View Full Version : Hahahahahaha!!!

Apr 5th, 2004, 01:12:15 AM
"Thjisss looksss ljike jussst mjy kjind of place!"

The red-clad felinoid spoke to the doorman in a voice several decibels too high for his taste, and shrill to boot. He winced at the female's haughty exhortations, before having a hand grasp at his collar, pulling him down to eye level.

"jYou'd do well to place all jyourrr monejy on Fjirrrekat tonjight!"

Flashing a row of sharp teeth in an uneasy smile, she released her grip roughly, returning the bewildered doorman to attention, as she slapped her entry fee on the table hard enough to make it rattle.

She walked - no - swaggered inside, tail swishing widely behind her as if to clear the way in hindsight. She eyed up every face she met as she strolled in, sizing them up as a threat or a challenge. The delicate tips of her ears stood high as she flaunted herself, smirking at anyone whose eyes lingered on her entrance.

Apr 8th, 2004, 02:37:45 PM
Oh, she was a sassy one! Ilyarna thought to herself looking at Firecat as the retired dancer cranned her neck forward inspecting those who paid their entrance fee to the fights.

I say retired, because Ilyarna had not danced in a very long while. Her new master, Nathanial K'cansce, formerly known as Darth Snack, was not the slightest bit interested in her boundless skill, and so, having no audience, had no reason to trip the light fantastic.

But tonight was her night off. Her dark lord encouraged her alot to take the night off for some reason. Ilyarna never did quite understand why. But tonight she would not think about it. Tonight she would have some fun.

By luck, she had come to this Club, only because the name sounded exciting. Not knowing it was a club for fights, she was going to leave but the throbbing crowd and air of expectancy had kept her in place.

And it looked as though things were really about to start hopping. The fantastically attired and profoundly confidant new contester had set the whole place buzzing.

Ilyarna, along with everyone else, couldnt take their eyes from the swaggering cizerack.

Apr 27th, 2004, 05:58:42 AM
Razvan walks in

"hey! What is this place?"

Looking around

Apr 28th, 2004, 12:17:56 AM
As soon as the words were out of Razvan's mouth, a cocoa-marbled hand was at his collar, pulling him close to Firekat's face. The felinoid made a face behind her mask as she pulled him down to eye level.

"Thjisss place jisss forrr fjightjing and prrrovjing one'sss mettle, Forrda!"

Firekat looked Razvan up and down as her tail swayed.

"jYou wouldn't happen to be jinterrresssted, would jyou?"

Apr 28th, 2004, 12:55:10 AM
Razvan smiles :)

"Heheheh! Easy tiger! I do not wish to fight, expecially a kitten :D But I will not be able to stop myself from fighting back if someone does attack"

Razvan Looks down

"Thats just me :( "

Apr 28th, 2004, 11:37:56 AM
"jIf jyou arrre not herrre forrr fjightjing, then what arrre jyou herrre forrr?"

Firekat scrutinized Razvan for a moment, then grinned luridly.

"Perrrhapsss jyou arrre herrre forrr pleasssurrre. Would jyou ljike to make pleasssurrre wjith me, hjyuu-mann?"

Apr 29th, 2004, 12:58:51 AM
Razvan smiles

"what kind of pleasure are we talking about exactly?"

Razvan leans against the wall