not worth doing it, just for the sake of thinking I was helping someone out. Do you believe that the end justifies the means?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 16th, 2004, 10:46:56 AM
Sometimes the end justifies the means, but not all the time. Say in order to save one person, I had to kill a dozen, the end would not justify the means.

But if I knew an innocent person was wrongfully imprisoned, then I would do whatever I could to get them out but I would go through the proper channels of course.

*Natia says, still keeping herself perfectly still so as not to let Rognan read her body language*

Rognan Dar
Apr 16th, 2004, 06:29:27 PM
Rognan sat up on his branch, yet looked off toward a different branch.

"It is hard to really know which choices are the best ones to make. Like, instead or saving that one person, you instead thought that the lives of the twelve men were worth more then for the one. But that is hardly the case. You know, it just came to me that we Jedi, we kill stuff all the time. We kill for what we think is right. We kill to protect others. We kill and yet dont have any regrets or cares for the people we killed."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 19th, 2004, 10:33:47 AM
No. That is where you are wrong my friend. Yes we do kill for what we claim is right. But if you don't have any cares or regrets about it, then there is something wrong. I regret almost everyone of of the killings I have done. I lose sleep at night because of I have killed and I am not proud of it.

Yes, some ppl which we kill deserve it, but we should still regret having to kill them instead of letting Justice prevail. If we have no cares or regrets about our killing, we need to seriously re-evaluate who we are and whether we are a Jedi like we claim to be.

Rognan Dar
Apr 19th, 2004, 10:37:15 PM
"Who are you to say who 'deserves' death and who does not? Just because we think that they are in the wrong it is alright to take their life? Is that justice? For all anyone knows the Jedi could be the bad guys. But we, thinking that we are helping the universe become a better, believe that we are the Gardians protecting and doing good works. But to most we could just be seen as another power group that wants to have a say in everyone business.

I do think about the people I kill...sometimes I brush it off, thinking that I just saved my own life and those of my companians. And that all. I dont take the time to know if the ones I killed had family. How can you? Its not like you can have a time-out and right all the information about them down before you start fighting them. Things like this can really mess with your head."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 21st, 2004, 11:02:59 AM
Nobody deserves death. Those that commit crimes should be punished for them. To some, the Jedi are the bad guys. To others, the Jedi are the good guys. It all depends on what ppl are like and how they think of things.

*Natia falls silent right now as her thoughts roam back to her past, and the crimes she has committed*

Rognan Dar
Apr 21st, 2004, 10:34:10 PM
"But what is their punishment? Is it, just because the got caught by Jedi, death? If not death, then pain? Should we really be the people to bring the judgment on them? We are given the authority, but sometimes I wish that others could be the ones to give the punishment..."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 22nd, 2004, 11:16:09 AM
But that's the way it's supposed to be. We apprehend those that are criminals and hand them over to the authority's for punishment. We shouldn't be the ones who also hand out punishment. It's not fair or right because we might end up going after somebody we want dead, and so we shall make sure they are dead. And we get off scott free for it as well.

But there are times when we do have to kill. When it's your life or theirs.

Rognan Dar
Apr 22nd, 2004, 09:38:52 PM
"Sadly, that is what it all comes down to. Kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest. There are many ways to say it, but it all comes down to your life, or the other guys."

Rognan leaned back down on his branch, letting out a great sigh as he streared off into the branches and farther into nothingness.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 27th, 2004, 09:30:33 AM
That is to true.

*Natia says as she agrees with Rognan. She falls silent at this point, thinking of what her future might have in store for her.*

Rognan Dar
Apr 27th, 2004, 10:15:00 PM
"Dont you just wish at times that the world could just work on its own? Having no problems that could not be delt with between two people calmly; not having to think about death and suffering; not anything to do except be with friends and family and just injoy yourself?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 11:04:41 AM
I wish for that all the time. That way I could have a normal life just like I always wanted. I would love to be with my family all the time, but with Mother being on the run and all, it's not likely going to happen.

It would be ideal to just relax, enjoy yourself with your friends and family.

Rognan Dar
Apr 28th, 2004, 10:17:03 PM
"Yes, I imagine it would. If you had family to return to. But the hearts of men are filled with evil. They choose to go into the dark when they could enter into the light. Its their nature to want to do things that they know they should not. And having laws against it only makes them want to do it more because of their evil desires..."