View Full Version : Joing The Order

Dark Daylight
Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:03:29 AM
I enter the great hall as a young man, hoping to learn the ways of the force and how i can use them in my way through the galaxy,and see if i have a strong presence with the force. But most of all i came here to become a Sith like the Sith's before me i will live to die for the Sith and this is my destiny.

I await the arrival of a Sith Master who can instruct me upon what i am to do to become a Sith.

Lord Sith Homer
Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:07:07 AM
"I enter not as a Sith Master, but yet an apprentice myself. I look at this boy, standing before me. I smirk and ask him his age?"

Dark Daylight
Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:11:00 AM
I am only 16 years of age, and fell i have some presence of the force, or so i have been told. And i wish to learn the fast way to become all powerful.

Lord Sith Homer
Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:14:23 AM
"Smileing good luck, ill be watching out for you kid"

Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:22:10 AM
The Warlock enters, looking between Homer and the new arrival for a moment before speaking, “Greetings young one. I am afraid if you have come looking for quick power, you have will not find it here. The way of the Sith is hard and will test you to your very limits and beyond.”

Dark Daylight
Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:23:25 AM
Quick in terms of the jedi learning as i have heard that this way is much faster than the Jedi way. Please will you teach me the ways of the force and train me to become a sith

Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:24:45 AM
“Why should I? What makes you so different from hundreds of others who have made the same request?”

Dark Daylight
Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:26:02 AM
I am willing to train harder than the hundreds if not thousands before me i am strong willed and will not fail you.

Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:27:25 AM
“Oh really? And what of your loyalty, boy? Would you swear your life to the Sith Order?”

Dark Daylight
Apr 3rd, 2004, 03:29:07 AM
I repeat what i first said

I will live to die for The Sith Order.

Apr 4th, 2004, 07:46:14 AM
“You would do anything for the Sith, then… even… perhaps… kill your own family?”

Dark Daylight
Apr 4th, 2004, 09:49:50 AM
If i still had a family i would, but unfortunately they were killed in a shoot-out and now i seek my revenge on the gang that did this to my family. Please train me i shall do anything.

Dark Daylight
Apr 6th, 2004, 08:01:55 AM
OOC: No disrespect meant by this but where is warlock he aint replied in days.


I sit down on the floor looking at warlock awaiting more questions or waiting for him to reject/accept me.

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 6th, 2004, 11:36:28 AM
OOC/ Just be patient...sometimes people get busy. It happens. And don't worry; Warlock is one of the more active members of TSO.

Dark Daylight
Apr 6th, 2004, 11:39:39 AM
ooc/ ill take your word for it. now lets continue.

Apr 6th, 2004, 12:01:43 PM
“When you join this Order, the Sith become your family. If your Master asked it of you, would you kill one of your fellow members?”

Dark Daylight
Apr 6th, 2004, 12:04:29 PM
Yes i would, as i am more loyal to my master, over any of the fellow members, As the Sith show no mercy i dont see why i should.