View Full Version : Something Wrong (Dexter's)

Leten Snat
Apr 6th, 2004, 11:15:46 AM
Leten had just come from the GJO, where he had been confronted by Tharinye. He was asking alot of questions about Natia, and Leten didn't like what was being said. After leaving the GJO Leten went down into the lower levels and took a round about route to get to Dexter's Diner, collecting small bits of salvage along the way.

Leten knows that the people there care about Natia, and that they may be able to help. As he enters the diner he goes right to the back room that Xazor showed him, and up into the lost Jedi Rooms. After closing up the way he got in, Leten calls out...

"Is anybody here! Somebody's out to hurt Natia!"

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 6th, 2004, 06:56:50 PM
Arwen was smiling and googahing away. Marcus was doing his best not to throw up.

"Oh God, how the hell can a baby do something that foul?" he gasped, trying to wrap the now very used disposable nappy up. "Especially when your only drinking milk?" The bin's lid flipped open and the toxic wate was thrown inside. A small flash and it was incinerated. The Jedi, still trying to recover, grabbed a can of air freshener, spraying everywhere until the gagging stench was gone. Arwen just looked with some interest, her blue eyes darting about.

"Three weeks old and yet you fart worse than your mother. I'm impressed. Now, lets get you cleaned up... no... no... no!!! Dont pee on the change table. - agh! Arwen, are you just doign that to anny me?"

The baby gave a delighted gurgle, oblvious to her father's frustration. Marcus sighed, grabbed another towel and cleaned up this newest mess. Eventually, the baby was changed, cleaned up and the stinking mess of towels into a hamper, ready for laundry.

"every Jedi should have a baby to look after" he said, picking arwen up. "I swear I've learned more about patience int he last week than my entire life" Now... was it feeding time for her?

"Is anyone there? Someone's out to hurt Natia!"

Marcus whipped around, caught sight of Letan. NOt ever seeing the young man before, he reacted in a blink, one of the guns on the wall flying to his hand, safety clicked off. It must have looked surreal, baby in one arm, huge rail gun in the other. "And I'm going to hurt you if you dont tell me who the frell you are and what the hell your doing up here!" Marcus growled. "This better be good"

Xazor Elessar
Apr 7th, 2004, 08:15:38 AM
It had been a quiet day full of reading and rest for Xazor. Her eyes slowly moved over the text on the ancient page of a book and occasionally, she smiled. "It is possible that with prolonged meditation, one may enhance their mentalism abilities," the woman read outloud in a mumble. "Hmm, interesting." Another page was flipped over and a bookmark slipped in so she would not loose her place. Smiling, the Jedi Knight set the book upon the table and spun around on the couch to look out the window.

It was a beautiful day, according to the scene the Garou gathered from outside. She knew not of the temperature, but could guess that it was mild. Her thoughts were interrupted in just a matter of seconds, though, as Leten flew through the square in the floor and yelled out something about Natia. With a questioning concern, Xazor turned to face the Padawan, but soon saw that Marcus had gotten to him first. Now there was a gun pointed right at the young one's head. Indeed, the scene was comical. A baby and a gun just did not seem -- right.

"Don't hurt him!" the Knight yelled to Marcus as she gathered her white robes around her and hurried to stand in front of Leten. "This is my Padawan, Leten Snat -- he's perfectly welcome here," she said with a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Stepping to the side of the young man, the Knight placed a hand on his shoulder and then smiled at Marcus. "You can put the gun down now. I thought I mentioned something to you about how he joined us not too long ago." Her eyes shifted to Leten's face and she shook her head. "Sorry about this." The words touched his mind gently and she developed a look of concern.

"Now what's all this about Natia? Someone has bad intentions for her?"

Leten Snat
Apr 7th, 2004, 12:07:23 PM
Leten was caught off gaurd by the reaction Marcus gave him. He stumbles backwards behind some of the furniture in the room, and does his best to hide. The force chooses to make him look like a lamp, since he has no control over what his illusions make him look like.

After Xazor steps in Leten stops trying to hide, and looks at the two of them.

"I just came here from th GJO Via a round about route through the lower levels. I was confronted at the GJO by a man named Tharinye. He was asking alot of questions about Natia, and told me right out that he thinks that every part of Natia's life is his business. He also has told me that in his view that Natia has broken the law on a number of cases, that she is a mass murderer. I think he is trying to get enough dirt on Natia to get her sent back to her homeworld and get her the death sentance.

I told him as little as I could, and I know that he is going to be asking around about her. He has already done a bunch of research on her and I would not be suprised if he already knows that Natia eats at Dexter's Diner alot. This guy was setting of warnings in my head from the moment he approched me. He clames to be law enforcement from her homeworld, and I think he has a personal vendeta to settle with her.

I thought about taking this to the Jedi Council but I don't know if he has already spoken to them, or how much of the GJO he has bugged. I know that people here care about Natia and that this guy has no sway over the people here. If this had happened in the lower levels I would have delt with him, but it's not, and I need some help to keep Natia safe. Can any of you help me? Or do I have to work alone."

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 7th, 2004, 05:58:05 PM
While the explainations were going on, the barrel never shifted, nor did the steely eyes. Not even a blink as he stared down the young Padawan.

Silence was in the room after Letan finished talking, until the Master's thumb moved, clicking the safety back on.

"So, your the young man Natia mentioned to me. Excuse my reaction, but I think it can be understood if you know whom I am. You also dont need to ask twice for me to protect Natia - those who have the name Elessar do not get abandoned or negleted by me"

The gun was placed on the table. Arwen was staring at the newcomer with some facination.

"As you are here, Have you been told who I am?"

Leten Snat
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:17:01 AM
Leten is releaved that Marcus is not going to hurt him, but is still warry of the man.

"I'm sorry Sir, I do not know who you are. I do know that Natia has friends here that will help her, and that is whay I came here. But I've already said that. I'm glad that you will help me protect Natia from Tharinye. I don't know how We can stop him, but I do know he must be stoped. I will not let him take Natia away from me..."

Leten adds very quietly to himself

"...I love her"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:25:40 AM
Stop Tharinye??

*Natia questions as she comes into the room. Again, she comes in partway through something*

What are you talking about Leten?? Tharinye won't take me away from you. He's my brother and he places alot of importance on find his family.

*Natia looks at Marcus and then to Xazor and then to Leten. She walks over to Marcus, gives him a quick hug before giving Xazor a hug as well. She then walks over to Leten and hugs him as well. It's been a couple days since she's seen him.

She rubs her eyes slightly, rubbing sleep from them since she recently woke up. She'd woken up to the sound of a commotion going on in this room*

Grandpa, this is Leten, the boy I mentioned.

*Natia doesn't know that Leten's already been introduced to Marcus*

Leten, what do you mean by Tharinye must be stopped??

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 21st, 2004, 05:54:57 AM

"Hey whoa up here folks...... lets start from the top again. I've had a major case of WTFitis. Lets begin with you, mate" he said pointing at Letan. "Natia is my Grand-daughter. Now tell me from the top what is going on. Add your bits in too, please Natia. I wish to underastand this"

Leten Snat
Apr 21st, 2004, 10:24:49 AM
Leten nods saying...

"I'll say the whole thing again from the top, just for Natia's sake."

Leten clears his voice and starts to say it again.

"I just came here from th GJO Via a round about route through the lower levels. I was confronted at the GJO by a man named Tharinye. He was asking alot of questions about Natia, and told me right out that he thinks that every part of Natia's life is his business. He also has told me that in his view that Natia has broken the law on a number of cases, that she is a mass murderer. I think he is trying to get enough dirt on Natia to get her sent back to her homeworld and get her the death sentance.

I told him as little as I could, and I know that he is going to be asking around about her. He has already done a bunch of research on her and I would not be suprised if he already knows that Natia eats at Dexter's Diner alot. This guy was setting off warnings in my head from the moment he approched me. He clames to be law enforcement from Natia's homeworld, and I think he has a personal vendeta to settle with her. At least every time Natia's name was mentioned, I senced a small flare of anger or hatred in him.

As I said before, I thought about taking this to the Jedi Council but I don't know if he has already spoken to them, or how much of the GJO he has bugged. So I came here to get help."

Leten looks to Natia, to see what she thinks of this.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 21st, 2004, 10:49:35 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly as Leten talks, filling her in on what has happened. Before she says anything she sits down on the couch and closes her eyes for a moment, organinzing her thoughts*

Ok, Tharinye is my brother. I have yet to meet him, but I will. He will not do anything to me which will harm me at this point in time. I say this because he has joined the GJO. He will do things within the law.

If he is law enforcement from my homeworld, then that means he is one of the specialized members which is to make sure known of my homeworlds Force users abuse their power.

*Natia glances at Marcus at this point since he should remember an incident awhile ago involving some of them and trying to arrest her out of their juristiction*

I can not say if he has a personal vendetta to settle with me. As for my breaking the law Leten, I've done that more times then I can count. Most of those times though, I'm not proud of.

If he is the special law enforcement from my homeworld, then he does have the right to probe into my life if he has reason to believe that I have abused my power.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 22nd, 2004, 01:50:24 AM
"This isnt your home planet. He has no juristiction here. Even as a Jedi. Or as your..."

He had a think about this this one.

"Just exactly how many brothers and sisters do you have, Natia?"

Leten Snat
Apr 22nd, 2004, 12:03:51 PM
"I take it people here have delt with this before?"

Leten really doesnt know what else to say. He knows what his fealing were telling him about Tharinye and nomatter what people tell him about the gut Leten will still think he is a skum bag

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 23rd, 2004, 10:00:33 AM
Well Grandpa, to be truthful with you, I don't know how many brothers and sisters I have. I know that I'm the youngest of them all along with my twin brother. I know for sure that I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Buneka Rourke, Faith Lerf, Tharinye Lerf, and my twin brother. Bunny's the oldest of the bunch which I've met. I have yet to meet my twin brother, but I've been told I have one.

If Tharinye is bent on taking me back to my homeworld for trial, he'll probably get necessary documents for it. He is training to be a Jedi though so I can't say how far he'll go. I haven't even met the guy yet.

Xazor Elessar
Apr 23rd, 2004, 01:24:09 PM
Xazor listened to the story unfold as it was told by Leten and Natia. The woman shared a glance with Marcus before facing her daughter and Padawan.

"I see nothing to worry about, Leten. If he has something to take up with Natia, he will have to go through a hell of a lot of people before he gets to her." The woman shook her head as she pondered the audacity of the one in question. Obviously, he did not know the Elessars or anything about the Dawnstriders. The two lines were fierce and strong, not to mention there were a whole lot of them.

"The worst thing you can do at this point, young one, is interfere." Xazor directed herself at Leten, hoping that he understood this full well. She did not want him getting hurt in a matter that could easily be resolved by peaceful negotiations. "Natia, do not be afraid dear girl. All will be well and you will be safe. It was good of Leten to at least deliver this news to us." The woman smiled and commended her student for the work done well.

"Now it looks like there is more than just one of us on the run, Father. I would advise, and I do hope you back me up on this one, that Natia not leave our protection until we can resolve this issue."

Leten Snat
Apr 26th, 2004, 10:12:20 AM
Leten nods understanding that there will be chalenges that Tharinye will have to face that only a few will know about so he just leaves it at that....

"I will not interfere. But would it be alright is I keep tabs on him a bit. Just to see what he is up to?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 26th, 2004, 12:19:46 PM
I'm not afraid Mother. Mother, Tharinye has not approached me yet. Nor do I think he will until he figures he can do something about me. I'm not on the run yet, and I hope I never have to be on the run.

Mother, I have things going on back at the Order which I need to do. You can't very well waltz in there, no offense intended, but you are on the run. And Mother, the only way I can see that this issue is resolved is for me to go back to my homeworld and plead my innocence.

But I'm not innocent. I am guilty of murder. I was guilty of murder when I was 4 years old when I killed my Father. And under my homeworld's laws, I'm also guilty of abusing my power because I turned to the Darkside for awhile. And no, they will not take into account that I was a child. I'm just a teenager now but they don't care. I'd be tried as an adult and if found guilty, I'd face the punishment which an adult would face.

*Natia looks around at those that are here right now, the look on her face shows that she's not worried right now. In fact, looking at her, she's completely composed and not a hint of worry is showing. Only those that are truly skilled in the Force could tell that she's worried about this*

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 28th, 2004, 09:41:42 PM
"Your path is your own Natia, I can not decide that for you and I never will. But know, that your an Elessar and that means much to me. You will not be abandoned or ever lack the help you need.

Know this - there is a difference between the Law and doing what is right. Was what you did right?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Apr 29th, 2004, 09:33:49 AM
It all depends on how you define right. It could be that right means ridding the galaxy of an evil person. If that is the case, then when I killed my Father, I was right to do so, even though I did not know how I did it.

If right is letting the law deal with it, then I did not do what was right.

Marcus Telcontar
May 5th, 2004, 06:38:58 AM
"The law be damned Natia. The law is a set of rules that are used to put people without power into bondage of those who do. That may be cynical, but tell me, is the law equal? Do those who are poor, are they the same as those whom are rich in the law?"

He glanced at Letan, because this would come as a surprise to him. This really was takign a chance.

"We do not follow the law, or the Jedi Code - I disagree with both with a passion, becuase we are not emotionless borgs as the Jedi Code would have us... and we are here to learn to control our powers to serve Justice. We are Judge, Jury and sometimes Executioner. However, to be in such a postion we have to be incorruptable, strong, true and never favour anyone. Look at Xazor.... was her arrest just?"

He went to the girl, placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Your my Padawan and part of my family Natia. I tell you the truth, there will be other days you will spill blood. Sadly, the Galaxy may call you to do the things I do. That is Justice, it is harsh and it can be a heavy burden. There isnt a day that goes by that I wish it were not so, but someone has to make a stand for what is right and true. I know you do and you did what was right, years ago. I think maybe I should have a bit of a word with this brother of yours, hmmm? Just to persuade him to see thigns our way?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 5th, 2004, 08:45:16 AM
Grandpa, I know what the law is. For the most part, yeah, it does work, but then you get somebody like Mother and you and me, and well, the law doesn't work when it comes to us.

I'm still ticked at Mother getting arrested because she did nothing wrong. Me, I'm probably going to be arrested as well for things I did as a little kid. And if I'm put on trial, I'll be found guilty and they'll want to lock me up for the rest of my life or kill me.

*Natia takes a deep breath, thinking that sometimes her burden is heavier then others at times. Especially with her constant battle going on*

It might be a good idea for you to have a word with him, but I'm unsure if you will be able to persuade him to see things our way. What little I know of him, he likes his law alot.

Leten Snat
May 5th, 2004, 01:12:32 PM
Leten smiles at Marcus...

"I don't know the laws, I've never been taught the Jedi Code, I only go by the Rules of Life. Those being,

- Eat or be Eaten
- Kill or be Killed
- If you find a problem, Fix it.
- If you see somebody in trouble, help them, you never know when you will need them to help you.
- Work in a team whenever you can, your chances of living are beter that way.
- When faced with danger there are three options, fight, flee, or die.
- All other laws can are optional, life will not give a rat's rectum if you break them.

Those are the rules you have to live by if you want to live in the lower levels. They have worked for me this long I have no intentions to live by any other rules."