View Full Version : New Republic: New Starship Designs

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 2nd, 2004, 10:41:57 PM
Since we've been having such a huge influx of new designs for starships, I've decided to set up this thread to handle them all. Here's the process:

Step 1.): Think up a new design. Make sure that it:
-Is Realistic: Don't put on (many) new technologies. Make sure it conforms to the size restrictions.
-Has a purpose: Sure, you can make a new cruiser...but does it significantly improve on the MC-90? It has to fill a new role.
-Isn't copied: TRF and TGC both have a huge number of new starship designs. Don't rip them off. ;)
-Has an explanation: If you added new systems, describe them! How about discussing the ship's role? Spell check, please! :lol

Step 2.): Send your completed designs to me. I'll go over them, and check for plausibility. If it's okay with the designer, I'll also send a copy of the design to one or two of our friends down at the Sovereignity; after all, what good is it having a sweet new ship if your opponent won't let you use it?

Step 3.): I'll compile our recommendations, suggest changes to the design, and then send our recommendations back to you. If you're okay with the recommendations, they go into the design and your new ship gets the big rubber stamp of APPROVAL. If you don't agree with the recommendations, PM me back to explain why you don't want x-or-y changed. If it's reasonable, I'll leave it alone.

So, there's your process! Once designs are approved, their respective creators will post them in this thread (at least until I can nudge Morgan into revamping the NR Website...:lol) and they will be official New Republic vessels, usable in storylines, fleet battles, etc.

So, get building! :D

~Lord Admiral Lion El' Jonson, (MILRECID 002-2958-0037, CODENAME 'Dragon')~
~Commander-in-Chief, New Republic Outer Rim Naval Assets~
~Taskforce Implacable, Flagship MCC-150 Avatar~
~Current Location: Coruscant Naval Dockyards, Low Orbit~

Apr 4th, 2004, 04:53:14 PM
here is the final design for my frigate

Bellicose class Frigate

Primary location of construction: Fondor

Length: 500 meters
width: 250 meters
height: 150 meters

hyperdrive: 1.3 past lightspeed
backup hyperdrive rating: 12
sublight speed: 16 MGLT
hull rating: 1900 RU
sheilds: 2800 SBD
backup shielding 2000 SBD

Crew: 1300
Troops: 2 companies of recon/strike troops
Consumables: 4 months
Cargo space: none
shield generators mounted on dorsal ridge
backup generator mounted internally

Small vessel complement:
1 x X-Wing squadron
1 x A-Wing Squadron
4 landing craft

10 turbolaser batteries
16 turbolaser cannons
6 ion cannons
10 quad lasers
5 quartet missile launchers

Backround information: As Imperial ship design grew more and more powerful and sophisticated ships as the Nebulon-B and Assault Frigate began to be outclassed. The Bellicose class frigate was designed to supplant both of these ships by carrying a heavier armament and being able to carry out both ships roles. The Bellicose class frigate is also designed to be the core of border fleets providing more flexibility while still delivering a formidable amount of firepower, allowing larger capital ships to be pulled out of border duty and be used better elsewhere. The ship carries two companies of strike troops for border interdiction and patrol. As this ship is put into production, the Nebulon-B will be phased out of use.

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 6th, 2004, 06:43:47 AM
Emberlene-class Battle Corvette

Manufacturer: Vrathkree Enterprises
Primary Site of Manufacture: Vrathk Starworks

Length: 160 meters
Width: 32 meters
Height: 24 meters

Hyperdrive: 1.2 past lightspeed
Sublight Speed: 22 MGLT
Hull Rating: 390 RU
Shield Rating: 520 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 120 SBD

Crew: 136
Troops: 1 Platoon of Naval Troopers
Consumables: 2 months
Cargo Space: 80 metric tons available for experimental systems
Shield generators mounted amidships vessel
Backup generators mounted internally 30 meters aft of primary reactor

Small vessel complement:
2 K-Wing Heavy Fighters (semi-recessed in underside of vessel)
1 Sentinel-class Landing Craft

9 Twin Turbolaser Cannons
6 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Twin Medium Ion Cannons
2 Quartet Missile Launchers (Variable payload, typically 6 Adv. Concussion Missiles, 2 Heavy Rockets/Magnetic Pulse)

Background Information:

The Emberlene-class Corvette is the most heavily-armed small vessel to ever be introduced into the New Republic Navy. Unlike the venerable, multirole CR90 Corellian Corvette, the Emberlene-class was designed with only one purpose in mind: warfare. Her design philosophy reflects this, from the redundant critical systems to the placement of her turbolasers. Vrathkree Enterprises saw this contract as their way into the competitive combat starship market, and made the most of their opportunity.

From the start of the project, it was agreed that comfort came second to usefulness; almost every luxury on this vessel was left out of the preliminary design and only added where space allowed. The crew quarters are fairly cramped, while the hallways are small; this increases the structural integrity of the hull, but has invited complaints from Wookies who are constantly scraping their heads against the low ceilings! A single mess hall services the entire crew; this mess hall also doubles as the primary conference room, the gym, the brig, the simulator room, and the muster station! The captain and his senior officers are allotted personal staterooms; the captain can opt to change his second room into an extra conference room. Unlike most vessels, the most spacious room aboard this ship is the bridge; this is necessary to accommodate the expanded bridge crew. This vessel’s consumables are limited by a lack of cargo space; at most they can last 2 months.

The Emberlene-class?armor is more than twice as strong as that on the Corellian Gunship or Corellian Corvette; this is achieved by using stronger (and more expensive) durasteel and tritanium composites. An advanced Koensayr IV-Kor’a shield generator provides primary deflector strength and is mounted amidships; it protrudes slightly above the hull to project maximum power and coverage. This vessel also has an unheard-of luxury among corvettes: a backup shield generator. Although this shield is fairly weak, it draws power from its own generator, which means that the primary reactor is free to power the engines and allow the vessel to escape. The primary reactor is notable for the high amount of power it generates, and for its resilience. It is also easy to repair; a skilled work crew can repair a breached reactor in three days. Two secondary reactors can be brought online to power the engines should the primary reactor be damaged. Interestingly enough, this corvette also uses a new technology known as SATED (Secondary And Tertiary Energy Direction); this allows the two secondary reactors to come online during battle situations and add their energy to that of the primary reactor. With SATED, the Emberlene-class can temporarily supercharge her shields, quickly recharge her weapons, or boost computer power for complex navicomputer calculations. The power conduits can take the increased energy flow for up to 12 hours before the extra energy becomes too much and requires the shutdown of the secondary reactors.

The weaponry on this vessel is extremely heavy, and in numerous simulations a competent captain has been able to disable or destroy a Nebulon-B frigate with little trouble. A large number of dual turbolaser and quad-laser cannons enable her to easily track any target within range and deliver a devastating volley to it. A small number of ion cannons are also included should the Emberlene-class be used for interdiction or border-patrol duties; a platoon of naval troopers are always aboard for this task. Two quartet missile launchers give this vessel incredible flexibility: Her advanced concussion missiles can blow a hole in an enemy fighter screen, allowing her to penetrate their defenses and let loose her heavy rockets at a vulnerable capital ship. Two K-Wing Heavy Fighters connect to this vessel via docking ports on the bottom of the ship, and are semi-recessed within the hull during normal flight. A transparisteel bubble encases the hull of the fighters, ensuring that the K-Wings aren't destroyed by a lucky shot before they can launch.

Admiral Lion El'Jonson was the driving force behind the development of this vessel, and was at Vrathk Starworks when the first vessel, the Lorardian, was commissioned.

Apr 13th, 2004, 04:54:54 PM
I have a stupid question;

Do you have to be in the New Republic to design a New Republic ship? or is this an OOC kind of thing. I ask this because i am interested, but I am a Jedi IC. PM me an answer so I dont spam this thread.

I'd also like to know; Where can I see the specs of an existing NR ship?

Apr 14th, 2004, 02:41:26 AM
By all means E mail Lion any ship ideas or designs you have im sure he wont mind. Just remember all will not be accepted and put into this thread.

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 14th, 2004, 07:49:41 AM
Citadel-class Mobile Fortress

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards/FreiTek Inc. Engineering
Primary Site of Manufacture: Kuat Drive Yards/Piruhna II/Sabelize IV

Length: 800 meters
Width: 800 meters
Height: 80 meters

Hyperdrive: N/A
Sublight Speed: N/A
Speed in Atmosphere: 25 km/h
Hull Rating: 4600 RU
Shield Rating: 7520 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 1250 SBD (Concentrated around central command structure)

Crew: 8,244 Enlisted, 684 Officers
Troops: 1 Regiment of Infantry (12,500 men), Two Armored Divisions
Consumables: 4 months
(Backup generators mounted internally, within primary command structure)

Small vessel complement:
24 K-Wing Heavy Fighters (Modified for atmospheric use)
36 V-Wing Scramjet Fighters
8 Sentinel-class Landing Craft

8 Quad Heavy Turbolasers (Mounted in turrets on each corner of the Citadel, top-and-bottom)
12 Advanced Atmospheric Concussion Missile Launchers (960 missiles)
36 Twin Medium Blaster Cannons

Ground Vehicle Complement:
2 Mobile Planetary Turbolasers
120 Heavy Repulsortanks
160 Light Repulsortanks/Artillery Vehicles
140 Speederbikes
4 Platoons of AT(X)-PT's (All Terrain Personal Transport, Re-engineered)

Background Information:

In space, the New Republic is slowly gaining superiority over their Imperial adversaries. On the ground, however, it has always been a different story. Though the New Republic has gained several new ground-combat vehicles over the years, they still have neither the brute force nor the experience the Imperials have in the AT-AT walker. All of that is about to change.

Contacting Kuat Drive Yards, the original designers of the AT-AT, and asking them to work with FreiTek Inc, a spin-off corporation of Incom and makers of the E-Wing Fighter, the New Republic asked for a ground-based command vehicle, one that would strike fear into the hearts of all that came near it. Both design teams got hard to work, and 13 months later, the Citadel was born. Utilizing advanced materials for both its structure and weaponry, the Citadel was designed as a command center or massive ground engagements. Whereas previous New Republic commanders had to direct the battle from fixed bases, the immense repulsorlifts powering the Citadel enable it to keep up with any armored advance, giving the theatre commanders a front-line view of the battle, as well as allowing the Citadel to bring its considerable amounts of weaponry to bear.

Citadel-class fortresses are immense; the most accurate way to describe them is as floating rectangles. Each side is 800 meters long, while the massive fortress stands almost 30 stories tall. They float 40 meters off of the ground on some of the most powerful repulsorlifts ever designed; powerful engines originally designed to support the massive Victory III-class Star Destroyers in an atmosphere.

A Citadel's primary weapons are 8 heavy turbolaser batteries; two are mounted on each corner of the vessel, top and bottom. The top batteries can de-elevate 30 degress, allowing them to target enemies below them. These turbolaser batteries are among the most massive weapons usable in an atmosphere, and their firepower is considerable. A single salvo from one of these batteries can penetrate 20 square meters of durasteel, or disable an AT-AT. A number of missile launchers are equally distributed along the topside of the Citadel; these launchers fire concussion missiles designed for use in an atmosphere, and give these immense vehicles an excellent defense against incoming fighters. The final weapons are 36 twin medium-blaster cannons, much like the chin blasters on an AT-AT. These blasters are mounted in independent turrets, and can cover a considerable area. These are used to target troops, speeder bikes, or other small vehicles that penetrate the heavy turbolaser batteries' effective fire zone.

Of course, all of this firepower is useless if the Citadel can't reach the battlezone. A small number of modified Super Star-Galleon transports were produced to carry these mobile bases to the warzone. Upon arrival, the Star-Galleon locks itself into a low-velocity orbit of the planet in question. Massive bay door along the bottom of the Star-Galleon split open, and the Citadel is ejected downwards, encased in a massive, heat-resistant ceramite shell. As the Citadel pushes through the atmosphere, the shell gradually superheats. At 30 kilometers above the surface, the shell breaks away. Massive retro-ion thrusters fire on the underside of the Citadel, slowing the immense fortress. At 100 meters, its repulsorlift system kicks in, and working in conjuction with the retro thrusters, slows the Citadel until it is hovering at 30 meters above the surface. Troopers say that there is something surreal about the Citadel's landing procedures: With shields up, and retro-ions firing on full, the vehicle looks not so much like a battlestation than like an Angel, come from the heavens to aid the New Republic's forces.

Once the Citadel has landed, its crew comes aboard. Due to the immense size of the Citadel battlestations, the crew must come in-system aboard a seperate transport, deorbiting is either entirely automated, or handled by a very small skeleton crew. With a full crew running system checks, the Citadel Mobile Fortress can be usable within 36 hours. Due to the immense cost, complexity, and size of these vehicles, and because of the logistical nightmare these things represent, they are fairly rare within the New Republic. At a cost of 800 million credits a piece, they rival a Star Destroyer in price. A confirmed 42 Citadels are in service with the New Republic, and are being slowly produced at a rate of 3 per year. Because of their rarity, few New Republic troops ever get to serve aboard or alongside a Citadel. They are deployed to only the most important conflicts. It is a fact that two of these fortresses have been deployed to each of the New Republic's most important shipbuilding worlds, while more than a dozen are stored at the New Republic's Ackbar Command Platform on Mon Calamari, along with their special transport vessels.

(ooc: Picture a Borg Cube...now picture it all shiny, black, blue, and made out of transparisteel. Now squash it into a rectangle...and add gun turrets on the corners. There you go!

You're welcome to send me any design you can think of, Spada. Thanks for asking. :D)

Apr 16th, 2004, 01:21:51 PM

Class Rejuvenator
Designation Multi-Purpose Battle Ship
Dimensions 1,871 Meters x 842 Meters x 396 Meters

Crew Complement

Command Crew - 460 Officers
Crew - 14,646 Crew
Gunners - 560 Gunners
Flight Ops Crew - 925 Techs
Troops and Special Ops. - 640 Troopers. 30 Spec Ops Personnel
Passengers - 200 Guests

Defenses and Equipment

Shielding System - Serridge SEAL Mk-VII
Shield Rating - 8,200 SBD
Back-up Shield Rating - 2,400 SBD
Armor Type - Enhanced Bonding Matix Armor
Armor Rating - 3,900 RU
Internal Secutiry Equipment - Stage 8 Enclicion Grid
Scanning Equipment - Fabritech ANx 12w
Targeting / Tracking Equipment - Plat Dorma JSX-22


Reactor Type - Republic Engineering S-200
Stardrive Type - Republic Engineering KRT-1000
Hyperdrive Motivator Type - Republic Engineering Hx-66x1
Sublight Speed - 16 MGLT
Hyperspace Rating - X1
Back-up Hyperspace Rating - X12


12 Taim & Bak XX-12h Advanced Heavy Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
40 Trim & Bak XX-9 MkIII Heavy Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
60 Trim & Bak XV-8 MkII Turbolaser Cannon Batteries
40 ArMek SW-8 Ion Cannon Batteries
20 Taim & Bak H10 Quad Laser Cannons
16 Phylon-Q10 Tractor Beam Projectors

Onboard Craft

1 C-wing Squadrons
2 E-wing Squadrons
2 Xjx X-wing Squadrons
2 B2a B-wing Squadrons
2 K-wing Squadrons
6 Lambda Class Shuttle

Vehicle Complament

20 Light Repulsor Vehicles
8 Heavy Repulsor Tanks
12 V-wing Air Speeders


The Face of Space Warfare has changed. with it so will the tools used to wage such a war. With the Imperial powers, as well as other smaller group, refitting and redesigning at a breakneck pace the New Republic must rethink and refit also. Many of the New Vessels introduced to the New Republic in the Last 50 Years have been based on the assumption that smaller ships with more advanced technology at a cheaper price. These vessels are sound in there design and fight well but can not stand against the newer larger ships of the Imperials.Introducing the Rejuvenator. Built with advanced Space Saving technology as the other new line of ships but made large and equipped with the firepower needed to take on ships equal to or even larger then itself. Designed and Built as a front line superiority vessel the assault capabilities of this ship is limited. Its job is simply to fight head to head and win.

Construction of the First ships of this line will begin once I have Returned to Calamari. First run will consist of 4 Ships The Rejuvenator, Acclamator, Justice, and Dauntless

Apr 21st, 2004, 09:43:46 AM
Class name: Bulwark
role: guided missile battleship
dimensions: 1700 meters x 785 meters x 230 meters

400 officers
13,000 enlisted crewmen
Pilots: 64
techs: 300
2 companies NR marines for shipwide security
consumables:3 months including missiles, butdepending on expenditure

defense systems:
shield rating: 8000 SBD
auxiliary shields:2100 SBD
armor: 3650 RU

sublight: 16 MGLT
hyperdrive: x 1
backup hyperdrive x 14

20 turbolaser batteries
15 quad lasers
2 ion cannon batteries
4 x 90 cell Bulwark defense system missile launchers, carries large amount of reloads

Fighter Complement:
2 squadron A-Wing
1 squadron E-Wing
1 squadron XJ-Wing

Description: Recent Imperial ship designs now include a massive missile armament which can prove devastating to New Republic vessels. The Bulwark defense system was an anti-missile missile system designed to give the fleet from swarms of incoming Imperial missiles. THe missiles fired by the Bulwark class are not nearly as powerful as the traditional proton torpedo or concussion missile but has enough power to destroy either of those. The Bulwark system can be used against ships of starfighter size but against shielded craft it often takes 4-5 hits to destroy the fighter. THe Bulwark class battleship was designed to accomodate this new development in NR technology. THese ships will be found in twos and threes in NR battlefleets to defend against Imperial missile attacks. These ships will be able to carry an ample amount of reloads for the launchers. These ships are due to come into service after the battle of Bestine and will be come widespread in 10-12 months

Apr 21st, 2004, 10:03:49 AM
Class name: Adamant
ship type: Battlecruiser
dimensions: 1300 meters x 370 meters x 200 meters

200 officers
6000 enlisted men
72 pilots
techs: 400
1 company military police

defense systems:
shields: 7000 SBD
secondary shields: 1900 SBD
armor: 2000 RU

propulsion: 19 MGLT
hyperdrive x1
backup hyperdrive x 10

15 advanced heavy turbolaser batteries
35 heavy turbolaser batteries
25 single barrel rapid fire anti-missile laser cannons
10 ion cannons
10 missile quartets

fighter complement:
2 squadron K-Wing
2 squadron E-Wing
1 squadron XJ-Wing
1 squadron A-Wing
1 squadron B-Wing

Description: As the NR faces more and more border clashes the need for a rapid but well armed response comes into play. Currently most of the NR heavy capital ships cannot reach these areas quickly enough to deliver the firepower needed whereas the faster ships dont have the firepower necessary. The Adamant class battlecruiser combines both speed and weaponry for a rapid and effective response.

Redic Scott
Apr 21st, 2004, 12:37:11 PM
Please take away that huge Bulwark ship, it really isn't necessary, it's way too big and not cost effective. We should use my design, it is small, can be mass produced and could do a much better job at defeding fleets. Its just too big and it doesn't have to be.

Also the other ship you posted can have a lot more fire power on it. We don't really need it since the Defender and Republic class Star Destroyers are tougher and more armed.
Protector Class Escort

Length: 350 Meters
width: 100 Meters
Height: 80 Meters

Length: 80 Meters
Width: 100 Meters
Height: 30 Meters

Crew: 540
Skeleton: 68
Troops: 1 Platoon of Naval Troopers
Consumables: 6 months
Cargo Space: 2,000 metric tons available for experimental systems
Speed: 20 MGLT
Hull: 1,340 RU
Shields: 2,000 SBD
Backups: 1,500 SBD
Hyperdrive: X.75
Backup Hyperdrive: x8

Weaponary: 40 Extended Range Quad Laser Cannons w/fast Track, 20 rapid fire point defense lasers, 8-20 Cell Missile Defense Batteries (8 reloads, 2 sec per), 4 Quartet Warhead Launchers-(480 Warheads), 4 Tractor Beam Projectors

Hanger: 2 Squadons

Discription and Background:
This is a ship with a fat, oval shaped middle section. Jutting out of the mid-section are four long and thick wings. They look like the S-foils of an X-wing in attack position. These wings contain many of the laser cannons and the center of each is hollow, providing for hanger space.

This ship has been designed because of the increasing threat of fighters and missiles to NR fleets. The Protector is an ideal fleet defender. It will protect the fleet from fighter, bomber, and missile assault. Being a gunship, the ship can also engage enemy capital ships, with long range warheads. To help with engagements, larger engines were added to increase speed.

New Weapons descriptions:
Rapid fire point defense lasers (RFPDs)- These are small laser with a small power fed. Do to their small energy consumption, they can fire very rapidly, but have another power to take out incoming warheads. These lasers would supplement the missiles for anti-missile fleet protection. On top of each laser is a small sensor array which will help the lasers track and take out incoming warheads.
Also, I have a plan for a new anti-fighter missile:

Dual Warhead missile-This is basically the same missile but only with 2 warheads insteads of one. By reducing fuel, an ionic warhead is added just behind the fregmenting one. When one goes off, so does the other. This would mean that a fighter might escape the explosive blast, but would than be caught in an ion wave. This warhead, modified from an anti-ship ion torpedo, would have another power to disable any fighter within 500 meters and seriously effect electronics upto 1.5km. At over 1.5km some systems might still shut down. The missile will have data links to the ship that fired them and only the ion warhead could be detonated if need be, as in a case where you would want to capture the fighter and the pilot.

Apr 21st, 2004, 03:24:21 PM
My Opinion

Too Fast. should be closer to 18 - 22 mglt
With an armor rating of 1,840 it would have a bit too much mass so I would go with the 18 MGLT speed.

Too Much Shielding. You are out shielding a republic class Star Destroyer. with a total of 6,200 SBD actually you are out shilding anything short of an MC-90 new tech is there and i know the shielding would be more but not that much. 2,250 SBD with 1,250 backup rating. gives you a total of 3,500

Also too many weapon systems.

just my opinion

Apr 22nd, 2004, 11:44:42 PM
What you have is not a gunship. A gunship by definition has a heavy weapon loadout. like t lasers. This is more of an escort or destroyer. plus it is alot bigger then most gunships. what is the role of this ship? Anti fighter escort? Flank defender?

Call it a Protector Class Escort.

I like the new missile idea. the duel warhead could be very effective.

Ok I still think this is too much as far as weapons. but only by a little. Since this is an anti projectile / anti fighter platform I would

1. replace the twin Heavy Lasers with Quad Lasers. but only have 40.

2. lose the ion cannons. you dont need them with these new missiles

3. replace those Quad missile launchers with 3 more Cell missile defense batteries. for a total of 8

these would make it more acceptable in my opinion. These will make nice escorts for Endurance carrier groups.

Again my opinon which means little.

Redic Scott
Apr 23rd, 2004, 08:07:03 AM
It had more heavy weapons before, but Lion told me to take them off. The Ion cannons are for use against heavier ships before a missile strike. I could take them off is you like. However the surface area of the ship would probably allow for more weapons.

The warheads have to stay the same as they are. Lion said I could have more than 5 batteries because all the missiles would make fighters useless and I kinda agree. This is pretty much an escort, I wanted it to be a large gunship, but then it would have that many anti-fighter batteries so basically now its an escort.

Also, what do you think of Tie's designs. You seem to only concentrate on me, :-P

Apr 23rd, 2004, 10:04:33 AM
I have talked with tie about his designs. I recommended he change the name from Bulwark to something else to keep from confusing anyone. But besides that the Bulwark is fine. The adamant has a few too many weapons but only because the advanced Heavy Turbolaser batteries are so big. besides those it is fine.

Area isn't the problem I did a 3d model of it and it has plenty of surface area. internal area was ok. but its the power that is the problem. which like I said it isn't bad. I just recommended a few changes to fit more of the design profile it was intended for. Its an escort. it is made to shoot down fighters and missiles.

When I recommended adding 3 more I wasn't worried about fighters it's missiles I was thinking of. you have a short duration weapon system. if you unload at full capacity you are out of ammo in 8 seconds. and you only have 400 missiles in the first place. A Aurora can hit you with 400 heavy Proton torpedoes at one time.

I recommended removing the ion cannons because I did not think this ship was intended to engage larger targets. And with the new Missile design you can pretty much do the same thing as the ion cannons would. and save the power they use. Ion canons are power hungry.

again these are just my opinions. it comes down to what lion says is ok. I just work here. :lol

Apr 23rd, 2004, 03:35:45 PM
I've noticed that a lot of these ships are all really big cruiser type ships. Are there any small, planetary space transports? Cause I would be pretty interested in that.

Telan Desaria
Apr 23rd, 2004, 07:12:50 PM
The Imperial Aurora-class Star Destroyer fires Mark XV Heavy Proton Warheads. These are a little slower but much more powerful than torpedoes. Since their primary target is capital class vessels, the speed is an acceptable loss per projectile given the amount of explosives delivered. It must be noted that the Aurora has a considerable amount of internal space given over to the storing of the projectiles to feed such a behemoth armament - hence her ridiculously small capacity for cargo, troops, and supplies.

Teleran Balades
Apr 23rd, 2004, 08:47:21 PM
Ridiculous for a star destroyer, but they still carry 11,000 soldiers and mechanized support.

Apr 23rd, 2004, 11:48:33 PM
I did refer to them as Heavy Proton Torpedos . I didnt want to get into all the spacifics Telan. lol I try not to cross my info from the SOV to here.

Apr 26th, 2004, 02:19:52 PM
Hey have you guys ever considered making an "EMP Countermeasure"? It could be like a flare or chaff only it emits an electrical current, frying the circuts of an electronically guided missile. Just a thought that popped into my head.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 27th, 2004, 01:10:42 AM
Originally posted by spada
Hey have you guys ever considered making an "EMP Countermeasure"? It could be like a flare or chaff only it emits an electrical current, frying the circuts of an electronically guided missile. Just a thought that popped into my head.

A decent warship is always EMP shielded and so are missiles. The Ion cannon however has a similar effect, scrambling and overloading electronics. It is also noted that only specific class of shields will stop a Ion cannon.

If it were not for the dificulty in aiming and power consumption, Ion cannon make a superior weapon to plasma weapory IMO.

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 27th, 2004, 02:24:29 AM
Sorry I can't get you a better set of picture than this, but its all I have. Also, the internet doesn't like me, so it'll have to be attached.

Basically, this ship was designed by a pre-Clone Wars company. It was a small-ish firm by Starship standards. It was one of the many Engineering companies supressed by the Empire in order to allow Kuat to flourish under its reign.

The ship, a Nova-class Star Frigate (ok, so it's Battlestar Galactica, but you'll have to forgive me for that...at least it looks the part ;) ), is one of several ranges, including the Dwarf Star-class Transport Frigate (Falcon-sized), the Stellar-class Escort Frigate (somewhere between the two), and the Supernova-class Combat Frigate.

What do you need to know? Well, the original ships were designed along similar lines. Most of the componants are heavily interchangable, and thus a ship of one class can be modified with parts of another. Unfortunately, because of the age of the craft, integrating modern systems is a little less easy...they're not designed to be compatable.

Um...right. The Star Frigate. It has five notable sections - the "Habitat" section, with the bridge, quarters, mess halls, etc. The "Spine" section, with a Landing Bay and much of the engineering and weapons systems, and then the "Stardrive" section, which houses the propulsion engines. On legs connecting from the Spine section are two Cargo Pods. These can be used either for cargo storage, or are easily modified to provide extra landing bay capacity.

Weapons-wise, the Star Frigate is armed merely to defend itself, unlike the Escort (armed to defend another ship), and the Combat (designed to assault other ships). As such, it only has 16 Quad Laser Turrets and 4 Turbolaser Batteries. The system can be upgraded to include other weapons, but Star Frigates tend to be reserved as Carriers and large Transports in most cases, so upgrading in this way is rare.

Like all of the Frigates in the Jal'dor Spaceworks range, it is capable of landing on a planet's surface, should the situation require it - the ventral surface of the two cargo pods and the engine section contain the systems required (Repulsorlifts, Landing legs, etc).

Here are the blueprints...and if you want to know what it "really" looks like, do a search for Battlestar Galactica. Lol. You have to admit...it does follow several Star Wars design conventions...

And sorry, the picture file is too big, so I'll have to zip it for you...the writing might be a little hard to read too, coz I shrunk it a bit.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 27th, 2004, 02:42:32 AM
Considering BG was a rip of Star Wars in a lot of respects, yes it does work surprisingly well

So, this is a pre clone wars design, no longer produced. I personally dont see an issue with it and it's not too powerful. How long and wide is it?

IMO, it's about what a well funded smuggler would have, in fact the specs remind me of Talon Karrde's Wild Karrde

Apr 27th, 2004, 02:52:54 AM
Ok im not going to tell you you cant or can do something like in the other thread. but what I will do is ask you to create a design not copy one. I and I am sure the others here will be more then happy to help you do this. I know you have been told no New Ship Design. Well im not going to say that. I dont care. I would rather you use a preexisting design. but if you want a new ship then we can get it designed and built. and I would much rather you have a new design then use a battlestar as a design. Turning a 1.9 Km ship into a frigate is against all that is holy to a ship designer.

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 27th, 2004, 02:53:36 AM

Length - 92m
Width - 40m
Height - 21m (3 main decks, plus one above [engines] and one below [cargo pods & engines] )

Apr 27th, 2004, 02:55:02 AM
And why am I sucking eye ball with a straw?

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 27th, 2004, 02:55:14 AM
Lol. Ok. I actually came up with a better design, but I can't turn my sketches into blueprints. I'll try and do some 3rd Point perspective pics later and scan them in...if anyone wants to offer blueprinting services, I'd appreciate it.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 27th, 2004, 03:00:10 AM
Originally posted by Reshmar
And why am I sucking eye ball with a straw?

It's the best I could think of in a few seconds :D


Length - 92m
Width - 40m
Height - 21m (3 main decks, plus one above [engines] and one below [cargo pods & engines] )

Good place to work from. A ship similar in dimension IIRC was Mara Jades Jade's Fire (again, IIRC). I saw a drawing of it once and it matched proposed weapons and size pretty well.

Modular design - I like that idea, I dont see issue with that. Sort of reminds me too of Thunderbird 2

Apr 27th, 2004, 03:03:20 AM
Ok another thing a ship that size couldnt have 16 Quads. you have a large percentage of your mass going towards hanger , power,propultion. even if it was wider and taller with the hanger and propution you couldnt have a reactor biig enough to power them. My suggestion is 4 Turbolaser cannons, and 6 Quad lasers. if you made it bigger that might fix things a bit. Ill do a 3D model of it tomarrow. 3 decks right? exchangable cargo pods.
mounting the Ties on external racks could help a bit also.

Just some thoughts.

Apr 27th, 2004, 03:04:47 AM
It's the best I could think of in a few seconds

:lol ok works for me

Apr 27th, 2004, 12:08:23 PM
Heres something more for stealth missions and such.

Class Name: Mistryl Corvette
Ship class: infiltration, and covert operations

Length: 130 meters
Height: 20 meters
Width: 25 meters

Hyperdrive : 1.3 past lightspeed
Sublight speed: 23 MGLT
Hull rating: 350 RU
Shield rating: 550 SBD
Backup shielding: 100 SBD

Crew: 110
Troop capacity: 2 squads infiltration commandos.

4 quad lasers
1 ion cannon

The Mistryl class corvette is a new type of specialty ship. It is not designed for conventional warfare but rather more covert forms of warfare. The Mistryl Corvette is designed to get a body of commandos, or spies on a planet surface without being detected. Instead of conventional landing craft the Mistryl Corvette uses a unique deployment system. The Commandos are each in a pod designed to withstand atmospheric re-entry. The Mistryl will enter low orbit and fire these pods down at the surface from which the Commandos will eventually emerge to carry out their mission. The Mistryl is equipped with the latest stealth technology in the New Republic. Static damping fields, and sensor stealth technology are all round on this ship. In addition as a prototype measure a coating has been installed on the ship's hull as the a passive cloaking system which will absorb sensor scans rather than reflecting them back. The Mistryl will be produced in small numbers for the time being.

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 28th, 2004, 04:54:02 AM
(ooc: Several things)

1. I've approved all (I think...^_^; ) of these designs, including Tie's and Redic's. I suggested to Redic that he further disarm his new ship, but it was only a suggestion. Tie is removing the 30 turbolaser batteries from the Adamant and replacing them with 10 additional heavy batteries; I think that normal turbolasers would just waste power on a modern warship like that. Likewise, I asked for the quad lasers to be dropped, since anti-starfighter is not this ship's primary mission, and the new rapid-fire laser system can handle missile adequately. :)

2. It'd be an interesting post to hear about Reshmar sucking out eyeballs. Very graphic, for sure. :lol

3. Jacen, nice design, but please email me the design before you post it; I need to give it a thumbs-up/thumbs-down. Given that you changed around the size, weapons, shields, and specs, your design doesn't remotely resemble the BG ship. APPROVED.

Tie: Adamant-class APPROVED
Tie: Bulwark-class APPROVED (possibly change the name)
Reshmar: Rejuvenator-class APPROVED (and what a beauty she is...:lol)
Reshmar: Mediator-class APPROVED (Must...not...molest...ship...:D)
Jacen: Nova-class APPROVED
Tie: Mistryl-class APPROVED

5. Tie, I hope that the length is 130 meters, not 1300. It's hard to sneak a 1.3 kilometer ship into a system without somebody noticing. :p

Great work guys, see you on the front lines! ^_^;

~Lord Admiral Lion El' Jonson~
~New Republic C-in-C, Outer Rim Naval Assets~
~Taskforce Implacable, MCC-150 Avatar~
~Coruscant Dockyards, Low Orbit, Coruscant~

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 04:59:17 AM
The design of my ship isn't like that anymore...its gonna be pretty different. Reshmar's said he'll do a 3D thing of it for me...I'll forward you the link for that.

Apr 28th, 2004, 09:51:53 AM
Alright, my designs are modified as you suggested Lion. They'll come into active duty in a time as i RP the contruction of the first of each class of ship. Btw i'm RPing the construction of the Bellicose now.

(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 10:17:49 AM
I've got a few "designs". Some of them are "new"...well, they're uglies, although I like to call them "Exotics". There's 3 TIE mods. The fourth, I *think* exists. I couldn't remember the proper name, but its a two-seater Z-95. If I chuck the pics on the net and give you the links, could y'all check 'em out?

Apr 28th, 2004, 10:31:43 AM
Kudos tie the Mistryl is a nice design. We needed a covert Insertion ship

Apr 28th, 2004, 04:48:26 PM
No offense Jacen, but I dont think those designs are really suited for the New Republic. Uglies just don't match the requirements to be a modern military starfighter, they're fine for pirates but not for the NR. The Z-95 for example even if its a two seater is way obsolete, it just doesn't have the firepower the NR needs in its fighters.

Lion El' Jonson
Apr 28th, 2004, 08:09:14 PM
I don't think he means these to be New Republic designs. They're vessels in use by Pirates and Smuggling groups, and I suppose that a few might have been captured by the New Republic during raids on Pirate Outposts.

Those ships would make a very good start if he were interested in creating a new Pirate group.

*Seconds Reshmar's praise of the Mistryl*


(Alex) Jacen
Apr 28th, 2004, 09:00:11 PM
*raises a hand* I'm starting a new pirate group...well, mercenaries who do some piracy, just to keep the funds up and the boredom down. Thats what my other ship is for, too. I just thought that, as you were checking out one ship, you might as well check out the others...I can't find anywhere else that I can ask about them, so...*shrug*

And anyway...the usual use of a two-seater fighter is as a training aid. I'm sure you're aware of the similarities between the X-Wing and the Z-95. I'd rather have a novice pilot crash an old, crusty Z-95 than a new shiny X-Wing...(assuming that when you form a new squadron, they have to have new fighters, because all the old ones are in use)

I did have one or two ideas for NR fighters a while ago, though. I got bored, so I made them out of lego. I'll see if I can dig out the specs I made for them, and come up with a few sketches...I think there was a P-Wing, a U-Wing and an O-Wing...I'll see what I can remember and doodle. Have a guess at what they look like...see how close you get ;)

Telan Desaria
Apr 30th, 2004, 08:17:39 PM
So Jacen has thrown his lot in with the Rebels...

*adds to enemies list*

Apr 30th, 2004, 11:37:24 PM
The Empire didnt want his ideas.

(Alex) Jacen
May 1st, 2004, 05:16:35 AM
*grabs his sniper rifle, and charges it enough for two shots* Thats all I'll need to save the galaxy from two more bits of imp scum...don't worry, we won't be enemies for long.

Oh, and when you see him...thank the Emperor for giving me the sniper training...and tell him that Arden Dantarno (my Jedi grandfather) has finally had his revenge.


Telan Desaria
May 1st, 2004, 09:31:00 AM
I did not reject them. He never posted them on our boards - -and he never contacted me.

Our training, is of course, unparalleled. I expect nothing less than perfection.

(Alex) Jacen
May 1st, 2004, 10:32:06 AM
Ok...here are my slightly wierd New Republic fighter ideas. The P-wing probably won't be needed, and the O-Wing wouldn't do so well, seeing as its trying to take over where the X-Wing flies...but I think the U-Wing would make a cool addition to the NR arsenal. The V-Wing was good, but it needed carriers to get it to the target destination. The U-Wing...well, you'll find out why it doesn't have that problem.

I can't find my sketches, but I'll give you a brief description of each craft. I don't know how to work out specs...maybe someone could help me out with that?

O-Wing: Space Superiority Fighter

The O-Wing was designed to be the Space Superiority counterpart of the B-Wing, and as such was based loosely upon that design. The central focus of the fighter is a geo-stable cockpit. No matter how the fighter moves, the O-Wing's cockpit will remain parallel to the artificial horizon.

The artificial horizon is determined by the wings fitted on either side of the fighter. They are on a rotating collar that moves around the O-Wings cockpit. The computer systems will adapt any input from the pilot's controls to ensure that the craft flies exactly as intended, regardless of the orientation of the wings.

The engines are installed above and below the wings, giving the O-Wing an engine profile similar to an X-Wing with its S-Foils closed. On the tips of the wings, a double laser cannon is installed, similar to the X-Wing, with a third directly above the cockpit. These weapons can be set up for either single or triple fire. Each pair of lasers has a very high cycle rate, allowing the O-Wing to deal a lot more damage, a lot faster - twice as fast as an X-Wing's quad blasts, in fact. Various custom configurations can be set up. The lasers can fire in a triangle pattern - port wing/cockpit, starboard wing/cockpit, port wing/starboard wing. This rate of fire is comparable to the dual blast from an X-Wing, but at almost as fast a cycle rate as single-fire. The single-fire mode fires all 6 lasers in the time it takes an X-Wing to fire 4.

To boost its arsenal, a pair of torpedo launchers are installed underneath the cockpit.

P-Wing: Assault Starfighter

The P-Wing's design was inspired by the Corellian YT-2400. It was designed to perform a similar role to the Y-Wing and B-Wing combined - assaults against ground targets and Starships. The P-Wing is classed as an "Assault Starfighter", but it has become nicknamed a Gunship because of the arsenal it caries.

The "P" shape that gives the fighter its name comes from the main starfighter (the D part), and a weapons arm attached to the starboard side.
The Cockpit part (the D) features the cockpit itself, two laser cannons either side of the cockpit, and the engines outside of the laser cannons. The hyperdrive is positioned aft of the cockpit, and all of the sensors are positioned forward of the cockpit.
The weapons arm, attached level with the cockpit on the starboard side, houses several heavy weapons. On the starboard extreme is an ion cannon. Two torpedo launchers are installed in the remaining length of the arm, and on the ventral surface is a bombing tube.

The P-Wing is Hyperspace capable. However, it is typically based on carriers - its mission-type usually calls for support from larger craft to make use of the damage caused by its assault.

U-Wing: Atmospheric Assault Bomber

The U-Wing or, as it is nicknamed, the "Lucky Horseshoe" is somewhat of a unique fighter design. It was inspired by the Podracers flown in the Outer Rim. It is a space-capable fighter, but it is designed primarily for battle within an atmosphere - an arena that causes problems for many starfighter designs.

The two forward arms of the U face in the direction of travel. These contain large thrust engines, capable of pulling the fighter through an atmosphere, and through space. The cockpit fits on the curve of the U. Two laser cannons are fitted on the insides of the engines. In the curves that link the engines to the cockpit, two bombing tubes are installed. The fighter will typically be stocked up with concussion grenades. This payload, fired downwards, can be particularly effective when dealing with personnel on the ground, making the U-Wing ideal as the precurser for a ground assault.

The U-wing is propelled by its thrust engines. However, when flying inside an atmosphere, it will typically run on repulsorlifts, with the engines used only for a burst of acceleration. However, if it is necessary for the fighter to invert itself, making the repulsorlifts useless, the engines are more than capable of keeping the ship airborne - the switch between the two styles of flying happens within a fraction of a second.

Comments, suggestions, complaints, and suggestions for specs would be very much appreciated!

Redic Scott
May 1st, 2004, 11:18:38 AM
I like your ideas. However, did you get the O-wing idea from the an SW RPG book? Cuz there was a merc or smuggler who put together 2 crashed b-wings into what I think you are decribing. Someone also made an I-wing, of which I attacked a picture, maybe that's what you were going for. The P-wing sounds cool and we could make it work. Just have to figure out the length and width and all that so they aren't too big for hangers.

The U-wing, however, I don't think will work for an Air bomber. It just isn't aero dynamic enough to have good flight cabilities. The "U" shape would cause a lot of drag, in my opinion. Maybe describe it more? Like is the U shape thin, with sharp angles to let the bomber slice through the air?

Here is my upgraded B-wing idea:

This Heavy assault fighter is based on the older B-wing and B-wing E2. Instead of 2 S-foils this one has four, with two new ones a few meters below the others. This fighter is faster, more heavily armed, and more armored than its older brothers due to new engines and new armor making techneques. The computer systems are much more advanced and can hold a lot more jump points than the older ones. The Fighter also employes a new repair system, which consists of tiny repair droids moving inside the fighter and plugging into the main computer. If the main computer detects a problem it dispatchs the droids to fix it, much like an astromech would. The cockpit of this fighter is detachable in case of an emergancy and contains a laser cannon, shields, and a rocket motor so that the pilot can make it back to the ship. Most of the new weapons systems are rotating and can fire at enemies in the rear, as well as front. The weapons pob on the bottom of the B4-wing looks like the older one, but is now on a servo which swivels it left and right 45 degrees.

Craft:Slayn & Korpil B4-Wing
Type: Heavy Assault Fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Size: 17 meters
Crew: 1(a), 2(b)
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 45 kg
Consumables: 1 week
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Nav Computer: 20-jump limit
Speed: 100 MGLT
Acceleration: 3400G (fully loaded)
Hull: 85 RU
Shields: 150 SBD, 100 SBD Backup

Weapons:4 Heavy Laser Cannons, 4 Medium Ion Cannons, 1 Laser Cannon, 4 Warhead Launchers (6 torpedoes each)

(Alex) Jacen
May 1st, 2004, 01:14:05 PM
Actually, the O-Wing was in a dream. Lol. It was vaguely inspired by the fighters that the Twi'leks had in book 4 of the X-Wing series by Michael Stackpole. They had TIE cockpits, and X-Wing S-Foils on a geostable collar or something. I just imagined the O, and went with that. The wings wouldn't be so pronounced on it...I was thinking maybe a third of that length. But thats the O-Wing, more or less.

With the U-Wing...ever played Star Trek: Invasion on the Playstation? One of the Valkyrie fighters is a bit like what I had in mind...*tries to find a pic somewhere*. Basically, the engine parts are fairly straight, and the cockpit sits in the middle, with a fairly sharp-edged shape. I can't get any pics now because, for some reason, internet explorer has kindly decided to remove my right click ability, and take off the files/edit/format/etc menus, and ms paint won't open so I can't print screen a pic...*sigh* I'll get you a pic as soon as I can.

(Alex) Jacen
May 2nd, 2004, 06:08:33 AM
Attached are some pretty basic blueprints of the U-Wing, so you know what I was on about with the shape. Haven't done much detail yet...I'll add weapons and stuff on eventually.

The engine pylons and the cockpit are designed to be as aerodynamic as possible. The overall design of the ship actually produces less drag than most starfighters. It would be far superior to a TIE in an atmosphere (except mabe a few of the newer models, like the Raptor), and could probably out-do an X-Wing as well.

Its designed, simply, to attack targets on the ground, and combat fighters in the air. It can deal with an airspeeder with ease - it negates the problems of not being able to invert (because of repulsorlifts) by kicking in its engines.

My current thinking is that it has 4 drive systems in total. Its getting inspired by the ship I'm coming up with for the Imperial race thats going on soon...well, the repulsorlifts, anyway. It has a low-level repulsorlift system, like a podracer. Makes it very fast, especially if it uses its AeroSpace Engines.
It can then switch over to a dedicated airspeeder set of repulsorlifts, giving it the same sort of manoeuvrability as the speeders we saw flying through the streets of Coruscant in Episode II.
It can then go Starfighter. As a Starfighter, is itsn't as good. Its engines are designed to work better in an atmosphere. It probably sits somewhere between an X-Wing and a Y-Wing in combat performance. It's almost as fast as an X-Wing, but not quite as manouverable.
Then there's the Hyperdrive. It has a Nav computer capable of storing 6 sets of jump co-ordinates...just enough for a successful round trip from a base to the target destination.

U-Wing assaults would usually be the precurser to a ground assault. The U-Wings would probably jump in from one system away, make their strike, and then the assault forces would arrive. However, during a long-range strike mission, the U-Wings would probably require Starfighter support. My suggestion would be that every Squadron with U-Wings in features 2 flights of U-Wings (8), and 1 flight of Starfighters (4)...maybe X-Wings or A-Wings, in order to defend the U-Wings during their entry and exit to the system.

Sound reasonable?

(Alex) Jacen
May 2nd, 2004, 06:28:24 AM
Wow...three posts in a row...woohoo! Didn't want to do it as edits, coz that'd get confusing.

I've probably mentioned my mercenary alliance thing a few times. One of our sponsors (who gives us funding) is Dantarno Engineering, led by Jacen's uncle, Kieran. As there are a lot of similarities between the U-Wing, and the fighter that I will be flying in the Imp race, I was thinking that the U-Wing would probably be a Dantarno Engineering ship, but constructed on a contract for the NR.

DE Aerospace (the Starfighter/Airspeeder division of Dantarno Engineering) will be developing several fighters over the next few years. One of these will be the Vex-Wing. The Vex-Wing was designed to be used by the mercenary alliance, but it may be bought by other forces as well...such as the NR.

The Vex-Wing would probably look like a messed up X-Wing to most people. However, it is a lot different. For one thing, the Vex-Wing flies "backwards". Like all of the DE Aerospace craft that I've designed so far (Vex-Wing, U-Wing, and race craft), they all seem to be based on the general design of a podracer - the engines pull the cockpit along. The Vex-Wing does this also, but with a similar s-foil/engine configuration to the X-Wing. The Cockpit sits directly behind the engines. The Laser Cannons are fitted either side of the cockpit. These will be in pairs, and will work like the blasters I mentioned on the O-Wing - they're designed to offer the optimum rate of fire, with the most power delivered. They've got more power, so are a little stronger than an X-Wing's cannons...the dual system improves the chances of damaging or destroying a target.

Behind the cockpit is the Astro droid. Behind that is the "tail". The tail features three things. 1. The Hyperdrive. 2. The SG/DL Missile launcher. 3. The Booster Engines.

SG/DL Missiles:
Self-Guided Drop Launch. Developed by DE WepTech, in association with DE Aerospace, the SG/DL system is simple. It is, essentially, a cruise missile. It is dropped from a drop bay beneath the ship. You assign it a target, and it will fly around until it hits that target. There are two ways of using SG/DL's. You can either use their "Standard" mode, where you choose a target and shoot at it, or you can use "Ambush" mode. In this mode, the missiles are launched in advanced, and lie dormant. They are undetectable by sensors, unless you are staring straight at them. They will not activate until the R2 unit of the ship that fired them sends a command code, detailing their target. Once the missiles have a target, they will activate, and attack that target. They are self-propelled, self-guided, and carry a payload equal (approximately) to three Proton torpedoes. However, they are fairly large, and fairly expensive. while firing an SG/DL ensures the probably destruction of the target craft, it pours a lot of money down the drain. The ship can only transport three of these missiles - one already loaded, and ready to fire, and the other two waiting to be loaded.

Booster Engines:
Aft of the SG/DL launcher is another pair of engines. These are smaller than the standard ones at the front of the craft. In fact, they aren't the same, really. They are ion engines, reverse-engineered from the twin ion engines on a TIE. They are fitted on "tail fins" at the very end of the craft, and can give the fighter a burst of speed when required. However, this burst of speed only works in a straight line, so it is impractacle for endurance flying.

As a nickname, the DE Aerospace Engineers have begun calling the Vex-Wing a Space Dominance Fighter (as opposed to Space Superiority), due to how effective it can be in combat. In truth, however, aside from the boosters and the SG/DL missiles, the Vex-Wing is no better than an X-Wing - X-Wings still remain the kings of the dogfight.

(Guess who likes X-Wings...:D )

May 2nd, 2004, 11:03:29 AM
Ok this thing is the same size as a normal B wing @ 17 Meters. Well 16.9 to be exact.

First question.
With The New B E2 B-wings and the K-wing do we need a new bomber design? we just started using the E2.

Second Question.
Where did you fit the extra 2 projectile Launchers?

Third Question
Why Rotating Weapons? A B-wing has no rear line of sight and it will also slow your rate of fire.

Forth Question.
A Class .5 Hyperdrive on a production craft?For one its a Bomber. the original could only make 2 Jumps. Isnt that why ships have hangers? All other fighter type craft have Class 1 or 2. you slip in 6 hours before the rest of the group and your toast.

May 2nd, 2004, 12:14:40 PM
Ok ill take back the Why do we need it.

A upshielded B-wing isnt a bad idea. But to power the shields even with a more advanced newer reactor type all of thoose weapons can be powered.

I still dont see why the weapons should rotate. It is an assualt fighter. meant to have a escort covering its Behind.

The E2 had 2 luanchers but had enough room for a ammo sleve. So I guess you could put 4 launchers in there but reduce there ammo. since the E2 had 2 launchers of 8 and 12 ammo I think 4 luanchers of 6 is ok.

The Hyperdrive is silly. Class 1 would do fine. and you dont want to be faster then the rest of the fleet.

Weapons. Where did the Heavy Lasers come from? You are going from 2 lasers / 3 ion cannons / and 2 launchers to 4 heavy Lasers. /4 ions/ 1 laser / 4 luanchers.

With the extra s foils you could have mabey 2 lasers. 2 Ion cannons on the upper s foil. one ion and 2 lasers in the lower pod. and mount a 4th Ion under the command Pod. for a total of 4 laser cannons / 4 medium Ion Cannons / 4 Projectile Launchers with 6 each.

I would do away with the back up shielding. a fighter has just room enough for one shield gen let alone 2. Put a larger one in. a rating of 250 SBD is not unheard of in a fighter.

Ok there are my recomendations. anyone else have any thoughts?

(Alex) Jacen
May 6th, 2004, 02:36:25 PM
Two sets of specs for you...the U-Wing, and the Vex-Wing.

I've altered the wing configuration of the Vex - now only the bottom set of wings are movable...the top set of wings (because of where the cockpit pod was) blocked almost all of the pilot's forward vision cone. Now, the cockpit sits high enough for him to see over the engines.

Everything else should be as per my earlier descriptions though, with a few appearence tweaks. I'll get some pics up as soon as they're finished.

* * *

Craft: DE Aerospace "U-Wing" LAS Fighter
Type: Interstellar Atmospheric Combat Craft
Scale: Starfighter
Size: 7 meters (wingspan: 8m)

Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 40 kg
Consumables: 2 days

H'drive: x1
Nav: 5-jump limit
Speed: 95 MGLT (1,200 km/h in Atmosphere)

2 Single Laser Cannons
2 Thermal Detonator Launchers (Payload/launcher = 50)
1 "Minigun" Heavy Repeating Blaster

Hull: 20 RU
Shields: 150 SBD

* * *

Craft: DE Aerospace "Vex-Wing" Space Dominance Fighter
Type: Heavy Assault Space Superiority Fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Size: 8 meters (wingspan: 10m)

Crew: 1 (+ integrated Astro-droid)
Passengers: None
Cargo Capacity: 60 kg
Consumables: 3 days

H'drive: x1
Nav: 25-jump limit
Speed: 100 MGLT (130 MGLT with booster engines: STRAIGHT LINE ONLY & LIMITED FUEL)

2 Single Laser Cannons (Lower Wingtips)
2 Dual Laser Cannons (Upper Wingtips)
1 Light Ion Cannon (Built into the nose)
1 Self-Guided Drop Launch "Cruise" Missiles (Payload = 3)

Hull: 30 RU
Shields: 200 SBD

* * *

BTW. "LAS" stands for Land, Air and Space...the U-Wing has a ground-level repulsorlift drive with a height of about 2-3m, for anti-personnel operations, and moving through low-level canyons. This makes the fighter much more effective than normal at chasing Landspeeders and ground craft. You can also use this mode to best employ the "Minigun" HRB slung under the craft...a bit like an E-Web, but with six barrels that cycle, greatly improving the rate of fire.

The idea is for these two fighters to cover as many areas of fighter production as possible. I'm working on a Pursuit/Interceptor Fighter, based on the fighter I'm entering in the race...but that won't be around for a while, as we don't know what bugs will arise in the race. The Vex-Wing should cover the X and B-Type ships, and the U-Wing should cover Snowspeeders, and V-Wings, Ground Vehicles, and will handle like a Y-Wing in space. Anything else I missed?

Redic Scott
May 10th, 2004, 05:51:44 PM
Striker Class Torpedo Covette

Manufacturer: Republic Engineering

Length: 180 meters
Max. Width: 80 meters
Max. Height: 80 meters

Hyperdrive: x1
Sublight Speed: 30 MGLT
Acceleration: 3600G
Hull Rating: 560 RU
Shield Rating: 950 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 750 SBD

Crew: 136
Troops: 1 Platoon of Naval Troopers
Consumables: 2 months
Cargo Space: 120 metric tons available
Shield generators mounted internally Port and Starboard amidship, fore of Hanger Bays
Backup generator mounted internally, amidship, dorsal.

Small vessel complement: (All mounted on new Rack systems)
4 K-Wing Heavy Bombers

Main Armament:
1 Dual 460mm "Dispatcher" Rail Cannon Turret (Ammo-400 Shells)
15 Dual Warhead Launchers (Ammo-450 Warheads, Various types)

Secondary Armament:
2 Quad Turbolaser Cannons (turrets)

Defensive weaponry:
2-12 Cell Defender Missile Batteries (4 missiles per Cell)

Extended Range Sensors
Remote Sensor Drones

Fully Compartmentalized interior for maximum Survivablity.

Modular Weapons systems: Weapons can be replaced to mission specific ones

Reinforced Matrix Bulkheads: The Matrix makes for a conciderably more stiff and stable support structure for Armor, making the ship more survivable and able to take more damage.

Upgrade Friendly

Lion El' Jonson
May 11th, 2004, 09:16:06 PM
Restoration-class Interdiction Field Distruptor (IFD)

Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards/Kuat Drive Yards/Frei-Tek
Primary Site of Manufacture: Mon Calamari, Kuat Drive Yards

Length: 1200 meters
Width: 240 meters
Height: 240 meters

Hyperdrive: 1x Multiplier
Sublight Speed: 16 MGLT
Hull Rating: 880 RU
Shield Rating: 1060 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 620 SBD

Crew: 220 Officers, 1836 Enlisted Men
Troops: 4 Platoons of Naval Troopers
Consumables: 4 months
Cargo Space: 800 metric tons available for experimental systems
Shield generators mounted amidships vessel
Backup generators mounted internally 30 meters aft of primary reactor

Small vessel complement:
24 A-Wings
12 B-Wings

8 Advanced Turbolaser Batteries
20 Quad Laser Cannons
12 Rapid-Fire Point Defense Lasers (100% Coverage, Overlapping Fields of Fire)

Background Information:

The Restoration-class was designed after a number of Imperial victories attributed to their skillful use of Interdictor cruisers. Intended for use alongside the Rejuvenator, Defender, and Mediator-class Battlecruisers, this unique ship is able to defeat an Interdictor field and establish a bubble where hyperspace jumps are possible.

Produced primarily by Mon Calamari shipyards, the Restoration's design is based on the design of the MC-80b Star Cruiser. Appearing at first like the Mon Remonda, the primary difference in this ship's design are the vessel's "wings". Each of them houses a massive protrusion, one on top, one on the bottom for a total of four. In these protrusions are the incredibly powerful gravity-reversing generators.

These systems work by decreasing the gravitational field in a given area. While the Interdictor-cruiser increases the grav-field in a given area, "creating" a mass, the Restoration reverses that effect to balance out the area. The reduction-field can be projected about 3/4ths of the distance that the Interdictor field can be projected. While the field is activated, the Restoration cannot recharge her weapons, meaning that weapon's fire must be carefully directed.

Standard operations will have the Restoration at the core of a battle fleet, protected by multiple gunships and using her directional-guided distruption fields to keep a channel of escape open for the New Republic fleet. Once the Interdictor is taken down, the Restoration can deactivate her field and join the battle, using her powerful advanced turbolaser batteries.

The Restoration-class is immensely expensive; roughly the same cost as the larger and more versatile MC-90's. Still, Fleet Command feels that these vessels are worth the cost, and they are correct. The few vessels of this class currently in service are well protected, and have served well in several engagements. More vessels are under construction. Admiral El' Jonson has a Restoration class at the core of his battlefleet, ensuring that no trap will ever destroy the Navy's finest.

Redic Scott
May 19th, 2004, 05:42:52 PM
Defender M-I

In light of the SOV making Aurora Class SDs, the NR would have to match them. To make a cheap and effective Missile Destroyer, a Defender Class Star Destroyer has been modified to contain Dual Warhead launchers. Unlike the Aurora, which needs a long reload rate and only fires Torps, the Defender M-I will carrier heavy torps as wells Plasma Torpedos to decimate enemy shields before follow up torps slam into the exposed ship's hull.

Defender M-1 Class Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Republic Engineering
Primary Site of Manufacture: S-53 Star System, Sumitra Sector, Freedom Shipyards/Planet-4

Length:1,040 Meters
Crew: 6395
Troops: 1600
Weaponary: 40 XX-9 MKIII Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 10 XV-9 MKII Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Ion Cannons, 3-20 Cell DM-20 Defender Batteries, 6 RF-4 Anti/missile Laser Systems (RFLs), 80 Dual Warhead Launchers, 8 Tractor Beam Projectors,
Speed: 18 MGLT
Hull: 2,850 RU
Shield rating: 4,535 SBD
Backup Shields: 2,565 SBD
Hyperdrive: X1
Backup HD: x12
Hanger: 5 Squadrons

May 22nd, 2004, 11:39:45 PM
all right it has been designed and ready for about 2 months now. Most have seen the stats for those who havnt below are the stats for the Mediator Cruiser. @ will be build one for myself and one for Admiral Lion to use untill the Senate budgets us the funds for a viscount :lol



Class - Mediator

Designation - Calimari Battlecruiser / Command Ship

Dimensions - 2,900 Meters x 617 Meters x 518 Meters


Armament -

160 Trim & Bak XV-8 MkII Turbolaser Cannon Batteries

100 ArMek SW-8 Ion Cannon Batteries

20 Arakyd Hi-fex Proton Torpedo Launchers ( Payload = 5,000 Advanced Proto Torpedos)

10 Republic Engineering T-33 Plasma Torpedo Launchers ( Payload = 1,000 T-33 Plasma Torpedos)

12 Phylon-Q10 Tractor Beam Projectors


Defenses and Equipment

Hull Armor - Enhanced Bonding Matix Armor

Armor Rating - 5,210 RU

Shielding - Serridge SEAL Mk- XV Trioptic Redundancy Shielding System

Shield Rating - 16,900 SBD

Back-up Shield Rating - 6,400 SBD

Secondary Back-up Shield Rating - 2690 SBD

Plat Dorma JSX-25 Targetting System

Fabritech ANx 12w Wide Range Scanning System



TriLuna 1200 MGS Stardrive System

TriLuna 400 RTR Hyperdrive Motivators

TriLuna 2200 Cold Fusion Reactor

Sub-Light Speed - 18 MGLT

Hyperdrive Rating - X .9

Hyperdrive Backup- X 15


Crew Complement

Command Crew - 420 Officers

Crew - 12,680 Crew

Gunners - 890 Gunners

Flight Ops Crew - 1,250 Techs

Security and Special Ops. - 3,200 Troopers. 160 Spec Ops Personnel.


Onboard Craft

1 x A2 A-wing Squadron

3 x E-wing Squadrons

3 x XjX X-wing Squadrons

1 x B2a B-wing Squadron

2 x K-wing Squadrons

16 x Gat-j Skipray Blastboats

24 x Lambda Shuttles


Vehicle Complament

30 Light Mechs

20 Heavy Mechs

24 Light Repulsor Vehicles

12 Heavy Repulsor Tanks

48 V-wing Air Speeders



First built approximately fifteen years after the Battle of Endor, the battlecruiser Mediator and her sister ships were members of a new class of Calamarian Star Cruiser. The Mon Cals appear to have finally abandoned their odd classification system, finally referring to a class by the first ship of that class built. This may also mean that the Mediator-class cruisers are identical, unlike the older ships. Designs as muscle for large Calimari Fleets the Mediator Class is a marvel of Calimari Engineering. The Massive ship bosts more then twice the firpower of a MC-90 in a hull designed to take large amounts of punishment.

May 22nd, 2004, 11:44:28 PM
Ok my last design for the New Republic. Since I have only done ships which are from the EU books I seem to have run out of them so untill another EU New Republic ship comes along im done. Here are the Stats for the Mighty Viscount Star Defender. At this time no ship of this class will be built. BUt if we need it we have the stats.



Class - Viscount

Designation - Star Defender / Command Cruiser

Dimensions - 7,648 Meters x 1,300 Meters x 767 Meters

Armament -

300 Trim & Bak XV-8 MkII Turbolaser Cannon Batteries

200 ArMek SW-8 Ion Cannon Batteries

16 Phylon-Q10 Tractor Beam Projectors

Defenses and Equipment

Hull Armor - Enhanced Bonding Matix Armor

Armor Rating - 18,450 RU

Shielding - Serridge SEAL Defender Trioptic Redundancy Shielding System

Shield Rating - 82,500 SBD

Back-up Shield Rating - 25,400 SBD

Secondary Back-up Shield Rating - 12,690 SBD

Plat Dorma JSX-25 Targetting System

Fabritech ANx 12w Wide Range Scanning System


TriLuna 2900 MGS Stardrive System

TriLuna 400 RTR Hyperdrive Motivators

TriLuna 5600 Cold Fusion Reactor

Sub-Light Speed - 8 MGLT

Hyperdrive Rating - X 1

Hyperdrive Backup- X 15

Crew Complement

Command Crew - 1,220 Officers

Crew - 36,,680 Crew

Gunners - 1,906 Gunners

Flight Ops Crew - 1,250 Techs

Security and Special Ops. - 3,200 Troopers. 160 Spec Ops Personnel.

Onboard Craft

1 x A2 A-wing Squadron

3 x E-wing Squadrons

3 x XjX X-wing Squadrons

1 x B2a B-wing Squadron

2 x K-wing Squadrons

16 x Gat-j Skipray Blastboats

24 x Lambda Shuttles

Vehicle Complament

30 Light Mechs

20 Heavy Mechs

24 Light Repulsor Vehicles

12 Heavy Repulsor Tanks

48 V-wing Air Speeders


Though it was built by a combined CEC/Mon Calamari effort, you wouldn't know it by looking at the ship. Like most other Mon Cal cruisers, the Viscount/Strident-class Star Defender is very organic and flowing, but has the quality of engieering CEC is known for. The dual designation for the Star Defender is due to the new construction partnership between the Corellian Engineering Corporation and the shipyards of the Mon Calamari. The Viscount-class is built at Calamari, the Strident-class at Corellia. All other specifications are identical

Redic Scott
May 24th, 2004, 09:32:56 AM
Republic Engineering Spirt Class Atomspheric Defense Platform- This 500 meter long, 250 meter wide, 150 meter high defense platform is for planet defense uses. It is a large oval shaped platform. The heavy shield and armored platform contains enough weapons to deter most attacking forces. These are fast moving stations that can move anywhere around the planet on clean thrusters and repulsors. The heavily filtered thrusters emit almost no pollution, which is great for a planet. They have backup systems, crashshields, and descent thrusters incase of an emergancy, as well as escape pods. The whole platform can safely land and be used as a ground base/fortress. Some weapons are on the bottom of the station, allowing it to engage ground forces. It can also rotate if needed to bring more weapons to bare on targets.

Craft: Republic Engineering Spirt Class Atomspheric Defense Platform
Type: Atomspheric Defense Platform
Scale: Capital
Size: 500 meter long, 250 meter wide, 150 meter high
Crew: 250, gunners: 30 (weapons are placed in banks so that small groups can control many at once)
Passengers: 80(troops)
Cargo Capacity: 2,000 metric tons
Consumables: 1 months
Operational Altitude limit: 90km
Hull: 2,272 RU
Shields: 4,600 SBD
Backup Shields: 2,400 SBD

Heavy Weapons:
35 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
10 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
12 Dual Warhead Launchers (20 warheads each)
10 Ion cannons

Defense Weaponry:
10 Quad laser cannons
10 RF-4 RFLs
12-20 cell Missile Defense Batteries (4 reloads, 2 sec per reload)

Redic Scott
May 24th, 2004, 02:04:03 PM
Hammer Class Assault Transport

This is a 800 meter in diameter ship with a dome shaped top, which is 650 meters high. It is designed to transport a massive number of troops and serve as their ground command base. The ship can carry 50,000 troopers and all their equiptment. It is made to hold whole speeder squadrons as well as armor brigades. The Transport itself is a command center/Garrison. It lands on a planet and opens 4 huge doors (1 in front, 1 in back, 1 on each side) making disembarcation easy and faster. 2 Hangers in the upper levels of the ship hold the speeders and a huge room in the very center of the ship holds the command station. Every espect of the operation can be monitored and controled from this room. It is fitted with the most sensitive and safisticated equiptment availible. The Ship is also used as a defense station. It carries weapons for both anti-ship and anti ground use. It's heavy shields and armor protect it from assaults and damage. The whole surface of the ship is coated with weapons and sensor units, as well as holo cams.

Craft: Republic Engineering Hammer Class Assault Transport
Type: Assault Transport
Scale: Capital
Size: 800 meter long,650 meter high
Crew: 1,400, gunners: 50 (weapons are placed in banks so that one gunner can control many at once)
Passengers: 50,000(troops)
Cargo Capacity: 140,000 metric tons
Consumables: 6 months
Speed: 18 MGLT
Hull: 2,872 RU-Matrix Armor
Shields: 3,200 SBD
Backup Shields: 1,600 SBD

30 XV-9 MKII Quad Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
6 Dual Warhead Launchers (20 warheads each)
10 ion cannons
20 Quad laser cannons
12 RF-4 RFLs
6-20 cell Missile Defense Batteries (4 reloads, 2 sec per reload)

Ground Forces:
48 V-Wings
24 K-wing AtBs
12 Transport Shuttles

144 X-2 Spec Ops Troopers
37,856 X-1 Exo Infantry
12,000 HM-3 Heavy Infantry

350 Warrior tanks
50 Penetrator Heavy Tanks
250 Stryker APCs
50 Serpent Missile platforms
20 Mine Clearers

Jun 16th, 2004, 07:51:31 PM
Why don't you guys have a look at the design of Chiss Capital ships and modify them.

As for the superior fighter you cannot go past the Clawcraft. It comprises all the best capabilities of both the TIE fighter and the X-Wing.

Jun 18th, 2004, 12:19:04 AM
As for the superior fighter you cannot go past the Clawcraft. It comprises all the best capabilities of both the TIE fighter and the X-Wing.

The Nssis is a good fighter but the only area it is better then an XJX X-wing is Manuverability. both have about the same speed. The Nssis-I is faster but thats a completely differant craft then the Nssis while it is a good fighter it fals short of the C wing and the Defeinder V.

Jyanis Scorpion
Jul 2nd, 2004, 01:18:29 AM
Pardon me, just a harmless observer.

I must say, from an old school point of view all of you ship designers have come a long way, particularily when it comes to detail. Warms my heart to see so many youngsters taking up the old trade.

Oh, and by the way, Jacen? We have the same dreams because I had a similar notion for an O-wing years back. The design is online somewhere but there was limited production/acknowledgement. It's not so much the name that caught my attention, but when you described it as a "TIE Fighter-like" cockpit surrounded by the obvious O-shape. Spot on with mine, friend. :) Mind you, I did not design mine as a Space Superiority Fighter, but primarily as a bomber. At the time, I thought putting all of that hull space to use and lined it with multiple warhead/bomb launchers. Quite the odd coincidence. Great minds think alike, I suppose. :)

Oh well, don't mind me, just passing through.

Jul 2nd, 2004, 02:49:42 AM
Stop By anytime. Ill make some Popcorn next and make sandwiches :)

Travis North
Jul 2nd, 2004, 06:50:21 AM
Did your vision of the O-Wing look something like this (http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Ring/1957/default.html)?

You'll have to scroll down, it's called the TIE Donut.

Jul 2nd, 2004, 09:54:03 AM
Not really. If you read the X-Wing series by Michael A Stackpole, (specifically book 4, "Bacta War") it describes some Twi'lek "Uglies", which are TIE cockpits, with the S-Foils of an X-Wing attached on a geo-syable cockpit. The end result is something like a B-Wing, where the cockpit is always level. That was the basic inspiration. No moving wings, though. My "O" was a solid ring, rather than a wing. So not really like that, no.

I'm gonna focus on the designs for my U- and P-Wings atm, so I'll keep you posted.

Jyanis Scorpion
Jul 2nd, 2004, 01:48:05 PM
I don't think I clarified my idea too well I'm afraid. My vision was more of a solid octagon surrounding the cockpit, connected by four braces on its diagonals. My "O" was not so much a "circle" so it just stood for "octagon." I wish I could remember my old site address so I could look up all of my old designs. Maybe some would be legal under your current rules. :)

Kieran Devaneaux
Jul 2nd, 2004, 02:59:46 PM
Originally posted by Alex
Not really. If you read the X-Wing series by Michael A Stackpole, (specifically book 4, "Bacta War") it describes some Twi'lek "Uglies", which are TIE cockpits, with the S-Foils of an X-Wing attached on a geo-syable cockpit.

That sounds a lot like the TIE Hunter in Rebel Strike (Rogue Squadron III)....

Jul 2nd, 2004, 04:00:24 PM
The Twi'leks had a special name (I'll dig it out later), but it definately wasn't "TIE Hunter". And, seeing as the X-Wing series came first (96?), if anything, the TIE Hunter sounds like the Twi'lek ships...:p

Jyanis Scorpion
Jul 5th, 2004, 12:01:06 PM
Aha! There it is! I forgot, Yog put alot of old custom designs on the old New Republic webpage. This is a link to the starfighters but you can skim through the others and see if anything looks fanciful to you :)


Jul 12th, 2004, 12:09:05 AM
Class - A2 A-wing Interceptor
Length - 10 Meters
Crew - 1 Pilot
Hull - 20 RU
Shielding - 50 SBD
Speed - 183 MGLT
Atmosphereic Speed - 1,400 Kph
FTL System - X. 75 Class Hyperdrive.
Weapons - 2 Laser Cannons, 2 Light Ion Cannons
Equipment - Standard Republic Issue Countermeasure package, Advanced Target Jamming system.

Description - With the Standard A-wing becoming more and more outclassed by the new Imperial Fighter designs a replacement was needed to fill the Interceptor roll. The A2 was developed to be the most manuverable fighter platform in any situation and in this chore it has succeded. With a remodeled Power system including new conduit system and power transfer couplings the A2 is more reliable and can take much more punishment then the standard A-wing.


Class - XJX X-wing Space Superiority fighter
Length - 11 Meters
Crew - 1 Pilot
Hull - 25 RU
Shielding - 60 SBD
Speed - 153 MGLT
Atmosphereic Speed - 1,200 Kph
FTL System - X. 75 Class Hyperdrive.
Weapons - 4 Laser Cannons, 2 Photon Torpedo Launcher (3 Each)
Equipment - Standard Republic Issue Countermeasure package, Advanced Target Jamming system.

Description - The need for a reliable multi-roll fighter has always been Incoms main objective. Though the E wing has taken its place in the Republic fleet as such a craft the mass number of X-wing type craft caused Income to rethink the design. Completelly reworked and redesigned the XJX is the most modern fighter avalible to the NRSF. Though not as fast or as manuverable as some of the new designs the proven T-65 design more then matches them by providing a cheep alternative to the costly designs.


Class - R-wing Escort Fighter
Length - 8 Meters
Crew - 1 Pilot
Hull - 15 RU
Shielding - 40 SBD
Speed - 161 MGLT
Atmosphereic Speed - 1,200 Kph
FTL System - X1 Class Hyperdrive.
Weapons - 2 Laser Cannons, 2 Projectile Launchers (3 each)
Equipment - Standard Republic Issue Countermeasure package, Advanced Target Jamming system. Advanced Sensor Masking Equipment.

Description - The R-wing is the cutting edge of Sulluisi Technology. Built as an escort fighter it patrols the edge of convoys and fleets protecting from Raiders. This Small fighter uses advanced Stelth Hull coating and a sensor jamming / masking system unsurpased by any other craft in service withe the Republic.


Class - RT-7 Typhoon Gunship
Length - 18 Meters
Crew - 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot, 2 Gunners
Passengers - 10 Troopers
Hull - 20 RU
Shielding - 20 SBD
Speed - 80 MGLT
Atmosphereic Speed - 1,100 Kph
Weapons - 2 Gatling Blaster Cannons, 2 Heavy Laser Cannons, 2 Multi Pourpose Grenade Chutes, 2 Concussion Missile Launchers (6 each)

Description - The need for a fast respons Military unit was undeniable by the Republic Military. A special Group of Troopers was assembled and formed into the 3rd Fast Response Corps. With the formation of this group came the need for new vehicles to aid in the insertion and troop support. The CT-7 was the first of these. Acting as the bassis of the 3rd Corps 2nd Division the Ct-7 acts as a insertion device for the troops and supports them after they have reached the battle field.


Class - RT-22 Firestorm Heavy Gunship / Dropship
Length - 63 Meters
Crew - 1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 4 Gunners
Passengers - 40 Troopers
Cargo - 1 Viper Battle Tank, 2 Puma LAV's or 1 Stormhammer Heavy Battle Tank
Hull - 50 RU
Shielding - 50 SBD
Speed - 65 MGLT
Atmosphereic Speed - 800 Kph
Weapons - 2 Gatling Balster Cannons, 2 Heavy Laser Cannons, 12 Multi Mount Racks.(Various Payload Arrangments)

Description - Devised as the main Support and insertion craft for the 3rd Fast Response Corps the Firestorm can land a platoon of troops then act as heavy support.


Class - RT-18 Viper Main Battle Tank
Length - 6 Meters
Crew - 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner, 1 Crew Chief
Passengers - 6 Troopers
Speed - 450 Kph
Hover Alt. 1 to 15 Meters
Hull - 20 Ru
Shielding - 10 SBD
Weapons - 2 Gatling Blaster Cannons, 2 Heavy Laser Cannons
Equipment - 2 Anti Personnel Pods

Description - Designed as a cost effective battle tank the Viper can fight most planetary units and outrun the ones it can not out gun.


Class - RT-12 Puma Light Armored Vehicle (LAV)
Length - 4 Meters
Crew - 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner, 1 Crew chief
Speed 450 KPH
Hover Alt. 1 to 15 Meters
Hull - 10 RU
Weapons - 1 Gatling Blaster Cannon, 1 Twin Laser turret
Equipment - 2 Anti-personnel Pods

Description - Designed for a fast and cheep LAV to use in all battle environments the Puma acts as suport for Infantry Companies.


Class - RT-51 Stormhammer Heavy Tank
Length - 10 meters
Crew - 1 Pilot, 3 Gunners, 1 Crew Chief
Speed - 75 KPH
Hull - 50 RU
Shielding - 20 SBD
Weapons - 2 Laser Cannons, 3 Gatling Blasters, 1 Turbolaser Cannon
Equipment - 2 Anti-personnel pods

Description - Designed to work as heavy support for Republic Armored Companies, the Stormhammer packs a massive punch and offers increased armor protection.


Class - Yutrane T1B2 Hover tank
Length - 4.5 meters
Crew - 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner, 1 Crew Chief
Speed - 300 Kph
Hull - 10 RU
Shileding - 10 SBD
Weapons - 1 Duel Blaster Turret , 1 triple Concussion Missile Launcher,
Equipment - 1 Ant-personnel Pod, 2 Flak Pods

Description - Designers at Yutrane / Tackata Weapons have released the versitile TI Hovertank with state of the art systems and a advanced Flak System. Many of the Old T1 Hover Tanks have been Upgraded to the new B2 Standard.


Class - Yutrane T3B2 Attack Tank
Length - 5 meters
Crew - 1 Pilot, 1 Gunner, 1 Crew Chief
Speed - 80 KPH
Hull - 22 RU
Shielding - 10 SBD
Weapons - 1 Twin Heavy Laser Turret, 2 Triple Photon Torpedo Launchers.
Equipment - 1 Anti-personnel pod

Description - Along with the T1 the people at Yutrane / Tackata have redesigned the T3 assualt tank. New systems and a more powerful weapons loadout make this tank a force to be dealt with.


Jul 12th, 2004, 01:54:38 AM
Ok guys I was told to get all of my designs posted and close this thread. As of now it is closed and no more New R and D will be done for the NR. Any future ideas will have to be cleared thru myself and Admiral Lion before posting.

Sep 7th, 2004, 05:14:29 PM
Alrighty then this design has already been cleared so now I'm going to post it.

Class Name: Slasher
Purpose: Commerce Raiding

Length: 200m
Width: 55m
Height: 40m

Hyperdrive: 1.275 past lightspeed
Sublight speed: 30MGLT
Hull rating: 300 RU
Shield: 550 SBD
Backup Shield Rating: 100 SBD

Crew: 180
Troops: 1 Platoon New Republic Marines
Consumables: 3 months

Small Vessel Complement:
3 Xj-Wings
3 K-Wings
2 sentinel class landing craft

10 Twin Turbolaser cannons
6 Quad Laser Cannons
2 ion cannons
1 quartet missile launcher

Background Information:
As war with the Imperial Soveriegnty looms imminent once more the New Republic High Command has reviewed its wartime strategy. There are many facets of warfare and defeating the enemy fleet at the front line is not the only aspect of warfare. All armies and fleets require a constant flow of supplies. The Slasher class corvette is designed to prey on that very fact. The Slasher corvette while not as heavily armored and shielded when compared to a ship of the similar class for example the Emberlene Corvette, is heavily armed and fast which makes it an excellent weapon for use against enemy convoys. It carries six starfighters mounted externally, to subdue enemy fighter screens and to make lightning strikes. It carries aboard one platoon of New Republic Marines who specialize in boarding enemy ships. All these facts will allow a single slasher class corvette to jump in a convoy route, shoot up a couple of freighters and get out before the escorting warships can close and fire, or enemy starfighters attack.