View Full Version : Xyto-class Vlyx Battlecruiser

Transil Gantar
Apr 5th, 2004, 06:27:21 PM
Model: Xyto-Class Vlyx Battlecruiser


Designer: Transil Gantar

Designation: Command Substitute; Heavy Capital Vessel

Length: 2,250 meters

Crew: 30,724 (Miscellaneous Listing)

Troops: 8,000 (6,000 Standard; 2,000 Elite Miscellaneous)

Cargo Capacity: 23,913 metric tons

Consumables: 6 years

Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1

Hyperdrive Backup: x9

Speed: 10 MGLT (6 Corellian Z-7 ION Propulsion Thrusters)

Hull: 5,900 RU (Miscellaneous Alloys; Molecularly Bonded)

Shields: 8400 SBD

Weapons: 113 Turbolaser Batteries (Corellian RIV-972 Customized Industry Compliment), 27 Anti-Starfighter Batteries (Initial Sienar YAVI*6 - Model Upgraded to Corellian AIV-980 Industry Conform), 47 Ion Cannons (Standard Star Destroyer KDY Model), 34 Heavy Laser Cannons (fixed on axial projectors; Corellian Winapeg Class 6), 10 Tractor Beam Projectors (Standard Star Destroyer Model), and 20 Warhead Silos (Misc warhead, 5 in each).

Onboard Craft: 7 Wing/TIE-Series Starfighter Squadrons, 6 Heavy Mobilization Barges, 5 Lambda Class T-4a Shuttles, 15 Standard Troop Transports (Ranging from 50-200 Meters Each).

P.S. Feedback would be nice on this. I'm not going to fleet here, but I do have R&D's lying around you guys can use.

Teleran Balades
Apr 5th, 2004, 07:04:57 PM
Telan's the one who okays R&D.

This ships is a monster, larger than we like to deal with. If it is to be accepted you need detailed design specifications and what purpose it will serve in the fleet. Our mainstay battleships are the Imperial Mk IV SD and the Aurora Mk I or II SD, so it will have some competition.

PS. Please post it in the restricted section if it is a new design.

Transil Gantar
Apr 5th, 2004, 07:13:55 PM
Sorry. Jarek told me to post it in the Public forum. And what do you mean by detailed design specifications?

Teleran Balades
Apr 5th, 2004, 07:51:53 PM
Unique designs, the role of the ship in the fleet, something you want to add to customize it instead of have just stats. A few people here even made ship profile images, Lash went as far as making 3d models.

Transil Gantar
Apr 5th, 2004, 08:11:17 PM
I'm not so hot with images. But now that you mention it, I may have a few systems worth adding. And I have a role to write up. Will add it as soon as possible.

Apr 5th, 2004, 08:11:49 PM
Hum. Why not use less Heavy T lasers?

cudos on the design. looks good.