View Full Version : alana...just a question...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 3rd, 2004, 06:39:33 PM
i was wondering what you meant by that post...do i have to start the turning thread the ooc forum?

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 3rd, 2004, 08:14:59 PM
which? You mean the one guy who said can I joined? I was telling him to not interupt your thread with your fledgling. That the one u mean?? im lost lol...

Also Tiberious aka Travis said someone unbanned him?? Did you or do u know who? I would prefer all of his charicters stay banned because the Shrine is the only place I have peace from him. he likes to mess with me and make my life hell and I want him to have no access to me at the Shrine please :) huggs please tell everyone else this for me kk :) tell em to call me if there is a prob k thankie ...

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Apr 4th, 2004, 06:56:43 PM
Sorry...I did unban him but only for one reason. He had typed out this whole pm saying that he had talked to my pops, and he said that i should unban him, so i did but only to the main forums that everyone else is alowd on. But i had talked to my dad and that is not what he said, so travis was just playing it to where he got the most out of it as always. I will ban all of his characters when i see them. Sorry for the trouble, it will not happen again.

and about the thread, i was talking about the one with Morgoth brimstone. I am not sure what you want me to do.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 4th, 2004, 07:11:04 PM
Ahhh hun no need for sorry I knew he was plaing u all along its his way :) huggs I banned the names I know of so it should be ok. Travis has a way of lying to get his way and I in no way blame u hun... :) Yep I was talking bout the turning of morgoth a guy came in and posted "can I joined." And I told him not to go into your thread and mess them up with ooc's you are fine and so is morgoth the other guy interupted your thread and I was warning him. If you want u can delete my post to him and his ooc postie rt above mine :) U post where u want hun how u want :p